Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Contagious Christian - The Costs of Outreach

October 4th, 2010
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1. Time and Energy
How better to expend time and energy than investing into someone who will thank you for enternity?
What other investment will reap so high a reward?

2. Reading and Study
Some effect to make cetain you know what you are talking about

3. Money
The amount of hard cash spent is still relatively low in camparsion to the overwhelming rewards that result
Can't imagine a safer investment

4. Risk of Embarrassment, Rejection or Persecution
Blessed are you when people insult you - great is your reward in heaven - Matthew 5:11-12

5. Complication of Life
It entangles us in the concerns and activities of their lives
We have less independence
Add to our overloaded schedules
But so does getting married, having children, and buying a house
The most important things complicate our lives, but they are worth it!

Key Phrase: The most important things complicate our lives, but they are worth it!