Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Contagious Christian - People Matter (part 2)

September 30th, 2010
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Jesus focused on a search for the Lost and so they could be Found

The Lost Coin - vital to the woman's survival
The Lost Sheep - represented a significant part of his livelihood
The Lost Son - wayward son who mattered greatly to his father

Each one - Something of great value was missing, something that really mattered

It also make Jesus so upset the religious leaders were discussing who matters to God who does not

When we realize how much God cares about people, we helps us to care for them too

It is worth the effort - what is missing was important enough to warrant an all-out search

Retrievals results in rejoicing

The woman found the coin and threw a party
The shepherd retrieved the sheep and threw a party
The son came home and the father threw the biggest party of all

In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents - Luke 15:10



Key Phrase: Retrievals results in rejoicing