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2009-07-15 - A Life of Impact - Prudence


Mark 8:11-13

  • Sometimes Jesus simply did not bother to deal with his adversaries – he just up and left.
  • Sometimes we need to be able to determine when the best thing to do is walk away.
  • Sometimes arguing is just a waste of time – shake the dust off your feet.

Moving On

  • Farmer – plants across the fields not just around the farmhouse
  • If we focus all our attention on one problem one goal, or one person’s needs - lose sight of the field
  • Jesus kept moving on in order to keep his and work fresh vibrant and spontaneous.
  • Momentum is an invisible yet critical element in any type of movement

2009-08-09 - A Life of Impact - The Warning

The Warning

Mark 13:1-37

  • Life is a challenge and it is a adventure.
  • Too often we want a fairytale ending.
  • We will be tested to find what our position in our faith.

The Spark

Mark 14:1-2

  • His words ignited people, both for and against him.
  • By his words this one man could have started a riot, initiated a revolution, overthrown the rules and made himself king. But he chose to die.

2009-08-18 - A Life of Impact - Mark 16

Mark 16:1-14
  • Jesus had more of an impact dead then alive.
  • Are we dead to ourselves?
  • If any of Jesus’ rebukes had a particularly lasting impact on their lives, this was the one
  • Disciples were probably convicted by just the sight of Jesus
His Lasting Words

Mark 16:15-20
  • What would your last words be? – Say them today!!!! 
  • “Repent and believe the good news.” – These were both the first and the last words from Jesus.

2009-08-23 - Wild at Heart - Wild One whose image we bear

Where do we come from?

A man must know where he comes from and what he is made of both past and family fathers

Most men are trying not to be like their fathers

Who will they derive their sense of strength?

To men God is: Distant and weak (How they would describe their father)
Jesus has become – Mister Rogers with a beard
God – gives a reason and purpose to fight

Reminds us that life lived in fear is no life at all – all will die someday
Jesus = Mother Teresa or William Wallace? Both

2009-10-15 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 1)
Man come to offer his strength, woman invites the man into herself
Requires courage and vulnerability and selflessness for both of them
Man must rise to the occasion, must move, women opens herself in stunning vulnerability
Man spills himself - sweet is the death
Life is created
When a man withholds himself from his woman, he leaves her without the life only he can bring
She is made for and craves words from him - Proverbs 18:21

If a man refuses to offer himself, then his wife will remain empty and barren
Silent man starves his wife
A man who leaves - he sacrifices them (wife and children) rather than for them
  • Maximus
  • William Wallace
  • Life of Joseph, husband of Mary – was heroism
Cost him his reputation

2009-10-21 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 4)
The problem with modern Christianity is it’s obsession with principles
Real test of a man comes when all his resources fail
Living and loving – jump in with both feet

Ask your wife what is wrong? Dangerous – very much a mystery
She does not want to be solved; she wants to be known

We know how to be nice but we really do not know how to fight

Christian life should not be chaotic or be flagrantly irresponsible.
Break away from it all and head off into the unknown God
Adam - No formula for how he was to handle mess
God honored and did not hold his hand

Was not left alone to face life
The only way to live in this adventure – is in an ongoing relationship with God
Control we crave is an illusion – it in exchange for God’s relationship
Moses and God knew each other
David was after God’s own heart
Jesus made God known – John 15:15
What are you teaching me here, God?

What are you asking me to do or let of?
What in my heart are you speaking to?

2009-10-26 - Repentance - What It Is (part 3)
Dictionaries of Biblical Greek - Repentance
  • a complete change of attitude, spiritual and moral, toward God
  • a change of mind
  • to change one’s way of life
  • to change one’s mind or purpose

  • How did both John and Jesus begin their public ministry of preaching?
  • What does the prefix meta- (from metanoia) mean? What other English words do you know that have meta- as a prefix?
  • What does the root nous (from metanoia) mean? What other English words do you know that contain –noia?
  • Have you ever considered your worldview? How has the Bible shaped it?
  • Why is metanoia necessary for us to grasp the kingdom of God?
  • How has the Latin idea of paenitentia influenced your understanding of repentance?
  • Why is the author concerned with “repentance” as our English translation for metanoia?

2009-11-01 - Repentance - The Prophets (part 3)
Prophets Promise Real Hope
  • False prophets preach “Peace, peace”
  • If we believe that we haven’t turned away from God, we won’t bother to return to him.
Prophets Instill Fruitful Fear
  • Fear clears our mind, reorients our will
  • Fruit from fear is not fruit that will last
Prophets Show The Tender Mercy of God
  • Our failures to repent only sadden him
  • Hear the loving calls of the prophets – they have likely risk their own lives to serve

2009-11-18 - Repentance - The Church Reorients Us (part 2)
Bible says if your brother sins again you – go and point out his sin
Must repentance as a whole
Church repentance – 41 times
Individual repentance – 11 times

Not usual in the world
Football team at half-time
Company changes due to market conditions

All churches sin; not all repent
Some spin their shortcoming, craft reasonable explanations, minimize damage to reputation, issue statements

  1. How does the church represent the “destination of repentance”?
  2. How did the early church help sinners to repent? How did it safeguard true repentance from compromise?
  3. How did the walls of the early church stand steadfast against the assaults of the world?
  4. What does it mean to be of “one mind” with your brothers and sisters?
  5. How were early Christians both non-conformists and conformists?
  6. Why has church discipline gotten a “bad rap”? Is it warranted?
  7. Why do so few churches practice the Biblical mandates to discipline its members?
  8. How can a church best practice church discipline?
  9. Have you ever been disciplined by your church? Did God’s plan lead you to repentance – why or why not?
  10. Over 85% of the Biblical references to repentance address groups rather than individuals. Thus, how can you help your fellowship - at various levels – repent?
  11. How can you spark repentance – even revival – in your church and in your community? Are you willing to walk its path of selfless commitment?

2010-02-06 - First the Kingdom - One-Lane Road (part 1)
Seemingly contradictory statements:
God wants all men be saved - 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Road to God  is narrow and only a few will find it - Matthew 7:13-14

Both are true

God shows he wants all me to be saved
He sent his son who spoke clearly and plainly about what it takes
The broad road says - I know better than God what life and eternity are all about
On the broad road - so many people and so many standards
Bible warns those on the broad road will face terrors and traps of many kinds - Proverbs 4:10-19

Many agree that the narrow road teaching Jesus describes is one of the most difficult
Can not be faithful to Jesus' message and teach anything but the narrow road
Only a few find = fact is that only a few search
Everyone who seeks finds - Matthew 7:7-8

2010-02-23 - One Another - Reconciling with One Another (part 3)

Examples of Conflict in the Bible

Euodia and Syntyche - Philippians 4:2-3

1. Conflict happens - normal part of a relationship
Its ultimate effect depends on our response to it
Are we sharping each other or making each other more dull - Proverbs 27:17

2. The goal is to agree

3. We may need help from a third party

David and the jealous king Saul - 1 Samuel 24:8-22

David's conduct with Saul was above reproach; He did everything he could to work things out

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all people - Romans 12:18
Peace requires both parties to desire it

There are things that depend on us and others that are out of our conotrl

2010-03-19 - To Live is Christ - Pressing On

Although is righteousness that is not our own becomes laziness, we show we have the grace of God - Philippians 3:12-16

Despite all that Paul went through and has done - he pressed on
Greek word, dicoko = used in both hunting and foot racing

There is certainly a time to remember what we have done - 2 Thessalonians 2:5
But there is also a time to forget

Paul did not cling to the fact that he planted a lot of churches
He purposely "forgot", so he would not see himself as arriving

Paul was looking forward to the next thing God had in store for him
All who are mature, should think this way

The way to take it higher is to hold on to what you have already grasped and then reach for more

2010-04-08 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 2)
Teaching is one of the few gifts mentioned in both in the lists of Ephesian 4 and 1 Corinthians 12

What exactly is a teacher?
  • Primary job is to teach the scriptures
  • They need to teach the truth
  • False teachers are always out there
    • OT = Jeremiah 8:7-8
    • NT = 2 Peter 2:1
  • Are need to arrange biblical themes - Ecclesiastes 12:9-10
  • Teacher are primary instructional while preachers are more inspirational
  • Teachers must have deep convictions - allow those without is dangerous
  • Teachers must be on the cutting edge - teacher not at their best -> teaching becomes effected

2010-04-22 - Life to the Full - In His Steps (part 3)

1 Peter 3:1-7...

Submission, kindness is a two-way street

Wondering God is not using you more?
Why children are slow to become Christians?
Why don't feel more peace and joy in your house?

Look no further than your marriage!

Questions for wives:

  • Do you resort to worldly means to win?
  • Do you fight for your rights more than fighting for others?
  • Do you show respect for your husband and emphasize his strengths?

Questions for husbands:

  • How often you compliment your wife?
  • Are you generous in the amount of housework you do?
  • Do you respect your wife for her spirituality and other strengths of character?

Questions for both:

  • Do you pray together regulary?
  • Do your children have a fear of God?
  • Are your family devotionals consistent?
  • When outsiders visit your home and see your family, are they more likely to want to follow Christ?

2010-07-15 - Desire's Journey - Deeper Desire (part 2)
Life is both a battle and journey

Life in its fullness has yet to come
So we must take serious care of our hearts now

How awful to reach the end of life and we find we haven't bought our hearts along with us

Two extremes:
Life is full of striving and indulgence
A long march of duty and obligation

When considering the promises of God and nature of the rewards, we see that the Lord finds our desires much too weak
We are far too easily pleased

We believe that life is not going to offer what we truly want so we have reduced our desire to a more manageable size.

Lets be honest and all it what it is: sin

2010-07-27 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 4)
If we do not give our ache a voice, it does not go away
It becomes an undercurrent of our addictions

Pleasure becomes necessary in larger and larger doses

The paradox of grief is that it is healing - somehow it restores our souls
Control is the enemy; grief is our friend
When we let go of controlling, something better takes its place - mourning

Comfort is in store for those who mourn and healing for the brokenhearted - Isaiah 61
This idea was the center of Jesus' mission
None of this makes sense until we admit our brokenheartedness and give our sorrow a voice in mourning
Only then will we know His comfort

Solomon said that it is better to go to the house of mourning that it is to a house of feasting
We need to mourn, it is the only way our hearts can remain both free and alive in this world

2010-08-01 - Desire's Journey - Keeping Heart (part 2)
The NT scriptures do not differ from the old testament about forgetfulness
Bread and the cup was give to us in rememberence of him

Paul was shock that the Galatians were turning away so soon from God - Galatians 1:6
He sent Timothy to the Corinthians to remind them to share the eternal life he gives through Christ - 1 Corinthians 4:17
Peter, who knew firsthand the grief that comes with forgetting writes to keep firm the grip on faith - 1 Peter 5:10

Life is a journey of the heart that requires the mind
The heart is the center of life
Desire is always where the action is
We must bring the truth into our hearts to guard and to guide our desires - this is the other half of the mission

Popular phrases that do not work: Follow your heart, Trust your soul

We must cling to the truth for dear life - both heart and mind together

2010-08-05 - Waking Dead - Arm Yourselves (part 2)
God intends for you to have eternal life

When someone gets married, it isn't just a marriage to help them in retirement but their whole lives

I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living - Psalms 27:13

No one who has left everything will fail to receive many times as much in this age, in the age to come, eternal life - Luke 18:29-30

Jesus talks about a life available to us in this age
Godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come - 1 Timothy 4:8

When we hear eternal life, most think a life that waits for in eternity
But eternal means "unending" not "later"
Eternal life can start now

Jesus was raised from the dead, now we also may live new lives - Romans 6:4
Coming fully alive is what he was committed to

What a different it would make if we really knew that our lives and God's glory were bound together
Things would start looking up

2010-08-14 - Waking Dead - Heart is Central

The heart is central
The need to even to be remined of this show how far we have fallen from the life we were meant to have

The heart is addressed in the Bible more than any other topic

Love the Lord your God with all your heart - Deuteronomy 6:5
Man looks at the outward appearance, Lord looks at the heart - 1 Samuel 16:7
Where your teasure is, there your heart will be also - Luke 12:34

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart - Proverbs 3:5
These people honor me from their lips but their hearts are far from me - Matthew 15:8
The Lord weighs the heart - Proverbs 21:2

The heart can be:

  • Trouble, wounded, pierced, grieved, even broken
  • Cheerful, glad, merry, joyful, rejoicing
  • Whole or divided
  • Wise or foolish
  • Steadfast, true, upright, stout, valiant
  • Frightened, faint, cowardly
  • Wandering, forgetful, dull, stubborn, proud, hardened

The heart can be unpredictable but it is central to our being

The heart answers a lot of questions:

  • Why did my relationship fail? One or both don't have to heart to make it work
  • Why are some many struggling with depression and discouragement? They have lost heart
  • Why can I not break free from our addiction? We gave our heart away and need to get it back


2010-08-28 - Waking Dead - Wisdom and Heart
Our heart has been made good by work of Christ but we haven't learned how to live from it
Launching out with an untrained heart can bring disaster
We can easily be shamed into sin management and think our heart is bad

The church choose those who had both wisdom and the Spirit - Acts 6:3
We need both

Wisdom is crying out
  • Do not rush the field - Luke 14:31
  • Train yourself to discern good from evil - Hebrews 5:14
  • Live as through your life is at stake - Matthew 10:16
Wisdom is not cramming our heads with principles but developing a discerning heart
Solomon was so sharp because he had a wise and discerning heart - 1 Kings 3:9

But wisdom is not enough
  • Against "wisdom", the disciples were asked to go Saul, the one who used to murder Christians, and lay his hands on him - Acts 9:13-14
  • Would you counsel a father to sacrifice his only child?
  • Take on a fortified city by slashing your ranks from 32,000 to 300?
  • Jesus to give himself up to the authorities and let himself get killed
Wisdom is not enough, it may even hold us back
The common sense life can be the enemy of the supernatural life

2010-10-16 - Giving (Part II)
  1. It Takes Faith to Give - Malachi 3:8-11
    1. God wants us to test him in our giving (v. 10). All we need is the faith.
    2. God is waiting to pour out blessing when we trust Him. It is easy to say 'I'll give when God blesses me." God says, "Give and I win bless you."
  2. God's Promises - Malachi 3:10-11, Mark 10:29-31, 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
    1. We will not have enough room for God's blessings.
    2. We can never outgive God.
    3. God always gives back 100 times as much to us.
    4. God will continue to give to us so we in turn can give to others and meet their needs.
    5. Ultimate blessing: treasure in heaven.
  3. Depend on God - Philippians 4:14-19
    1. Our giving is a sacrifice pleasing to God.
    2. When we give, God will meet all our needs.


  1. Do I hold back on my contribution because I am worried about the future?
  2. Does my giving cause me to rely on God?
  3. What amount of money should I be giving weekly that is both responsible and still requires faith?
  4. When have I relied on the promise of God in my giving? What did God do in response?

2010-11-03 - Contagious Christian - Finding the Approach
Besides talking to people you are ready know try contacting people you used to know
The curiosity factor comes into play
  • Because you contacted them out of blue
  • Both of you want to see all the changes that have happened since you last saw them
Call them out of curiosity and call them into fun
In the process, prayerfully watch for opportunities to share the way God has changed your life

There are also many opportunities where there people you would like to know
We all go to gas stations, stores, restaurants
With a little forethought, these errands can be turned into evangelistic opportunities
Change your thinking about the way you look at the employee who are serving you
These are people who matter to God and put in your path for you to meet
When we approach people with this attitude, with concern and respect - it is easy to get on a first name basis with them

2010-11-16 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part I)
Before you can bring the message to others, need to make sure we clearly understand we understand the message ourselves
Making the message clear will need us to be able to illustrate it for those we talk to

Three aspects of God we need to look at:
  1. God is loving - Out of compassion He made us and still desires to have a relationship despite our sin against him
  2. God is holy - He is absolutely pure and is separate from everything impure
  3. God is just - He is a perfect judge who will dispense justice to everyone fairly
God made us without sin but we abused our freedom and became evil
Sin requires God to pronounce upon us the death penalty - both physical and spiritual
This is separation from God via hell
We are helpless to change this

God had the power and authority to devise a plan for our salvation
Christ died and suffered the death penalty debt for us and
  • Expressed the love of God
  • Upheld the holiness of God
  • Satisfied the justice of God
He offered us His forgiveness and friendship
You don't deserve it, we didn't pay for it, we can not earn it

He paid a debt He did not owe
I owned a debt I could not pay

2010-11-30 - Mission - Repentance
Both Luke 24 and 2 - message of repentance and forgiveness is mentioned in the light of the death and resurrection of Jesus

The message to Preach

1. Repentance

God wants the cross to reveal how disgraceful and disgusting sin is
To motivate us to radical and rapid change
Is there an example of repentance in the Bible that is not radical and rapid?
Repentance is the first and foremost call to change to change our mind (metanoia)

Paul preached they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance with their deeds - Acts 26:20
You can only change your action for a period of time without ever really changing your mind
Change your mind, you will change your action rapidly and radically

Baptism happened rapidly and radically because his heart was ready to change - Acts 8
Would we have have baptized the Ethiopian the same day?
What did Philip see? Unmistakable signs of godly sorrow
As soon as someone has repented, he is ready for baptism

2010-12-03 - Mission - First the Kingdom
No one is ready to follow Jesus who is not ready to put the kingdom of God first above everything else in his life
Take away the radicalness of the message and you take away the power of the message

Compromise it and you have religion but not the church of Jesus Christ
Every kingdom has a king
God is the king of kings and the lord of lords - 2 Timothy 6:15
Jesus is known as both Lord and Christ, King and Savior - Acts 2:38

We are the servants, subjects, and even slaves of God - Romans 6:22
The centurion understood this authority - Luke 7:8
You will be given all the things you need when you seek first the kingdom - Matthew 6:33

Can you powerfully proclaim this message to others because it is so clearly your conviction? - Colossians 3:1-2

When making decisions, ask what is best for the kingdom.

2010-12-16 - Word of God (part I)
2 Timothy 3:16-17
  • All Scripture is inspired by God, God-breathed
  • Should be applied to our lives so that we can be ready for every spiritual challenge
    • Word used to learn what God says by teaching
    • Word used to correct things we are not doing
    • Word used to warn us by rebuking us
    • Word used to put things into practice through training
  • Why should we go through this type of learning? Be thoroughly equipped for all good works
Hebrews 4:12-13
  • The word of God is relevant and can expose and convict us of sin in our lives - not collecting dust somewhere
  • It exposes us for what or who we are - Not everything in the Bible feels good at the time
  • Sharper than any double edged sword - It can cut us, but its purpose is to cut out the bad, so that we can be healed - just like a surgeon’s scalpel.
1 Timothy 4:16
  • We need to watch how we live and what we teach - both essential to salvation
  • Illustration: Which wing of an airplane is most important? So it is with what you teach and how you live out those beliefs.
  • What is the result of careful attention to our life and doctrine?

2010-12-19 - Worlds Wisdom vs Gods Wisdom (part I)
1 Corinthians 1:18-20
  • Everyone wants to know “How can I really live?”
  • This passage spells out two fundamental ways to answer this question. The world’s wisdom or God’s wisdom.
  • How does man in his wisdom view God’s wisdom (the cross)?
  • How does God view man’s wisdom? Can we have it both ways?
  • If you think I am a fool and I think you are a fool, what will our relationship be like?
  • Establish the wide gulf in the two ways of viewing and living life.
1 Corinthians 3:18-20
  • Why does Paul say “Do not deceive yourselves?”
  • There is something about the world’s wisdom that is deceiving.
  • It is easy to convince ourselves that what we want to believe, what is comfortable, what is familiar, is right.
Matthew 16:13-17
  • What kind of man was Peter? Was he religious?
  • He certainly gets a right answer here.
  • According to Jesus, where does this answer come from?
Matthew 16:21-23
  • What does “Peter rebuked him” mean?
  • Peter thought he was seeing things God’s way, but in reality he was still on the side of the world’s wisdom.
  • We can know the right answers and still be living according to the wisdom of the world. What was Jesus’ response?
  • Where does the world’s wisdom really come from? From Satan. No wonder it is the opposite of God’s wisdom.

2011-02-01 - Gender Controversy - Intro
We are told that the opposition is a recent phenomenon

  • Bible does not condemn homosexuality
  • Committed homosexual relationships is compatible with Biblical unity

They use examples: Jon/David, Ruth, Naomi

Clear passages are "reinterpreted" so the "modern reader" can understand

  • In the past, people were ashamed to go public
  • People did not have to address it because it was understood
  • Francis Turretin  (17th century) said that homosexuality was  - "sin against nature"

Both sides claim the Bible supports their view - It is one way or the other

Bible disapproves but offers hope
Satan wants to call evil good and good evil

Sodom and Gomorrah
Genesis 13:13 - MEN were exceedingly wicked; rebelled against God

2011-02-09 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part II)
Our main goal in life is to glorify God
Information that help yet does not glorify God in some way remains defective

People who fear God can use their knowledge both to glorify God and enjoy him

Jesus: Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent - John 17:3
This is where true knowledge begins

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world yet forfeit his soul? - Mark 8:36

Scientist and philosopers may discover ways to improve life but the Christian has found the way to eternal life

2011-02-14 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part I)

Luke 7:36-50

A. Simon the Pharisee

  • Knew about Jesus but did not KNOW Jesus
  • Not a disciple (didn't even welcome Jesus into his house)
  • Not broken over his sin (felt bad but not convicted enough to change his life)

B. Sinful Woman

  • Only concerned with her relationship with Jesus (not a people pleaser)
  • Convicted about her sin the closer she got to Jesus (didn't pull away after seeing her sin)
  • She was broken over her sin (wanted to change and did something about it)

Question: Which type of heart would YOU SAY youv'e had toward YOUR SIN until we started studying the Bible?
If Sinful Woman - then this study will help to expose the heart in many ways

Isaiah 59:1-3

  • Question: According to the Bible, what has separated man from God? God | SIN | You
  • How are our sins forgiven?
    • God must forgive
    • Man must repent
  • Both must occur in order for your sin NOT to keep you separated from God
  • Question: How do you define sin and repentance? Let how the Bible does.

2011-05-28 - Fearing God - Determines how we live (part II)
Is the fear of God a mix of various emotions or an attitude? Both

Pslam 47

David's Emotion:
  • Clap your hands and cries for joy - vs1
  • Shouts of joy and sounding of trumpets - vs5
  • Sing praises - v6-7
David's Attitude:
  • Recognition of God's awesomeness - v2
  • Confidence in Him being King of all - v2,7,8,9
Fear of God must be a settled state of mind
If we practice to think great thoughts about God, we will develop a sustained attitude of the fear of God

Without this proper fear, our obedience becomes reluctant and driven more by the fear of consequences

2011-06-07 - Fearing God - Beyond Compare (part I)

Imagine the Red Sea waters divided - Exodus 14

Only a few hours you've experienced the highest degrees of fear, excitement, and relief.
When the Israelites saw the great power the Lord displayed against the Egyptians, they feared the Lord and put their trust in him - Exodus 14:31

To fear him is to trust him
The Israelites both feared the Lord and put their trust in him
Fearing God and trusting Him are not mutually exclusive
The Israelties were able to trust God because they experienced firsthand His awesome power to deliver them

God worked on their behave - power without love is terrifying, love without power is pitiable

The events of Exodus was not only to gain to glory Himself but to stimulate and increase the faith of the Israelites
They were in the situation they were in so they could only be saved by His mighty power

2011-06-14 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part VII)
He is worth following:
  • Peter and his brother Andrew left their jobs - Matthew 4:18
  • Must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me - Matthew 16:24
  • I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you - John 13:15
  • God always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ - 2 Corinthians 2:14
  • You will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord - 1 Peter 2:21
  • Follow others as they follow Christ - 1 Corinthians 11:1
  • Follow His example in both in both negative and positive area
    • He never did a wrong thing.
    • He always did the right thing.

2011-08-07 - Daughter Needs - Father Figure
Father Figure is a father of daughter in name only
He is both is an emotional absentee father
He sits in front of the TV for hours

He is home but he is not really there
"I'm an adult and she is a kid - we don't enjoy the same things"

Real life does not flicker
The 'Father Figure' has to seriously question their commitment  as a father

2011-08-11 - Daughter Needs - Loving Kindness
A daughter needs a father's gentleness, protective favor to intercede for her against those who would do her wrong

Two tendencies to limit their kindness:
  • Being macho, to prove we are unfailingly strong
    • They think strong is the opposite of gentleness and kindness instead of being the opposite of weak
    • Daughters needs to see your strength and kindness
  • The belief that men/boys needs are the same as woman/girls needs
    • Both need gentleness but woman generally place a higher priority on it
    • If you gentle to your wife and you would want someone to be gentle toward you, it is too little
    • Your daughter is a woman in the making - he needs are going to much closer to your wife than your own
It is important what you say and much as how you say it

Do you give your daughter far more positive comments then negative?
Say something positive, then say "do better" next time?

2011-08-18 - Fearing God - Transcendent Majesty
Isaiah 6 - Repeats Holy 3x - "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty"
Hebrew language uses repetition to show emphasis

From time to time Jesus frequently add emphasis using "truely, truely" - John 3:3

We never read:
  • Wise, wise, wise is the Lord Almighty
  • Powerful, powerful, powerful is the Lord Almighty
Why is God's holiness so exalted?
  • God's perfection separates him from His creation
  • Attributes of mercy, might, power, love, purity are all within the meaning of holiness
  • His holiness is not just one of a number of attributes but the sum of all of them
  • God's name is has adjective 'holy'  next to it more than all other qualifiers combined
  • First and last son in the Both magnify the holiness of God
    • Moses crossing the Red Sea - Exodus 15:11
    • Those victorious over the beast - Revelation 15:4

2011-08-19 - Fearing God - No Darkness at All
Note: The power when out when I was in the middle of this study

God is holy not only from his creation but from sin
Be holy, because I am holy - Leviticus 11:44-45

He is light and in him there is no darkness at all - 1 John 1:5
Not only is he the only one, God is totally pure.

Isaiah 6 set both God's holiness and our show the only appropriate response to it

When God's holiness, his transcendent majesty, and His moral purity....
Our reaction becomes a realization of our own insignificance
Even though Isaiah was considered righteous man, his holiness suddenly became "unclean" - Isaiah 6:5
The word "unclean" is significant because it is what the leper must cry out when they walk around - Leviticus 13:34
Isiah saw his sinfulness as moral leprosy

2011-08-20 - Fearing God - Holy Justice, Holy Mercy
But God does not leave Isiah devastated

We tend to think of justice in a positive sense - child murdered and the community wants to see justice
The murder does not want to see justice

The wages of sin is death - in this sense we don't want to see justice done
God's justice is both holy and perfect
God always wants to give mercy
He can not be lenient and can not violate His own justice

The solution is Christ - he reconciled God's justice and mercy
The Lord laid on him the iniquity of us all - Isaiah 53:6

2011-08-21 - In Rememberence of Me
Jesus called the disciples to the Passover fest before would head to the cross to reflect and remember their time together

Luke 22:19-20 - Do this in remembrance of me

Why? because we forget both little things and big things

1. Disciples forgot while they were at the table -

v24 - Conversations they have had at the passover table:
  • Peter: Remember when walking on water
  • Thomas: But you doubted and fell into the water
  • Peter: Like you have any room to talk, doubting Thomas
  • James: Remember the transfiguration? Yeah, I was one of three disciples there. We saw Moses and Elijah.
  • Andrew: Yeah, you seem to miss the whole point when you fixated on getting them shelters
  • Matthew: We can take these guys anywhere
They had this lesson before (how many times?)
2. Peter forgot the very same day  the very same day and denied Jesus
v54 - He forgot that Jesus said and he had the power to raise the dead

I can relate:
  • Forgetting to the trash and why I was in the garage
  • Forgetting Juniper's shoes on the way to church
If  I can not remember the little things within the same few minutes, or hours - we need this time of communion
Our forgetfulness is not a reflection of its importance but a reflection our weakness in remembering

2011-08-27 - Fearing God - Healthy Tension
In the physical world, there are two opposing forces:
  • Centrifugal - force tends to pull away from a center
  • Centripetal - force pulls toward the center
Take away one and the other immediately disappears

Centrifugal force helps us understand those attributes of God
We are to hold our reverent distance because of his holiness and sovereignty

Centripetal force represents the love of God
His grace and mercy draws us to Him

To exercise a proper fear of God we must understand the opposing forces of His holiness and His love

Both the recognition of our weakness/sinfulness and the love and humble gratitude are displayed in our fear of God

2011-09-16 - Proverbs on Purity (part I)
Proverbs 15:26 - Pure thoughts are pleasing to God

We live in a time where we need Godly teaching about purity. Lets take a journey on the Path To Purity.

#1. Lust leads to destruction

Proverbs 7:21-23
- The Bible is clear that nothing good will come out of giving into lust.
Ox going to slaughter, deer in a noose, bird in a snare, etc

Proverbs 6:28-29 - To overcome lust in your life you must understand and believe that lust is not just sinful but wasteful also.
Both the lustful look and the lustful act are wrong before God.

What are some of the effects (consequences) of living a lustful life?
  • Affairs
  • Divorce
  • Unwanted pregnancies
  • Abortion
  • Sexual disease
  • Guilt
  • Loss of innocence

#2. Flee from Lust

Proverbs 1:10-16
Illustration: In the movie Pinocchio, a wooden boy comes to life.
  • He learns about the world through two hoodlums, who teach him to skip school, smoke and steal.
  • In the end the two boys are turned into donkeys and Pinocchio barely escapes being turned into a donkey (with the help of “Jimmy Cricket”, who was a good conscience/friend for Pinocchio).
 1 Corinthians 15:33 - Bad friends will destroy you
We must pick friends that will encourage us spiritually and not lead us down the path of destruction.

2011-09-23 - Proverbs on Pride (part III)
Proverbs 13:10 - wise men and women listen to each other's counsel

Proverbs 18:11 - The rich think their wealth protects them

  • I read that when a caterpillar exists in its lowly state it can get as close as it wants to other caterpillars.
  • They climb all over each other and share grounds selflessly.
  • But as soon as the caterpillar spreads its wings and takes flight, it can never again get close as it once did to other creatures.
  • The beauty of its wings is the very thing that prevents it from getting close.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride, we cannot get close to people around us.
  • We beat our wings against theirs and we both are destroyed.
The most deadly attribute of pride in a relationship is selfishness.
  • It takes humility to have truly great relationships
  • When we are selfish we refuse to share what we have with others (time, possessions, self)
  • If we fail to share ourselves, then on one will really know us.
  • It is impossible to be really close to people and be selfish
#2. Pride kills self-esteem (Proverbs 26:12)
  • Pride blinds us to who we really are
  • We get a false image of ourselves and cling to that image instead of the truth
  • Underneath our arrogance and pride are feelings of self-loathing and extreme neediness
  • In order to overcome we puff ourselves up, we act as if we have it together
  • Unfortunately we only fool & hurt ourselves because others can see through it.
  • This shell of pride can also keep others away as we duck our heads back in (turtle)
  • As long as we stay in our shell we are prisoners of our own pride, destine to live a lonely life

2011-10-01 - Genesis 1 - Creation & Recreation


God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image and gave them charge over the earth.


Genesis 1:1 - the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
Without God we formless, unfocused, and empty. We try to create our own heaven-on-earth but never succeed without him. We try to "eat" junk food to fill us up but all they contain is empty calories. Without God there is no light and only darkness. Without light, we do not know what is going on around us nor what direction to go.

Genesis 1:4 - separated the light from the darkness.
It is important to understand that light and darkness were separated from the beginning. They can not both exist in the same location. It is even more important find out with side you are on.

Genesis 1:16 - He made the stars also.
Oh, by the way, God created all the countless numbers of stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects of the universe. So much matter that we can not even begin to see with a telescope. But God does not focus on matter, he focuses on what matters. The Bible is focused on God and his relationship with mankind. Like Jesus' miracles described in [John 20:30], the amount of God's acts are too great to be counted. Can you image the amount of books that could be written about what God created?

Genesis 1:26 - so they may rule
God entrust us to rule over all all other living things. But many we times we are ruled by our sinful natures. If we can not even control ourselves, how can we "rule" over other things?

Genesis 1:27 - God created humankind in his own image
Sometimes we mistake us being an exact copy of God verses a reflection of God. We should be a photo copy and not try to replace God in our lives. We must be become more reflective of God like a mirror. Constantly cleaning off the smudges of sin with the blood of Jesus.

Personal Application

God is bigger than I think he is. I have made him too small in my mind and do not allow Him to take control -- this is absurd since he has control over the universe and does a perfect job at it. My actions show that I don't fully trust God in this way.

2011-10-16 - Genesis 16 - Ishmael is Born


Sarai told Abram to have children with Hagar. Hagar conceived, then ran away, but an angel sent her back. Hagar's son was Ishmael.


Genesis 16:5 - You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering
At age 86 [Genesis 16:15] and 14 years too early, Abram had forgotten God's promise and was starting to make God's promise work for himself instead of waiting for God to fulfill his promise of making him a father of a great nation. Agreeing to Sarai's idea, he married Hagar and she became pregnant. This really complicated things between the three of them. The same thing happens with us. When we go about trying to do what we think God wants, things really get messed up.

Genesis 16:8 - where have you come from, and where are you going?
The angel that appeared asked about what direction Hagar was going.  Both question are necessary in evaluating our spiritual growth. Like understanding your physical location, you must first understand the past and state of mind you came from. Not knowing the starting point, you can not give directions. If you just knew where you have been and have no direction to go, you can not grow either.

Personal Application

I know I have experience times where I think I am doing what God wants but it really comes from my impatience or my selfish desires to see things happens the way I want them and when I want them. I need to just be patient and ask "is this the Lord will?".

2011-10-21 - Mind Change - God is in control
God is in control

Today…tomorrow…forever. God is God.
Nothing is outside his sovereignty. He cannot lose control.

He is never surprised or unprepared.
God never asks, “What are we going to do now?”

Psalms 2:2-6 - The Lord is not bothered by a united front
Psalms 90:2 - you brought the world into being
Isaiah 50:7 - LORD helps me, so I am not humiliated

2011-11-29 - Gratitude (part II)
Gratitude must be seen in our prayer life
  • Philippians 4:6 - Start your prayer times every day with your thankful list
  • 1 Timothy 4:4 - Be grateful for everything God has provided you with – even the basics
Lack of gratitude is both sinful and dangerous
  • Romans 1:21 - Not thanking God can lead to involvement in other sinful areas
  • Luke 17:11-19 - Not thanking God for the blessings you receive is selfish
Gratitude should be felt and spoken on a continual basis
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - Be thankful in all circumstances, whether great or challenging
  • Ephesians 5:19-20 - Always be thankful-for all things (make a list of 200 thing to be grateful)
As you can see, gratitude is a very important part of your Christian life. Being grateful for all things and at all times will not be easy. You will need to be constantly remind yourself and be reminded by others just how awesome God is and how good He has been to you. The devil wants you to be negative-a whiner and complainer. God wants and expects you to be a grateful disciple. Make some decisions today about how thankful you will be from this day forward.

2011-12-31 - Day 28 - Disputable Matters
Romans 14:1-8
  1. What are some disputable matters among Christians today? (dress, taste in music, food and drink)
  2. What should your attitude be toward those who see these things differently?
Romans 14:16-23
  1. What does God care about the most?
  2. Are you doing anything that could cause others to stumble?
  3. What does verse 23 mean?
  4. Do you feel good about the way you are living now?
Matthew 11:18-19
  1. Why did the people criticize Jesus and John the Baptist?
  2. Why do you think they were so different yet both were pleasing God?
Application: Do you have questions about what is right and wrong for a Christian? Find out from a mature disciple whether these are disputable matters and come to your decisions.

2012-01-11 - Day 39 - Faith is the Victory
Mark 2:1-12
  1. Why was this man so determined to see Jesus?
  2. List at least 3 reasons the man could have given to not try to see Jesus.
  3. What impressed Jesus about this man?
  4. How can you be more like him?
Mark 5:21-43
  1. What did Jairus and the bleeding woman have in common?
  2. Why did Jesus help both of them?
  3. Why is it important for us to depend completely on Jesus when we need help?
  4. What are some ways you have not been depending on God enough?
  5. Have you turned to other sources for help?
Mark 6:1-6
  1. What was different in this place? Why?
  2. Is Jesus amazed at your faith or your lack of faith? Why?
Hebrews 11:5-6 - Why do you think faith is so important for pleasing God?

Application: What are some things in your life (or someone's) for which you really need God's help? Keep a prayer list and keep on praying!

2012-01-27 - Ministry - Do You Stand Up For Jesus?
Matthew 14:1-12

These verses show clearly two different convictions. Herod was swayed by his sin to do even greater sin and John the Baptist never gave in to fear about confronting Herod with his sin of adultery. John the Baptist could have been fearful about confronting a king on his sin. Obviously it bothered Herod's conscience enough that he wanted John killed. Herod had a people-pleasing, weak-willed character because in vs. 5 he did not kill John for fear of the people. He also then had John Killed because of Herodias' influence.

What is your character more like-people-pleasing or God pleasing?

Pray to have a conscience today that convicts you to stand up for what is right and not give into pleasing others.

2012-02-07 - Ministry - The Serving Heart of Jesus
John 13: 1 - 17

At a time when Jesus could have most concerned about himself and what lay ahead he chose to serve the disciples instead. Jesus was known for his acts of service before God and men. Rather than just telling people what they should do for him and each other Jesus set the example. After he served them he asked them if they understood what he had done for them. Do we really understand the importance of serving?

True servitude comes from a childlike heart.

Matthew 18: 1 - 9
Children are humble-hearted and love to serve. We need to consider others and look for ways to meet their needs both physically and spiritually. Sin is what stops us from serving. When we are in sin we are serving ourselves: our pleasures and desires. Jesus had a radical attitude toward sin because it keeps us from the spiritual act of serving and into the acts of the sinful nature. When we are serving it is difficult to be selfish, inward focused, prideful, self-righteous, sad and depressed. Jesus experienced great joy by meeting other people's needs. Jesus understood that serving is the true path to greatness. If we desire to be like Jesus we must develop deep convictions in the area of servitude.

How did Jesus Serve?
  • He met people's spiritual needs. John 4: 1 - 26
  • He taught people to serve by meeting physical needs. Luke 10:25 - 37
Sometimes serving others means saying "no" to ourselves. How can you say "no" to your needs today in order meet someone else's?

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