Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Message of the Arrows (part II)

November 14th, 2012
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Becoming a Christian does not necessarily solve the dilemma of the arrows

A continued blindness of the arrows can cause loneliness, emptiness, and longing for something not defined
Without God, life becomes a series of happenings and circumstances we are unable to control
Instead of a love for God, your life begins to feel like a series of repetitive behaviors - "Believe and Behave Accordingly"

Our outer stories become a theater of the should and the inner the story of needs
Romance invites trust and the arrows intimidate us into self-reliance

The deepest question we ever is related our heart's greatest needs and answers that life us: Who am I?
Romance answers someone special and good heart - life will flourish when we give it away
Arrows tell us we are a dime a dozen, worthless and dark - arrange for what little we have left

Instead of dealing with the Arrows, we silence the longing
Which is the truer message?
If we hang on to Romance, what do we do with the wounds?
If we deny or minimize the wounds, we are deny a part of our heart
Key Phrase: Without God, life becomes a series of happenings and circumstances we are unable to control