Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Why we need men of resolution (part I)

June 19th, 2013
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A story about a man falling asleep at the wheel while his family is in the car - illustrates where countless men are today

We have been lulled into a dream by our own passivity and laziness

Women are stressed out and longing for the man in their lives to wake up, rescue them.

God’s Word commands husbands and fathers to lovingly lead.

Men are being told they don’t have the permission or responsibility to lead.
If your wife has been calling all the shots in the family and has her hands on the wheel, then very likely it’s because you have not.

No man and no family is a lost cause when God gets involved.

Because you are the one in the driver’s seat, you can become the one He uses to steer your family back onto the path that will lead them to a place of safety, strength, and health.

Leadership determines direction.

Key Phrase: Leadership determines direction