Questions and Answers

Did God put all rulers in power?

This question has to be answered in parts:

  1. Should we obey our rulers? Romans 13:1-3, 6 says we should be subject to, and not resist, the authorities over us. Note: it doesn't say obey. We should obey if at all possible, unless such obedience is contrary to God, as in the extreme cases below. Exodus 1:17, 20 tells us that the midwives did not follow the pharoah's command to kill the male babies of the Israelites and that God approved. Dan. 3:16 18 tell us that Daniel's three friends disobeyed the king's command to bow to the image. It also tells us that they were willing to submit to the consequences and that their attitude was not one of defiance but of respectful disobedience. Luke 23:11, 24, 33, 35 Here the Lord submitted to the cruel treatment of the earthly government. He was a good example for us all.
  2. Are they God's ministers? Romans tells us that they are. No verse tells us that they are not, although they do sometimes abuse their office after they have received it from God. That makes them not much different from King Saul or the sons of Eli. David and Samuel (respectively) were still subject to them and respected them as established by God.
  3. Do they punish only evildoers? Romans 13:3 "For the rulers are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil. Do you want to have no fear of the authority? Do what is good, and you will have praise from him." This is a general principle, explaining that if we rob a bank or kill someone or dodge our taxes (the example in the context), we *will* have something to fear from the authorities, whereas if we don't we won't. If they oppress us unjustly, that is a matter not being dealt with in this verse.
  4. Do they get punished by God for their injustices? Yes. God is not a regarder of persons. Every individual, regardless of status, will eventually face the judgment seat.
    All authorities have been instituted by God
    • Romans 13:1-6 - There is no authority except that which God has established
    Authorities not God-like
    • Exodus 1:17-20 - The midwives feared God and did not do what the king of Egypt had told them to do
    • Acts 4:26-27 - The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers gather together against the Lord
    • Luke 23:11-35 - Leader authorized Jesus' death