Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

First the Kingdom - Expectations

February 12th, 2010
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1. Jesus promised to judge us at the last day by his words - John 12:48
Ignorance is anything but bliss
Reliance on the teaching of the religious is dangerous

2. Jesus intends for us to act on his words once we have heard them
Knowing without doing is worse than not knowing in the first place - Luke 12:47-48
To hear the Word without obey is to be self-deceived - James 1:22-25

3. Storms of life are a reality
Disciples will in one way will have more storms because the persecution they face

4. The type of value system we have will be revealed
It will be revealed via the storms we face - our foundation (faith) will be tested - 1 Corinthians 3:11
Key Phrase: Ignorance is anything but bliss