Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Peter's Changes

November 27th, 2015
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Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God and be baptized - Acts 2:38

Some people who knew Peter wondered if he was the same person they had seen fall flat on his face so many times:

  • Lost his nerve and sank like a rock - Matthew 14
  • Three times denied even knowing Jesus - Luke 22
  • Nowhere to be found as his Master was nailed to a wooden cross

It didn't look as if Peter had the right stuff to be the kind of ambassador Jesus called him to be

Peter preached with power and courage without regard to what could be some painful consequences

He knew that his preaching would get him into deep trouble but he did it anyway and thousands turned to Jesus in one day - Acts 2:41

Peter show what can happen to a man who knows Jesus Christ and lives by the Holy Spirit's empowerment

Key Phrase: At the time it didn't look as if Peter had the right stuff to be the kind of ambassador Jesus called him to be