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2009-10-21 - Wild at Heart - An adventure to live (part 4)
The problem with modern Christianity is it’s obsession with principles
Real test of a man comes when all his resources fail
Living and loving – jump in with both feet

Ask your wife what is wrong? Dangerous – very much a mystery
She does not want to be solved; she wants to be known

We know how to be nice but we really do not know how to fight

Christian life should not be chaotic or be flagrantly irresponsible.
Break away from it all and head off into the unknown God
Adam - No formula for how he was to handle mess
God honored and did not hold his hand

Was not left alone to face life
The only way to live in this adventure – is in an ongoing relationship with God
Control we crave is an illusion – it in exchange for God’s relationship
Moses and God knew each other
David was after God’s own heart
Jesus made God known – John 15:15
What are you teaching me here, God?

What are you asking me to do or let of?
What in my heart are you speaking to?

2009-11-11 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 1)
Sorrow does not equal repentance
Nothing is more tragic than losing your eternal reward through popular yet readily avoidable errors
Two great misconceptions

Confusion that sorrow is repentance
Humble prayers and our sorrow pleases God – still not repentance

World Sorrow is neither Godly Sorrow Nor repentance
Worldly sorrow brings death

Five signs of world sorrow (pride)

1. Damage Control
  • Many call press conferences to get there side of the story our first
  • Once guilt is found, party than give a “heart-felt” apology – sorrow for getting caught
  • Sin is destructive. It ruins relationships, reputation, peace of mind and personal integrity
2. Self-Pity
  • Some believe the abundance of tears is repentance
    • Forgiven women (forgiven)
    • Peter, Paul vs Cain (became angry)
    • Esau (wailed loudly)
    • Judas (deeply regretted)
  • All three shed tear but not one repented
  • Claiming to be a victim doesn’t make one a victim
  • Tears can be self-affirming to one with self-pity (can become more sinful)
  • Ones mostly likely to enable and least likely to help you

2009-11-12 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 2)
3. Excuses
  • Comes up with creative targets – upbringing, genetic makeup, society
  • Excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow
  • Excuses come right after the apology – I am sorry for forgetting our anniversary, it has been crazy at work
  • Where there is an excuse, there is persistent sin
  • Excuses rob us of the indignation that energizes our turn from self to Jesus
4. Selectivity
A repentant Christian embraces absolutions, even moral absolutes
5. Repetition
Repentance is no fragile state of mind that we barely notice entering and exiting
  1. What is wrong with defining repentance as “being sorry for your sins, so sorry that you stop them”?
  2. What is the root cause of worldly sorrow?
  3. In what ways have you exercised “damage control” rather than true repentance?
  4. What damage has your sin caused?
  5. Have you ever confused the tears of self pity for true repentance? What is the danger of this confusion?
  6. Why does the author assert that “excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow?” Would you rather have your excuses accepted or your sins forgiven?
  7. What’s the difference between cognitive dissonance and repentance? Why doesn’t cognitive dissonance prompt us to preach the good news to others?
  8. Have you been selective in your repentance? What does that indicate about your repentance?
  9. Why doesn’t metanoia accommodate the repetition of sin?

2009-12-28 - First the Kingdom - At Ease
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace - Psalms 37:11

Meekness is strength under the control of God
Being meek is being at ease before God and man
One looks outside himself for the power of life
Totally open with God, God will work in all things for his good

To be meek is not to be afraid...

1. Is at ease with God

Someone who worries and has anxiety reduces them to practical atheists

A child is at ease with their father/mother (in most cases)
I have stilled and quieted my soul; child with mother is my soul within me - Psalms 131:2

2. Is at ease with himself
Jesus knew exactly what authority he had been he had been given by God - John 13:3

3. Is at ease with others
Neither inferior nor superior
No longer deceived by pride, he is free to learn from anyone
At ease with God and himself - has nothing to prove and nothing to fear

2010-01-15 - Kingdom First - Above and Beyond (part 1)
Jesus called us to go above and beyond the law - Matthew 5:38-42

1. Addressed our desire to retaliate for injury done to us - rid our selves of it

Exodus 21:24 - eye for eye; tooth for tooth - written to control excess violence and desire for revenge
Excess was what the law was striving to stop
For the punishment to fit the crime and nothing over
To beyond this and not return anything - requires the power and conviction to restrain oneself

2. Addressed insisting upon our legal rights

Jewish law was you could could never sue someone's outer garment but OK to sue to the inner one
Jesus called us to a higher standard - should not be concerned with legal right but with justice, righteousness, and truth - John 18:19-24

2010-02-02 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 3)
Can confession be turned the wrong way?

a. If we react with condemnation
b. If we gossip and don't keep confidence - Golden rule applies with handling confession
c. If we label people to control them - confession can used to help them but not beat them down
d. If we think it is our role to fix them - main role of responsibility is on the one confessing - we are here to help
e. If leaders do not do it - but expect others to confess - One-way confesses will become dysfunctional and unhealthy

2010-02-24 - One Another - Reconciling with One Another (part 4)

Some things that depend on us

We can always have a gracious attitude

Paul choose to focus on the result - Christ is being proclaimed - Philippians 1:15-19

We can always be humble

Consider others better than ourselves - Philippians 2:3-4
Walk worthy of the calling - with all humility and gentleness - Ephesians 4:1-2

We can always be positive - Philippians 2:14-15

We can always listen - James 1:19-20

We can always control our anger - James 1:20

Some things are our of control when to comes to reconciliation but they are many things within our control to build a relationship

2010-03-23 - To Live is Christ - Anxious About Nothing

Paul urges them to be anxious and worried about nothing and to pray about everything because God is in control - Philippians 4:6-7

Peace never comes without surrender
Surrender never comes without a decision to trust

Something instead of dealing with our emotions, we try an avoidance pattern
Adam and Eve hid from God and themselves

We must be in touch with happens to others and ourselves
It is why we must consistently and unashamedly pray about all aspects of our lives
It is not just for some - it is normal experience - just people deciding to trust God in every situation

Guard (a garrison of angel are available to help) our hearts - Satan wants us to trust ourselves and to doubt our God
Our own thoughts are not always the truth

How challenging to turn everything over to God. Yet, how foolish not to!


2010-03-30 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 4)
True freedom is not political freedom but spiritual freedom - James 1:25
Remember how the Jew sought political freedom?

Religion without self-control is useless - James 1:26
Worldly speech includes gossip, slander, cursing, swearing, deceit, etc

Lack of social concern is a sure sign that a person is a false Christian
Worldly values and social apathy go hand in hand
Do we really care about the widows and orphans and widows - James 1:27

2010-04-09 - Life to the Full - Two Wisdoms (part 3)
When to comes to the tongue, it is the little things that make all the difference

James compares the tongue to - James 3:3-7:
  • Bits into the mouth of a horse
  • A rudder on a large ship
  • A spark that starts a large fire
  • Taming wild animals is easier that taming our own tongue
Our lives will be used for good or evil, depending on how we control this tiny part of our body

James used his experienced practical teaching style to explain that good and evil should not coexist - James 3:9-12
3 of 4 major crops were - figs, olives, and grapes

Is there far more positive coming from your mouth than negative?

2010-04-20 - Stumbling Block or Stepping Stone (part 1)

1 Corinthians 1:20-23 - Jesus came to bring salvation; to some he became a stumbling block

Romans 14:10-24...

  • We are free to do many things with our faith
  • Personal freedom must be balanced with personal responsibilty for others
  • Questions to ask: Will my personal freedom be a stumbling block to others?
  • v15 - brothers were distrussed by other's freedom - that is where is know we have gone too far with our freedom
  • Areas we say it is our right to control
    • Music
    • Dating
    • Contribution
    • Evangelism
    • Commitment to church

Which is better to have?

  • Win the battle of your rights or win the war of salvation for someone?
  • Your opinon or unity of Jesus' church?


2010-05-03 - Renewing Your Spiritual Passion for God (part 2)

1 Kings 19:1

  • Travels 150 miles to get way from Jezebel
    • It is amazing how far we get away
  • Lost gratitude
  • God doesn't give up
    • He sends angels
  • How to get back our spiritual compassion?
    • Go back!
    • Don't run from your fear
    • Don't just go through the motions
    • We are to face ourselves
Renewing your spiritual passion for each other

1 Thessalonians 2:17-20

2 Corinthians 7:2-13

  • Challenges are need
  • They produce more reliance and faith in God

Renew Your Spiritual Passion for the Lost

Mark 5:6-11

  • Jesus saw their pain and their lostness
    • Broken marriages
    • Cannot control their children
  • We need to get into their lives
  • The will open up with your help

2010-05-29 - Desire's Journey - Mocking Desire
We want the adventure without the risk - ex. Only 5% of SUV ever go off-road

Idols usually come in pairs:
Nearby idol - gives a since of control
Faraway idols - provides the taste of transcendence
But the idols are impostors - we are taken by the array of choices we have but never have to stop and look at what we are doing

Is your desire truly and deeply satisfied with these idols?
Does the relief come more through the temporary absence of desire?
We have found a powerful drug - distraction

Sometimes we don't want to take a good, hard look at what we are really doing
Used wood to make fire and cook with - then made an idol??? - Isaiah 44:16-17, 19-20

2010-05-31 - Desire's Journey - Cruel or Kind?

Sometimes God seems cruel:

  • Unemployed
  • Search for spouse

Isn't this the reason we fear to desire in the first place?

Unless we understand our desperate hearts and our tenacity to arrange life as we want it - these events seem cruel

Eden - we had it all but we threw it away by mistrusting God's heart and taking control of what we wanted
Adam and Eve set into motion what we now call addiction

Addiction exists whenever persons are internally compelled to give energy to things that are not their true desires

Addition becomes our idol - we must give it up
Anything can become an idol, even "good" things: work, hobbies, etc

2010-06-05 - Desire's Journey - Ultimate Blow

How are we to bet our arranging a good life in the face of death?

Even after the fall, the wickedness of the human heart seems out of control
People lived 700, 800, 900 year - can you imagine the arranging of lives that could be done during that time?

So God set our years shorter - Genesis 6:3
Death is never natural - it wasn't meant to be

Those left behind experience such pain
Each death can begin to understood only within the larger story God is telling


2010-06-08 - Take the test (part 3)

Prepare for the test

Better to:

  • Go to class
  • Read the textbook
  • Study for the test
  • Go to study groups
  • Talk with the teacher

1 Peter 1:13-14

  • Be disciplined
  • Non-studying types will not do well

1 Peter 2:1-2 - Crave spiritual milk

1 Peter 3:15 - Tested with questions

1 Peter 4:1 - Get your attitude ready

1 Peter 4:7-12 - Love others with self-control

2010-06-22 - Amazing Grace - how fearful the sound
Preached on 2003-11-13

There is nothing we can do or not do to change it

Psalms 103:8 - Grace is not a new concept for God

Luke 9:51-56 - the disciples struggled with grace

What fears do we have about grace?

1. Grace - produces lazy Christians

We cannot control the freedom of others
Acts 4:33 - much grace given and produced committed disciples

2. Grace - produces sinful Christians

Grace exposes our hearts and gives us the responsibility to respond

Romans 5:15-19
- Regulations is not grace
- Grace is a mature concept

What has grace produced in you?

3. Grace - produces weak convictions

John 6:28-29
- Must believe
- Belief is a work you must do

Luke 13:2-9
- Repent or perish
- Level of repentance and faith may be different for each person but baptism is the same for all.

2010-07-27 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 4)
If we do not give our ache a voice, it does not go away
It becomes an undercurrent of our addictions

Pleasure becomes necessary in larger and larger doses

The paradox of grief is that it is healing - somehow it restores our souls
Control is the enemy; grief is our friend
When we let go of controlling, something better takes its place - mourning

Comfort is in store for those who mourn and healing for the brokenhearted - Isaiah 61
This idea was the center of Jesus' mission
None of this makes sense until we admit our brokenheartedness and give our sorrow a voice in mourning
Only then will we know His comfort

Solomon said that it is better to go to the house of mourning that it is to a house of feasting
We need to mourn, it is the only way our hearts can remain both free and alive in this world

2010-09-17 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 5)
The worldview has simply removed warfare as a practical category
We shouldn't be surprised - we can not see spiritual strongholds after we say they really don't exist

If you deny the battle raging against your heart, then the theif can just come and go as he pleases
Satan says there is not war

Lord Almighty = he who is sovereign over all the powers in heaven and on earth, especially over the armies of Israel
The God of angel armies
God is powerful and and in control but don't always think of of him taking up a sword and shield, breaking down gates to rescue us
Big difference: Joe the good man who is in control vs Joe the Naval Seal

2010-11-15 - Power of the Cross
Preached by Maurice Hooks

Answers to life's question is @ the cross
Power struggles happen everyday
  • Money
  • Relationships
  • Control over resources
Jesus should be our true power source
We are at level ground at the foot of the cross

1 Corinthians 1:18-31
  • God is love but he also just and holy
  • There is no sin that can go unpunished
  • This the parents dilemma - should I punish or let it go?
  • God can not let anything go because of his nature
  • We do not have to have all the answers - not our "wisdom" but God's wisdom
When we take it to the cross, we are all equal
Are you impowered by the cross?

Colossians 1:15-20
  • In him all things hold together
  • How God can be just and for us to have salvation because of the blood of Jesus
  • It all comes through Jesus Christ
Power struggles in our lives:
  1. Age 4 - Going potty
  2. Age 12 - Having friends
  3. Age 17 - Having a car
  4. Age 35, 45, 55, 65 - Having Money
  5. Age 75 - Having a car
  6. Age 80 - Having friends
  7. Age 85 - Go potty
How the power of the cross needs to be seen in our lives

In our relationships
  • Deversity in the church
  • Strong Marriage
  • Unity
Overcoming our fears(1 John 4:7-21)
  • Acceptance
  • Future
  • What others think

2010-11-29 - Trusting God - Samuel
Preached by Rob Milner

Read 1 Samuel 13

Following God's instruction is the key to our success

1 Samuel 10:8 - Go to Gilgal and wait for 7 days and then we will sacrifice
Samuel was the judge before their were kings

Saul waited for 7 days but did not wait to do the burnt offerings
He did not follow God's instructions exactly
How long before we stop waiting?

Ever wanted to take matters into our own hands?
There is nothing as good as trusting and then God fulfilling his promise

There are two battles:
  • Battle between good and evil
  • Battle between faith and action
James 2:18-24
  • v22 - Faith and works - work together
  • Faith without deeds is dead
  • Where am I not following exactly?
  • What am I not submitting to God's will?

James 4:7-8 - God calls us to submit to him fully

Trust in God and not your situation

1 Samuel 13:11-12 - Saul doubted that Samuel was coming

James 1:5-8 - we should believe and not doubt

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in God and not on one's own understanding
Depending on one's own understanding creates:

  • Pride
  • Controlling person
  • Self-reliant
  • Unreliable - allows our situations to change us
  • Lose of conviction
Psalms 118:8 - Better to rely on God than man

Protect your blacksmiths or you will be found defenseless

1 Samuel 13:19-21
What are the blacksmiths of our lives?
  • Knowledge of the Bible
  • Daily prayer/walk with God
  • Brotherly fellowship

2010-12-20 - Worlds Wisdom vs Gods Wisdom (part II)
Before we go on:  What is the “world’s wisdom”?
  • If you asked a person who is street smart or the person on Wall Street or just a person who watches a lot of TV, what is at the heart of the world’s wisdom about how to live?
    • “Look out for number one.”
    • “Get what you want.”
    • “Get the power, the pleasure, the control you want.”
    • “Get the money.”
    • “Protect yourself.”
    • “Guard your rights.”
    • “Maintain your independence.”
  • And so what is at the center of man’s wisdom? Self! (See 2 Timothy 3:2)

Matthew 16:24-26
  • What is Jesus’ message? How is it the opposite of the world’s message?
    • Deny self– “disown” (Matthew 26:34). We renounce our old self, our old approach to life.
    • Take up the cross (instrument of death). Die to ourselves.
    • Follow Jesus. Make his life our model. Jesus life is a demonstration of his message.
  • What does Jesus say will be the bottom line for those who “save their own lives”? For those who foolishly lose their lives for him?
Final thoughts
  • What is everything on the left side (world’s wisdom) called? Sin.
  • What is everything on the right side (God’s wisdom) called? Love.
  • How have you lived according the world’s wisdom?
  • Have you ever made a decision to renounce it?
  • Which side was Peter still on (though he was religious)?
  • Which side are you on?

2011-01-27 - Followup - Prayer (part II)
Key to Effective Prayer
  1. 1 Peter 4:7 - Be clear-minded and self-controlled
  2. Luke 18:1-8 - Be persistent
  3. James 5:16-18 - Personal righteousness
  4. Matthew 21:21-22 - Believe and do not doubt
  5. Psalms 5:3 - Pray daily and expect prayers to be answered
  1. God can and will do the impossible through prayer
  2. Prayer is vital to a dynamic walk with God.
  3. God is looking for people who will devote themselves to be close to Him. - Jeremiah 30:21

2011-02-21 - The Church - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: To help you understand the role of the church and we (as disciples) have in the church

The Head and Body
Colossians 1:15-20
  • Question: Who has all authority? Jesus is the head (focus) of everything we want to do
  • Question What is another name for the body of Christ? The head controls the body. Who is the head of the church? Jesus
  • Use illustration to help for understanding
The Family
Ephesians 2:14-21
  • Question: How would you define a foreigner or an alien person? Before becoming a disciple that's is what you
  • Now through Jesus we are able to have peace (relationship) with God. To become family.
  • As a disciple you become part of the family (household) not a part of the organization
  • Question: What is the foundation of God's household? v20 - The Bible
  • Share: Everyone in a household has responsibilities as we have responsibilities to the church family

2011-03-09 - NT Commands (part II)
Commands from the New Testament
  • Be alert and self controlled - 1 Thessalonians 5:6
  • Be an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity - 1 Timothy 4:12
  • Be anxious for nothing - Philippians 4:6
  • Be content with what you have - Hebrews 13:5
  • Be willing to associate with those in low position - Romans 12:2
  • Be joyful always - 1 Thessalonians 5:16
  • Be kind to everyone - 2 Timothy 2:24
  • Be patient with everyone - 1 Thessalonians 5:14

2011-07-30 - Fearing God - Control of Rulers

Kings and emperors are reduced to nothing before God and are completely subject to His sovereign power - Isaiah 40:23

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; directs it where ever he please - Proverbs 21:1

He controls the destinies of rulers as well as their actions:

  • Nebuchadnezzar - king of Babylonian Empire / was driven insane and ate grass as cattle do for 7 years
  • Alexander the Great - conquered the known world / died when he was 32 years old
  • Napoleon - conquered all of Europe / died in excile
  • Hitler - conquered all of Europe / died in a besieged bunker

2011-08-30 - Fearing God - Turning Aside Wrath
It is difficult for us to think about God's wrath; we prefer to think about his love
We envision a wrathful person as out of control

God's wrath is controlled, it is also described as anger, fury, and indignation

Unrepentant people are storing up wrath - Romans 2:5
We were born by nature as objects of wrath - Ephesians 2:3
Through condemnation of Adam's sin and our own personal sin

On the cross, Jesus suffered God's wrath in our place
"Why have you forsaken me?" - Matthew 27:46

Really start to enjoy fearing God:
  • Realize in the depth that we deserve the wrath of God yet it was poured out on Jesus instead
  • We are awed by His wrath and His love

2011-09-05 - Fearing God - Great Thoughts About God
If you want to fear God - every aspect of your day-to-day must dominated by thoughts of God

Takes work to do this, you won't grow other wise - 1 Timothy 4:7
It is not enough to just stand in awe of God as we read about Him
It should be part of out thinking

The sophisticated discoveries comes from when man thinks using God's thoughts
  • Airplanes designed after birds
  • Lunar lander with ant-like legs
  • Solar panels use the sun's rays like plants
Having the habit of thinking great thoughts - will become aware of His unseen hand in daily events

Great thoughts about God will lead us  to a realistic thoughts about ourselves
  • Realize how little we know
  • Realize how little we are in control
Few things block our growth of fearing God like feeling self-righteous and self-sufficiency

The Lord delights in those who fear Him and does not trust in man - Psalms 147:10-11

2011-09-12 - Followup: Purity (part I)
Our society exalts sexual immorality, and it’s raging out of control. Teenagers have hormones that are newly active and they can let them rage out of control. Singles are looking for love in all the wrong places. Marriages are ending in divorce more now than ever before even though more people claim to be Christians. God has made it clear that he wants us all to let the natural sexual desires remain dormant until they can be expressed within the marriage relationship.

In the Bible the term “purity” is most often referring to sexual purity, but it also is used to refer to being free from contamination by worldliness in general. Contaminated water is undrinkable, just as a contaminated heart is unacceptable to God.

Question: Have you ever had food poisoning? What happens?
  • Since the food is contaminated and poisonous, the body does everything possible to flush the poison out. If the poison is not removed the person could die
  • Being contaminated and poisoned by the world will damage your soul.
Question: How do you define impurity?
  • Impurity is not just physically but it can also be emotionally.
  • Often Satan tries to create an emotional connection in order to slowly pull you away from God’s standard.
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8
  • What does the Bible call for us to do in order to stay pure?
  • When are you most tempted to be impure?
  • Is there anyone that Satan is trying to use to lead you into impurity (physically or emotionally)?

2011-09-18 - Proverbs on Integrity (part I)
Proverbs 19:22 - Poor person is better than a liar

Proverbs 20:17 - Gains by fraud ends up being worthless

The 1996 New York Times had a story on a golfer named Jeff Sluman.
  • Jeff was playing in the Bay Hill Invitational and he hit his ball in the water.
  • He then took a drop (drop your ball near the place it went in the water) and he added a penalty stroke
  • During the night he began to question whether his drop was legal or illegal.
  • He couldn’t sleep that night and the next morning called the golfing officials and told them what happen.
  • Before the officials even made a decision, Jeff disqualified himself.
  • Jeff said, “I’m not sure if what I did was right, and if I’m not sure then I couldn’t live with myself and keep playing. What if I won? It would be a curse.”
Not many people today have the attitude of Jeff Sluman.
  • In most sports today the rule is to see what you can get away with (as long as you don’t get caught then its O.K.)
  • But for the person of integrity cheating/deceit is never okay (its never an option)
We live in a world of deceit
  1. Politicians break campaign promises continually
  2. Parents laugh at little “Billie” when he cheats at pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey)
  3. Businesses lie just to sale a product (on and on)
Dictionary defines integrity as = adherence to a moral or ethical code, soundness of moral character

When someone is a person of integrity he/she is someone that has wholeness about him either.
  • Many people in the world today are two-faced (their life doesn’t match their doctrine)
Why do we lose our integrity?
  1. Peer Pressure - Matthew 27:19-24
    • Pilate lacked integrity, he made decisions based on what other people thought and said.
    • He didn’t want to take responsibility
  2. Pride - Exodus 8:8-15
    • Pharaoh wanted to be in control and not take advice from others
    • In the end Pharaoh’s pride led to his firstborn son dieing (all the 1st born sons of Egypt)

2011-09-19 - Proverbs on Integrity (part II)
Examples of great integrity.
  1. Joseph - Genesis 39:8-10
    • Joseph did not give into the impure temptations that were put before him.
    • He honored God with his purity and he honored his master
  2. Jesus - Matthew 26:57-60
    • They couldn’t find anything against Jesus (false witnesses came forward “people started lying” but they didn’t make sense either)
    • Mark 7:36-37 - Jesus did everything well (integrity)
Today we need to be examples of men/women of integrity. -  Proverbs gives us a lot lessons on integrity

#1. Integrity last forever

Proverbs 12:19 - Truthful lips endure forever

Integrity last forever (people lie to escape something) but no one can run from the truth
  • People lie to appear better than they are
  • When we lie we feel clever and in control but one lie leads to other lies (then were like a dog chasing its tail)
  • Many times people lie and may not ever be discovered but remember no one can fool God
Hebrews 4:13 - Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.

Whenever we lie we ruin a part of our character.
  • The more we lie the easier it becomes thus it eventually becomes our nature.
  • You may escape the lie but you can not escape how it changes your character
Proverbs 28:13 - He who conceals his sins does not prosper

Men and take many things away from us but no one can take our integrity (its our choice).

2011-09-25 - Proverbs on Pride (part V)
#3. Humility heals our view of self (Proverbs 15:33) (Proverbs 22:4)
  • There is a world of difference between Godly confidence and pride.
  • The person who walks with Godly confidence walks tall because he knows he is a child of the king (he doesn’t act like he’s better than anyone else) (he doesn’t have to be in the know).
  • This was the meekness that people noticed in Jesus (controlled strength) confidence
We need to be confident of who we are, the valuable life we have found in Jesus.
  • People will be attracted to this type of confidence (not like the world)
Symptoms of Pride
  1. Unwillingness to admit mistakes: Do you apologize whole heartily? - Nearly all men can stand adversity, to test a man, give him power.
  2. Hating to look bad: Can you laugh at yourself?
  3. Attitude of entitlement: Are you used to privilege (expect because your on staff, you should be treated a certain way, do you serve a certain way because you are on staff)
Pride kills but humility heals: it’s not easy but we all have a great example to follow (Jesus).

2011-09-29 - Proverbs on Laziness (part I)

Proverbs 18:9 - One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys

A three (3) toed sloth is one of the ugliest creatures in the world.

  • It spends most of its time hanging from a tree
  • It’s as slow as molasses in winter (ultimate example of laziness)

The sluggard is the spiritual three (3) toed sloth. The Bible has nothing good to say about the sloth.

Laziness comes in little spurts.

  • Little amounts of unproductiveness
  • Spurts of lost time adds up to a lot of lost time (time that can never be regained)

Proverbs 26:14 - As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed

A sluggard has a difficult time getting out of bed, and loves the snooze button. It caters (snooze button) to those that can’t begin the day on time.

Proverbs 26:15 - The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth

Here is another picturesque description of the sluggard. His is so lazy that he needs someone to spoon him his meal. This description should warn us of how disgusting laziness is to God.

Proverbs 26:16 - The sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven men who answer discreetly

One of the saddest things about a sluggard is that most of the time he doesn’t even realize how lazy he really is.

  • He looks at his unproductive day and actually believes he had no control over his lack of productivity.
  • He blames it on other things (parent’s, kids, spouse, work, weather, health, etc.)

2011-09-30 - Proverbs on Laziness (part II)
How do I overcome being lazy (How do I become disciplined)?

1. Carpe Diem = Seize the Day

We are only given a certain amount of time in a day (and on earth)
  • The challenge of life is not that we have too little time, but in how we are going to spend the time we do have.
  • We need to make the most of every day (make a to do list to get yourself started)
2. Beware of the little things

Being disciplined is about the little things in life.
  • Anyone can have a job but do we do the little things that make us a great employee
  • Anyone can have a child but do we do the things that make us a great parent
Examples of little things to be disciplined in
  1. Punctuality
  2. Paying bills on time
  3. Sending birthday (Father’s Day, Mother’s Day cards)
  4. Picking up after yourself
  5. Keeping your room/car clean
  6. Returning phone calls
  7. Looking presentable
3. Don’t over commit
One thing that can hurt your discipline is if you over commit
  • Discipline is being able to decide what can be done and doing it the right way
  • It’s better to do three (3) things well than ten (10) things half heartedly
An important thing to do is to spend time thinking about what needs to be done and how to do it.
  • You don’t have to say “yes” to everyone and everything (our people pleasing nature will end up making us overwhelmed, stressed)
4. Worrying Won’t Work

Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything
  • Worry is an unproductive emotion (it won’t change anything)
  • Worry is like a rocking chair (gives you something to do but gets you no where)
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him (God) because he cares for you

  1. Buy things that are useful instead of buying for status
  2. Do not buy anything that is producing an addiction in you
  3. Develop a characteristic of giving things away
  4. Develop a deeper appreciation for God’s creation
  5. Stay away from things that take your focus off of God
  6. If anything comes before you having QT’S in the morning then fast from that thing (activity) until you control it instead of it controlling you.

2011-10-01 - Genesis 1 - Creation & Recreation


God created the heavens, the earth and everything that lives. He made humankind in his image and gave them charge over the earth.


Genesis 1:1 - the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep,
Without God we formless, unfocused, and empty. We try to create our own heaven-on-earth but never succeed without him. We try to "eat" junk food to fill us up but all they contain is empty calories. Without God there is no light and only darkness. Without light, we do not know what is going on around us nor what direction to go.

Genesis 1:4 - separated the light from the darkness.
It is important to understand that light and darkness were separated from the beginning. They can not both exist in the same location. It is even more important find out with side you are on.

Genesis 1:16 - He made the stars also.
Oh, by the way, God created all the countless numbers of stars, planets, galaxies, and other objects of the universe. So much matter that we can not even begin to see with a telescope. But God does not focus on matter, he focuses on what matters. The Bible is focused on God and his relationship with mankind. Like Jesus' miracles described in [John 20:30], the amount of God's acts are too great to be counted. Can you image the amount of books that could be written about what God created?

Genesis 1:26 - so they may rule
God entrust us to rule over all all other living things. But many we times we are ruled by our sinful natures. If we can not even control ourselves, how can we "rule" over other things?

Genesis 1:27 - God created humankind in his own image
Sometimes we mistake us being an exact copy of God verses a reflection of God. We should be a photo copy and not try to replace God in our lives. We must be become more reflective of God like a mirror. Constantly cleaning off the smudges of sin with the blood of Jesus.

Personal Application

God is bigger than I think he is. I have made him too small in my mind and do not allow Him to take control -- this is absurd since he has control over the universe and does a perfect job at it. My actions show that I don't fully trust God in this way.

2011-10-21 - Mind Change - God is in control
God is in control

Today…tomorrow…forever. God is God.
Nothing is outside his sovereignty. He cannot lose control.

He is never surprised or unprepared.
God never asks, “What are we going to do now?”

Psalms 2:2-6 - The Lord is not bothered by a united front
Psalms 90:2 - you brought the world into being
Isaiah 50:7 - LORD helps me, so I am not humiliated

2011-11-05 - Mind Change - Mood
Choose you mood.

If the one you have right now is not right, you can exchange it.

Don’t allow the “wrong side of the bed” to control your life.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 - Choose life over pride
Joshua 24:15 - Choose today whom you will worship
Psalms 119:30 - I have chosen the way of truth

2011-12-08 - Day 5 - The Grace of God
Romans 5:6-11
  1. How were you powerless when Christ died for you?
  2. What proves God's incredible love for you?
Titus 3:3-8; Titus 2:11-14
  1. Why do we need to be reminded about our old way of life?
  2. What did you do to earn God's forgiveness?
  3. How should you respond to the grace of God?
  4. Describe how you can be self-controlled and eager to do good works.
1 Corinthians 15:9-10 / 1 Timothy 1:7-12 - How did Paul show his gratitude to God?

Application: Write down (and do) 3 things today that will show God how grateful you are to be saved!

2012-01-01 - Day 29 - Jesus is Coming Soon
2 Peter 3:3-14
  1. Why do some people scoff (mock) at the promise of Christ's return?
  2. What will the "day of the Lord" be like?
  3. Are you living as though Jesus could come back TODAY?
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - Compare this passage to 2 Peter 3:7-10.
  1. Will there be any "second chance" for those who are not ready to meet the Lord?
  2. Why will this day be like "a thief in the night"?
  3. What does it mean to be alert and self-controlled?
2 Timothy 4:6-8
  1. How does Paul feel about facing the Lord on judgement day?
  2. Why is living for Jesus like fighting the good fight, finishing the race and keeping the faith?
  3. What kind of effort does it take to be this way to the end?
Application: Live each day like it is your last!

2012-02-02 - Ministry - The Wild Man
Mark 5:1-20

So often in our lives as disciples we can unfortunately relate to the wild demon-possessed man we see in the scriptures. In my own life there are times when I long to be able to meet and connect with Jesus and to go deeper in my relationship with God but have it cut short by anger, anxiety and frustration. It's at these times that I must examine the sin and the areas of my life that are out of control.

Areas to examine:
  • Finances, Discipline (Laziness), Purity
  • Eating and drinking habits over the holidays.
  • Relationships
The key to doing well spiritually is to realize that you need the help of Jesus (V6) through prayer and the help of relationships (V19).
V17- The people begged Jesus to leave, even after he performed such an amazing miracle.
Why? Jesus represented the light!
John 3:19-21 teaches us that the light has come into the world to expose darkness.
You will not want Jesus around if you do not welcome exposure.

Questions for thought:
  • Do I welcome spiritual relationships?
  • Do I confess sin and push my life into the light?
  • How do these sins affect my heart for people?
Be the light today for someone who is struggling or discouraged in their faith. Encourage them in some way.
Focus on the relationship, not on the sin. Learn how to love people in spite of the sin in their lives.

2012-02-03 - Ministry - A Righteous Response
Mark 11:15-17, John 2:15,16

How does Jesus deal with anger? I know many of us, consider Jesus' response to the temple being used for a marketplace as an example of righteous anger. However, I studied eight different translations and the scriptures never state "Jesus got angry. John records that Jesus "made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple area. It is hard to imagine myself doing this without harshness and anger but I did not conclude that Jesus was harsh or mean. In Mark 11:17 it simply says that he next "taught them". In John, the disciples saw his actions as "zeal" and when confronted by the Pharisees he answered their questions with profound teaching. This was not a man out of control while responding to mistreatment of his Father's house. Jesus was very God-focused in the way he dealt with the emotion of anger. In Mark 3:5,6 the scripture points out that Jesus was angry "at their stubborn hearts" because they could not respond to his questions due to evil intentions in their hearts. Jesus was angry. How did he deal with it? Further study indicates Jesus combined anger with being/feeling: "deeply distressed. His next response was to heal a man with a shriveled hand and to teach us all an amazing lesson about how deeply God cares for us. WOW! I'm not like Jesus when I get angry, how about you?

  • Examine your heart and actions based on Jesus' example the next time you get angry.
  • Are you God-focused? Did you bring healing?
  • Did you care enough to control your anger and turn it into a victory for God by bringing teaching and discipling to the situation?
  • What could you have done differently to have Jesus' heart?

2012-02-18 - Fear of Failure - Letting Problems and Failures Build Your Faith
by Tracey Jones, San Francisco Church of Christ

Romans 4:18-22; Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 5:1-6

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us. Romans 5:3-4 (NLT) I think as a non-Christian, I was the most anxious, controlling person in the world. I remember I would have almost every minute of my life planned out from beginning to end. Although it helped me to be disciplined and to achieve goals, it stopped me from letting people into my heart. I was always the strong one to my friends and family…"the rock". They saw all the successful things on the outside, but they didn't see the desperate, feeble person I was inside. When I began to work with people, it was very difficult for me,  because I had no control whatsoever over them. That lack of control began to crush me. Now I see that God is using my problems and failures to encourage me to grow. He is telling me the little that I know is not enough - I need to keep growing and changing and developing into the person He wants me to be. One decision I have made when I have problems in my ministry, marriage, or family is to pray about them and to commit them fully
to God. Now, instead of giving in to thoughts like “I can't change that woman's heart, I pray specifically about what I need help with and have confident expectation of what God will do. This has brought much more joy to my marriage, ministry, and life.

What is stealing your joy? Could it be that you are letting problems and situations dictate your life?

Decide today to commit those things to prayer and ask God to give you increasing character to deal with your life.

2012-02-26 - Fear of Failure - God is in Control
by Amy Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Hebrews 3:7-19

Failure is just a time of testing. We harden our hearts, rebel and give up or we can have faith, be humble and move on. When I fail the first thing that happens is my pride gets hurt because I always think that I am in control or that I can do it. But God allows me to experience failure to remind me that I can't do it all. God is the only one who can. The question is whether I am as happy and excited about life when I fail as when I am successful. The only way I can do that is trust that God is in control. All I need is to do is trust him to do it, be willing to humble out and be surrendered, acknowledging that I can't do it at all.

  1. Always know that God is in control and I am not
  2. If I just being humble, God will lift me up again
  3. Use my failure to help people to remind them God is the one

2012-03-19 - Renewing of your Mind (part II)

2. Buying the Camero - Matthew 6:19-24
Lie: You achieve what you set your mind to
Truth: Be content with what you have

3. Becoming a disciple - Matthew 7:13-14
Lie: There is danger in anything that I do not have control of
Truth: Trust and obeying His Word

4. Saint Joe trip - 1 John 4:16b-18
Lie: Face and deal with your fear
Truth: Bear with each other; Love drives out fears

What lies is Satan telling you?

  • Staying faithful - You can not make it?
  • Being Fruitful - Telling you field is not plentful?
  • Repentence - You can not change?

2012-11-14 - Message of the Arrows (part II)
Becoming a Christian does not necessarily solve the dilemma of the arrows

A continued blindness of the arrows can cause loneliness, emptiness, and longing for something not defined
Without God, life becomes a series of happenings and circumstances we are unable to control
Instead of a love for God, your life begins to feel like a series of repetitive behaviors - "Believe and Behave Accordingly"

Our outer stories become a theater of the should and the inner the story of needs
Romance invites trust and the arrows intimidate us into self-reliance

The deepest question we ever is related our heart's greatest needs and answers that life us: Who am I?
Romance answers someone special and good heart - life will flourish when we give it away
Arrows tell us we are a dime a dozen, worthless and dark - arrange for what little we have left

Instead of dealing with the Arrows, we silence the longing
Which is the truer message?
If we hang on to Romance, what do we do with the wounds?
If we deny or minimize the wounds, we are deny a part of our heart

2015-04-02 - In Control

Joseph: So it was God who sent me here, not you! - Genesis 45:8

Joseph's hear and mind had made peace with his treacherous brothers

He firmly believed that the God who remains in control of all things had sent him to Egypt

When one of your kids defies everything you save or your job moves in a different direction, how do you react?

Do negative emotions to rule the day or take refuge in God who is in control?

God has an amazing way of using even the worst circumstances for your good

Like you, Joseph did know the events ahead of him, he had to move forward by faith

2015-04-20 - Gratitude

Go back to your family and tell them everything God has done for you - Luke 8:39

People who express daily gratitude reported higer levels of:

  • Alertness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Determination
  • Optimism
  • Energy

Jesus and his disciples encountered a violent demon-possessed man - naked, out of his mind, completely alone

He calmly and purposefully took control of the situation and delivered the man from his life of torment

Jesus told the man to go home and tell everyone what had happened

The man gratefully followed Jesus' instructions

When you think of everything that God has done for you, what other response is there but to follow him?

A greateful heart is the best, infectious witness to the goodness and power of God


2015-06-21 - Your Smallness

It's the voice of a god, not of a man - Acts 12:22

It is easy to recoginze a man who does not realize his own smallness

He is one of with an air of self-sufficiency and self-satisfaction

Herod was known for his terrible treatment of his subjects and his uncontrolled egotism (a quality that cost him everything)

When a delegation of men from Tyre and Sidon, they stroked Herod's ego and he accepted their adulation

That day, Herod usurped the worship that God reserved for himself; Herod's life ended that day

2015-07-18 - Don't Panic

Paul urged everyone to eat; you have not touched food for two weeks - Acts 27:33

When problems arise and overwhlm us, are we tempted to "fly off the handle" or panic?

A vicious storm slammed Paul's boat and conviced even seanoned sailors they were going to die

Paul had been through enough in his life of faith to know God would allow him to complete his appoined mission without dying.

God promised not a hair on their head will perish during the trip

We can find peace knowing nothing happens to us unless our heavenly Father allows it

Our situations may not be easy or fun but God still remains in control

2015-08-10 - True Leader

An elder... an honorable position - 1 Timiothy 3:1

Timothy faced the daunting responsibility of picking the right leaders for his congregation

Paul instructed Timothy to look for leaders with:

  • Good personal lives
  • Exemplary family lives
  • Self-control
  • Wisdom
  • Gentleness

Timothy understood that God had called all believers to live by a higher standard than the world around them

Being a church leader means consistently demonstrating the kind of character worthy of being emulated

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