Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Day 35 - Worthy of the Name

January 7th, 2012
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1 Peter 4:12-19
  1. What kinds of insults and sufferings have you endured for Jesus?
  2. What should your attitude be?
  3. What does Satan want you to think and do when you are being persecuted?
Hebrews 10:32-34
  1. Have you gone through suffering like this?
  2. What are you doing to encourage other Christians who are going through insults and persecutions?
Hebrews 11:32-40
  1. Have you faced lions, flames, swords, armies, tortures, flogging, imprisonment, chains - or even banishment for Jesus' sake?
  2. How did God regard these people?
2 Corinthians 11:23-29 & Romans 8:18
  1. What kind of life did Paul live for Christ?
  2. How did he feel about his sufferings?
  3. Have you been rejoicing or complaining as a Christian?
Application: Would Jesus say you are worthy of the name "Christian"?
Key Phrase: Have you been rejoicing or complaining as a Christian?