Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Intro (part I)

January 12th, 2024
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Some say Christian books can not be trusted
Biased books by biased people
This is true of all books
 - They have a reason for writing
 - Believes what they are writing about is true
The issue is not that they are Christian but they are Christian

University used to be different schools of knowledge to make up unity of knowledge
Now it is diversity of thoughts and all views are correct - one way view is wrong

The study of God helps answer the five most important questions of humanity:

  1. Origin: Where did we come from?
  2. Identity:  Who are we?
  3. Meaning: Why are we here?
  4. Morality: How should we live?
  5. Destiny: Where are we going?

The view of God alters these answers to the nth degree

Key Phrase: The study of God helps answer the five most important questions of humanity