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2008-02-28 - Power of Gratitude - Thank God Im a Country Boy
What ever background we have, we can not change it

Cultural heritage - Jesus from Galilee and Nazareth
Job - Jesus was a carpenter son's
Appearance - Jesus "nothing in his appearance that we should desire him" (Isaiah 53:2)
Speech - Disciples "are not all these men who are speaking Galileans?" ( Acts 2:7 )

"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise" (1 Corinthians 26-29)

Jesus understands and sympathizes - No one knows more about temptation than he.

Let he happy for how God made us and use it for his glory

2008-02-29 - Power of Gratitude - Bon Appetit
Satan works to both deceive us and accuse us - People tend to have a deceived or an accused conscience

Too many of us seem to think that God turns away from us when we are doing bad and turns back when we repent
Fathers are much more engaged when their kids are not doing well

God ran to the Lost Son - Luke 15
Gave his only Son when we were not doing well - John 3:16-17
Christ died for the ungodly - Romans 5:6-11

At the point the mind changes - our conscience should be cleared
Sin is serious - that is what the cross is all about
Feel the burden of sin long enough to be convicted and move to repentence

2008-03-13 - Be Still My Soul - Times of Fasting

What is fasting? - voluntary abstinence from food in order to draw near to God

Fasting - frequently practiced by those who have walked closely with God:

  • Moses - fasted for 40 days as he received the law (Exodus 34:28)
  • David - fasted for the life of his newborn (2 Samuel 12:15-22)
  • King Jehoshaphat - declared a national fast under a miltary emerency (2 Chronicles 20)
  • Esther - called for God's people to fast during a extermination attempt (Esther 4)
  • Daniel - fasted to confess his and God's people sin (Daniel 9)
  • Nehemaih - fasted for the condition of Jerusalem to improve (Nehemiah 1)
  • Jesus - fasted for 40 days at the beginning of his ministry (Matthew 4:2)
  • Antioch church leaders - fasted for to bless their ministry efforts (Acts 13:1-3)
  • Paul and Barnabas - dedicating newly appointed elders (Acts 14:23-24)

 Jesus warned about the mere appearance of fasting - Matthew 6:16-18


  • Decide how long before hand
  • Begin  with shorter fasts
  • Be care with those taking medication or those with a background of anorexia or bulimia
  • Do not indulge in a large meal immediately after a fast

A "world fast" is an idea to remove yourself from movies, sports, television, newpaper, other outside info

 Reason to fast:

  • Humble ourselves
  • Show our dependance on him
  • To devote time and focus to our spiritual lives
  • To ask for God' guidance
  • To ask for God's help
  • To overcome spiritual lukewarmness
  • To pray for a particular need
  • To express gratitude and thanksgiving
  • Breakthrough in our faith

2008-03-31 - Falling in Love with God - Intro

Loving God is a journey

Father draws us to himself - John 6:44

Father does not change - James 1:17
Hard to understand God when we are so inconsistent

It is OK for a journey to have highs and lows

Why love God?
Why not just obey him?
Why not just "gut out" our journey with God? Because we are commanded to

What touches you most about God?

  • He never quits
  • Always a refuge
  • Always will take you back
  • He will make sure you know where you are
  • Champion of the truth and the underdog
  • Tender with the weak and brokenhearted
  • Hammer the arrogant and pround
  • Never makes a mistake

Despite all the good qualities of God - our relationship with God still takes work

2008-04-05 - Falling in Love with God - Faithful Follower
Israel - when in the dessert, they did not need plant to know that God

In the end they were wishing they could be back into slavery

The way back from wandering is not found in activity but pulling out the scrapbook and remembering
When we had the conviction - "God will take care of me"

  • Holiness was a simple issue between you and I God; not "having to be open"?
  • When your relationship with God was more private than public?

2008-04-27 - Falling in Love with God - Practical Inspiration

Get Out of Here

Sometimes the first step in restoring our hearts is simply to get out of the house
Why go outside?

  • Quiet - able to meditate
  • Parents - able to get up before the kids do
  • Nature is full of inpsiration
  • Much more freedom outside

Turning back the clock

 Rewrite the sins and people I sin against; what I was forgiven of (not an exercise in guilt but gratefulness

Secret Scriptural Weapon

You have to work at understanding the cross
Insights of yesterday about the cross need to be consistently refreshed
God never spoke louder than he did on Calvary

Memorizing scriptures and writing them on index cards

Ephesians 3:20 - When each word is accented, the scripture can have new meanings

Best for Last

Create a treasure chest:

  • Baptism photos
  • Special note from friends
  • Wedding Vows
  • Memorabilia from children being born

Scrapbook of the heart of God - testament to God

2008-05-03 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Rest of the Story
The first person who presents a case - seems right - Proverbs 18:17
  • Marriage counseling - one view, then a different view
  • Forming opinion without all the background information
  • Good leader - realizing he does not know everything about every subject
  • Been hurt by others - assume others are the same way
Good thing to say: "I have seen something which concerns me, but I haven't heard your side yet"

Involving everyone on a decision will help others to feel valued and for you to consistently have good decisions

We have trouble listening to other opinions besides our own

Can you get hurt by other that love you? Yes
 - Double indemnity insurance policy against unresolved issues (Matthew 18:15-17 and Matthew 5:23-24)

2008-05-11 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Escaping the Performance Trap

Performance trap - termed as perfectionism (not measuring up = sin)

Guilt and imagined guilt come from performance based - must learn to understand God's grace
Guilt-ridden people are not joyful people, poor advertisements for God's kingdom

Good thing to do our best but when mixed with pride is a wrong turn
Ex. Parental pride = making children reach a goal that unattainable

Rejection (or fear of) - is the root of most of our insecurities
We either pull back or prove ourselves through performance
Much of our competitiveness come from this source

Performance-oriented tries to conceal insecurities with a superimage of self
Deep-down we want love and acceptance
Real love is unconditional

Unless we are open about our negative points we will never reallty feel loved

Paul opened up his life:

2 Corinthians 6:11-13

  • Spoke freely
  • Open wide his heart
  • Not withholding affection

2008-05-14 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - I was Born this Way
Son will not share the guilt of the father - Ezekiel 18:20

Environment or heredity - most likely both
Must be slow to judge situations we do not completely understand otherwise may bless us with an understanding in a way we do not want

Other extreme - develop a victim mentality regarding ourselves or others
Can lead to being angry, use drugs, being immoral, or just about anything else
We have difficulty applying this to a murder

Answer: despite it being more difficult and having different backgrounds, the standard is still the same
He does not ask us to do anything he will not enable us to do
Identify the sin > repent of it > start relying on God grace > formulate a plan to overcome sin
Psychology can find root causes but it is powerless to find a cure

Hezekiah and Josiah were righteous amount a line of kings that were evil

The promises of God are far greater than our past and present challenges

Pray that we may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way - Colossians 1:10-12

2008-05-21 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Even though
Hebrews 11:8,11,17:20
  • Even though he did not know where he was going
  • Even though he was pass age to have kids
  • Even though he God said to sacrifice his son
  • Abraham reasoned... spiritually
Romans 4:18 - Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed

He was not a blind idealist, he faced the facts: God creates the laws but he not bound by them

We will not be victorious if we sacrifice our faith on the alter of reason, logic or cynicism

It is time to get back to idealism that belongs to faith in God:

  • We can change
  • Our children can change
  • Our marriages can change
  • Our hearts can change
  • We just can't give up

We have the same God who was with Abraham

2008-06-04 - Purpose Driven Life - Developing Your Friendship with God
You are as close as you choose to be to God
Must work to develop your friendship
Must choose to be honest

...about your faults and feelings
No one in the Bible was perfect:
  • Abraham - allowed to question and challenge
  • David - God patient during his accusations
  • Job - allowed to vent his bitterness
  • Moses - told God exactly how he felt
God listens to the passionate word; bored with predictable
We may harbor resentment toward God
He wants you to hold back nothing about how you feel
Choose to obey
John 15:14 - You are my friends if you do what I command
We are not equals - We obey obey God because we love him
True friendship isn't passive; it acts
"Great things for God" - Great things come once in a lifetime; small things come everyday
Must choose to value what God values

What does God value the most? His lost children
Must desire a friendship with God more than anything
Longing, yearning, thirsting, hungering - that was David
Nothing matters more
NO: What is it worth to you?
NO: What cost is too much?
Problems are wake-up calls for you come back to him

2008-06-10 - Purpose Driven Life - A Place to Belong
You are called to belong
Relationship with Christ is personal but not private
Your organs are connected to other organs to fulfill a purpose
Organ severed from the body will shrivel and die
Christ loved the church and gave his life for it - Ephesians 5:25
Church is Christ's bride
Can't say to Christ "I love you but I do not love your wife
Why you need a Church Family?
1. Identifies you as a genuine believer
2. Move you out of self-centered isolation
Lab for practicing unselfishness
Learn to care about others
If one part suffers, all suffer - 1 Corinthians 12:16
We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers - 1 John 3:16
3. Helps develop spiritual muscle
Isolation breeds deceitfulness
4. Body Needs you
5. Share in Christ's mission - He works through us
6. Church family will help you from backsliding
"Mind your own business" - not a Christian phrase
It is your responsibility to help those who need help
Difference between a church attender and a church member is commitment

2008-06-16 - Purpose Driven Life - How We Grow

God wants you to grow up - some grow older but never grow up (Ephesians 4:14-15)

Nothing shapes your life than the commitments you make
Many are afraid to commit to anything and drift through life

God's part and your part

Our part is to: Continue to work out our salvation with fear and trembling - Philippians 2:12-13

Our role = "work out" salvation (grow - in a body workout we have our body but we make it better)
God's role = "work in" us

Changing your autopilot

Becareful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts - Proverbs 4:23
Changing what you think, changes you

Going on a diet, exercising does not work if you do not change your thinking - "I am going on a diet"

The way you think determines the way you feel - which influences how you act - Ephesians 4:23

Babies by nature are completely selfish
Many never grow beyond that kind of thinking

It is not the amount of biblical information and doctrine you know
Deeds must be constant with our creeds / Beliefs backed up with Christlike behavior

2008-07-17 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 3)
Shift from "here and now" thinking to eternal thinking

Eternal thinking will keep us from majoring on minor issues
We fix our eyes on what is unseen - 2 Corinthians 4:18
Deal sparingly on things the world trusts on you - 1 Corinthians 7:31
Let's strip off anything that holds us back - Hebrews 12:1

Invest in the future (in heaven)
Store up treasure in heaven - Matthew 6:20-21
Real treasure in God in heaven and the friends we can bring with us - 1 Timothy 6:19

2008-08-07 - 30 Days at the Cross - Spectators or Sacrifices

Sacrifice - we think of pain, suffering, loss, and the uncomfortable concept of denying self
We hear: "Do what feels good"

Sacrifice is a voluntary presentation of ourselves to God to be used for his purposes
Jesus sacrificed his comfortable position with God to serve, heal, love, preach the good news

 We can respond in serveral ways to the sacrifice of Jesus:

  • Pretend it never happened
  • Can decide to hide from the challenge
  • Immerse ourselves in other thoughts
  • Stand back with our arms folded
  • Understand the facts but no personal acceptance or responsibility

Christ love needs to compel us - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Hiding is dishonest. Spectating is hypocritical. Committing is powerful.

What happens when you offer your body as a living sacrifice?

  • It produces many seeds - John 12:24-25
  • Life truly becomes life
  • Our joy is multiplied
  • It effects us and other for enternity

What types of sacrifices is God asking of you right now?
Is there is anyone, anything, any place, or any position you are holding on to?

2008-09-03 - Teach Us To Pray - Surrender
Not what I will, but what you will - Mark 14:35-36

Surrender means to put oneself and one's future totally into the hands of God
Surrender is unconditional and total - nothing is held back
Worst scenario possible and is still willing to pay that price

What can we learn from Jesus is this most difficult night of surrender?
  1. He included people in his prayer struggle
  2. He was totally honest with all of his feelings before God and other men - limiting Satan's power - John 3:19-21
  3. Jesus stated his preferences to God very clearly
  4. Prayed until his surrender was complete - surrender is not completed without this kind of prayer - Philippians 4:6-7

2008-09-05 - Teach Us To Pray - Eager to Act
Nehemiah 4:6-9 - Nehemiah prayed to for the walls of Jerusalem to be rebuilt

Nehemiah turned his theology into biography
He prayed to a powerful God, but it did not end there; he was ready and eager to act
Many times we pray (talk) and then sit back (no walk) waiting for a miracle to happend

Nehemiah prayed often and spontaneously - 1:4, 4:4, 5:19, 6:9, 13:14, 22, 29, 31
He is prayers were followed by:
  • Decisions - Nehemiah 2:5
  • Plans  -Nehemiah 4:9-16
  • Actions - Nehemiah 2:18
What closes God's ear to our prayers is not the depth of our sin bu the lack of our eagerness to act upon his Word

2008-09-08 - Teach Us To Pray - Reasoning with God

Reasoning with God in prayer is an expression of great faith
The Canaanite woman was one of two times Jesus said someone had "great faith" - Matthew 15:21-28

Persistent widow reasoned with the unjust judge - Luke 18:1-8

We cannot change the eternal purposes of God but we can change his mind on how his purposes will be accomplished

Abraham was a man who reasoned with God - his Son being sacrificed - Genesis 18:23-33

Moses was too - God decided to destroy the disobedient Israelites and start a new nation
Moses gave specifc reasons for not destroying them and God heard him and changed his mind
He prayed with great humility - Numbers 12:3

True humility is the key to the prayer of reason - not telling God what to do
Expressing our outlook and giving reasons to back up our thinking

2008-10-04 - Man of Prayer - Authentic Encounter
Must be an authentic encounter, not just a religious experience
Imagine a small Aramaic child calling for his daddy
Imagine Jesus holding you

We live in a noisy culture
Noise becomes background noise and without it, we can feel lost or anxious
No wonder we do not allow God to speak to us

When the disciples prayed, Hallowed be your name, it was to focus on God above all else

Second section of prayer taught by Jesus in Luke 11, starts tomorrow

2008-10-17 - Man of Prayer - Kingdom and Prayer
Thy kingdom come and your will be done - their is a nowness (call of God to intervene in our lives)

Our intercessions remain focused on His kingdom and his will - His kingdom first

God influences situation - we should expect that will happen:

Act 12
  • Peter was arrested and thrown into jail
  • Church's response was to pray for divine intervention
    • Not comfort
    • Not for Peter to accept his circumstances
  • The church prayed earnestly
  • God answered - a direct response to their prayers
  • They did not believe Peter was at the door - we are like this
Peter get jailed, they prayed, God brings him back to life

2008-11-18 - Raising Awesome Kids - Second Thing Second
Assuming God is first, who is next on our list? Our spouse

Devotion to our lifetime companion must be the greatest earthly love of all

Kids are our flesh and blood, but we are one flesh with our spouse

Some make up for the affection by pouring all their love into their children
Makes them arrogant and/or insecure
Bag the excuses, example: too busy, take an honest look at your marriage

Little eyes and ears are fine-tuned to our frequency and they know

They love it when we love each other - it gives them a sense of peace, happiness, and security

Much of the anger and rebellion issues in kids can be traced back to marriage problem

2008-12-21 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 3)

What does the Bible say about spanking?

He who spares the rod hates his son - Proverbs 13:24
The rod of discipline will drive folly far away - Proverbs 22:15
If you punish with the rod, they will not die - Proverbs 23:13-14

Message is clear - Spanking is vaild, employed with wisdom and love

  1. Spanking should be an event
  2. Explain beforehand the reason for the spanking
  3. Cool off before spanking a child - must be complete self-control and not retaliatory
  4. Use a designate paddle - do not hand spank - too personal
  5. Spanking must result in change, contrite heart
  6. Bring things to resolution
  7. Do not spank for every offence - children in elementary years, spanking is less appropriate
  8. Spank on the safe backside or thigh
  9. Start as soon as the child begins to understand the word no; about 14 months

2009-01-13 - Raising Awesome Kids - Openness

Instead, speak the truth in love - Ephesians 4:15

An open family is a close family
No simmering backlog of unresolved problems - children should free to speak their minds at any time

Children should believe that we care enough to give them our full attention; will not fly off the handle
This establishes an open door policy with them

Openness is not limited to parents and children - includes the children with one another
Never allow conflict between kids to go unsettled
Send them off to talk about it - Mediate if needed

King Saul - filled with jealousy and envy and held in his feelings
His patteren was to think one thing and say something else - 1 Samuel 18
Resulting in complete emotional and spiritual breakdown

Parent should be concerned for a child that holds everything in
Have open talks during your family devotional times
Establish an atmosphere of freedom and openness

2009-01-21 - Jesus with People - Going Deeper

We want to be know but we keep a safe distance
Jesus has X-ray vision to our hear and see right our heart

John 4:39 - Samaritan women:

  • She was minding her own business
  • Ran into Jesus and was never the same
  • Will you give me a drink he asked - the fact that he (a Jew) spoke to her told her (a Samaritan) that there was some very different about Jesus
  • Whoever drinks from living water will never thirst again - John 4:13-14
  • He confronted her sin and help her see the emptiness of her life
  • He wanteed her to see who she was without God
  • Due to her discomfort, the woman tried to change to subject
  • Jesus skillfully drove out her fears with his love -  brought her back to the conversation of life
  • She shared with others

We too can be afraid of seeing who we really are
When we opened up and were forgiven,  we couldn't wait to tell other either

To set people free, we must be like Jesus:

  • Relate to them in deep ways
  • Not studying the Bible superficially - not helping them see who they are without God
  • Ask the difficult questions
  • Expose sin so they will see their deepest need for Jesus

Jesus' love and acceptance allowed the woman/us to be real and to change

2009-01-23 - Jesus with People - Touching the Untouchable

Jesus had compassion and healed the man with leprosy - Luke 5:12-18
Jesus is filled with compassion - Mark 1:41

Jesus was different:

  • He hurt for those whose lives were devastated by illness
  • He went to great lengths to be with them
  • Helped and encouraged them
  • Made himself available to them and spent many hours with them - Mark 1:32-34

What Jesus did we can also do (beside healing):

  • Include those who are sick when you can
  • Find ways to serve
  • Help and encourage

Society shrinks back - hospitals are not our favorite place
Jesus reached out his hand and touched
The sick need real involvement in their lives

Somehow, we think that the person is responsible for his or her condition
In some cases yes, but we can not oversimplify God's working in our world

Job "friends" did not understand what God was doing
How unsearchale his judgement and his paths beyond tracing out - Romans 11:33

How can I imitate Jesus by "reaching out" in compassion to the sick?

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