Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God


March 24th, 2015
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Sanballat was very angery when he learned that we were rebuilding the wall. "What does this bunch of poor, feeble Jews think they're doing?" - Nehemiah 4:1-2

Spiritual opposition often confirm that you are headed in the right direction in your life of faith

Nehemiah endured this kind of opposition as he worked to rebuild the ruined city walls around Jerusalem

Sanballat did everything he could to thwart Nehemiah's work

  1. He mocked and ridiculed the Jews
  2. He turned to the shraper weapons of fear, entrapment, and political maneuvering

The main question is not whether such opposition will appear but how you will respnd when it arrives

Will you choose discouragement or strengthen your sense of resolve?

Key Phrase: Spiritual opposition often confirm that you are headed in the right direction in your life of faith