Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Repentance - Illustrations (part 3)

October 29th, 2009
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Like all paradigms, everything depends what you put in the center
We put us in the center, it is impossible to satisfy a self-centered man
In order to shift our paradigm to the truth:
  1. Must admit to being sinful
  2. Must admit to being selfish
  3. Must admit to being wrong
Repentance is a cosmic shift from a self-centered to a Christ-centered life

  1. How does Scrooge illustrate metanoia?
  2. Have you ever experienced a gestalt switch while studying in school? How would your life change if you experienced this phenomenon in a way that helped you better understand your relationship with God?
  3. What are the rules by which you play the “game of life” within an egocentric paradigm …and a deocentric paradigm?
  4. How does changing the rules of a game change the strategy by which you play the game? What can learn from applying that principle to your life with God?