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2008-02-25 - Power of Gratitude - Solitary Places
When gratitude cause us to rise early to spend time with God - seeing one of the greatest fruits
No one says that QT must happen in the morning - it always goes better than the days when trying to work out another time during the day

I learned to pray when I sensed that I would come apart at the seams emotionally unless I didn't

Three things helped with prayer life:
  • Solitary place - no bothered for a curtain amount of time
  • Can walk and pray
  • Can pray out loud
writing can help - proven by therapists -  helps with negative thoughts

There is  no gratitude without prayer

2008-02-26 - Power of Gratitude - Uncommon Peace
What enables us to have such uncommon peace? - Commonality

  • Relationship with God
  • Decision to make Jesus Lord of our lives
  • Basic mission - to seek and save the lost
If we in a battle together, we are unlikely to attack one another

Stay committed to God with the mission and discipling firmly in place, our unity will remain

Three warning signs, if not doing:

A. Daily diet
  • Time in the Word daily - Acts 17:11
  • Daily prayer - Luke 11:1-4
  • Share our faith daily - Acts 17:17
  • Open with our lives daily with one another - Hebrews 3:12
B. Lack of commitment
C. Lack of discipling

2008-04-23 - Falling in Love with God - Discerning God's voice
Thought  Worst that
could happen
I'll never change
I could try and fail
God can do anything
Ephesians 3:20
I'm and idiot
I could look foolish
We all look stupid; It won't kill me
Psalms 139:14
How can I help anybody?
Help but nothing changes
God will work one way or another
2 Corinthians 5:20
I don't feel God is with me
Go through a time feeling disconnected
God promised he would never leave
Matthew 28:20
Why would allow this to happen?
I have to experience pain from time to time
God has a great plan for my life
Romans 8:28
You'll never amount to anything
Your expectations don't become a reality
God has a dream for you
Jeremiah 29:11

God's word contains God's voice

2008-06-14 - Purpose Driven Life - Protecting Your Church
It is your job to protect the unity of the church
Supreme model for unity is the Trinity
Jesus' final moment was thinking and praying about the church's unity
Make every effort to keep the unity - Ephesians 4:3
Focus on what we have in common
We share the same life, salvation, and same future
Conflict - focused on "disputable matters"
Be realistic in your expectations
People become disillusioned with church
Should not be surprised - made up of sinners, including ourselves - 1 Corinthians 1:10
Reconciliation - not running away - road to stronger character and deeper fellowship
If the church must be perfect to satisfy you, that same perfection will exclude you
Choose to encourage rather than criticize
It is always easier to stand on the sidelines than get involved
Judge another believer:
  • Lose fellowship with God
  • Expose my pride and insecurity
  • Set myself up to be judged by God
  • Harm the fellowship
Satan is the accuser of our brothers
Other Christians are not the real enemy
Any time spent for comparing and criticizing should be used for building others up
Refuse to listen to gossip
People who gossip to you will also gossip about you
Great wounds usually come from other sheep, not wolves
Practice God's method for conflict resolution
Go to the person you are having issues with - Matthew 18
Takes a man of courage to speak the truth in love
Support your pastor and leaders - Hebrews 13:17
No perfect leaders
They are accountable but so are you
You will give an account on how you obeyed your leaders

2008-07-02 - Purpose Driven Life - Real Servants (part 2)

Real servants do every task with equal dedication

Whatever you do, do it with all your heart - Colossians 3:23
You are never too [fill in the blank] to be a servant
Jesus specialized in menial tasks:

  • washing feet
  • helping children
  • fixing breakfast
  • servng lepers

Small taks often show a big heart
Little things determine big things
Race to be a leaders is crowded but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants

Real servants are faithful to their ministry

Servants finish tasks, fullfill their responsibilities, and complete their commitments
Can you be counted on by others?
We want to God to say, "Well gone, good and faithful servant" - Matthew 25:23

Real Servants maintain a low profile

Put on the apron of humility, to serve one another - 1 Peter 5:5
Not about show  - If we are trying to please men (including ourselves) we can not be a servant of Christ - Galatians 1:10

Servants are content with quietly serving in the shadows
Wouldn't find many true servants in any Halls of Fame or Who's who books

Be confident that nothing you do for God is a waste of time or effort - 1 Corinthians 15:58

2008-07-28 - 30 Days at the Cross - Life through Death

Voluntary surrender is not easy; never comfortable nor enjoyable
Christ can not be formed in us until we are crucified with him - Galatians 2:20 ; Galatians 4:19

Rebellion comes from man's desire to be God
Satan tried to delute the solution to create powerless religions
Our lives do not change at the deepest level and have the same problems as the world

Only when we are sick of our old nature will we be convinced to totally sell out to God
Death to self seems preferable to life

Most of our cires are designed to produce our surrender
Jesus served through suffering - Hebrews 5:8-9
Can not mature without surrender - Hebrews 12:5-11
Many harships come so we enter heaven - Acts 14:22

So how do we go about taking up our cross?

  1. Absolutely commited to the concept - John 12:23-25
  2. Be committed to prayer about surrender - "I surrender" and "Help my lack of suddender"
  3. Be committed to a relationship with another disciple - Share convictions and be open
  4. Be committed to stretching your comfort zone - Do things you can not do without his help
  5. Realize that surrender brings about absolute freedom - life through death will cease the puzzling paradox


2008-08-02 - Questions and Answers - Part 3

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Do we bear one another's burdens or not?
  2. Does God command or forbid robbery?
  3. Does God dwell in temples?


2008-08-09 - 30 Days at the Cross - If the King is a Servant
What Jesus rightly deserved and what he received while here on earth were quite different
Jesus didn't resent or resist his role
He had a desire and compassion to help others

Greatest of humility and suffering for him to subject himself to the cruelest of deaths - Philippians 2:8

People who have a major impact are the ones who serve
Nothing moves the human heart more than someone who puts the needs of another above his own need
It is a rare and precious expression of love

Jesus has called you and me to be like him and take on his attitude toward serving others

Jesus' serving was not limited to his friends (but also his enemies)
His people will do the simple acts of service for the "least" among us

Easier to serve someone on a schedule; more difficult if unexpected or interrupting my schedule

2008-09-12 - Teach Us To Pray - In Marriage and Family

Unless the Lord builds, its builder labor in vain - Psalms 127:1-2
Solomon probably knew the truth of this passage as much as anyone
He saw incrediable tragedy in his own family from the result of his father's unspiritual leadership
His family stands as a warning to all married disciples of how Satan can destroy the most precious of all human relationships

Powerful benefits of daily prayer with one another:

  1. Prayer keeps your relationship spiritual focused
  2. Prayer keeps us going to bed united - Ephesians 4:26-27
  3. Prayer makes us more grateful
  4. Prayer gives us focus and direction

Prayer in family life:

  1. Nightly prayer with children from infancy
  2. Daily devotionals with younger school children - 15min in the morning
  3. Taking pray walks with teenage children
  4. Quiet Times with one another
  5. Praying as a family about major decisions and challenges
  6. Praying with children after they are disciplined adds powerfullly to the impact of such training

2008-10-31 - Man of Prayer - Forgiveness
Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors - Matthew 6:12
Debt = opheilema = owning money to another

Colossians 2:13-14 - written charge was canceled
charge or code = cheirographon = charges drawn up against a convicted criminal

Roman business world - debt had been paid - "tetelsthai" was written across the note - meaning "paid in full"
Some word was used to when the punishment was executed on a list of chrages

Every failure on our part to do God's will is a charge against us - a long document for most

Jesus cried - it is finished (John 19:30) was actually the word "tetelsthai" = PAID IN FULL

2008-11-02 - Man of Prayer - Sinning against each other
Part of prayer needs to be focused  on remembering who has offended us and then making a conscious decision to forgive them

When our sin has caused emotional, spiritual, or physical damage to another - we need restitution - asking forgiveness

  • Brings into our experience not only love and grace of God but transforming power
  • Provides us with the guidance, motivation, enabling power to reconcile our relationships with God and others
  • Enables us to live with the experience of inner cleaning and the peace of God

2008-11-29 - Raising Awesome Kids - Humility and Approachability
Clothe yourself with humility toward one another - 1 Peter 5:5
Our families know how imperfect we are

Most responsibility = most mistakes

Powerful and enduring leaders are those without pretension
Paul said he was the chief of sinners

Apologize bluntly
Apologize quickly
Ask "Is everything all right? Is anything else bothering you?"

Wallowing in guilt or losing self-confidence over your mistakes is not true humility - it is selfishness and lack of faith
People in our family should feel free to come to us and tell us whatever is on their mind
Our responsibility is to create a feeling of freedom and openness in our households
If we do not, we are headed for a day of bitter reckoning

2008-12-28 - Raising Awesome Kids - Nurturing Confidence (part 1)
Early life is a long struggle for self-esteem
Kids can be viciously cruel to one another

If not watchful, we will be completely oblivious to difficulties our children are facing

Wrong Foundations of Confidence

Physical Appearance

If we make it a big deal, we are setting u our children for problems
They will gauge their self-worth on appearance and judge others that same way
  • What happens when there is someone else better lookig?
  • What if their suffer a disfiguring injury?
  • What happens when they get older?
To build confidence on a solid foundation:
  • Give God credit for every gift God has given your child including appearance
  • Teach them continually about this - gives them a humble appreciation
  • Teach them the value of what is inside
Lord does not look at the things that man looks at - 1 Samuel 16:7

2009-01-01 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 2)
Help them improve in areas of weakness
Encourage your children to be well-rounded
Academics are too important to neglect just because it does not come easy

  • Women of Proverbs 31 - skills ranged from homemaking to business and management
  • David - shepherd, soldier, political leader, songwriter, and musician

Help them form upbuilding friendships
All young people need to belong to a group
If they are generally outsiders:
  • Teach your children to act differently - to not turn people off
  • Or steer them to toward another group
Don't be afraid to monitor your children's friendships
If you can't help someone be better or if either one of you makes the other a worse person, then you can not be friends

2009-01-06 - Raising Awesome Kids - Family Devotionals

Family worship is an abolute must if we are to build a spiritual household
It is a time for the entire family gathers to sing, pray, study the Bible, draw near to one another and worship God

Two or three come together in my name, there am I with them - Matthew 18:19-20

Shouldn't be anything but a boring or irrelevant hour
Should be dynamic, fun, down-to-earth, and creative

Plan devotionals with your spouse - select relevant to the current needs
Time to confront sometimes but mainly to teach, train, and inspire

Last about 45 mins
10-20 of singing - various selections
The lesson with plenty of discussion
Acting out the Bible and role-playing
Close out with prayer

2009-01-08 - Raising Awesome Kids - Evangelistic Lifestyle
Something the whole family should think about constantly
Each child has a role in reaching another family

Too many of us separate our families from our outreach to others
Our families are the brightest light that God can use to illuminate a dark world

  • Have people into your home
  • Draw people into your family life
  • When they see what there is - teach them where it comes from

2009-01-10 - Raising Awesome Kids - Close Family
Is there any place where our weaknesses are exposed more than in our own homes?

Most families are not that close
Many families merely exist together without any deep love or enjoyment of one another

  • Cain and Abel - murder by his own brother
  • Jacob and his twin brother Esau - folly from their parents' favoritism
  • Jacob's sons turning against their younger brother Joseph
  • Family of David - torn apart by lust, rape, incest, murder
God is showing us what will happen if we are disunited

Four keys to having a close family:
  1. Respect
  2. Openness
  3. Fabric
  4. Atmosphere

2009-01-12 - Raising Awesome Kids - Genuine Appreciation

Appreciation for one another does not come about by accident

Must teach it, talk about it, show it and confront the ways the kids are not expressing it - only way

Cultivate appreciation by creating as many situations as possible where it expressed in words
Build up one another sessions - each person encouragees every other person specifically
Thank you nights - give thanks for different things other family members have said and done

Encourage your family to begin expressing respect, appreciation, and encouragement - whole atmosphere will change

Pleasant words are sweet to the soul - Proverbs 16:24

Teach your older children how to lead and teach your younger ones how to follow
Children's weaknesses tend to come out more with each other than with us


2009-01-13 - Raising Awesome Kids - Openness

Instead, speak the truth in love - Ephesians 4:15

An open family is a close family
No simmering backlog of unresolved problems - children should free to speak their minds at any time

Children should believe that we care enough to give them our full attention; will not fly off the handle
This establishes an open door policy with them

Openness is not limited to parents and children - includes the children with one another
Never allow conflict between kids to go unsettled
Send them off to talk about it - Mediate if needed

King Saul - filled with jealousy and envy and held in his feelings
His patteren was to think one thing and say something else - 1 Samuel 18
Resulting in complete emotional and spiritual breakdown

Parent should be concerned for a child that holds everything in
Have open talks during your family devotional times
Establish an atmosphere of freedom and openness

2009-01-17 - Jesus with People - Humility in Action
Jesus and John the Baptizer were very different - ie one preached in the desert and one in the cities and villages

John called the people not to focus on him but the one who was coming
Jesus came to be baptized by John - Matthew 3:11
John responds - I need to be baptized by you
John submits to Jesus' submission and baptizes Jesus

Satan hated it - they kept humbling themselves before one another - the bond of unity grew tighter and tighter
This humility continued through out their lives  - John: He must become greater; I must become less - John 3:27-30
Jesus did not grasp his equality with God - Philippians 2:6

Humility kept them bonded together, even when Satan was working to divide
Pride: Keeps people from being united
Humility: Bring people together

When unity does not exist among believers: People are not willing to pay the price
Pride means too much to them

What relationship do you have that would be greatly changed if you show humility and not pride?

2009-02-19 - Jesus with People - What is Truth?
Upon hearing the charges made by his fellow Jews, Jesus did not even rely to a single charge - Matthew 27:14

Governor was amazed; Jesus' self-control stumped Pilate

Ill-fated Jews were forcing Pilate to face "truth" head on
All he wanted to do was avoid another political blunder; he responded - What is truth?

Jesus stood before him as the truth

For this reason I came into the world, to testify to the truth - John 18:37

Everyone on the side of truth listen to me - John 18:37

2009-06-02 - No one like him - The Empty Tomb (part 1)
Disciples were confused with ups and downs of the week (Joyous entrance into Jerusalem then the cross)

Without the resurrection there would be no church or New Testament; disciples would have disbanded and movement would have ended

The resurrection gave them courage to preach the resurrection: Acts 1:22; 2:24,32; 3:15; 4:2,10, 33; 5:30

Must be together – cross and resurrection

Cross only – a tragedy; Resurrection only – just another miracle

Changed the disciples lives forever

2009-06-08 - One Another - They Will Know You
John 13:24-25
  • Jesus served humbly as their servant - his life was all about love
  • All men will know you as a disciple by your love of one another
  • Distinctive mark by which Christians are recognized
  • Does not say "they will know by your doctrine"
Isaiah predicted this love:
  • People would beat tools of division into tools of peace - Isaiah 2:4
  • Impossible unity - Isaiah 11:6-9
  • Men would protect each other - Isaiah 32:2
Men can do spiritual things for selfish reasons:
  • Praying for show - Matthew 22:29
  • Studying the scriptures - Matthew 22:29

2009-07-01 - A Life of Impact - Power


Mark 5:1-17

  • What expectations do you have of your prayer life
  • Do we believe the power that can be unleashed through your prayer life?
  • We need to pray for God’s power to be clearly demonstrated – we desperately need the fear of the Lord.


  • Making the decision not give into fear is essential ingredient for the man or woman impact
  • Two fears: fear of public speaking and the fear of failure

Spectacular Deeds

  • Made front-page news.
  • Jesus responded by valuing freeing a man over another property
  • Jesus was willing to do something outrageous and controversial for the sake of a needy person

2009-07-09 - A Life of Impact - Toughness and Excellence


Mark 6:45-46

  • Worked harder and longer than anyone else
  • Expected more from himself than from his disciples
  • The one leading the way must pay the greatest price

Unwavering Excellence

Mark 6:47-56

  • Fruit was only harvested what another had sown - what Jesus had sown
  • He directed the efforts of many followers but did not become an administrator behind a desk.
  • He had an unbelievable schedule with
    • frequent interruptions
    • time conflicts
    • people clamoring for his attention

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