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2008-09-08 - Teach Us To Pray - Reasoning with God

Reasoning with God in prayer is an expression of great faith
The Canaanite woman was one of two times Jesus said someone had "great faith" - Matthew 15:21-28

Persistent widow reasoned with the unjust judge - Luke 18:1-8

We cannot change the eternal purposes of God but we can change his mind on how his purposes will be accomplished

Abraham was a man who reasoned with God - his Son being sacrificed - Genesis 18:23-33

Moses was too - God decided to destroy the disobedient Israelites and start a new nation
Moses gave specifc reasons for not destroying them and God heard him and changed his mind
He prayed with great humility - Numbers 12:3

True humility is the key to the prayer of reason - not telling God what to do
Expressing our outlook and giving reasons to back up our thinking

2008-09-10 - Teach Us To Pray - Alone and in Private

Mark 1:35, Matthew 14:13, and Luke 4:42 - shows us that Jesus often went to solitary places to pray

Solitude is essential in developing a deep relation ship with God
Be still and know I that I am from God - Psalms 46:10
Do you have a special place where you meet with God?

Psalms 5, 38, and 42 are examples of how open and expressive David was with God
He shared everything from joy and delight to anguish and dispair
How open are you with God?
God wants our hearts
As a result, we are much more open and real with others

We get fired up by sermons, fellowship, and music - Jesus went to be alone
There is nothing in your life that God cannot change

Prayer times make special memories
Israelites setup stones to remind them of what God had done - Joshua 4:7

Ideas for times with God:

  • Write a love letter
  • Sing a song you composed
  • Write on a ballon, let it go
  • Hang a poster and write the things God has done


2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-09-28 - Man of Prayer - Strategy
In context, the disciples probably spent quite of bit of time and energy in prayer
After spending time with Jesus,  they felt challenged by Jesus' prayers

Jesus was always praying:
  • Before dawn - Mark 1:35
  • Sometimes all night - Luke 6:12
  • He remained to pray - Matthew 14:23

One day, the disciples had enough: Teach Us to Prayer - Luke 11:1

2008-10-03 - Man of Prayer - Relationship

After asking for help from the Holy Spirit, then focus on the relationship with
Prayer is primarily a vehicle of relationship

Pater (greek) = father
Abba (aramaic) = intimacy and endearment = daddy

Holy Spirit in our lives is a spirit of adoption by which God give us our spiritual birthright (Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6)

He delights when we come to Him as our Father, Abaa, Daddy:

  • Mr. Bentson - wrong
  • Mr. Benson - contact
  • Benson - co-worker
  • Chad - friend
  • Dad - daughter
  • Honey - wife

The closer you are, the better responce you will get
He delights in your desire to spend time with Him

This relationship is critical to a healthy and vitaul prayer life
His fatherhood becomes real in my life
Bridge the gap between what I know in my head and what I experience in my life

2008-10-05 - Man of Prayer - Name
In Jesus' day, a person's name reflected one's character
God had powerful encounters with an individual, he would change the person's name with the change in them

Halllow mean to treat with great reverence
Focusing our thoughts helps lead to a response of worship

Many focus on telling God their needs, need to focus on God
Seek first his kingdom - Matthew 6:33

In interpersonal communication, remember a person's name is very important
Moses asked God, "Who shall I say sent me?"
God answered, "Tell them I AM has sent you"

YHWH (Yahweh) is the proper name of the living God
God is the God who is, who causes to be, and who will be who He will be
Thinking about God in this way gets my focus on Him

2008-10-06 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-tsidkenu

YHWH-tsidkenu means "the Lord our righteousness"

Remembering Jesus' name in Hebrew Ya'shua which means  "God is salvation"
He was the fulfillment of the name YHWH-tsidkenu - 1 Corinthians 1:30

Thank God that I had no righteous of my own, Jesus died for me - source of my righteousness

Pause to think about what Christ has done for me
His atoning death and resurrection gives life meaning and significance

2008-10-13 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-shalom
Means "the Lord is peace"

Gideon had a powerful encounter with the angel of the Lord - Gave the name at the alter - Judges 6:24

Hebrew word shalom = welling being, contentment, harmony, fulfillment, and wholeness.
It communicates a total state of well-being which comes from a proper relationship with God

The blessing of God brings the peace of God
He is the source of your peace - Ephesians 2:14
Peace is the result of God's Spirit working in your life - Galatians 5:22

2008-10-31 - Man of Prayer - Forgiveness
Forgive our debts as we forgive our debtors - Matthew 6:12
Debt = opheilema = owning money to another

Colossians 2:13-14 - written charge was canceled
charge or code = cheirographon = charges drawn up against a convicted criminal

Roman business world - debt had been paid - "tetelsthai" was written across the note - meaning "paid in full"
Some word was used to when the punishment was executed on a list of chrages

Every failure on our part to do God's will is a charge against us - a long document for most

Jesus cried - it is finished (John 19:30) was actually the word "tetelsthai" = PAID IN FULL

2008-11-17 - Raising Awesome Kids - First Things First (part 2)
When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment is:
Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind, soul, and strength - Mark 12:30

Committed to God vs committed to a person
Deeply loves God vs being religious

  • Such a life is attractive
  • They will want to be like you
  • Will see something inside is real
  • Will see the difference

Were we one time zealous - before we got married and had kids?
Where am I today?

Have I allowed "life's worries, riches, and pleasures" to choke my relationship with God? - Mark 4:19


2008-12-18 - Raising Awesome Kids - Dreary Disobedience (part 2)

Israelites - if only we had meat; we never see anything but manna - Numbers 11:4-10
Any grumbling we do is really grumbling against God

God met the needs of the Israelites but he punished them for their attitude - Numbers 11:33
God did want to their needs to be known
Complaining springs selfishness and ingratitude

Must teach our kids to be grateful
Also teach them to express their wishes, opinions, likes and dislikes in a pleasant, positive tone of voice

2009-01-23 - Jesus with People - Touching the Untouchable

Jesus had compassion and healed the man with leprosy - Luke 5:12-18
Jesus is filled with compassion - Mark 1:41

Jesus was different:

  • He hurt for those whose lives were devastated by illness
  • He went to great lengths to be with them
  • Helped and encouraged them
  • Made himself available to them and spent many hours with them - Mark 1:32-34

What Jesus did we can also do (beside healing):

  • Include those who are sick when you can
  • Find ways to serve
  • Help and encourage

Society shrinks back - hospitals are not our favorite place
Jesus reached out his hand and touched
The sick need real involvement in their lives

Somehow, we think that the person is responsible for his or her condition
In some cases yes, but we can not oversimplify God's working in our world

Job "friends" did not understand what God was doing
How unsearchale his judgement and his paths beyond tracing out - Romans 11:33

How can I imitate Jesus by "reaching out" in compassion to the sick?

2009-01-24 - Jesus with People - Feeling the Pain

Luke 7:11-17 - He said, "Don't cry", Jesus chose to be vulnerable to everyone's pain:

  • His heart ached for a woman whom he had never meet
  • Immediately felt her pain
  • Was not oblivious to other's pain
  • He gave her reason to rejoice - through his death

Jesus compassion knows no bounds
How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ - Ephesians 3:18

Are you praying to stretch the capacity of your heart to feel deeply with many others?

Is your lack of openness (rooted in fear of the sin of pride) blocking your passion and compassion?

2009-01-27 - Jesus with People - Rich Young Ruler

Luke 18:22-24
Wouldn't all Christians love to meet someone who comes across as this man does initially?

Most of us would say, "can we study the Bible?"
Jesus had a very different responce because he knew his heart

Sell everything and follow him = It's not what you do but who you are
For him to have a heart set fully on following Jesus - it meant a willingness to seel all
Following the exchange, it became clear - the man was out of touch with himself and God

Jesus did challenge him but he also loved him
He pointed the man to the narrow way
At the same time he drew him close want to give him strength, faith, and hope

Jesus does not get into a lengthy theological debate
He saw weaknesses the man had to deal with if he was going to enter the kingdom of God

Each of us lacks that "one thing" deep down that we must give up and following Jesus
Something we don't know what it is but God will reveal it - Hebrews 4:12-13

2009-02-01 - Jesus with People - The Bleeding Woman
The crowds followed him to point of his exhaustion
Why did Jesus' life draw a crowd?

Jesus was willing
Jesus was not just a servant but was a selfless servant

We get caught up with the duties of Christianity - serving the weak and the lost
With more responsibility we have, the easier it is to administer rather than minister.
Consistent delegation cause our hearts to harden - just organizing and managing

If you are not seeing the crowds, develop the heart of selflessness

After she touched his cloak, he could have let the woman leave anonymously, but her called attention to her so he could lift he up
He was concerned not only for her sickness, but her emotions as well

Jesus had forceful faith and expected it of others

2009-02-02 - Jesus with People - Seeing and Not Seeing
Luke 7:36-50 - Simon, I have something to tell you
Jesus is able to cut through the muck - right to the heart
He had outspoken clarity - Luke 7:40

In truth Simon saw neither the woman or himself for how they really were

Jesus did see the woman - Her sin was obvious as her brokenness
He actions came from her new sense of reality
Once she saw Jesus, she responded the only way she could have - compelled by love - 2 Corinthians 5:14

Jesus' words should have cut Simon deeply - But he who has been forgiven little lives little

He wants to have a relationship with us
Think of trying to have a relationship with ant - talking with it, caring for it and especially dying for it - it is unfathomable!

How many times did Jesus change people's view if God?

Who am I most like: Simon or the sinful woman?

2009-02-03 - Jesus with People - Give or Take?
World seem to be divided into givers and takers
Usually we feel as though we are the givers and everyone else is a taker
We can draw back and become cynical - before long we cling to possessions, our rights or our feelings
At that point we have become takers
We would never admit it - and many of us do not see it

Jesus meet a man that was a taker - Matthew
Matthew was no different than us - he probably had a family with mouths to feed

As he left the office and crept closer toward the crowd surrounding Jesus
He heard the words - You must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me
Jesus then walked up to Matthew and said "Follow me"
His life changed forever - became a disciple of Jesus

How did Jesus know? do it? Jesus knew that he was sick and need to get well - Mark 2:17

We need to see people as they ready are and what they can become
Is there some in your life you can share with but haven't because you don't think they are open?

2009-02-11 - Jesus with People - Heart Determined to Love
Jesus' strongest and clearest denunciation of the Pharisees came in Matthew 23
  • Was it because his frustration level reached his limit?
  • Was it because he finally had enough?
  • Was it because he was going to have the last word before they killed him?
  • Was it because he had justification for all things them did to him?
No, he was not trying to win an argument or put them in their place
His last and strongest words were spoken to wake them up
He was trying to open their hearts and win them over to God

2009-02-14 - Jesus with People - Jesus Won

When Jesus first heard the news about Lazarus, Jesus declared that his illness was not going to be fatal - John 11:4

When Lazarus died, the disciples probably thought that he really blew it this time

Good thing Jesus called lazarus by nameotherwise every corpse in cemetery may have come out

The story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead foreshadows Jesus' own resurrection after three days in the tomb

Jesus is a victor over death
The phrase goes: Two things are certain - death and taxes

While some could not pay taxes for a while; no one but Jesus can conquer death

Do you fear death? How does your relationship with Jesus change the way you once thought?

2009-02-15 - Jesus with People - Widows Financial Sacrifice
Mark 12:41-44

Without ever speaking to her, he made her gift he biblical standard for financial sacrifice

She gave all she had to live on - Luke 21:4
Being a widow at that time, she likely had no income
Probably hungry and surely without financial hope
He faith in God was evident in her action

Bible does not tell us what happened to her - we can know that GOd took care of her needs - Matthew 6:25-26

2009-02-18 - Jesus with People - Doing What We Ought
1 Timothy 6:13-14

Compared to previous struggles, the "Jesus dilemma" made the governor's worries look minuscule

Jesus was accused of
  • stirring up the people - Luke 23:5
  • being an insurrectionist -Luke 23:13-14
  • being a blasphemer - Matthew 26:65
  • being a criminal - John 18:30
Jesus' friends had deserted him
Masses that had given homage were the same crowds asking for his death

Jesus always did what was right
Pontius Pilate knew what he ought to do and what he wanted to do but did not do it

2009-02-20 - Jesus with People - People Pleasing Pilate
After having found Jesus innocent of the charges, three times Pilate "appealed to them"
In the end surrender Jesus to the will of the crowd - Luke 23:13-24

Jesus still let Pilate know that he was guilty of sin - John 19:11

Instead of seeking an escape, Jesus testified to the truth about God
He was still preaching and reaching out the lost - even his executor

Jesus had an impact - from then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free - john 19:12

Pilate lived and kept his job - for a little while, but his name was written in infamy

How do you fare under negative chatter about your Christian conviction?

2009-02-26 - Jesus with People - Doubtful Thomas
Jesus was not going to stop until Thomas was back, until he had been given an opportunity to put his doubts to death

Jesus was all what he said earlier, leave the 99 to look for that 1 - Luke 15:1-7

John 20:24-29 - not necessarily a rebuke, but a reminder

When do you find yourself doubting God's love for you?
Do you believe God still wants to purse a relationship with us even when we;re not that strong?

2009-02-28 - Promises of God - Being Fully Persuaded
Abraham shows us that faith is all about having confidence in the promises of God

Yet he did not weaver through unbelief, being fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised - Romans 4:20-21

Abraham was justified by faith - Romans 4:13

We must learn God's promises and never waver in unbelief in trusting them.

2009-03-16 - Promises of God - Strength From Prayer

Jesus had to overcome unfathomable temptation - Matthew 26:36-36

If he chose to follow through with his Father's will: humiliting insults, excruciating beatings, and agoninzing crucifixion would follow

Jesus: If it's possible, may this cup be taken from me
He knew what we needed to do
He struggled to get his heart where it needed to be
He prayed until he found strength he needed to overcome

We should ask ourselves: How many hours have I wrestled with it in prayer?
We cannot expect to withstand tempation if we are not ready to wrestle in prayer until God gives us the strength

We must turn to God at the moment we are tempted - it may take hours but we will have great power to resist sin

2009-05-05 - No one like him - Dependence In Prayer
Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:15-16)

Gave up a night - All night praying (Luke 6:12-13)

Lord teach us to pray (Luke 11) – some disciples were taught to pray from infancy

Prayer was more important than eating or sleeping – Jesus could no go without it

Jesus called God, Father, what perceptions of a father-son relationship are correct and incorrect?

We have a perception that Jesus had a great advantage over of us but Jesus needed the Father like we do.

2009-05-13 - No one like him - Jesus and the Scriptures
How did Jesus view the scriptures?
  • Human writings/stories?
  • Significant?
  • Authoritative?
Some think Jesus’ view came from his culture:
Didn’t accept views about: Samaritans, Gentiles, women, leapers, tax collectors
Jesus hung around the wrong people, wrong parties, and wrong trainees

Jesus had great confidence found in the scriptures
11x in gospels (20x mores by gospel writers) in where Jesus said he was the fulfilling what had been written

2009-05-17 - No one like him - Jesus responds with scriptures
Satan attempted Jesus in the dessert - Matthew 4:3,7,10

Scriptures were he turned for strength, guidance, and direction

Scriptures were on Jesus' in the end
  • Thought of bringing legions of angel - Matthew 26:54
  • Why have you forsaken me? - Mark 15:34
  • Into your hands I commit my spirit - Luke 23:46
If Jesus had this view of the OT, what should be our response to the NT?

2009-05-18 - No one like him - The Kingdom of God
First time God said the time has come

Something had come upon us
Something within us

Kingdom is like:
  • king who prepared a feast
  • yeast
  • mustard seed
  • a net
  • treasure
  • man searching for fine pearls
  • man who sows seed
  • king who wanted to settle accounts
  • landowner who hired workers
Kingdom is good news

Kingdom is so different that it requires us to change

What does new kingdom person look like?
  • Humble (heart like a child) - Matthew 18:2-4
  • Surrender (your will be done) - Matthew 6:10

2009-05-26 - No one like him - Kingdom Lifestyle (part 2)
Different Righteousness – Matthew 5:17-6:18
Righteousness for the Pharisee had became having the correct facts and outward performance
Not about memorizing more scriptures or fasting three times a day
Righteousness was all about attitude
When scriptures is not exact, we should on these attitudes in situations in our lives – to please God
Different priority – Matthew 6:19-34
The pursuit of God’s will should be the overriding passion of our lives
No can serve two masters – Matthew 6:24

2009-05-28 - No one like him - Conflict and Controversy (part 1)
Established positions were threaten

Again and again Jesus said “You have heard it said … but I say to you…”

Some say Jesus was the ultimate nice person but he was a prophet (reputation for being offensive)

Examples in Matthew 23:
  1. v3 – Called them hypocrites
  2. v4 – Put heavy burdens on other but did nothing themselves
  3. v5 – Everything was for show
  4. v13 – Behavior blocked themselves and others from entering the kingdom
  5. v16-22 – Making ridiculous rules about swearing
  6. v23-24 – straining about some fine point and neglecting justice, love, faithfulness
  7. v25-28 – Outward show and no inward change
  8. v29-30 – They had the same attitude as the people who killed the prophets

2009-05-30 - No one like him - Conflict and Controversy (part 3)
Jesus did not just hang around the sick but he had a message and plan for them to get well

Today is the opposite problem – association with all kinds of people; but without a message – bring the spirit without the truth

Sin must be dealt with at the heart level; not just outwardly like the Pharisees – could not be cured by rules or rituals

Living like Jesus (living a totally different life) will cause conflict and controversy

Living like Jesus entails:
  • New priorities – with people who have different ones
  • New loyalties – with people who have different ones
  • Mission is to reachout and share with people why they need his message
  • Associate with sinners but call them change
  • Love unconditionally; Live radically – declare this is the way to live
Some will welcome the message; the majority will not

2009-06-04 - No one like him - Count Cost (part 1)
Not a question of how hard or difficult but if it is true
Not all struggling is bad
Jesus calls us to:
  1. Be ready to be uncomfortable
  2. Be ready for big changes
  3. Be ready to follow the narrow road
  4. Be ready to give up anything
Does it work?

Jesus was not out of touch – Matthew 9:36
Jesus had a clear view of love and generosity – John 10:33
Kingdom now in the present age

Fix our eyes on Jesus
We need to deal with OUR heart

Jesus did not just come to amaze
He came to call people to change their lives

He was upfront with commitment level
Must deny self
Kingdom is the greatest thing to possess
It will cost you all you have
Must carry his cross
Commitment must surpass relationship with family (Jesus: you must love me more)

2009-06-11 - One Another - Correction Needed

There were a lot of relationship issues that needed to be corrected in first book of Corinthians:

  1. They were divided into cliquish groups - Chapter 1-3
  2. Became arrogant in their relationship with Paul - 1 Corinthians 4:18-19
  3. Lawsuits with each other - Chapter 6
  4. Left their spouses just because they were not Christians - Chapter 7
  5. Offending other's conscience - Chapter 8
  6. Acted insensitively toward the poorer members - Chapter 11
  7. Who had the greatest gift (selfish competition) - Chapter 12-14


2009-06-17 - A Life of Impact - Gentleness and Fueling


Mark 1:29-34

  • At times we need to raise our voices and push in order to get things done.
  • At the same time using gentle tone and pitching in to help will accomplish far more good.


Mark 1:35-39

  • People who love sleep don’t usually change the world
  • Jesus slept when he had the time
  • Jesus was extremely eager to pray
  • Most of us live with only a vague idea of purpose
  • Our personal ministries – can be tempted to lose the fire, to settle down, and get comfortable
  • We laugh and patronize at younger friends who are “idealist, zealots, and radicals

2009-07-02 - A Life of Impact - Reinvestment of Dividends

Reinvestment of Dividends

Mark 5:18-20

  • Jesus didn’t surround himself with people who owed him a great amount of debt.
  • We viewed their gratitude to him to channeled to help others
  • Few people are grateful for the Lord when He work powerfully, yet fewer accept their obligation to proclaim.


Mark 5:21-34

  • The women was afraid that she had done an evil thing in touching Jesus’ clothes
  • She had suffered from the effective treatments that the doctors had given her.
  • Greek word for healed = saved.
  • He didn’t babble but told the woman what she needed to hear.

2009-07-09 - A Life of Impact - Toughness and Excellence


Mark 6:45-46

  • Worked harder and longer than anyone else
  • Expected more from himself than from his disciples
  • The one leading the way must pay the greatest price

Unwavering Excellence

Mark 6:47-56

  • Fruit was only harvested what another had sown - what Jesus had sown
  • He directed the efforts of many followers but did not become an administrator behind a desk.
  • He had an unbelievable schedule with
    • frequent interruptions
    • time conflicts
    • people clamoring for his attention

2009-07-11 - A Life of Impact - A passion for truth

Mark 7:14-23 - He had no stomach for the misdirection spread by the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law

High Expectations

  • He let them know that they were spiritually stupid.
  • How many of us are willing to rebuke when asked a stupid question by people who should know better?
  • Jesus was determined that these men would rise above the rank and file.
  • He got upset and urged them to change
  • The dreamer never gives up the dream.


  • The responsibility for our actions resides with us, the decision makers, and not with our environment.
  • We are not simply a product of our environment; environment is determined by our choices.
  • We cannot rightly blame others or fate or circumstances for our behavior
  • We must take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions
  • Changes in people occur from the inside out. · Involves helping people to acknowledge what they are really like deep down and then to deal with their inner self
  • We cannot on our own change our own or someone else’s heart.
  • We must realize how desperately we need God’s intervention in out lives.
  • The Bible exposes, in a unbiased way, the true qualities of our hearts.
  • Deep character changes in our lives fuels our faith.

2009-07-14 - A Life of Impact - Caterer and Delegator


Mark 8:1-10

  • He had no warm-up band, laser light show, not even a sound system
  • He was dynamic and charismatic.
  • The crowd was not there for his benefit; he was there for the benefit of the crowd.
  • He wasn’t performing but serving.


  • The art of delegation is essential in order to free a leader’s time to do more important tasks.
  • Do not mean dumping unwanted chores.
  • Effective delegation: communication of expectations, thoughtful assessment, performance, and constructive criticism.

2009-07-16 - A Life of Impact - Scout


Mark 8:14-21

  • 'Christian' denominations may offer the greatest opposition to a radical adherence to the teachings of Jesus
  • He protects his followers: warning them about the strength of their opponent and the types of activities to expect.
  • We cannot afford to neglect scouting the opposition and warning people who they are up against.


  • We need to be aware what others are saying to each other.
  • He asked embarrassingly simple questions to remind them and to help to see how stupid they had been to soon forget.
  • A willingness to be strong and forthright is a required characteristic of one who would have lasting influence.
  • Wounds from a friend can be trusted.

2009-07-20 - A Life of Impact - Hardline and Affirmation


Mark 8:34-9:1

  • Attitudes generally do not float in isolation – whistling teapot principle
  • Jesus chose the most challenging words spoken by any leader.
  • Words used:
  • "If anyone…"
    • "…he must…"
    • "…deny himself…"
    • "…take up his cross…"
    • "…whoever wants to save his life will lose it…"
  • His primary concern was for their immortal souls. No wonder he had such impact!!


Mark 9:2-13

  • People are encouraged when they realize that we are indeed in line with the expectations of our superiors.
  • They will also be inspired when they understand that their support for us is essential for the overall success.

2009-07-31 - A Life of Impact - Specific Delegation
Specific Delegation

Mark 11:1-10
  • Jesus gave his disciples specific instructions, which enabled them to be successful in fulfilling the responsibilities he had delegated.
  • What would have happened if these instructions were vague?

2009-08-01 - A Life of Impact - Anger

Mark 11:11-19
  • He was furious about the fruitfulness of another “tree” that he had planted, watered, weeded, fertilized.
  • Jesus cleared the temple at the beginning of His ministry and also here at the end of His of His ministry
  • There was no fear of God.
  • Jesus knew the right place and the right time the do the things needed.
  • He was disciplined and self-controlled for just the right time.
  • What made Jesus angry was the stubborn refusal of most to change.
  • A willingness to change is a precious and seemingly rare behavioral characteristic.
  • Become exceedingly insecure and defensive when we are awakened to the existence of personal deficiencies.
  • We must also get angry about obstinacy in our own lives and other people’s lives.
  • Why didn’t anyone try to stop Jesus as he was taking over the temple? (Only one person and many of them)
  • They knew that they were in the wrong.
  • Teachers of the law and chief priests feared Jesus
  • If people consider you a “nice guy” and are not in awe of you, you probably won’t have much impact.

2009-08-07 - A Life of Impact - A Champion

A Champion

Mark 12:35-37

  • Winning isn’t everything but for the man or woman who desires to make an impact, it is extremely important
  • Few people rush to associate themselves with a loser.
  • Fight fair and do your best.
  • Second-place finishers are all but ignored in the championship celebration


Mark 12:38-44

  • He knew that he had gained the upper hand.
  • Yet he also knew that popular opinion would turn.

2009-08-13 - A Life of Impact - Open arms

Open arms

Mark 14:27-31

  • We should warn others to be ready for failure – not to discourage them.
  • Failure is unavoidable; defeat comes when we give up!

Giver of life

  • Anyone who discovers a cause for which he would be willing to die has discovered the reason for which he was born.
  • Is your life like: roller coaster ride, merry-go-round, or life a bumper car?
  • Jesus had taken these men out of the amusement park, and they knew it.

2009-08-18 - A Life of Impact - Mark 16

Mark 16:1-14
  • Jesus had more of an impact dead then alive.
  • Are we dead to ourselves?
  • If any of Jesus’ rebukes had a particularly lasting impact on their lives, this was the one
  • Disciples were probably convicted by just the sight of Jesus
His Lasting Words

Mark 16:15-20
  • What would your last words be? – Say them today!!!! 
  • “Repent and believe the good news.” – These were both the first and the last words from Jesus.

2009-08-25 - Wild at Heart - God loves wilderness (part 1)
Most of the earth is not safe, but it is good.
God called it good in the beginning
He prefers adventure, danger, risk, and the element of surprise
Most of us try to reduce the element of surprise
God took a risk with Adam and Eve – they had the chance to disobey him

Example of no-perfect situations:
  • Shadach, Meshach, and Abednego
  • Pharaoh and his army
  • David and Goliath Gideon’s army 
God loves to come through
He loves to show that he has what it takes
It is not God’s nature to limit risks or cover all the bases
Let the odds stack up against him!

He starts with most unlikely:
  • Prostitutes
  • Fisherman
  • Tax collector

2009-09-09 - Wild at Heart - The fathers voice (part 2)
When we see Jesus, Joseph is out of the picture – true father God – he had to learn who he really was and made of.
Initiation involves a journey and a series of tests.
We try to make our lives easier.

What are you trying to teach me here?
What issues in my heart are you trying to rise through this?
What is it you want me to see?
What are you asking me to let go of?

Men are taught that a wound that stops you from playing is a girlish wound.
No wonder we walk with our guts hanging out
Most men minimize their wound
David did not act like this at all - openly - “my heart is wounded within me” - Psalms 109:22
Suck it up, as the saying goes

God is fiercely committed to you
Wound that goes unacknowledged and unwept is a wound that cannot heal
You’ve embraced and deserve is a would that cannot heal
Whatever is denied cannot heal
Certainly denial that it’s shaping the way they live today.

2009-09-13 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 4)
A masculine journey always takes a man away from the women, come back to with his question answered
A man does not go to a woman to get his strength; he goes to her to offer it.
Addiction comes when we have taken our soul to her for validation.

What else are we looking for? God
Adam had God
God gave Adam Eve out of His humility
Eve eventually took the place of God

Adam was not deceived
Time where Eve had fallen but Adam had not
Adam choose Eve over God
Men without his true love, God, will try to find another

Why do you remain thirsty after you have had a drink… it is the wrong well
In God will only find the true healing of the wound

2009-09-18 - Wild at Heart - Healing the wound (part 4)
Forgiveness is a choice
Do not wait for the feeling of wanting to forgive because it will not come
Not “It didn’t matter” and “I probably reserved it”
“It was wrong, it mattered, and I release you”

Masculinity is passed from father to son
Adam, Abraham, Jacob, David leaned who they were out of their intimacy with God the Father

New heart and put a new spirit in you - Romans 8:1
What God sees when he see you is the real you, the true you, the man he had in mind when he made you
You must ask God what he thinks of you, and you must stay with the question until you have an answer
Last thing the Evil One wants you to

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