Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Day 38 - Go and Make Disciples

January 10th, 2012
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Compare verse 2 of 2 Timothy 2:1-7 with Matthew 28:19-20.
  1. What is Christ's "strategy" for evangelizing the world?
  2. Describe a reliable disciple. Are you reliable in terms of keeping appointments, keeping time, following instructions?
  3. How are you to follow the example of a soldier, an athlete and a farmer? Be specific.
  4. Would Timothy or Paul have chosen you to teach others? Why?
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
  1. How is the Christian life like running a race?
  2. What happens if an athlete does not train or "beat" his body?
  3. What happens if you do not train and discipline yourself as a disciple?

Application: List ways you can be more disciplined in your Bible study and prayer, your evangelism and your use of time. Share it with the person who is teaching you.
Key Phrase: How is the Christian life like running a race?