Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Followup: Humility I (part II)

September 9th, 2011
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What humility is not:
  • Being wimpy and letting people walk over you: Jesus was no wimp - John 2:15
  • Have no opinions, become a spiritual robot: Paul pleased God not man - Galatians 1:10
What humility is:
Philippians 2:5-8
How was Jesus humble?
  • He was God but left heaven to become man (like you becoming an ant)
  • He gave up being a king to serve those who didn’t love or respect him.
  • He died for you and me.
Question: Is there anyone in your life difficult for you to be humble towards?
Question: What would Jesus advise you to do with that situation?

To be like Jesus is to be humble
Key Phrase: To be like Jesus is to be humble