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2008-02-27 - Power of Gratitude - Free at Last

MLK - as bad as slavery was - there a slavery that last for eternity

2 Corinthians 5:21 - Jesus might become sin for us

As existence of righteousness does not ensure we receive it

Satan tries everything to help us miss this opportunity

Jews after saw their failures in the past - created many regulations so they would not sin

  • Not the content of their character
  • Basis of conformity to rules
  • Majored in the minors and minored in the majors

Religion that is performance based is doomed

  • what must we do to please God
  • Condemn others outwardly
  • Condemn ourselves inwardly
  • Everything becomes a matter of right and wrong
  • Hearts focused if we have done enough and have done it right
1 Corinthians 15:10 - I worked harder than all of them - yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me
Romans 7-8 - Focus is not on themselves but on him who died for them; Because they are saved
James 1:23-25 - Law points out their sin clearly / making them feel more indebted to God

Motivation to last a lifetime - Our love responding to his grace

Other motivations:
  • Fear - only for a while
  • Christian fellowship - until other's disappointments and failures
  • Ambition - until our disappointments and failures
NOT: Measure up and I will accept you
YES: I'll accept you, now let's walk together in my strength

2008-02-29 - Power of Gratitude - Bon Appetit
Satan works to both deceive us and accuse us - People tend to have a deceived or an accused conscience

Too many of us seem to think that God turns away from us when we are doing bad and turns back when we repent
Fathers are much more engaged when their kids are not doing well

God ran to the Lost Son - Luke 15
Gave his only Son when we were not doing well - John 3:16-17
Christ died for the ungodly - Romans 5:6-11

At the point the mind changes - our conscience should be cleared
Sin is serious - that is what the cross is all about
Feel the burden of sin long enough to be convicted and move to repentence

2008-03-25 - Be Still My Soul - Personal
Moses enjoyed a relationship with God that few have ever known
He was face to face - It was because Moses wanted that way

When Moses was heading to the promised land God said he would not go with him - Exodus 33:2
Moses was appalled, recoils in horror
It was not enough to be forgiven
It was not enough to be successful

Moses wanted to know more of God - Now show me your glory (Exodus 33:18)

How would I react? Would I be fine with the promised land without God?
We can sing, strive to be committed, give money, work hard to share our faith, and even pray
Must be more focused on closeness to God more than on the success of our ministry

2 Corinthians 3 - in Jesus we can have a greater relationship with God than what Moses had the opportunity to have

2008-05-09 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Money - Root of All Evil?, part 1
Bible warns the love of money
Love of Money can lead to: greed, envy, jealousy, stealing, and ingratitude

For some of us, materialism/people who have money = people who have more money than we have

Ecclesiastes 5:10-12 - Whoever loves money never has enough
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 - God gives man wealth and possession and enables him to enjoy them

Issue not if we have money, but how we view it, obtain it, and use it
God uses America churches to fund missions - not based on the level of relationship with God

2008-05-24 - Purpose Driven Life - What Drives Your Life?

What shouldn't drive our life (will miss God's purposes for your life):

People are driven by guilt

Allows the past to control their future
God's purpose is not limited to our past

God turned a murder (Moses and Paul) into a leader and a coward into a hero

God specializes in giving people a fresh start

People are driven by resentment and anger - Resentment always hurts you more than it does the other person

People are driven by fear - from unrealistic expectations and high-control situations

People are driven by materialism - Your value is not determined by your valuables

People are driven by the need for approval - those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it

Living a purpose driven life, knowing your purpose:

  1. Gives meaning to your life
    • I have laboed to no purpose - Isaiah 49:4
    • My life drags by - day after hopeless day - Job 7:6
    • My life makes no sense - Job 7:16
  2. Simplies your life
    • You have just enough time to do God's will - too much to do means you doing things you shouldn't be doing
  3. Focuses your life
  4. Motivates your life
  5. Prepares you for eternity

2008-05-29 - Purpose Driven Life - Planned for God's Pleasure
You are planned for God's pleasure
He chose to create you for his enjoyment
Bringing enjoyment to God is the first purpose in life
He considers valuable enough to keep you for eternity with him

Bringing pleasure to God is called worship
Anything you do that brings pleasure to God is an act of worship to God
Worship is a universal urge - if not worshiping God, it will be something
Worship is not for your benefit, not "I got a lot out of it"

Worship is far more than music
Worship music is not limited to a particular style of music - nothing to do with volume or speed of the song
Style of the music says more about you than it does God

Worship is not a part of your life, it is your life
Every activity can be transformed into an act of worship
Whether you drink or eat or whatever... do it all for the glory of God- 1 Corinthians 10:31

2008-06-12 - Purpose Driven Life - Cultivating Community
Community requires commitment
Only the Holy Spirit can create real fellowship between believers
Cultivating community takes...
Silent when someone sins - not loving thing to do
Means caring enough to lovingly confront - Proverbs 24:26
A group will remain superficial because they are afraid to conflict
It is where gossip thrives
Corinth church was allowing sexual immorality because no one had the courage to say anything.
Pride builds walls between; humility builds bridges
Being prideful is living in opposition to God - 1 Peter 5:5
Develop humility by: admitting weakness, being patient with other's weakness, being open to correction, pointing the spotlight on others
Nothing to do with compatibility
Basis of our fellowship is our relationship to God - We are family
Does not mean keeping silent about sin
Means - stays within the group - Proverbs 16:28
You need to spend time - make it a habit - Hebrew 10:25
Community is not built on convenience - "Let's get together sometime"

2008-07-21 - 30 Days at the Cross - Unconditional Love

Feels good to feel loved - insecurities come from not being sure or for some reason other than unconditional love

In our worst shape, God demonstrated his love for us - Romans 5:8
Love that surpasses knowledge - Ephesians 3:19
The is not of higher value than unconditional love
Not a testimony to God's softness on sin
We will be changed if we understand God's love

Love you enough to have his son killed for you - while you (and me) were enemies of God
How much is his love toward you now that you his child?
Be imitators of God, as dearly loved children and live a life of love - Ephesians 5:1-2

If God loves us this much, we should as love this way - 1 John 4:11
Do you only love God when perform as you think he should? He doesn't!

Paul - Christ came to save sinners and I am the worst - 1 Timothy 1:15


2008-07-27 - 30 Days at the Cross - Who Gets the Credit?

How quick human nature is to accept credit for certain accomplishments
God made us and enables us to do everything
What do you have that you did not receive? - 1 Corinthians 4:7

I will not boast about myself, except my weaknesses (Paul) - 2 Corinthians 12:5

Why boast about our weaknesses?

  • The cross affrirms our worth
  • Frees us from performing
  • So that Christ's power may rest on us - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Who would want the power of God?

A person that truly boasts in the cross does not:

  • Pull away when not feeling appreciate enough
  • Rely on recongnition of other to stay faithful
  • Takes correction without prove their ways
  • Prove thry already know something
  • Project an image of self-worth
  • Have a competive spirit

Jesus could keep a full record of your credits and debts - but do you want that? sin and all?
All credit should go to Jesus

Are you trying to earn your salvation
Boast in your weaknesses. Live in the power of God.

2008-08-12 - 30 Days at the Cross - Mistreatment but Not Misery
No way to be righteous enough, wise enough, or loving enough to avoid persecution
The world can not hate you, it hates Jesus - John 7:7

We never see a hint of retaliation, bitterness, or self-pity
When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate - 1 Peter 2:22-23
On the cross: heaped insults (Matthew 27:44) and he is asked God to forgive them - Luke 23:34

How did he get through the cruel and vicious attacks with such grace?
  • He entrusted himself to him who judges - 1 Peter 2:23
  • Kept his focus on the joy that would be his - Hebrews 12:2

2008-08-27 - Teach Us To Pray - Savior and Redeemer

The Cross is enough, then, now, and always

Hebrews 7:25-27

  • He is able to completely save
    • Never too short
    • Never too weak
    • Never worn out
  • He always lives - Prepared to recuse me until the day I die
  • Once for all - One death sufficient for all my sins, for all time

God wants his children to be abolutely confident that we can draw near to him with freedom and assurance

Without seeing the cross, David understood his Savior and Redeemer - Psalms 69:13


2008-09-28 - Man of Prayer - Strategy
In context, the disciples probably spent quite of bit of time and energy in prayer
After spending time with Jesus,  they felt challenged by Jesus' prayers

Jesus was always praying:
  • Before dawn - Mark 1:35
  • Sometimes all night - Luke 6:12
  • He remained to pray - Matthew 14:23

One day, the disciples had enough: Teach Us to Prayer - Luke 11:1

2008-10-26 - Man of Prayer - Principles of Provision

It is important to understand certain principles apply to receiving our daily bread
If we meet God's conditions, we can have confidence that He will provide

  1. Need  to have a proper relationship with God - Become a Christian
  2. Fellowship with Christ - authentic spiritual communion with Christ
  3. Obedience and faithfulness to God's commands

Haggai 1 - we need to consider our ways

  • Planted much, but harvested little
  • Eat, but never have enough
  • Drink, but still thirsty
  • Put clothes on, but never warn
  • Earn wages only to put them in a purse with holes in it

Because of there repentance, they were rewarded:

  • I am with you - Haggai 1:13
  • I will bless you - Haggai 2:19
  • I will provide for you - Haggai 2:15-19


2008-12-31 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 1)
Only proper foundation is their relationship with God
Develops confidence without cockiness

Stress a relationship with God
Focus on character - Tell your children over and over again that heart and attitude matter to God

Applaud effort than ability
Two of three men were successful because of their efforts not their ability - Matthew 25

Enough openness
  • Because of failure, they can hide things from you or even themselves
  • Ask them if they anything on their mind
  • Work through things until they are confident
  • Share some of our worse blunders - draws them closer and assures them that they are not alone
Encourage achievement
Search out your kids strengths - everyone has at least some
It is your job to help children discover and succeed in those things

2009-01-02 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 3)
Teach them to appreciate and applaud the efforts and achievements of others

  • Children who learn to admire and encourage other will be confident
  • They will be strong enough to give credit where credit is due
  • Teach your kids to give their best and never blame anyone when they lose
  • Teach them to be like Jonathan - could have been jealous of David but became his best friend - 1 Samuel 18
  • John the Baptist became lesser so Jesus could become greater - John 3:30

Be basically encouraging
Be your children's biggest fan
If you are fundamentally positive - when you give correction it will be received with thankfulness rather than discouragement
Some say - 5 compliments to overcome one criticism
Human nature flourishes on a diet of praise

2009-01-09 - Raising Awesome Kids - Childrens Quiet Times
Having their own quiet times is the best way for them to know God and enjoy him personally - develops their own faith

Younger years (preschool and early elementary) - sit down with them a couple of mornings a week

Later elementary - they can begin to have them on their own - 10 minutes a session
Create a structure for them
Write down what they learn
ACTS like prayers
Older - direct them toward Proverbs, Psalms, and the Gospels - always keep up with how it is going

Pushing them too quickly = overwhelmed kids
Not challenging them enough = leave a vacuum for them to be filled by the world

Pray for wisdom, get wise counsel, and trust God will guide you

2009-01-13 - Raising Awesome Kids - Openness

Instead, speak the truth in love - Ephesians 4:15

An open family is a close family
No simmering backlog of unresolved problems - children should free to speak their minds at any time

Children should believe that we care enough to give them our full attention; will not fly off the handle
This establishes an open door policy with them

Openness is not limited to parents and children - includes the children with one another
Never allow conflict between kids to go unsettled
Send them off to talk about it - Mediate if needed

King Saul - filled with jealousy and envy and held in his feelings
His patteren was to think one thing and say something else - 1 Samuel 18
Resulting in complete emotional and spiritual breakdown

Parent should be concerned for a child that holds everything in
Have open talks during your family devotional times
Establish an atmosphere of freedom and openness

2009-01-19 - Jesus with People - Through the Roof

When the paralyzed man came down through the roof - damaged the house of Peter and Andrew - how would you respond?

Jesus demonstrated his love for people in the way he deals with the crowds

Everywhere he went, Jesus drew a crowd
He spoke with authority, conviction because he deeply cared about people

We need to care enough to gather a crowd - People need to be our focus
They need to be in our homes, in our Saturday plans, and focus of our lunch hour

Jesus with the Religious
Their slavery to legalistic minutiae angered him - Matthew 23:23-24
Their stubborn hearts distressed him - Mark 3:1-5
Jesus desire was for them to be saved

Jesus with the Faithful
Jesus gets the greatest joy from interacting with people who believe
Centurion - the faith he was looking for - Luke 18:8
What fires Jesus up? Faith

If we follow Jesus, the smallest seed of faith that we see in others should encourage and excite us.

Who big is your crowd?
Do you see the faith of others?
Is Jesus amazed by your faith or your lack of it?

2009-02-11 - Jesus with People - Heart Determined to Love
Jesus' strongest and clearest denunciation of the Pharisees came in Matthew 23
  • Was it because his frustration level reached his limit?
  • Was it because he finally had enough?
  • Was it because he was going to have the last word before they killed him?
  • Was it because he had justification for all things them did to him?
No, he was not trying to win an argument or put them in their place
His last and strongest words were spoken to wake them up
He was trying to open their hearts and win them over to God

2009-03-04 - Promises of God - Forgiving Others

By the time we are old enough to understand, we have hurt and been hurt so many times - we need forgiveness and so do others
We can become resentful and bitter - only way out the vicious cycle is to learn how to forgive

The definition of a dysfunctional relationship: the inability to solve conflict and forgive

Hugh obstacle: We can not truely forgive until we have experienced forgiveness
Once we are forgiven by God can we forgive as God does

Once we are forgiven, we are obligated to forgive others - Matthew 18
Forgving others as in Christ God forgave you - Ephesians 4:32

Our sins against each other pale in comparison to our sins against God

2009-04-01 - Promises of God - No Disappointment
No one will be disappointed in heaven
No mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him - 1 Corinthians 2:9

Not even the most creative can envision
No analogy can really do it justice
No metaphor for it will ever be good enough

Boredom will be as absent in heaven as sorrow, pain, and tears

Jesus said he came to give us life to the full - John 10:10
Started hear on earth in his kingdom on earth

It will be a blast, a feast
It will never end

Our new birth brings us into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade - kept in heaven - 1 Peter 1:4

2009-08-28 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 2)
Every man knows there is something wrong, but can not figure out what it is
Man’s deepest fear is being found out – discovered as a impostor and not really a man
Every man feels that the world is asking him to be something he doubts very much he has it in him to be

How do you see yourself as a man?
Are words like: strong, passionate and dangerous word you would choose?
Do you have the courage to ask those in your life what they think of you as a man?

Manly to – hunt, fix cars, survive in the wild

Why don’t men play the man?
Why don’t they offer their strength to a world that needs it?
  • We doubt very much that we have and real strength to offer
  •  If we did offer what we have it wouldn’t be good enough

2009-08-31 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 5)
We pick battles that are easily won, rescue only the beauties we are sure to rescue

Strength gone bad

Violent men and passive men - Cain kills Abel
Men say the most awful things to their wives or they kill them with their silence
Type-A personalities – casualties tend to be the family

Abraham - Always hiding behind his wife’s skirt - tells Pharaoh that Sarah is his sister
Isaac does Rebecca the same way - he is a coward

What if I offer her all I have as a man it’s not enough?

2009-10-03 - One Another - Responsibility for one another
Two extremes:
  1. Mind your own business - can gravitate to this view because of our own conform
  • Can become busybodies instead - 2 Thessalonians 3:11
  • Can become lazy - 1 Timothy 5:13
  • Offering guidance, instructions, cautions, warnings, or sometimes stronger - all part of being faithful in our relationships
  1. Judge not and you will not be judged
  • Jesus is condemning self-righteous judging
  • For those unwilling to examine the issue in their own lives
  • Must care enough about each other to help each other to grow

2009-10-16 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 2)
Cycle of a man is that he goes away from a woman to yet return to her after finding strength

Most men want the maiden without any sort of cost to themselves
Nature of pornography - Uses her to get a feeling that he a man (false)
Strength then came from an outside source rather than deep within

Self-center man angers the Lord - Genesis 38:7-10
What happens when we refuse to spend their strength on a women - Genesis 38:25-26

Pretty women endure abuse this abuse all the time
They learn to offer their bodies but never their souls
Many men marry for safety

Why don’t men offer what they have to their women?
  • We know in our guts that it won’t be good enough
  • No matter how much you pour into her she will never be filled
What happens?
  • Refuse to give what they have
  • Keep pouring and pouring until we feel like a failure

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