Quiet Time Notes

Notes from my daily Quiet Times with God

Contagious Christian - Strength of Sacrifice (part I)

October 26th, 2010
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Sacrifices move people and are rarely forgotten

Three major ways of sacrifice


It is a rare commodity that we never have enough of

Jesus was busy but stopped for the important things
Zacchaeus tried to the get Jesus' attention
Jesus stopped the procession to go talked with Zacchaeus
With disbelief that Jesus would do such a thing, he experienced a rebirth because his repentant heart and Jesus making time
His attention on him altered Zacchaeus' life forever

People out there are seeking someone who is willing to take the time and effort required to help them come to an understanding of the truth
Most of us grossly underestimate the effect we could have on people's eternities if we would just take the time

The sacrifice of time combined with the clear communication of the truth can result in salvation 
Key Phrase: The sacrifice of time combined with the clear communication of the truth can result in salvation