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2008-07-24 - 30 Days at the Cross - Freedom of Forgiveness
True forgiveness - made possible by God

Jesus forgave when it was most difficult by:

Facing the truth

Jesus didn't expect life to be fair
He expected God to be fair
He accepted everything from God without question (in the end)
Judas only received kindness from Jesus
Taught forgiving your brother should be limitless - Luke 17:1-5

Feeling the pain

Jesus was totally honest with his feeling both God and man
Greatest test was at the garden of Gethsemane

Freeing his heart

He trusted his Father and focused on him rather than on his own pain
He yielded to God's sense of justice in the most unjust situation

1 Peter 2:23
  • He made no treats
  • He did not retaliate
We must follow Jesus example:
  • He honest and call sin, sin
  • Allow ourselves to feel the pain - fear or anger
  • Surrender to God or be bitter, resent, or even apathy

2008-08-09 - 30 Days at the Cross - If the King is a Servant
What Jesus rightly deserved and what he received while here on earth were quite different
Jesus didn't resent or resist his role
He had a desire and compassion to help others

Greatest of humility and suffering for him to subject himself to the cruelest of deaths - Philippians 2:8

People who have a major impact are the ones who serve
Nothing moves the human heart more than someone who puts the needs of another above his own need
It is a rare and precious expression of love

Jesus has called you and me to be like him and take on his attitude toward serving others

Jesus' serving was not limited to his friends (but also his enemies)
His people will do the simple acts of service for the "least" among us

Easier to serve someone on a schedule; more difficult if unexpected or interrupting my schedule

2008-08-10 - 30 Days at the Cross - Surprise of Serving
Two types of serving: Hired and Bond (no rights nor wages)
Bond servants included: thieves, unable to make restitution, and the poor
Jesus willfully and purposefully became a bond servant - Phillippians 2

Character changes need to be made and preceded by suffering:
  • sleeping less
  • take on more responsibility
  • look less toward my own needs and interests
  • more humble toward others
True greatness is determined by the degree to which we become a bondservant (Mark 10:35-44)

Are you know as a servant?
Will others quickly turn to you in their time of need?

2008-08-18 - 30 Days at the Cross - Turning the Tables

Jesus came to turn the tables on Satan
He came to deal with the greatest of all questions and fears - death

  • He spoke about it in great length - John 5:21-30
  • He claimed to be the only solution for death - John 6:53-57
  • He raised the dead - John 11
  • He believed his death would bring others life - John 12:23-25

When he died, almost everyone thought evil won

Satan pulled out all the stops.
Jesus was in his deadly sights at all times - waiting for a bad day

7 moves to turn the tables:

  1. Pray - he is listening - Hebrews 5:7
  2. Read - he is speaking - Luke 4:1-13
  3. Believe - he is able - Hebrews 2:18
  4. Trust - he is willing - Hebrews 4:15
  5. Fight - he knows what you can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  6. Seek - he has provided a way out - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  7. Find - he gives grace in time of need - Hebrews 4:16
Jesus death turned the tables on Satan

2008-09-07 - Teach Us To Pray - Honesty and Openness
Honest communication is crucial element to any great relationship: God, spouse, children.

Consider how ludicrous it is to not be real with God:
  • He knows what is in our hearts
  • He knows what we are really seeking
  • He knows what we need
Only honesty with God makes sense!

  • He questioned the wisdom of God's choice
  • Argued his lack of eloquence
  • Says he does not want the responsibility
  • He is honest - he gives God something to work with - Exodus 4:13
David - example of his Psalms:
  • Why do you hide yourself in trouble? - Psalms 10:1-2 - logically does not make sense but this is where David was
  • Later, he works it out in prayer (v17) - LORD, you have heard the request of the oppressed; you make them feel secure because you listen to their prayer.

It is in our openness that we hear our faithlessness and can turn away from it.

God wants a relationship with you
He wants to know our longings, aspirations, problems, anxieties, doubts, and even our sin

2008-09-08 - Teach Us To Pray - Reasoning with God

Reasoning with God in prayer is an expression of great faith
The Canaanite woman was one of two times Jesus said someone had "great faith" - Matthew 15:21-28

Persistent widow reasoned with the unjust judge - Luke 18:1-8

We cannot change the eternal purposes of God but we can change his mind on how his purposes will be accomplished

Abraham was a man who reasoned with God - his Son being sacrificed - Genesis 18:23-33

Moses was too - God decided to destroy the disobedient Israelites and start a new nation
Moses gave specifc reasons for not destroying them and God heard him and changed his mind
He prayed with great humility - Numbers 12:3

True humility is the key to the prayer of reason - not telling God what to do
Expressing our outlook and giving reasons to back up our thinking

2008-09-14 - Teach Us To Pray - Our Daily Bread
Many of us have little concern about having food
Other things can distract us like: finding a job, paying off debt, development of our children
Satan schemes to blind us God

Worry definition:
  1. to torment oneself
  2. to fret
  3. uneasiness or anxiety
What daily worries plague me?
If the enemy can get us to be preoccupied, it destroys our effectiveness as disciples

He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom - Isaiah 40:28-31
Our Father is the God of the universe; nothing is too great for him

2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-09-25 - Teach Us To Pray - Warriors Who Change the World

The basic difference between an ordinary man and a warrior is that a warrior takes everything as a challenge and and ordinary man takes everything either as a blessing or a curse!

Prayer is the difference between being spiritually dynamic and spiritually dead; between being victorious over Satan and being victimized by him

Three wasy to pray that makes a powerful difference:

Pray according to God's purpose
God wants us to pray about things that mean the most to him

Pray in Praise of God
Our God stands in greatness before us and how we pray is as important as what we pray
When we pray in praise to God, he always makes a difference in our lives

Pray for the Passion to Produce
He is Lord of the Harvest and it is also God's will that there be a harvest - Matthew 9:38

We must understand how important prayer is in the eyes of God

2008-10-01 - Man of Prayer - Father (part 2)

Addressing God as the Father seems pretty normal - not the case in Jesus' day

Sometimes David prayed:

  • O God
  • O Lord
  • O my God
  • O my Lord

...but nowhere will you find David addressing the living god as "Father"
Gabriel was sent to respond personally to Daniel's great prayer in Daniel 9 - yet he did not address God as Father

Patriarchs, the prophets, and the priests of Israel were all men of prayer - never addressed their prayers to God as "Father"
Jesus gave believers the right to become children of God

We begin our time in prayer with a father-child relationship

2008-10-05 - Man of Prayer - Name
In Jesus' day, a person's name reflected one's character
God had powerful encounters with an individual, he would change the person's name with the change in them

Halllow mean to treat with great reverence
Focusing our thoughts helps lead to a response of worship

Many focus on telling God their needs, need to focus on God
Seek first his kingdom - Matthew 6:33

In interpersonal communication, remember a person's name is very important
Moses asked God, "Who shall I say sent me?"
God answered, "Tell them I AM has sent you"

YHWH (Yahweh) is the proper name of the living God
God is the God who is, who causes to be, and who will be who He will be
Thinking about God in this way gets my focus on Him

2008-10-08 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-shamma

God is "the Lord who is present"
Shekinah is the Hebrew word meaning 'residence'

He has a great desire to dwell in the lives of believers:

  • Bodies have become the temple of the living God - 1 Corinthians 3:16
  • Jesus is our Immanuel - God with us
  • He promises that He is always with us - Matthew 28:20
  • He will never forsake us - Hebrews 13:5


2008-10-19 - Man of Prayer - Praying for our family

There is no greater privilege and responsibility than to pray for our spouse and children
It boggles the imagination to see how the quality of our family life can be affected by exercise this privilege

Powerful spiritual forces of evil try to undermine God's foundational institutions like the family

Bible clearly teaches that our struggle come from the spiritual forces outside conscious perception - Ephesians 6:12
Praying sometimes make things worst (at the beginning) because Satan is on the attack

Each of us need to realize that how we pray for our spouse is limited only by our creativity
If you want the kind of relationship that God intended you to have with your wife, prayer will be a major factor in seeing that desire realized

When we have been faithful in praying for my children, we have a great sense of peace about their lives
Christian dads have a tremendous privilege and a straggering responsibilty to pray their children

2008-10-20 - Man of Prayer - Praying for the church leaders
Should pray for the influence and empowerment of the leadership in the church (full-time staff and elders)

They are the primary targets in the spiritual war
If Satan can effectively compromise the the leadership in the church, he may keep believers from being effective

The more a leader brings to the truth of God to the church, the more problems surface
Actually creates greater demand on the staff - pray for refreshment and protection

Pray for leaders to experience:
  • protection
  • fruitfulness
  • effectiveness
  • faithfulness
Don't forget to pray for their families also, since they usually a prime target for Satan too

2008-11-07 - Man of Prayer - Deliverance from evil

Literally - Deliverance from the evil or the evil one - Matthew 6:13

First law of spiritual warfare - Satan hates you and has a diabolical plan for your life

Jesus has given us the authority in prayer for overcoming the schemes and attacks

One of the greatest privileges and responcablities we have

2008-11-15 - Man of Prayer - Miracle List

It is helpful to keep a separate list of needs for times of pure intercession:

  • Ministry
  • Neighbors
  • Family
  • Special Needs

Also good to have a "miracle list"

God can do anything - nothing is impossible - Luke 1:37

During difficult times, God extended a seeming impossible invitation:
Jerusalem was under attack from the Babylonians and the city was destroyed

Call to me and I will answer with great and unsearchable things  - Jeremiah 33:3
God promised healing,  forgiveness, and cleansing to Israel - Jeremiah 33:6-9

He can do immeasurably more than what we can ask - Ephesians 3:20

We know God can do anything; we just don't know if he will do them


2008-11-17 - Raising Awesome Kids - First Things First (part 2)
When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is:
Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength - Mark 12:30

Committed to God vs committed to a person
Deeply loves God vs being religious

  • Such a life is attractive
  • They will want to be like you
  • Will see something inside is real
  • Will see the difference

Were we one time zealous - before we got married and had kids?
Where am I today?

Have I allowed "life's worries, riches, and pleasures" to choke my relationship with God? - Mark 4:19


2008-11-18 - Raising Awesome Kids - Second Thing Second
Assuming God is first, who is next on our list? Our spouse

Devotion to our lifetime companion must be the greatest earthly love of all

Kids are our flesh and blood, but we are one flesh with our spouse

Some make up for the affection by pouring all their love into their children
Makes them arrogant and/or insecure
Bag the excuses, example: too busy, take an honest look at your marriage

Little eyes and ears are fine-tuned to our frequency and they know

They love it when we love each other - it gives them a sense of peace, happiness, and security

Much of the anger and rebellion issues in kids can be traced back to marriage problem

2008-11-25 - Raising Awesome Kids - Model of Masculinity
In the image of God he created male and female - Genesis 1:27
Kids are extremely aware of the difference

World is so mixed up - men want to be women; women wanting to be men
Unnatural relations - Romans 1:24-27

The answer - the real thing will outshine the twisted

Homosexuality is not natural
No young boy was made that way by God

A great relationship with a strong, affectionate father reduces to virtually zero
Mama's boy or sissy:
  • Don't reject him
  • Don't ridicule him
  • Teach him to relate confidently to other boys
  • Teach him sports and manly skills
Daughters need a strong, affectionate father - gives her security
Needs sense of approval

If you are kind, strong and have a close relationship with your daughter, she will want to marry someone like you

2008-11-27 - Raising Awesome Kids - Compassion and Caring
God cares! Nothing too great or too small can escape his notice
We also some be available to meet the needs of our family

Otherwise, because they have given up trying to reach us, they will have no desire to talk to us anymore
"Why can't I reach my kids?" - we weren't there when they reached for us

God hurts for us and with us
He looks for and has compassion for us - Luke 15:20

We need forgiveness and we need to grant it

Our children are.... children
Expect a lot, let them be kids - God is patient with us

2008-11-28 - Raising Awesome Kids - Encouragement and Inspiration
Fathers deals with his children with encouragement, comforting, and urgency of lives worthy of God - 1 Thessalonians 2:11-12

Life is hard, especially for kids - easy to lose heart
There is a immense power in a father's encouragement

Young Timothy -
  • Lacked confidence - 2 Timothy 1:8
  • Could lose motivation - 2 Timothy 1:6-7
  • Got ill frequently - 1 Timothy 5:23
  • Tended to be lazy - 1 Timothy 4:13-15
  • Need someone to believe in him
Paul became his "father in the faith" - 1 Corinthians 4:17
By his encouragement, Timothy became the dynamic leader of the huge and powerful Ephesus church

It is our jobs as fathers to assess our children's talents and gift and help them to excel in them
Be a great inspirer and encourager of your children
Let it be you who thinks they are great and who picks them up when they fall

2008-12-19 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 1)

vWhat are we to do when our children disobey us?

  1. Verbal correction or reprimand
  2. One-warning rule - if your instructions are not followed, give one verbal warning
  3. Immediate Correction - the closer to the time of the offense, the more effective the action; delays also creates a tense, fearful atomsphere
  4. Temporary Isolation

Great with kids who love to be in the middle of the action
Don't let them ruining everyone else's fun

One way they learn to gain control over us - let them have their way
We are going to have a great time - they will realize that no one is mourning their loss

2008-12-25 - Raising Awesome Kids - Gods Training Plan (part 3)

These commandments... are to be upon your hearts (v. 6)

Should train from the heart level
in their minds and on their minds - Hebrews 10:16

Impress them on your children (v. 7)

Training with the Scriptures must be done with great conviction, sincerity and earnestness
If you want it to stick, you will need to give all you have

Talk about them always (v. 7)

Train consistantly - everywhere, anytime, anyplace

About teaching our children how to live life - not nagging about their misdeeds

Make it fun, doable, effective

Most training should be spontaneous

Never underestimate how many times we will have to say the same things over and over again

2008-12-29 - Raising Awesome Kids - Nurturing Confidence (part 2)
Athletic prowess

Very quickly, kids notice who is faster, stronger and more coorinated
It is important for children to develop physically but they must not judge the worth of themselves

Intelligence - good grades are of valuable but we must appreciate great effort even more

Material possessions - man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions - Luke 12:15

2009-01-02 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 3)
Teach them to appreciate and applaud the efforts and achievements of others

  • Children who learn to admire and encourage other will be confident
  • They will be strong enough to give credit where credit is due
  • Teach your kids to give their best and never blame anyone when they lose
  • Teach them to be like Jonathan - could have been jealous of David but became his best friend - 1 Samuel 18
  • John the Baptist became lesser so Jesus could become greater - John 3:30

Be basically encouraging
Be your children's biggest fan
If you are fundamentally positive - when you give correction it will be received with thankfulness rather than discouragement
Some say - 5 compliments to overcome one criticism
Human nature flourishes on a diet of praise

2009-01-04 - Raising Awesome Kids - Prayer
We should pray for our children continually
To protect them, guide them, save them, and one day take them to heaven

Paul - Prayed day and night to Timothy - 2 Timothy 1:3
Most powerful weapon available in their spiritual defense and offense

We must pray with our children as well
Regular times such as bedtime and mealtime to start
Praying while going to place like church are also helpful
In times of difficulty and great challenge - we can do nothing without his blessing

What if they do not want to pray?
Talk about how God wants to be close to them
Do not do other activities are bedtime either, too tired for prayer than to tired for _______

2009-01-15 - Raising Awesome Kids - Atmosphere (part 1)

Overall tone of a home
For a family to be close, the atmosphere must be great

What do we need to do to make the atomsphere great?

Basic attitude of being positive and joyful
God is with us, life is great, and no matter what happens, we're going to come out ahead

As leaders of the family, parents must set the tine
Don't let a sour, negative child ruin the atmosphere

2009-01-17 - Jesus with People - Humility in Action
Jesus and John the Baptizer were very different - ie one preached in the desert and one in the cities and villages

John called the people not to focus on him but the one who was coming
Jesus came to be baptized by John - Matthew 3:11
John responds - I need to be baptized by you
John submits to Jesus' submission and baptizes Jesus

Satan hated it - they kept humbling themselves before one another - the bond of unity grew tighter and tighter
This humility continued through out their lives  - John: He must become greater; I must become less - John 3:27-30
Jesus did not grasp his equality with God - Philippians 2:6

Humility kept them bonded together, even when Satan was working to divide
Pride: Keeps people from being united
Humility: Bring people together

When unity does not exist among believers: People are not willing to pay the price
Pride means too much to them

What relationship do you have that would be greatly changed if you show humility and not pride?

2009-01-18 - Jesus with People - Grateful Son
Mary and Jesus - no greater pain than for parent to bury a child and live with that memory

Jesus stops the process of redeeming humanity to focus on one final moment with him mom
All excuses for neglecting our families die with Jesus - spends final moment and thinking how to provide for her

Jesus submitted himself to being human - learned the lesson to honor your mother - Exodus 20:12

4x in  the gospels - Jesus relates to Mary:
  1. He obeyed her - Luke 2:51
  2. He allowed her to influence him when he performed his first miracle - John 2:1-11
  3. He did not allow his devotion to Mary make him sentimental - Mark 3:20-35
  4. Protected and provided for her needs as he died on the cross
He was not too "spiritual" that he neglected the needs of others

Busy disciples - often neglect the needs our immediate family?
Husbands - too busy to listen to our wives?
Parents - too busy to invest in our relationship with our children?

When we neglect to provide for our relative - we deny the faith - 1 Timothy 5:7-8
Jesus won Mary's soul with a relationship

2009-01-19 - Jesus with People - Through the Roof

When the paralyzed man came down through the roof - damaged the house of Peter and Andrew - how would you respond?

Jesus demonstrated his love for people in the way he deals with the crowds

Everywhere he went, Jesus drew a crowd
He spoke with authority, conviction because he deeply cared about people

We need to care enough to gather a crowd - People need to be our focus
They need to be in our homes, in our Saturday plans, and focus of our lunch hour

Jesus with the Religious
Their slavery to legalistic minutiae angered him - Matthew 23:23-24
Their stubborn hearts distressed him - Mark 3:1-5
Jesus desire was for them to be saved

Jesus with the Faithful
Jesus gets the greatest joy from interacting with people who believe
Centurion - the faith he was looking for - Luke 18:8
What fires Jesus up? Faith

If we follow Jesus, the smallest seed of faith that we see in others should encourage and excite us.

Who big is your crowd?
Do you see the faith of others?
Is Jesus amazed by your faith or your lack of it?

2009-01-23 - Jesus with People - Touching the Untouchable

Jesus had compassion and healed the man with leprosy - Luke 5:12-18
Jesus is filled with compassion - Mark 1:41

Jesus was different:

  • He hurt for those whose lives were devastated by illness
  • He went to great lengths to be with them
  • Helped and encouraged them
  • Made himself available to them and spent many hours with them - Mark 1:32-34

What Jesus did we can also do (beside healing):

  • Include those who are sick when you can
  • Find ways to serve
  • Help and encourage

Society shrinks back - hospitals are not our favorite place
Jesus reached out his hand and touched
The sick need real involvement in their lives

Somehow, we think that the person is responsible for his or her condition
In some cases yes, but we can not oversimplify God's working in our world

Job "friends" did not understand what God was doing
How unsearchale his judgement and his paths beyond tracing out - Romans 11:33

How can I imitate Jesus by "reaching out" in compassion to the sick?

2009-01-30 - Jesus with People - Greatest in th Kingdom
I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom  of heaven - Matthew 18:1-4

Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost - Matthew 18:12-14

We need to become like children in a very specific way
Our human nature wants to be first and to have control
Matthew 18 were driven by the same desire - they asked Jesus "Who is the greatest?"
When become like little children, we become like Jesus

Paraphrase - Because of your power-hungry pride you guys are not even in the kingdom of God, and nothing will change this fact unless you start imitating this child

After Jesus' sacrifice, all his teachings made sense
Having a child's humility is impossible until we understand the cross
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends - John 15:13

Must see other brothers and sisters in Christ as God's little spiritual children who must be cared for
God's heart is that not a single person be lost
Do we feel the personal responsibility for others?

Who do you know who is struggling spiritually? What can you do to help them?

2009-02-24 - Jesus with People - Walking with Jesus

We must respond to Jesus' pursuit of us with our pursuit of him

Even with the testimony of woman, the disciples doubted

When Jesus stood in front of them, they thought he was a ghost - What hid their understanding?
Their inexperience of living by faith - Luke 9:45

Jesus was dead, yet lived afain
He defied science and human understanding

How long was your Emmaus road?
What is the greatest challenge to your faith at the moment?

2009-03-01 - Promises of God - Practical and Powerful Promises

Since the promises of God can relied on, it can have powerful affect on how we view life and how we live it

Psalms 119 - Shows us the relationship of God to spiritual life

Psalms 119:50 - God's promises enable him to press on and not give into dispair
Pain may be great - but the promise of God looms larger.

Psalms 119:140 - Again and again he has relied on God's promises and has come to value them

Psalms 119:148 - Deep conviction about focusing on the promises, keep him up
Will do whatever it takes to fill his mind with the promises

Psalms 119:154 - When he is threatened and in danger, remind the Lord of his promises

Psalms 119:162 - Promises of God is a treasure to him

2009-03-07 - Promises of God - Lord of the Unexpected

One of our greatest test of faith comes when we face the unexpected

We forget Psalms 91 - His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart

We often rely on our own understanding of situations and then ask God what we think we need

It is important to let God give us the answer since he knows what is best for us
Like children, we do not always know what we need

This trouble you're in is not punishment, it's training, the normal experience of children - Hebrews 12:17


2009-03-10 - Promises of God - God is Merciful
God is merciful - Deuteronomy 4:29-31

Even when you have sinned greatly and even when you think - This time I have really blown it
God promises if from there you seek him, even from a deep dark hole of shame, disappointment and failure - you will find him
Must be with all of your heart

We are not the best judge for our own repentance
Our loved should know and should be asked

It is from the deepest darkest hole that that God promises are the most truest

For the Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you - Deuteronomy 4:31

2009-03-16 - Promises of God - Strength From Prayer

Jesus had to overcome unfathomable temptation - Matthew 26:36-36

If he chose to follow through with his Father's will: humiliting insults, excruciating beatings, and agoninzing crucifixion would follow

Jesus: If it's possible, may this cup be taken from me
He knew what we needed to do
He struggled to get his heart where it needed to be
He prayed until he found strength he needed to overcome

We should ask ourselves: How many hours have I wrestled with it in prayer?
We cannot expect to withstand tempation if we are not ready to wrestle in prayer until God gives us the strength

We must turn to God at the moment we are tempted - it may take hours but we will have great power to resist sin

2009-03-21 - Promises of God - Formidable Foe
We have a common enemy that must be overcome

Described as:
  • the accuser
  • the adversary
  • the enemy
  • an evil spirit
  • the father of lies
  • a murderer
  • the power of darkness
  • the prince of this world
  • the ruler of darkness
  • the spirit that in the children of disobedience
  • the temper
  • the god of this work
  • the wicked one
He snatches away the planted Word from people's hearts - Matthew 13:19
He blinds the minds of individuals - 2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan takes people captive - 2 Timothy 2:26

But there is one greater...

2009-03-22 - Promises of God - One Greater
The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world - 1 John 4:4

For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness - 1 Peter 5:8

Satan is seen leading "the whole world astray" - Revelation 12:9

He is the Ling of Kings and the Lord of Lords - Revelation 12:9-11

The devil will eventually be thrown into the lake of fire - Revelation 20:1-10

2009-03-24 - Promises of God - Remember Gods Heros
Scriptures have many examples of those who were tested, humbled, exiled or disciplined by God:
  • Abraham's desert wanderings
  • Moses' shameful flight to Midian
  • Jacob's marital woes
  • Hannah's years of barrenness
  • Ruth's widowness and loneliness
  • David's years as a fugitive
May have felt that life pasted them by and God's blessing were seemingly withheld

There was far greater blessing in store for them in God's own time

2009-03-25 - Promises of God - Rest in Gods Comfort
Elijah's collapse and recovery - 1 Kings 19

After great victory with God, he fell into physical, emotional, and spiritual burn-out

God used a powerful three step plan:
  1. Some good old-fashion rest
  2. A timely reminder of God's true nature and heart
  3. Gave him an exciting plan of action
It gave Elijah a boost and go him back on the edge and stronger than ever in no time

2009-04-05 - Promises of God - Noahs Faith
Confidence in God's promise must be so great that we obey "even though" we don't understand and it does not make sense

By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen - Hebrews 11:7

  • Noah was commissioned by God to build a large ship in the middle of a dessert
  • Only his family would be persuaded to follow him into the ark
  • He did it for one reason: obedience to God

2009-04-08 - Promises of God - Tireless Labor
Satan works quickly to wear us down

Fatigue and discouragement are his greatest tools

Do you realize God can give you energy?

Luke 17:7-10 and Galatians 6:9 -> gives energy to never quit

Focusing on how hard something is will never product the desired fruit
Focusing on God and letting others help us product tireless labor

Moses needed Aaron and Hur to hold up his hands
Ester needed Mordecai to carry out the plan to save the Israelities
Jesus needed Simon to carry his cross

God provides helps when we labor tirelessly for him

2009-04-16 - Promises of God - Never Give Up
Never give up - Hebrews 10:35-39


  • God has pledged to save us for all eternity - Revelation 21:1-7
  • Forgive our sins - 1 John 1:5-2:2
  • Provide us with all we need for life and godliness - 2 Peter 1:3-4
  • Give us great friends and huge spiritual family - Mark 10:29-31
  • Show us a way out when tempted - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  • Comfort us in our troubles - 1 Corinthians 1:3-7
  • Equip us for any challenge, any work, any time - 2 Timothy 2:20-21

2009-05-05 - No one like him - Dependence In Prayer
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:15-16)

Gave up a night - All night praying (Luke 6:12-13)

Lord teach us to pray (Luke 11) – some disciples were taught to pray from infancy

Prayer was more important than eating or sleeping – Jesus could no go without it

Jesus called God, Father, what perceptions of a father-son relationship are correct and incorrect?

We have a perception that Jesus had a great advantage over of us but Jesus needed the Father like we do.

2009-05-07 - No one like him - His servant heart (part 2)
Many ways to set our mind
  • Career
  • Car
  • House
Jesus set his mind on serving – “What can I give?”
Not looking for comfort
Not about the way he looked

Jesus saw himself as a servant, leading others to be servants

How would this thinking change – marriage, family, church, workplace, neighborhood?
Jesus was about meeting needs
  1. Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
  2. Living Bread (John 6:51)
  3. Great Physician (Matthew 9:12)
Most precious thing to Jesus was his relationship with the Father – but did not hold on that either for our sake

2009-05-13 - No one like him - Jesus and the Scriptures
How did Jesus view the scriptures?
  • Human writings/stories?
  • Significant?
  • Authoritative?
Some think Jesus’ view came from his culture:
Didn’t accept views about: Samaritans, Gentiles, women, leapers, tax collectors
Jesus hung around the wrong people, wrong parties, and wrong trainees

Jesus had great confidence found in the scriptures
11x in gospels (20x mores by gospel writers) in where Jesus said he was the fulfilling what had been written

2009-06-04 - No one like him - Count Cost (part 1)
Not a question of how hard or difficult but if it is true
Not all struggling is bad
Jesus calls us to:
  1. Be ready to be uncomfortable
  2. Be ready for big changes
  3. Be ready to follow the narrow road
  4. Be ready to give up anything
Does it work?

Jesus was not out of touch – Matthew 9:36
Jesus had a clear view of love and generosity – John 10:33
Kingdom now in the present age

Fix our eyes on Jesus
We need to deal with OUR heart

Jesus did not just come to amaze
He came to call people to change their lives

He was upfront with commitment level
Must deny self
Kingdom is the greatest thing to possess
It will cost you all you have
Must carry his cross
Commitment must surpass relationship with family (Jesus: you must love me more)

2009-06-11 - One Another - Correction Needed

There were a lot of relationship issues that needed to be corrected in first book of Corinthians:

  1. They were divided into cliquish groups - Chapter 1-3
  2. Became arrogant in their relationship with Paul - 1 Corinthians 4:18-19
  3. Lawsuits with each other - Chapter 6
  4. Left their spouses just because they were not Christians - Chapter 7
  5. Offending other's conscience - Chapter 8
  6. Acted insensitively toward the poorer members - Chapter 11
  7. Who had the greatest gift (selfish competition) - Chapter 12-14


2009-06-15 - A Life of Impact - The Challenge

The Challenge

Mark 1:19-20

  • Jesus didn’t hesitate to call people to a significant level of commitment
  • Someone who is strongly affected by the opinions of others is not going to be able to have a great impact
  • Indecisiveness- an unwillingness to take risks or make mistakes (pride)
  • People who are already satisfied with their level of achievement will rarely grow to achieve more
  • It is easy to hold to past achievements


  • People tend to not surpass our expectations or our vision for them
  • Do fight for your dreams and refuse to live ordinary lives?
  • Greatness does not suddenly appear. It is an end product of a process that begins with a dream

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