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2010-03-14 - To Live is Christ - Fellow Worker and Soldier
Epaphroditus was committed to Paul in the most difficult of circumstances - Philippians 2:25-30
Having a brother to encourage you and not be ashamed of you while in prision meant the world to Paul

Great friends are fellow worker - To accomplish a common goal
Great friends are fellow soldiers - a common enemy and a common plan to go make disciples

Easy to get wrapped up in our own needs
If we are selfless in our thinking and actions - do we think we will lose out in some way?
Paul was eager to send Epaphroditus - not reluctantly
Who we have been so generous?

2010-03-20 - To Live is Christ - Enemies of the Cross
The acceptance of Jesus leads to joy and not to be naive - Philippians 3:17-21
Be thankful but still have our eyes wide open

The cross stands as a constant reminder of the battle between good and evil
Jesus did not just hang out at the cross - HE DIED there because of his enemies
And the war goes on

To act as though we do could do enough to earn salvation - undermines Jesus' sacrifice
To act as though grace is a license for sin - undermines the purpose of the cross - Romans 6:17

Enemies of the cross = people with minds on earthly things

Philippians had a unique blessing of having Roman citizenship outside of Rome
Our real home country is heaven and our loyalty is to the King of Kings

2010-04-25 - Heart of Friendship (part 1)

Preached by John Lusk (2005-01-23)

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

  • We need each other
  • Many books written about relationships - None seem to completely work

Christ is the key to having true friendships

Friendship with Christ

John 15:14-15

  • Amazing - God of the universe calls us a "friend"
  • Much like a maturing parent/child relationship - we grow from master/slave relationship to a friendship with the almighty God
  • Jesus meet many of our needs - Belonging and Security

Matthew 11:28-30 - Jesus yoke is easy and he will give you rest

Hebrews 4:15-16 - Jesus understands and have been in your situation

2 Peter 1:3 - He given everything we need in life

2010-05-07 - Men are without excuse (part 1)

Preached by Richard Dixion - 1999-07-18

Understanding the bad news

Romans 1:18-32

  • To understand the good news - we must be convicted about the bad news
    • Conviction in US law - proven
    • We need to be shown where we are wrong
  • Spirit convicts us about sin - John 16:7-8
  • Questions we could ask:
    • Wrong: Why would a loving God send anyone to hell?
    • Right: Why would a just God save anyone?
Our responsibility

John 3:19-21

2 Timothy 3:1-5

  • Having a form of godliness...is ungodly
  • Describes people:
    • People then and now
      • "Church-goers" - who do you know who is like this?
      • Are you like this?

2010-07-24 - Desire's Journey - Letting Go (part 1)
The more comfortable we are with mystrery in our journey, the more rest we will know along the way

Paul's quests - 2 Corinthians 6:10
  • Sorrowful, yet always rejoicing
  • Poor, yet making many rich
  • Having nothing, yet possessing everything
If we remain open to sorrow, we can know joy

Somehow being empty allows us to make others rich

Some believe in the church that being a Christian somehow satisfies our every desire
Augustine: "The whole life of the good Christian is a holy longing"

Being content is not the same as being full

2010-09-16 - Why can't we be friends?
Preached on 2003-01-26

Conflicts -Who are having problems? 1 John 4:20

- To love God, is to love our brothers

Three reason why we can not

1. Lack of spiritually (half-hearted)

Genesis 4:1
- God wants us to give your best
- First reaction: Anger and downcast
- Relationships - best to God, best to others

How could being close to God change things for you?

2. Selfish

Jacob and Esua

Genesis 25:27-35
- Only do things you like to do
- Waiting for them to come to you
- You make the first moved

3. Jealous/Anger

Genesis 37:1

- How is jealousy effecting you relationship?
- Focus on all the blessing you DO have
- Pray for them

2010-09-20 - Waking Dead - Christ's Great Works
Son's three great works on our behalf

1. Cross accomplished many thing
Forgiveness and the power to overcomes the constant attacks from the enemy

2. Resurrection
Having put off the old self, we are to put on the new - Ephesians 4:24
It is life we were promised and it is life we need

3. Ascension
All authority was given to Christ
By the grace of God, we share that with him
It was Adam who gave it away and it was Christ who won it back

Lord of the Rings, Two Towers - Theoden (a king) who is reluctant to go to war
Open war is upon you whether you would risk it or not - Aragorn

The primary reason most people do not know the freedom and life Christ promised is that they won't fight for it

2010-09-26 - Waking Dead - Heart of Treasure
Above all else, guard your heart - Proverbs 4:23

Having so long believed our hearts are evil, we assume the warning is to keep us out of trouble
So we lock up our hearts and throw away the key and try to get on with our living
It does say guard your heart because it is criminal but because it is the wellspring of of life
It is treasure - everything else depends on it

Above all else?
We don't even do it once in a while - we careless with our hearts

What if we were careful?
Faith would be must deeper
Relationships so much better

We live completely backwards
"All else" is above our hearts

What do you do on a monthly basis to take care of your heart?

God intends that we treat our hearts as treasures
They were ransomed at a tremendous cost

2010-09-29 - Contagious Christian - People Matter (part 1)
We might like the idea of having a spiritual impact on others, we won't take decisive action unless we raise our motivation level
The best way to do this is to have God's perspective on the matter

1. The way things are - Science
Anthropic principle - when we look at the world around us, the universe was somehow designed to support and nourish human life
  • Raise or lower the universe's rate of expansion by one part in a million, - it rules out the possibility of life
  • If the average distance between star was any greater, the planets would not have formed; any smaller, the planets orbits for life would not have occurred
  • The ratio of carbon and oxygen was different, we could not breath the air
  • Change the tilt of the earth's axis slightly, we would freeze and burn up
  • Any change in the distance from the sun or speed of rotation of the earth would result in unlivable temperature changes
Someone must have gone to a lot of effort to make things just right
We matter to God

2. The way things ought to be - Business
Business is turning to the "upside-down" approached
They refocus on they are there - to server their customers

Focus must be outside the church as well
It is easy to get entangled and ensnared in internal issues in our church that it is hard to remember the primary reason we remain on this planet - to reach out to other people

If we matter to God, then they'd better matter to us too

2010-10-04 - Contagious Christian - The Costs of Outreach

1. Time and Energy
How better to expend time and energy than investing into someone who will thank you for enternity?
What other investment will reap so high a reward?

2. Reading and Study
Some effect to make cetain you know what you are talking about

3. Money
The amount of hard cash spent is still relatively low in camparsion to the overwhelming rewards that result
Can't imagine a safer investment

4. Risk of Embarrassment, Rejection or Persecution
Blessed are you when people insult you - great is your reward in heaven - Matthew 5:11-12

5. Complication of Life
It entangles us in the concerns and activities of their lives
We have less independence
Add to our overloaded schedules
But so does getting married, having children, and buying a house
The most important things complicate our lives, but they are worth it!

2010-10-05 - Contagious Christian - Impacting Your World (part 1)

There are expectations everywhere, to have:

  • Strong marriages
  • Obedient children
  • Balanced budgets
  • Ethical business
  • Effective prayer lives
  • Meaningful relationships

Many times the "ought to" comes through louder than the "how to"
Especially true in the challenge of having an evangelist impact
God did not leave us in a state of confusion - What God expects, He enables

We need to focus on the important steps to have maximum impact
HP (High Potency) + CP (Close Proximity) + CC (Clear Communication)  = Maximum Impact (MI)

We are the salt of the world - Matthew 5:13

  • Salt makes us thristy
  • It spices things us
  • It preserves - holds back decay

Which did Jesus have in mind? We don't know
HP (High Potency) = means we need to have a strong concentration of Christ's influnce in our lives
CP (Close Proximity) = means we need to get close to people we're hoping to reach in order to allow His power to have its intended effect

2010-11-08 - Contagious Christian - Matthew's Interpersonal Approach
After accepting Jesus' call, Matthew did whatever he could to bring along as many of his friends as possible
He put on big banquet for his tax collector buddies in our for them to meet Jesus - Luke 5:29
He did not confront, debate, or tell them what happened to him
He relied on the relationships he'd built with them and he sought to further develop their friendship

He genuinely cared about them and wanted to influence them toward considering Christ

People who specialize in this approach, tend to be warm and people-centered
Some people will never be reached until someone takes the time to build that kind of intimacy with them

Interpersonal evangelist enjoy:
  • Having people in their homes
  • Sharing a meal
  • Spending time in conversation

2010-11-15 - Power of the Cross
Preached by Maurice Hooks

Answers to life's question is @ the cross
Power struggles happen everyday
  • Money
  • Relationships
  • Control over resources
Jesus should be our true power source
We are at level ground at the foot of the cross

1 Corinthians 1:18-31
  • God is love but he also just and holy
  • There is no sin that can go unpunished
  • This the parents dilemma - should I punish or let it go?
  • God can not let anything go because of his nature
  • We do not have to have all the answers - not our "wisdom" but God's wisdom
When we take it to the cross, we are all equal
Are you impowered by the cross?

Colossians 1:15-20
  • In him all things hold together
  • How God can be just and for us to have salvation because of the blood of Jesus
  • It all comes through Jesus Christ
Power struggles in our lives:
  1. Age 4 - Going potty
  2. Age 12 - Having friends
  3. Age 17 - Having a car
  4. Age 35, 45, 55, 65 - Having Money
  5. Age 75 - Having a car
  6. Age 80 - Having friends
  7. Age 85 - Go potty
How the power of the cross needs to be seen in our lives

In our relationships
  • Deversity in the church
  • Strong Marriage
  • Unity
Overcoming our fears(1 John 4:7-21)
  • Acceptance
  • Future
  • What others think

2010-11-17 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part II)
Christ - Common questions
Why couldn't God just forgive and forget, as we can?
Like in car accident, God is willing to forgive but someone still has to pay for the damage

What kind of justice is there in having Jesus suffer instead of me?
God was not a reluctant bystander
The difference is that God is will and he is taking his own punishment for you

Many people are left with the impression that if they go to church or they born into a church they are saved
Not everyone that calls Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom - Matthew 7:21-23
We have got to be crystal clear that a personal response is essential

Do vs Done
The difference between religion and Christianity is Do vs Done

Religion spells DO - as in we try to do something for God's salvation
It is like a salesman that needs to meet a quota but does not know what it is
But we can never do enough and will always fall short - Romans 3:23

Christianity spells DONE
Means that what we could never do for ourselves, Christ has already done
He lived a perfect life we could never live
He willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty we owed

2010-12-08 - Mission - Cannot Help Proclaiming (part II)
What else compelled Peter and John?

3. Having a spiritual perspective of the plan of God
God orchestrated situations so people will find him - Acts 17:26-27

Satan can lull us to sleep with his lies
If I miss this opportunity, maybe God will use someone else, they don't look interested
They apostles felt the burden of salvation
They were convicted that they were the only hope of salvation
If they stopped, hope was gone
We must have a heartfelt conviction that we are God's vehicles to reach a lost and desperate world

4. Must understand that Satan's victory/defeat is determined by our faithfulness to proclaim the word of God boldly
We have two God-given weapons:
  • Blood of Jesus
  • Word of our testimony - Revelation 12:11
Satan's goal is to keep people away from God, ours is to bring people to God
He wins every time we do not open our mouth - we must not be silent

2010-12-12 - Seeking God (part II)

Examples of those seeking God:

Ethiopian eunuch - Acts 8:26-40

  • What do we know about this seeker?
    • He is important and therefore certainly busy, but still finds time for God.
    • He reads the Scriptures himself and asks questions about what he is reading.
    • He is humble and sincere enough in his search to ask for help.
    • What he learns he acts on right away, as seen with his baptism.
  • How did he feel after coming to know God better?
  • The burning questions he had about God were answered in an afternoon.

Bereans - Acts 17:10-12

  • What was it about these Berean seekers that made Luke refer to them as having “noble character”?
    • Enthusiastic
    • Great Eagerness - explain
    • Examined the scriptures daily
  • Why was it important for them to “examine the Scriptures every day” for themselves?
  • What was the result of this eager yet diligent attitude?
  • As with prayer, reading the Bible is vitally important to knowing God.

2010-12-26 - Saved by Grace through Faith (part II)
Ephesians 2:1-10
  • What condition are we all in? We are dead in sins and transgressions.
  • How much can a dead man do to improve his own condition? What then is the only way we can be saved?
  • What do you learn about God in his passage? His love? His mercy? His grace?
  • What is the condition of receiving what God has done on our behalf?
  • We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is obedient trust in God (James 2:14-18).
  • Here we trust what God has done in Jesus as the grounds of our salvation and commit our lives fully to him. While we can never do enough good works to save ourselves, what are we saved for?
  • Saving faith is “worked out” in ways that bring glory to God and attest to a Christ-centered life.

Romans 3:21-26
  • Having shown that Gentiles (non-Jews) are sinners in Romans 1 and Jews are no better off Romans 2, Paul summarizes his argument here.
  • Is it possible for anyone to be “good enough” to be saved?
  • Illustration: a plane goes down half way between Hawaii and California. Everyone must swim for the coast. Can some swim much further than others? But what eventually happens to them all? So with us, no one’s own efforts are enough. All fall short. So how are we saved?
  • God justifies those who “have faith in Jesus” (v26).
  • Saving faith is not in ourselves but “in his blood”—that is, in the death of Jesus on our behalf (v25).

Titus 3:3-8
  • When we humbly consider our own sinfulness, it becomes obvious that we are saved because of God’s mercy, not because of righteous things we have done.
  • Those who have trusted God for salvation, however, will devote themselves to doing his will.
  • God’s grace is AMAZING! He generously accepts us as a result of Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf.
  • To enter into this saving relationship with God, we must be washed of our sins and renewed by the Holy Spirit.
  • We will look more at the conditions of accepting God’s grace in the coming studies.

2011-01-05 - Holy Spirit (part II)

Ephesians 1:13-14 - The Spirit is God’s mark of ownership on his children and a “deposit” of the
blessings of the age to come.

Ephesians 3:14-21 - We are strengthened with real power through the Spirit who dwells within us. We
cannot live the Christian life on our own strength, but God himself provides us with the power to live as
followers of Jesus. Understanding Jesus’ amazing love for us is a source of that strength.

Ephesians 4:29-32 - How do we “grieve” the Holy Spirit? Why is anger and anger-related sin so
devastating? How is disharmony in our relationships incompatible with having the Spirit of God in us?

2011-01-06 - Holy Spirit (part III)

1 Thessalonians 5:16-20 - How do we “put out the fire of” the Holy Spirit? Why is a life of faith the only
one that is in keeping with God’s Spirit living in us? What influences in the world around us can keep us
from having a faithful, God-centered outlook?

Romans 8:5-17, 26-27 - A Spiritual mindset brings life and peace, and obedience to God’s Word. The
Spirit frees us from fear and confirms that we are fully God’s children. The Spirit also aids in our life of
prayer and devotion to God.

Galatians 5:22-23 - The fruit of the Spirit: Expect it! Pursue it! This is the best “evidence” that you have
received the Holy Spirit, who is transforming us to become like Jesus. Decide to live according to the
Spirit - and keep affirming that decision!

2011-02-25 - Counting the Cost (part I)
Purpose: We want to review things with you to answer any questions or help with situations that could occur.

Luke 14:25-27
  • Question: What do you understand these scriptures as saying to you?
  • Question: Who would be the most challenging relationship for you to keep God above?
  • Question: What if your (spouse, kids, parent) did not want to be a disciple (or left) what would you do?
  • Satan will use relationships closest to you to try to pull you away.
  • Don't think these things will never happen to you - never underestimate the devil
  • v26 - Even his own life
    • What will you need to overcome?
James 4:7 - Temptations will come but you need to resist them - fighting for your life/salvation.

1 John 1:5-10
  • Even when you sin after you are baptized then the blood of Jesus will continue to purify you from all sin if we stay in the light
  • We should confess our sins and having discipling relationship helps us to take care of one another
  • Question: If someone approaches you and talks about how many changes they have seen in you. What should you tell them (role play)

2011-03-01 - Jesus was Human (part I)
Examples of Jesus having characteristics of humans:
  • Asked Questions - Luke 2:46
  • Bled - John 19:34
  • Buried - Matthew 27:59-60
  • Died - Matthew 27:50; 1 Corinthians 15:3
  • Experienced Joy - Hebrews 12:2; Luke 10:21
  • Grew - Luke 2:40
  • Had a human body - Matthew 26:12
  • Had a human parents - Luke 1:31; Galatians 4:4

2011-03-02 - Jesus was Human (part II)
Examples of Jesus having characteristics of humans:
  • Had Compassion - Matthew 9:36
  • Hungered - Matthew 4:2; Matthew 21:18
  • Increased in Knowledge - Luke 2:52
  • Learned Obedience - Hebrews 5:8
  • Looked like a man - John 4:9
  • Loved - Mark 10:21; Hebrews 2:14
  • Prayed - Mark 1:35
  • Slept - Matthew 8:24

2011-03-03 - Jesus was Human (part III)
Examples of Jesus having characteristics of humans:
  • Suffered - 1 Peter 4:1
  • Sweat blood - Luke 22:44
  • Thirsted - John 4:7; John 19:28
  • Was angered and grieved - Mark 3:5
  • Was Tempted - Matthew 4:1; Hebrews 2:18; Hebrews 4:15
  • Was Troubled - Mark 14:33-34; John 11:33; John 12:27
  • Was Weary - John 4:6
  • Wept - John 11:35; Luke 19:41

2011-06-08 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part I)
Why should we study the topic “Having the mind of Christ”? - 1 Corinthians 2:12-16

Man’s heart must be reshaped to think and act like God’s
  1. God is righteous and perfect in all His ways
  • His way is perfect and flawless - Psalms 18:30
  • The LORD is righteous in all his ways - Psalms 145:17
  1. Man is unrighteous and sinful
  • There is no one righteous, not even one - Romans 3:10, 13
  • The heart is deceitful above all things - Jeremiah 17:9

2011-08-06 - Daughter Needs - Sugar Daddy
It is the Father's duty to provide for the material needs - 1 Timothy 5:8
But if all we do as fathers i provide, we will miss other important parental responsibilities

A Sugar daddy is the one who spares no expense to but her toys and gifts
Her affection is his reward - likes the rush of her admiration and appreciation
Many times it comes from guilt after having spent too many hours on the job
Also comes from our emotional inability to give ourselves to our daughter

Daughters can begin to believe that the most important things in life are financial
They say "It is important to daddy, I like material things too"

Matter if adjusting our priorities
If she sees that he really values his relationship with her - she will value relationships
Give yourself to your daughter and you will teach her the value of real love

2011-09-01 - Fearing God - Requirements for growth (part I)

The first requirement of growing in fear is having an undivided heart

Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name - Psalms 86:11

It dentoes singleness of purpose, aim, and affections
No one can have two masters

Second requirement is regular, consistent exposure of our minds and hearts to His Word:

  • Reading it for ourselves
  • Hearing it taught
  • Studying it for ourselves

Saul fell down in fear before Christ
"He asked Who are you, Lord?" and "What shall I do, Lord? - Acts 22:8,10


2011-09-05 - Fearing God - Great Thoughts About God
If you want to fear God - every aspect of your day-to-day must dominated by thoughts of God

Takes work to do this, you won't grow other wise - 1 Timothy 4:7
It is not enough to just stand in awe of God as we read about Him
It should be part of out thinking

The sophisticated discoveries comes from when man thinks using God's thoughts
  • Airplanes designed after birds
  • Lunar lander with ant-like legs
  • Solar panels use the sun's rays like plants
Having the habit of thinking great thoughts - will become aware of His unseen hand in daily events

Great thoughts about God will lead us  to a realistic thoughts about ourselves
  • Realize how little we know
  • Realize how little we are in control
Few things block our growth of fearing God like feeling self-righteous and self-sufficiency

The Lord delights in those who fear Him and does not trust in man - Psalms 147:10-11

2011-09-24 - Proverbs on Pride (part IV)

#1. Humility heals our relationship with God - Proverbs 3:34
  • God honors humility
  • When we become humble we become more like God himself.
Philippians 2:8-11 - God honors humility (this is the 1st step to having a relationship with God)
James 4:8-10 - Humility isn’t a one time thing, we must continue to humble ourselves before God daily

#2. Humility heals our relationship with Others - Proverbs 6:3

To heal a relationship someone must take the first step - Christ did this for us
  • Best example is in a marriage (someone has to start with “I’m sorry”)
  • Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers” not “blessed is the one who wins the argument”
One purpose of a Christian relationship is to remove the pride from each other’s life (so we can get to heaven)

Colossians 1:28-29 - We must work to help each other be humble

2011-09-30 - Proverbs on Laziness (part II)
How do I overcome being lazy (How do I become disciplined)?

1. Carpe Diem = Seize the Day

We are only given a certain amount of time in a day (and on earth)
  • The challenge of life is not that we have too little time, but in how we are going to spend the time we do have.
  • We need to make the most of every day (make a to do list to get yourself started)
2. Beware of the little things

Being disciplined is about the little things in life.
  • Anyone can have a job but do we do the little things that make us a great employee
  • Anyone can have a child but do we do the things that make us a great parent
Examples of little things to be disciplined in
  1. Punctuality
  2. Paying bills on time
  3. Sending birthday (Father’s Day, Mother’s Day cards)
  4. Picking up after yourself
  5. Keeping your room/car clean
  6. Returning phone calls
  7. Looking presentable
3. Don’t over commit
One thing that can hurt your discipline is if you over commit
  • Discipline is being able to decide what can be done and doing it the right way
  • It’s better to do three (3) things well than ten (10) things half heartedly
An important thing to do is to spend time thinking about what needs to be done and how to do it.
  • You don’t have to say “yes” to everyone and everything (our people pleasing nature will end up making us overwhelmed, stressed)
4. Worrying Won’t Work

Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything
  • Worry is an unproductive emotion (it won’t change anything)
  • Worry is like a rocking chair (gives you something to do but gets you no where)
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him (God) because he cares for you

  1. Buy things that are useful instead of buying for status
  2. Do not buy anything that is producing an addiction in you
  3. Develop a characteristic of giving things away
  4. Develop a deeper appreciation for God’s creation
  5. Stay away from things that take your focus off of God
  6. If anything comes before you having QT’S in the morning then fast from that thing (activity) until you control it instead of it controlling you.

2011-10-10 - Genesis 10 - Genealogies (part II)


Japheth's line lived in the coastlands; Ham's included Nimrod and the Canaanites; Shem's lived in the East. These formed the nations.


Genesis 10:4 - peoples spread out ... each with its own language
These family was not only in not on the same page, in the same state. They each had a completely different language. Their words were likely not written down so changed easily because there was no reference point. Having different languages is not a bad thing but it illustrates when we do not have a reference point in our lives, our standards, direction, and our feelings of the day change we do things. Like God's written word, if we do not keep refering to it, we will live as if we are standing on shifting sand [[Matthew 7:26].

Genesis 10:6 - sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan
From Ham's children, came the Jews and others like the Philistines [Genesis 10:14]. I am not sure if this separation came from the times these kids were growing up but does show how much we need unity in our family. Though in verse 6, they had different languages. Unity is very important in a family and godly unity only comes from God. We can be united in mind and heart from our relationship with God. It is never to early introduce God to your family - especially children.

Personal Application

I am convicted on how fast families can be divided by Satan. How things can change and a heart is no longer are responsive in a relationship. I need to start ASAP.  I am going to make sure my children know God, his word and what it means to have an amazing relationship with Him.

2011-11-03 - Mind Change - Written in Heaven

Be “unreasonably,” “illogically” joyful because your name is written in heaven.

It seems you have more to do than you can get done but your name is written in heaven.

Your prayers didn’t get answered the way you thought they would but your name is written in heaven.

You are having “one of those days” but your name is written in heaven.

You didn’t do everything right but your name is written in heaven.

Luke 10:18-20 - Rejoice that your names stand written in heaven

2011-12-23 - Day 20 - Tempted by the World
~Psalms 73:1-14
  1. What was the writer feeling as he looked at the wealthy, unsaved people around him?
  2. Why did life seem unfair to him?
  3. How have you envied people in the world?
  4. Have you struggled with this since becoming a Christian? Have you talked about it?
~Psalms 73:15-22
  1. What did he realize about their final destiny?
  2. How is the "good life" like a dream that will end on judgement day?
  3. How was the writer thinking when he was envying them?
~Psalms 73:23-28
  1. What did the writer realize about his relationship with God?
  2. Memorize verses 25-26.
1 John 2:15-17
  1. What things in the world are you supposed to hate?
  2. What worldly things are still attracting you?
Application: Talk with another disciple about your feelings about the world. What temptations you have been having? Pray about them today

2011-12-29 - Day 26 - Dealing with Doubts
Matthew 11:1-6
  1. After all that John the Baptist knew about Jesus, why do you think he began having doubts?
  2. What did John do to deal with his doubts?
  3. What should you do when doubts enter your mind?
Matthew 18:16-17 - Does this surprise you? Read on and see what Jesus told his doubting disciples to do.

1 Corinthians 15:11-14
  1. What were the Christians in Corinth doubting? They had believed at first, but later some began to doubt.
  2. What are some teachings you have doubted after believing?
Luke 24:36-45
  1. Where do you think doubts come from?
  2. How did Jesus help them to find faith?
Application: Write briefly how you can overcome doubts through openness, the word of God, prayer and obedience.

2012-01-30 - Ministry - Christianity or Christ?
John 6:25-40

Jesus explains to the hungry crowds that their minds should be set on spiritual fulfillment, not on physical fulfillment. The bread that they are looking for is not a loaf of bread or even the manna that Moses' generation ate. The bread they needed was the bread from heaven: the Son of God. Having a relationship with Jesus is what will satisfy. Believing in him is what will change our lives. It is not Christianity but Christ. We chase spiritual fads, deep, theological issues, when all the Jesus wants is for us to be deeply dependent on him. This requires a radical change in how we have learned to exist. Some of us get burned out being Christians because having faith in God is not our focus. We spend a lot of time trying to do things and not time having a real relationship with "Christ who is our life."

  • What are some barriers to your faith in Christ?
  • What characteristics of Christ do you admire?
  • Pick one of those and focus on emulating it today in your own life.

2012-02-08 - Ministry - One Thing
Mark 10:17-22

Can you imagine having a little one on one time with Jesus? What do you think you would ask? What would he say? If Jesus was to challenge you on something in your life, what do you think it would be? He did have a similar conversation with a rich man in Mark 10:17-22 and the rich man asked a pretty important question, "What must I do to inherit eternal life?" Jesus responds with emphasizing obedience to the commands, and the rich man insists that he has been obedient to those Jesus spoke of. Then Jesus tells him, "one thing you still lack," he said, "go sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." So, what was the rich man missing? What did he still lack? Was it a love for the poor? Was he not sacrificial enough? Was it that he loved money too much? I think he was simply ungrateful.

Study out the following passages and see for yourself if it something that Jesus might have to talk with you about in your one on one time today!
  • Romans 1: 21 - being ungrateful can be at the root to many sins in your life
  • Luke 7: 36-50 - those who are more grateful show a greater capacity to love.
  • Luke 17: 11-19 - the thankful are commended before God.
  • Psalms 50: 5-23 - note that the sacrifice that means the most to God is one of 'Thanks!'
Express gratitude to God and others today. Several times. You will open doors by doing this.

2012-03-03 - Fear of Failure - Failure to speak the truth
by Adesha Johnson - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Isaiah 59

Failure to speak the truth does not have to be fatal

A character sin in my life is deceitfulness. I'm insecure and will often turn to something other than God to find security. Ironically, when I'm in this state, I really feel like I'm doing the right thing! Isaiah 59:1-21 opened up my eyes to the inner workings of deceit. Verse 13 shows how deceit begins and ends. First, I rebel against the Lord by having shorter prayer and bible study and not turning to him as soon as I've sinned. Second, I
start lying about how I'm doing and feeling. It's at those times that I find myself easily embittered at people around me. My bitterness is a direct result of the guilt I feel because of my deceit. Here's the bottom line: The Lord loves the truth!

Decision: To be truthful daily in regards to sin, guilt and how I am feeling and to continue studying out Truth in the scriptures.

2013-04-16 - The Strength of Jesus (part I)

Four instances of Jesus' first impressions:

  1. Jesus' mastery of strength - John said there one coming mighter than I - John had face the greatest men of his day without flinching; John faltered and drew back when the man from Nazareth appeared
  2. Jesus' leadership of strength - Fishermen were left with such an impression, they left everything at once and followed him.
  3. Jesus' authority of strength - He goes into a synagogue and they were amazed at his teaching (as one having authority which had not been seen before)
  4. Jesus' power of strength - Miracles and healings by Him; people were surprised by His power

Jesus draws men to him because of his power

  • Crowd was so great at the seashore, they pushed him into the water
  • Hilltop suddenly became alive because of his presence
  • Every city he passed through, he turned upside down

Only a man of strength draws to him great masses of men


2013-06-25 - Why we need men of resolution (part II)

Our relationship with our father is very telling as to why we are and who we are.

“What does my dad really think about me?” Lots of fathers don’t realize their vital role.

Many issues come from fathers having lost their sense of purpose.

Society is guiding boys to remain boys as long as possible— extending childhood into their thirties—while forcing girls to become women long before they are ready.

Millions of young men are staying single. They want the privileges and rewards of manhood but only the responsibilities and moral requirements of boys.

God has a special place in His heart for two specific groups of people: fatherless children and widows.
have in common? The most important man in the leadership role of their lives is gone.

Dad have good intention but there many things working against them:

  • Divorce - best thing for kids is to see their parents humble themselves, repent of their selfishness, forgive one another, and recommit to their marriage
  • Work - Before the industrial revolution, fathers primarily worked at home. When dad finally did get home, he was too tired to engage, and his family got the leftovers. Men need to set boundaries and learn to say “no,” his work priorities will constantly pull him away.
  • Entertainment - the television becomes their influence instead which is a terrible father.
  • Anti-father bias in media - dads on TV today are incompetent and constantly outwitted by their wives and disrespectful kids.
  • The church - many church programs separate families to the point that kids never see their fathers

Devil will never stop attacking what God prioritizes.

2013-09-09 - A Man Accepts His Masculinity

THe key ingredient masculinity is actually strength
Like Jesus, every man also needs to be developing moral, mental, social, and spiritual strength.
If men do not develop a sense of their own fortitude, they will never attempt hard things.
Opposite of masculinity is to be feminine, which means soft, pretty, and delicate.

Culture has spent decades telling women to “Rise up and be strong!” and telling men to “Sit down and be quiet!”

King David charged his son Solomon, “Be strong, therefore, and show yourself a man” - 1 Kings 2:2
If you are going to obey Him and be faithful to Him until the end, you must act like a man, embrace your masculinity, and hear His command to “Be strong!” - Joshua 1:9
When the enemy is attacking, you must keep up your resistance — “and having done everything, to stand firm” - Ephesians 6:13
“Act like men, be strong!” - 1 Corinthians 16:13

This is our responsibility as men. This is required of us to be faithful.

2013-09-24 - A Man Recognizes His Accountability

Having no accountability always leads to irresponsibility

One day we will stand before God one day and be held accountable for how we lived

Our actions not only have immediate consequences but eternal ones as well:

  • We will all stand before the judgment seat of God - Romans 14:10
  • He will “judge men’s secrets” - Romans 2:16
  • He will bring to light the things hidden in the darkness, disclosing the motives of our hearts - 1 Corinthians 4:5
  • He will judging the words of our mouths - Matthew 12:36
  • He will testthe deeds we have done - Romans 2:5-8

This is wired into our consciences and confirmed throughout His Word

Everything in a man’s thinking changes when he realizes that he is only one heartbeat from standing before the Lord

Do you know for certain where you will spend eternity after you die?
Most men don’t understand what God requires for someone to be ready
We must take full responsibility for ourselves, our wives, and our children

Preparing for that day is why we should become accountable to one another

Here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man - Ecclesiastes 12:13–14

Accountability dynamically helps make us into men - humble, wise, responsible, faithful men.

2013-10-10 - Resolve to Lead Your Marriage

Do you realize that as the leader of your home?
You are driving, the husband is more responsible.
Very, very rarely will a wife want out of a marriage if her husband is leading
Men simply give up when a marriage turns south or they disengage and sit around waiting for their wives

We must take courage and always be willing to make the first move, God has put something into men that longs to be courageous.
When a man uses that courage to lead his wife well, she tends to bloom.
When a wife lives with a leadership void, both of them will feel resentment toward each other and less secure together.

The idea of 50/50 leadership is a farce that creates two heads and two directions.
Our wives should have the freedom to influence without having to bear the weight of responsibility and accountability

History is littered with self-centered men who have dominated, belittled, ignored, and abused their wives in the name of male leadership.
God’s biblical design of leadership, the strong die for the weak.
The more powerful or influential you are, the more humble, servant-hearted, and sacrificial you are to become

Jesus, God’s Son was the most powerful leader of all time
He served and shepherded them instead of throwing His weight around
Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant - Mark 10:42-45
For there is no “greater love”  - John 15:13
Free her up from carrying the marriage and family. Rescue her.
She is called your helper, just as God is a “helper” to us - Psalms 54:4
Women are perfectly designed to partner with us so that our strengths complement one another’s weaknesses

Lead your wife by serving her well.

2014-01-25 - Bless Your Children

We need to boldly redefined success for them = “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” - Deuteronomy 6:5
It is not only how we define success for ourselves; this is how we are called as fathers to define success for our children and grandchildren.
You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up - Deuteronomy 6:6-7

1. God’s Word must “be on your heart.”
Many children who leave the faith is because we did not see God actively working in their parents’ lives.
You can’t inspire them with truths you’re not living

Must always tell them how God is moving:

  • When God answers your prayers, tell your kids about it.
  • When He changes your heart or helps you overcome temptation, celebrate it with them.
  • When you face a season of suffering or persecution, let them see the strength of your faith.

Every day gives you fresh, new material for making your life with Christ a front-row experience

2. Training your children to love God must occur within the context of close relationships.

Talk about God is informal time:

  • Greeting your kids at the breakfast table
  • Sitting around the house
  • Having spiritually rich conversations in the car or at dinner

Making disciples of all nations begins with your own children  - it all starts with their hearts.


2015-02-20 - Just Enough

Give me neither poverty nor riches - Proverbs 30:8-9

Agur understood "The Law of Just Enough"

Feeling of discontent will cause a man to do strange things

  • Rich tend to be self-sufficient, self-indulgent, and self-satisfied and forget their need for God
  • Poor tend to get desparate to the point of doing foolish things that would dishonor himself and GOd

Having just enough to feel satisfied but not so much that they neglect their provider

Failure to be content with whatever God gives you can lead to a boatload of trouble - 1 Timothy 6:6-10

2015-03-10 - All Good Things

You rule over everything - 1 Chronicles 29:12

David understood that although he had worked hard, God was the source of all his accomplishments

King David realized no one, whatever his station in life, ever receieves anything good apart from God

David died at a ripe old age, having enjoyed long life, wealth, and honor - 1 Chronicles 29:28

God loves hearing you declare him as your source of all good things

Allow others to see God at work in your life and open yourself to additional blessings

2015-05-03 - Importance of Insight

Tell this man the meaning of his vision - Daniel 8:16

God gave Daniel a vision concerning future events

Daniel realized the vision without a satisfying interpretation would do him no good

An angel appeared to him to explain it because of his genuine desire for insight into the vision

Knowledge of God's Word is good but having the practical understanding to apply it is life changing

God promises to give understanding to anyone who earnestly seeks it

How often do you seek out the scriptures on how to be a godly man, husband, father, employee?

2015-08-23 - Replaced

Kill him and release Barabbas to us - Luke 23:18

Barabbas no doubt arose the morning of his scheduled execution and felt dread

What he didn't know that morning was he would live to see another day because Someone would save his life and take his place

Jesus understood the augish - he sweat, wept, and begged if only there was another way

There wasn't

Pilot tried to secure Jesus' release but the people weren't having it

We don't know what Barabbas did following his reprieve but he surely remembered Jesus as the one who died in his place

We should think of Jesus in the same way

2015-09-12 - Get Into Action

We decided to leave for Macedonia at once, having concluded that God was calling us to preach the Good News there - Acts 16:10

In Acts 16, Luke's language changed from third person to first person as he took an active part of the ministry

We decided to leave for Macedonia at once - Acts 16:11

Luke was not content to just sit back and observe other people's experiences of faith

He became an integal part:

  • Doing the same work
  • Taking the same risks
  • Preaching the same message
  • Reaping the same rewards

Christian growthis throwing yourself into the work of the KIngdom

2015-09-28 - Right Prophets

These prophets are telling lies in my name. I did not send them or tell them to speak - Jeremiah 14:14

During the prophet Jeremiah's ministry, "prophets of God" contradicted Jeremiah's warning about coming divine judgement.

They insisted that everything was all right and God had not really given Jeremiah a message of wrath

The people did not want to hear the truth choosing comfort over conviction

We have plent of false prophets with comforting thoughts today with some even having good intentions

The real question is wheather or not their words match up with God's word

2015-12-01 - Willing to Confront

When Peter came to Antioch, I had to oppose him to his face - Galatians 2:11

Uncorrected errors do multiply, you got to face them some day

Few of us enjoy confrontation:

  • Pointing out other's flaws
  • Having our flaws exposed

Spiritual health sometimes calls for loving confrontations

Petter had erred in refusing to dine with uncircumcised Gentiles Christians

Peter was clearly in the wrong and Paul confronted him directly

Paul modeled the importance of lving confrontation with regard to crucial issues of faith

If he let this error slide, bigger errors would soon bury the young church

Next 24 >>