Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Purpose Driven Life - Best Friends with God

June 3rd, 2008
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God wants to be your friend
God's ideal relationship - Adam and Eve (no rituals, ceremonies, or religion)
Moses, Abraham, David, Job, Enoch, and Noah had intimate relationships with God
Most in the OT had just the fear of God
You are not longer servants but friends - John 15:15
Through constant conversations
Make it a habit to have daily devotion time but it more than just that
God wants to be included in every activity in your life (Some think you have to get away)
Key to the friendship is not changing what you do but your attitude toward what you do
Pray all the time - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray as often as possible
Help me trust you
You are here with me
I'm depending on you
You are my God
How awesome you are!
Pray as often as possible
Your goal is not a feeling but an awareness of the reality that God is always present
Through continual meditation
Thing about His Word throughout your day - who God is, What he has done, and what he has said
Meditation is simply focused thinking - Worry is a form of meditation
Friends share secrets
God told his secrets to Abraham, Daniel, Paul, his disciples, and others friends
When you read your Bible or hear a sermon - develop a practice of review the truth in your mind