Questions and Answers

Did Judas die from hanging or from falling?

It's rather easy to reconcile these, here are a couple of possibilities:

  1. First, Judas tried to kill himself by hanging himself. And this is not always a successful way. Maybe he tried, and failed (as have many others who have tried to commit suicide by hanging). Then after some time, he threw himself off a cliff and fell upon some jagged rocks. Keep in mind that it is not uncommon for people who commit sucide to have tried it before.
  2. Judas could have tied a rope to a tree branch that extended over a cliff (after all, you have to get some space between your feet and the ground to hang yourself). In this situation, the rope/branch could have broke before or after death, and Judas plummeted to the ground and landed on some jagged rocks.
    Judas committed suicide by hangingJudas did not hang himself, but died another way
    • Acts 1:18 - He fell headlong, his body burst open