Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone (part 2)

April 21st, 2010
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Preached by Maurice Hooks

John 13:34-35 - How quick am I to sacrifice for my brother and sister?

Romans 13:8 - Being  a stepping stone means you make the decsion to love people

Have the attitude of Christ - ...Philippians 2:1-7

Build others up - Ephesians 4:29-31

Strive to make others great - John 3:27-30

Challenges for the week:

  1. Make your spouce/roomate great without them knowing
  2. Make your kids day, lift them up without seeing that did anything
  3. Help someone not close to you feel special


Key Phrase: Strive to make others great