Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Prayer of the Righeous - More Powerful Than We Can Imagine (part II)

March 6th, 2013
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Two different responses to God's power:

1. Moses doubted God's power to feed the 600,000 men
God asked His arm was too short - Numbers 11:21-23

2. Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego faced the furnace
The were convicenced God would save them from it - Daniel 3:17-18
They saw Jesus' glory and he spoke about him - John 12:41

John the Baptist described God's power and man's insignifiance - Matthew 3:3

Imagine trying to asking a clerk compensate for dust when weighing an item for purchase - it would be absurd

How do you current view God?

Key Phrase: In God's view, the earth whole earth is but a grain of sand. He has enough power to help you through your struggles.