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2011-06-28 - Mind of Christ - Helping People (part III)
Attitude differences between a compassionate heart and one that is uncompassionate.

Compassion Lack of Compassion
“Tenderhearted, Merciful” “Hardhearted, Unmerciful”
“Gives people the benefit of the doubt” “Believe people are untrustworthy and deceitful”
“People are precious, this person is a creation of God, made in God’s
own image”
“People are less important than what I am doing”
“I also am human; that could be me instead of him,” “I don’t have time; I’ll let someone else less important render assistance”
“Perhaps I can help,” “What’s the use, it will never change,”
“This person is in such need that I must do something now,” “I’d like to help, but it is such an inconvenience”
“People can change” “This person will never change”
“Can I offer assistance?” “Let me think it over and I’ll get back to you”

Which side of the table do I tend to say more of?

2011-08-11 - Daughter Needs - Loving Kindness
A daughter needs a father's gentleness, protective favor to intercede for her against those who would do her wrong

Two tendencies to limit their kindness:
  • Being macho, to prove we are unfailingly strong
    • They think strong is the opposite of gentleness and kindness instead of being the opposite of weak
    • Daughters needs to see your strength and kindness
  • The belief that men/boys needs are the same as woman/girls needs
    • Both need gentleness but woman generally place a higher priority on it
    • If you gentle to your wife and you would want someone to be gentle toward you, it is too little
    • Your daughter is a woman in the making - he needs are going to much closer to your wife than your own
It is important what you say and much as how you say it

Do you give your daughter far more positive comments then negative?
Say something positive, then say "do better" next time?

2011-08-30 - Fearing God - Turning Aside Wrath
It is difficult for us to think about God's wrath; we prefer to think about his love
We envision a wrathful person as out of control

God's wrath is controlled, it is also described as anger, fury, and indignation

Unrepentant people are storing up wrath - Romans 2:5
We were born by nature as objects of wrath - Ephesians 2:3
Through condemnation of Adam's sin and our own personal sin

On the cross, Jesus suffered God's wrath in our place
"Why have you forsaken me?" - Matthew 27:46

Really start to enjoy fearing God:
  • Realize in the depth that we deserve the wrath of God yet it was poured out on Jesus instead
  • We are awed by His wrath and His love

2011-09-06 - Followup: Grace (part I)
The understanding of grace is the foundation for a love-motivated relationship with God, rather than one that is works-motivated. We can become Pharisees (knowing the requirements of Christian life but missing the heart motivation.

Similarly, overachievers (in the world or in the kingdom) are valued by others and value themselves based on their performance. The goal of follow up is to build security, self-esteem and worth based on God’s grace and love not on their Christian duty of perfect performance.

Question: How do you define “grace”?
  • Undeserved forgiveness
  • Acceptance even without perfect performance
  • Real love (an “in-spite-of” love)
Question: Where does grace come from?
  • Jesus receives the punishment for your sins instead of you - 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • After baptism, Jesus blood continues to cover over our sin - 1 John 1:7

2011-09-22 - Proverbs on Pride (part II)

#1. Pride kills our relationship with God & others (Proverbs 16:5)
  • One reason the Bible is so adamant about pride is its effect on our view of God.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride we begin to act as if we are God
  • Instead of being in the image of God we try to make God in our image
  1. We make God into a national God = prospers our country only
  2. Watering down the Bible = suit our feelings
  3. When we act as if we are a special case = God will overlook our situation
  4. When we become depressed & discouraged (I’m just a failure) = God messed up

Ultimate example is Satan (Revelation 12:7-9, 13:4-9)
  • Satan wants to put thoughts in the minds and hearts of the saints to lead them astray
  • He really wants to come after the ministry staff that leads God’s people.
  1. Have division and tension in your marriage (not a divorce just disunity)
  2. He wants your children (that’s one of the best ways he can hurt you)
  3. He wants you to be competitive & jealous of others
  4. He wants you to struggle with forgiving others
  5. He wants you to be focused only on your ministry & not the church (bigger picture)
How can he make that happen? Our pride. Hardest thing in the world is for us to be humble.
  1. We’re family, he wants it to be like Cain & Abel
  2. King Saul, Satan wants you to think you can lead better than others, nothing to learn from me, be a good follower
  3. Satan wants KC church divided from the Heartland & movement

2011-09-23 - Proverbs on Pride (part III)
Proverbs 13:10 - wise men and women listen to each other's counsel

Proverbs 18:11 - The rich think their wealth protects them

  • I read that when a caterpillar exists in its lowly state it can get as close as it wants to other caterpillars.
  • They climb all over each other and share grounds selflessly.
  • But as soon as the caterpillar spreads its wings and takes flight, it can never again get close as it once did to other creatures.
  • The beauty of its wings is the very thing that prevents it from getting close.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride, we cannot get close to people around us.
  • We beat our wings against theirs and we both are destroyed.
The most deadly attribute of pride in a relationship is selfishness.
  • It takes humility to have truly great relationships
  • When we are selfish we refuse to share what we have with others (time, possessions, self)
  • If we fail to share ourselves, then on one will really know us.
  • It is impossible to be really close to people and be selfish
#2. Pride kills self-esteem (Proverbs 26:12)
  • Pride blinds us to who we really are
  • We get a false image of ourselves and cling to that image instead of the truth
  • Underneath our arrogance and pride are feelings of self-loathing and extreme neediness
  • In order to overcome we puff ourselves up, we act as if we have it together
  • Unfortunately we only fool & hurt ourselves because others can see through it.
  • This shell of pride can also keep others away as we duck our heads back in (turtle)
  • As long as we stay in our shell we are prisoners of our own pride, destine to live a lonely life

2011-09-30 - Proverbs on Laziness (part II)
How do I overcome being lazy (How do I become disciplined)?

1. Carpe Diem = Seize the Day

We are only given a certain amount of time in a day (and on earth)
  • The challenge of life is not that we have too little time, but in how we are going to spend the time we do have.
  • We need to make the most of every day (make a to do list to get yourself started)
2. Beware of the little things

Being disciplined is about the little things in life.
  • Anyone can have a job but do we do the little things that make us a great employee
  • Anyone can have a child but do we do the things that make us a great parent
Examples of little things to be disciplined in
  1. Punctuality
  2. Paying bills on time
  3. Sending birthday (Father’s Day, Mother’s Day cards)
  4. Picking up after yourself
  5. Keeping your room/car clean
  6. Returning phone calls
  7. Looking presentable
3. Don’t over commit
One thing that can hurt your discipline is if you over commit
  • Discipline is being able to decide what can be done and doing it the right way
  • It’s better to do three (3) things well than ten (10) things half heartedly
An important thing to do is to spend time thinking about what needs to be done and how to do it.
  • You don’t have to say “yes” to everyone and everything (our people pleasing nature will end up making us overwhelmed, stressed)
4. Worrying Won’t Work

Philippians 4:6 - Do not be anxious about anything
  • Worry is an unproductive emotion (it won’t change anything)
  • Worry is like a rocking chair (gives you something to do but gets you no where)
1 Peter 5:7 - Cast all your anxiety on him (God) because he cares for you

  1. Buy things that are useful instead of buying for status
  2. Do not buy anything that is producing an addiction in you
  3. Develop a characteristic of giving things away
  4. Develop a deeper appreciation for God’s creation
  5. Stay away from things that take your focus off of God
  6. If anything comes before you having QT’S in the morning then fast from that thing (activity) until you control it instead of it controlling you.

2011-10-02 - Genesis 2 - Creation & Recreation Recap


God formed a man and gave him the garden in Eden, except for the tree of knowledge. Adam was alone so God made a woman as his partner.


Genesis 2:7 - from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life
From nothing, God created us. He even takes our language that is a collection of organized means and breathed [2 Timothy 3:16] it into living and active Holy scripture [Hebrews 4:12].

Genesis 2:15 - put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.
Man's purpose in the garden was to work it and keep it up. God gives us work to do in step with what he desires. Work is good for glorify God, helping others, and helping us in our character. In [Acts 17:26], we learn that God determines the times and places we will live. It wasn't a random chance that Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden even with God's fore knowledge of Adam's sin.

Genesis 2:16 - You are free
The first words recorded spoken to man was "You are free". This is important because without freedom, love can not be fully expressed. God created man for Him to love and to be loved by man. What are we doing with the life and freedom God has given us? Does he feel the love?

Genesis 2:17 - you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,
The sinful nature within us desires the opposite of what God wants. When it hears about something we can not do, that is the exact thing it desires to do.

Genesis 2:19 - whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name
With our freedom, we are given responsibilities. Instead of just telling us what the names of the animals and plants we, God gave Adam the task and freedom to do so. We need to remember all the things God intrusts us with and give it our all.

Personal Application

Many times I look for ways on how to automate work (it is part of the work I do as part of my career) but sometimes lose sight that work is what I am suppose to be doing. When automating tasks, I need to make sure I am using my additional time to do even more useful things that God has called me to do.

2011-10-13 - Genesis 13 - The Cowboy Conflict


Abram journeyed with his nephew Lot. Their servants argued, so Lot went to Sodom, Abram to Canaan. The LORD promised Abram the land.


Genesis 13:7 - So there were quarrels
When there are many things involved, sometimes because there are quarrels. Quarrels come from our evil desires within us [James 4:1]. It is not the amount of items but our heart toward them. In this day in age, there are many quarrel and we have many things. Right now Congress can not agree on much of anything. Are we fighting the good fight or just fighting each other?

Genesis 13:11 - Lot chose for himself the whole region of the Jordan
Lot had a choice, the better Lot wanted the "well-watered" land for himself but in the ended up with the land full of sin. When chose what is better for ourselves rather than others, we many times not get what we think we are getting. If Lot had the choice over again, he would have likely would chose to give the land to Abram but it instead cost him his life.

Personal Application

I have been very quarrelsome at work recently - there is a lot that frustrates me right now. I need to relax and count my blessings. It is not worth broken relationships or loss of life.

2011-10-14 - Genesis 14 - The Kidnapping of Lot


The kings went to war and took Lot captive. Abram rescued Lot. Melchizedek blessed Abram and Abram gave him a tenth of everything.


Genesis 14:18 - Melchizedek ... He was priest of God Most High
This is the first mention of a priest in the Bible. Melchizedek was the start of the line of priests that would stretch all the way to Jesus' time. Jesus because the high priest and the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him [Hebrews 5:9-10].

Genesis 14:23 - I will accept nothing belonging to you
Abram made the decision not to take anything from the king of Sodom while saving Lot. Instead he chose to give some of his possessions to the priest because he was so grateful that God gave him victory over the kings. He must of sensed something from the king of Sodom that was not right and did not want to be associated with him. Do we have worldly ties that we shouldn't? People around us can assume because hang around others that do wrong, we do the same things. We should live among people as Jesus did but how are we associated with them?


Personal Application

Do I have a good sense of my relationships? Do I tend to be a part of group to just belong or a higher reason? I find it much easier to take then to give and I do not think I have conviction on doing the reverse. There is no such thing as a free lunch (maybe from God because he gives freely) - are some offers of others giving really a trap? In some some situations, I should be giving instead of taking.

2011-10-16 - Genesis 16 - Ishmael is Born


Sarai told Abram to have children with Hagar. Hagar conceived, then ran away, but an angel sent her back. Hagar's son was Ishmael.


Genesis 16:5 - You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering
At age 86 [Genesis 16:15] and 14 years too early, Abram had forgotten God's promise and was starting to make God's promise work for himself instead of waiting for God to fulfill his promise of making him a father of a great nation. Agreeing to Sarai's idea, he married Hagar and she became pregnant. This really complicated things between the three of them. The same thing happens with us. When we go about trying to do what we think God wants, things really get messed up.

Genesis 16:8 - where have you come from, and where are you going?
The angel that appeared asked about what direction Hagar was going.  Both question are necessary in evaluating our spiritual growth. Like understanding your physical location, you must first understand the past and state of mind you came from. Not knowing the starting point, you can not give directions. If you just knew where you have been and have no direction to go, you can not grow either.

Personal Application

I know I have experience times where I think I am doing what God wants but it really comes from my impatience or my selfish desires to see things happens the way I want them and when I want them. I need to just be patient and ask "is this the Lord will?".

2011-11-22 - Getting Advise (part II)
Advise will bring about only what is good
  • Proverbs 11:14 - Many advisers bring victory in your daily life
  • Proverbs 15:22 - Allow others to be a part of your planning; they will help you succeed
  • Proverbs 19:20 - Advise will make you wiser than ever
Before big decisions, you should seek advise
  • Proverbs 20:18 - Get advise before the challenging battles you will be facing
  • Proverbs 24:5-6 - Young disciples need older soldier’s guidance on waging spiritual battles
Only pride will keep you from seeking advise
  • Proverbs 15:12 - Be open to the possibility that your plans may be wrong or not the best
  • Proverbs 16:18 - You may fall simply because you refused to get input in your life
  • Proverbs 18:12 - Humility leads to advise, advise leads to victory, victory leads to honor
Do your best to make it a regular practice to get a lot of advise in your life – the more the better. God has always used other godly people to guide His people to a better life. Don’t wait for someone to ask you the right questions about your plans. Instead, go to them and seek their help and guidance. You’ll be amazed how much trouble you can avoid and how much good can come your way if you stay open to getting advise.

2012-01-16 - Ministry - Faith: The Generator of Miracles
Mark 6:1-6; Mark 9:14-25; II Kings 20:1-11

Sometimes we think that miracles ended when the Bible was finished. Or if they do occur today, they happen to other people. Our faith becomes limited to what we can accomplish instead of what God can do through us. The call of the disciple is to believe the unbelievable. To live on the edge. To dream where there are no dreamers left. God is unlimited in what he can do. Often times he does do miracles but because we are not looking through the eyes of faith, we cannot see them occur. We learn from the Scriptures above that miracles will only occur where faith is present. We have to confront the unbelief in our lives and battle against past faithlessness. We cannot let past sin or discouragement set low expectations or low beliefs in our lives. God is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine.

  • What will you ask or imagine?
  • What will you allow God to do in your life?
  • What "impossibility" do you have in your life that you want to see God change?
  • What person's life do you want to see changed?
God can absolutely do it. We need to get the faith to ask boldly and constantly until it occurs.

What miracles do you choose to believe God will do in your life or others lives? Dream big!
Write down something you will pray to see God do this year.

2012-01-19 - Ministry - Remaining In Christ
John 15

Remaining in Christ seems like an easy thing to do yet it challenges us as disciples. We have spent years finding our identity in the world, in success, in how others feel about us. We strive for a "good self-esteem." Instead, Jesus calls for us to have a "proper self-esteem" and a proper view of ourselves. This is found by remaining in Christ. We are called to be as intimately connected with Christ as a vine is with a branch. That connection brings fruit, change and answered prayer. We are to find our identity in Christ, not in ourselves. The call of discipleship is to abandon self, not to make ourselves better. Christ is better; we are lost and dead outside of Him. God wants us to get our spiritual identity from his Son. As disciples we are called to a Person, not to a program. To relationship, not to religiosity. We are called to Christ, not to Christianity. An interesting exercise to do would be to count how many times the expressions "In Christ" or "in Him" are used in the book of Ephesians, a great book on being "in Christ."

  • Do not focus on who you are not. Focus on who Christ is.
  • What must you abandon in your life so that Christ can shine through you more?
  • Express your gratitude to God for his Son who has changed your life.

2012-01-22 - Ministry - With Jesus, You Will Not Stand Alone
John 8: 1-11

Compromising circumstances were not sufficient evidence, as the Jewish law required witnesses who had seen the act. Imagine what this woman felt in the midst of an angry crowd eager to trap Jesus, she was caught in the act of adultery! She was humiliated and alone. The incident was staged to trap Jesus since the Romans did not allow the Jews to carry out death sentences. So if Jesus had said to stone her, he could have been in conflict with the Romans. If he had said no to stone her, he could have been accused of not being supportive of the law.

So Jesus started to write on the ground, we could only imagine what he wrote, it could have been the list of sins. Then without disagreeing with the law he gave them a qualification to cast the first stone, it was whoever was without sin instead of whoever is without the sin of adultery. As Christians, even though we know that God sees all sins the same, we categorize sin and fall in to Satan's trap of self-righteousness. We forget that deceit, bitterness, envy and anger are just as bad as sexual immorality or murder.

Jesus showed the woman compassion, mercy and also commanded her to leave her life of sin. We can only imagine the woman's sense of relief and gratitude. Her life will never be the same again. At the worst point of your life Jesus stood up for you, instead of letting you be condemned.

  • What are three areas of your life that you need to be shown compassion and mercy in?
  • Do you extend compassion and mercy to others who struggle in the same areas?

2012-01-25 - Ministry - Jesus' Rescue Mission
Matthew 18:10-14 (Luke 15:3-10)

It is comforting to know we serve a God who is not only all-powerful and all-knowing, but also all-loving. Sometimes the spiritual battle gets so intense that we wonder if God really cares. This passage proves how deeply God cares about each individual "sheep". How we do spiritually does matter to God. He does not want any of his disciples to wander off and fall away.

Jesus is the perfect shepherd who will do whatever it takes to go after the one lost sheep. Each soul matters to God. Jesus' heart is to keep on searching, keep on hoping, and keep on loving until the sheep is found and returns home. We need to take on Jesus' heart and persevere in rescuing those who have given up on their relationship with God. Satan wants us to get hurt, get bitter and angry instead of being compassionate and determined to help those who have lost faith. Let's be inspired by Jesus' unfailing love and decide to be part of Jesus' rescue team!

  • What is your attitude towards those who have fallen away from God?
  • When was the last time you reached out to someone who has stopped being a part of the fellowship?
Practical: Choose one person who you can rescue and encourage today. Make a card ; call them and invite them over for dinner; give them a gift of their "favorite."

2012-02-07 - Ministry - The Serving Heart of Jesus
John 13: 1 - 17

At a time when Jesus could have most concerned about himself and what lay ahead he chose to serve the disciples instead. Jesus was known for his acts of service before God and men. Rather than just telling people what they should do for him and each other Jesus set the example. After he served them he asked them if they understood what he had done for them. Do we really understand the importance of serving?

True servitude comes from a childlike heart.

Matthew 18: 1 - 9
Children are humble-hearted and love to serve. We need to consider others and look for ways to meet their needs both physically and spiritually. Sin is what stops us from serving. When we are in sin we are serving ourselves: our pleasures and desires. Jesus had a radical attitude toward sin because it keeps us from the spiritual act of serving and into the acts of the sinful nature. When we are serving it is difficult to be selfish, inward focused, prideful, self-righteous, sad and depressed. Jesus experienced great joy by meeting other people's needs. Jesus understood that serving is the true path to greatness. If we desire to be like Jesus we must develop deep convictions in the area of servitude.

How did Jesus Serve?
  • He met people's spiritual needs. John 4: 1 - 26
  • He taught people to serve by meeting physical needs. Luke 10:25 - 37
Sometimes serving others means saying "no" to ourselves. How can you say "no" to your needs today in order meet someone else's?

2012-02-15 - Fear of Failure - That Our Faith Should Not Fail
by Rosalind Lam, San Francisco Church of Christ

Luke 22:31-62

Jesus recognized the spiritual battle both he and his disciples would undergo before his arrest and therefore prayed that Simon's faith would not fail him and that he would "repent and turn to [Jesus] again, strengthen and build up [his] brothers" (NLT). Peter was blinded by his pride and did not have a sober view of his own ability to resist temptation, even after Jesus warned him that he would deny him. Peter's overconfidence was evident when he chose to sleep instead of pray and Peter's reliance on his flesh led to him being overpowered by fear and failing to have conviction during the time of pressure. Though Peter got bitter at his failure initially, he did not let it destroy his faith but went on to do amazing things for God, including preaching the opening sermon for the church.

What I learn from this passage about my own failures as a Christian is that Satan's ultimate goal is that my faith will fail me. Jesus' prayer helped me to make a decision that as long as I fight hard in prayer to repent and turn back to God, use my failures to build the faith of other Christians, and never give up, I can always make a comeback as Peter did and see God use me to fulfill his dreams for my life.

  • Look at how God has overcome my shortcomings to help me grow.
  • Build trust in God today by sharing a victory with a friend.

2012-02-18 - Fear of Failure - Letting Problems and Failures Build Your Faith
by Tracey Jones, San Francisco Church of Christ

Romans 4:18-22; Jeremiah 29:11; Romans 5:1-6

We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. And endurance develops strength of character in us. Romans 5:3-4 (NLT) I think as a non-Christian, I was the most anxious, controlling person in the world. I remember I would have almost every minute of my life planned out from beginning to end. Although it helped me to be disciplined and to achieve goals, it stopped me from letting people into my heart. I was always the strong one to my friends and family…"the rock". They saw all the successful things on the outside, but they didn't see the desperate, feeble person I was inside. When I began to work with people, it was very difficult for me,  because I had no control whatsoever over them. That lack of control began to crush me. Now I see that God is using my problems and failures to encourage me to grow. He is telling me the little that I know is not enough - I need to keep growing and changing and developing into the person He wants me to be. One decision I have made when I have problems in my ministry, marriage, or family is to pray about them and to commit them fully
to God. Now, instead of giving in to thoughts like “I can't change that woman's heart, I pray specifically about what I need help with and have confident expectation of what God will do. This has brought much more joy to my marriage, ministry, and life.

What is stealing your joy? Could it be that you are letting problems and situations dictate your life?

Decide today to commit those things to prayer and ask God to give you increasing character to deal with your life.

2012-02-20 - Fear of Failure - Relying on God Never Fails
by Jeremy Clark, San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 17:5-10; Hosea 10:12-13

Often the failures in my life have felt devastating. They have made me doubt myself, made me doubt my purpose and made me doubt God. When I began to lead a ministry, I thought I could do it by myself. I was out to prove to myself that I was capable. As I began to lead I ran around all the time, I was exhausted, anxious, and worried about getting in trouble every day. I was miserable. What I didn't realize was that as I was trying to prove that I could do it, God was proving to me that I couldn't without him. My failure made me want to quit. I felt cursed; it seemed all the the work I did meant nothing. God was showing me my pride, but instead of praying more, I worried more and ran around more and was completely ineffective. My failure came because of my pride, my unwillingness to be open, and not getting the help I needed. I was relying on myself, and God was teaching me that he would not bless it. That lesson was hard to learn, but one so valuable to my life once I was willing to learn to rely on God and not my own strength.
  • Pray about everything before you do it: pray about decisions, hopes and plans. God will bless it.
  • Get advice about the plans you are making.
  • Relax and enjoy your relationship with God, enjoy reaching out to people, enjoy your purpose.
  • Don't try to prove anything to anyone, except that you love being a Christian.

2012-02-24 - Fear of Failure - When We Don't Meet Expectations
by Maritza Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 1:4-10

To me, "failure" has meant not living up to expectations--either what I expect of myself or what others expect of me. In my pride, I get angry when my weakness is exposed, and I see how ill equipped I am to face a certain task or spiritual battle. Instead of trusting in God and turning to him to strengthen me, give me wisdom, and make me able, I get a quitter's mentality. I decide that because I am not already able, I will take myself out so I no longer have to face my failure. I decide to take the easy road, where I can be "successful" and no longer feel the pressure to change the
core sin in my character.

In this scripture, I learn that God has had a destiny for our lives. God has known me since 'before I was in the womb.' He knows the stuff I'm made of. He knows what I am weak in and what I can and can't do. Yet he has still called me to serve him in awesome ways, and to do it with all my heart. He has appointed me to serve him, and that needs to be my focus. If I am focused on my daily relationship with him, get humble and open about my failures, and if I serve him with all my heart, he will fulfill the destiny he has for my life!

Three Decisions I've Made
  • Admit my sin and weaknesses
  • Ask for help from God and others
  • Commit myself to serving God, no matter my shortcomings

2012-03-13 - Blessings In Christ (part IX)
Continue studying through the blessing of Jesus:

43. The Lord becomes our helper instead of our judge - Hebrews 13:6

44. We get abounding grace - 2 Corinthians 9:8

45. We get eternal love - Romans 8:38-39

46. Everything that happens to us will be for our own good - Romans 8:28

47. A promised faithfulness regardless of our faithlessness - 2 Timothy 2:13

2012-08-03 - Genesis 22 - The Offering of Isaac


God told Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. As Abraham obeyed, an angel stopped him. The LORD provided a ram instead and blessed Abraham.


Genesis 22:2 - Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering
God calls us to sacrifice to a high degree. We need to trust in God when we are called to sacrifice. Abram was called to the give up one of the most important persons in his life. At what point do we stop sacrificing? When we feel we are about to leave our comfort zone? When the price is too high?

Genesis 22:5 - and then we will come back to you
He did not know how or in what way but Abram had faith God would not forget about His promise to Abram. Would his son come back to life? Would God give him a new son? What whatever was to happen, Abram believed he would not be coming back alone when he said "we will come back".

Genesis 22:12 - I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son
God present us with tests in our life to see where our heart is at. These test also tell us where our own heart is at if we pay attention. There was no cost Abram was not willing to pay to seek out the Lord which show he had the right perceptive of God's power.  Our sacrifice level shows our love for God.

Personal Application

I know for me I give until it starts to physically hurt, brings up bad memories, or I don't see the need to. It does not depend on me; I need to sacrifice in relation to the need. As I grow close to go God I will see God's heart in this.

2012-10-13 - Prayer of the Righeous - Arms Wide Open (part III)
The older son a problem with his brother's return and his father's warm welcome
The father pleaded with him - Luke 15:28
He refused to call him brother but instead "this son of yours" - Luke 15:30

It is difficult to pray when you are angry with God and you feel like he owes you something
May feel God has not brought justice but Jesus promises to bring it but we need to persevere - Luke 18:7-8
Justice will come but not on our timetable
When God's arms are wide open to us, we should not fold ours
We can draw close to God with bitterness in our heart

Reconcile with our brother BEFORE offering gifts to God - Matthew 5:23-24
Husbands treat your wives with respect so nothing will hinder your prayers - 1 Peter 3:7

If we can not throw our arms wide open for others around us, we are not being like God
If we do not forgive, he can not forgive us - Matthew 6:15

2012-11-14 - Message of the Arrows (part II)
Becoming a Christian does not necessarily solve the dilemma of the arrows

A continued blindness of the arrows can cause loneliness, emptiness, and longing for something not defined
Without God, life becomes a series of happenings and circumstances we are unable to control
Instead of a love for God, your life begins to feel like a series of repetitive behaviors - "Believe and Behave Accordingly"

Our outer stories become a theater of the should and the inner the story of needs
Romance invites trust and the arrows intimidate us into self-reliance

The deepest question we ever is related our heart's greatest needs and answers that life us: Who am I?
Romance answers someone special and good heart - life will flourish when we give it away
Arrows tell us we are a dime a dozen, worthless and dark - arrange for what little we have left

Instead of dealing with the Arrows, we silence the longing
Which is the truer message?
If we hang on to Romance, what do we do with the wounds?
If we deny or minimize the wounds, we are deny a part of our heart

2013-06-25 - Why we need men of resolution (part II)

Our relationship with our father is very telling as to why we are and who we are.

“What does my dad really think about me?” Lots of fathers don’t realize their vital role.

Many issues come from fathers having lost their sense of purpose.

Society is guiding boys to remain boys as long as possible— extending childhood into their thirties—while forcing girls to become women long before they are ready.

Millions of young men are staying single. They want the privileges and rewards of manhood but only the responsibilities and moral requirements of boys.

God has a special place in His heart for two specific groups of people: fatherless children and widows.
have in common? The most important man in the leadership role of their lives is gone.

Dad have good intention but there many things working against them:

  • Divorce - best thing for kids is to see their parents humble themselves, repent of their selfishness, forgive one another, and recommit to their marriage
  • Work - Before the industrial revolution, fathers primarily worked at home. When dad finally did get home, he was too tired to engage, and his family got the leftovers. Men need to set boundaries and learn to say “no,” his work priorities will constantly pull him away.
  • Entertainment - the television becomes their influence instead which is a terrible father.
  • Anti-father bias in media - dads on TV today are incompetent and constantly outwitted by their wives and disrespectful kids.
  • The church - many church programs separate families to the point that kids never see their fathers

Devil will never stop attacking what God prioritizes.

2013-07-01 - Becoming a Chain Breaker (part I)

Men need to realize how much is at stake
It is important to resolve which man you will become.
Live for yourself and lose so many of the incredible rewards or the one who breaks the chain and creates a new legacy for your family

We need to ask God to break the chains in our lives and from our past
Chain breakers - men who break away from anything holding us back
Chain breakers are the ones God uses to end the legacy of rebellion against God

Children are not punished for the sins of their parents, they are definitely affected and negatively influenced by them.
Unless we break free from our family weaknesses by the power of God—by seeking Him, trusting Him, and following Him instead.
God is the One who established your family of origin - Psalms 139:13–16
For that a reason—so that you would seek Him and ultimately find Him.

You matter the circumstances of your birth, you were not an accident - Acts 17:24-27
Though you may not have understood your path, God has been guiding your steps.
If you were to know everything God knows, you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
You could be the very one God has strategically placed in your family to turn things around.

Chains present in all of our lives:

  • from nature—our inbred sinful nature
  • from choices—sins we commit ourselves
  • from nurture—hurtful examples, lies, and worldly traditions we follow

God is the ultimate Chain Breaker
Jesus was sent “to proclaim release to the captives” and “to set free those who are oppressed” - Luke 4:18


2013-08-23 - Becoming a Chain Breaker (part II)

When we commit sin, we actually become the “slave of sin” - John 8:34

If the Son makes you free you will be free indeed - John 8:36

Our freedom comes in Christ

The same power God used to raise Jesus from the dead, he uses to our most stubborn, ground-in habits.

True repentance and faith in Jesus Christ is the solution.

The more we discover who God is, the more we will love, fear, and respect Him.

Half hearted repentance want freedom from guilt rather than intimacy with their Maker. Instead of “divorcing” themselves from sin, they opt for a “temporary separation”

God’s love satisfies where sin could not - John 4: 13–14; 1 John 2:15– 17

Then the restlessness from guilt and indecision can end because your conscience is clear and your mind made up.

Falling becomes abnormal rather than routine. Freedom becomes a daily reality. Isn’t that what we all really want?

2013-09-11 - Men Leave Childhood Behind

We need to choose to let go of childishness and foolishness
When I became a man, I did away with childish things - 1 Corinthians 13:11

Clinging to childhood while growing into manhood is like trying to run in opposite directions at the same time aka the “Peter Pan Syndrome”

Teen years are often wasted and fathers have become silent.

Rather than initiating serious conversations with wiser men, they goof off with fools in sports bars

Too many men want the freedoms, rewards, and privileges of manhood but only the responsibilities of boyhood

Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ - Ephesians 4:14-15

Do not be children in your thinking. Be infants in evil, but in your thinking be mature - 1 Corinthians 14:20

The noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands - Isaiah 32:8

2013-10-10 - Resolve to Lead Your Marriage

Do you realize that as the leader of your home?
You are driving, the husband is more responsible.
Very, very rarely will a wife want out of a marriage if her husband is leading
Men simply give up when a marriage turns south or they disengage and sit around waiting for their wives

We must take courage and always be willing to make the first move, God has put something into men that longs to be courageous.
When a man uses that courage to lead his wife well, she tends to bloom.
When a wife lives with a leadership void, both of them will feel resentment toward each other and less secure together.

The idea of 50/50 leadership is a farce that creates two heads and two directions.
Our wives should have the freedom to influence without having to bear the weight of responsibility and accountability

History is littered with self-centered men who have dominated, belittled, ignored, and abused their wives in the name of male leadership.
God’s biblical design of leadership, the strong die for the weak.
The more powerful or influential you are, the more humble, servant-hearted, and sacrificial you are to become

Jesus, God’s Son was the most powerful leader of all time
He served and shepherded them instead of throwing His weight around
Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant - Mark 10:42-45
For there is no “greater love”  - John 15:13
Free her up from carrying the marriage and family. Rescue her.
She is called your helper, just as God is a “helper” to us - Psalms 54:4
Women are perfectly designed to partner with us so that our strengths complement one another’s weaknesses

Lead your wife by serving her well.

2013-10-23 - Protect Them

Fathers are the primary protectors - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
When walking down the isle

  • The father is saying he has guarded her moral purity throughout her life for her husband - 2 Corinthians 11:2
  • And the man she is marrying is proven morally, financially, and spiritually qualified to lead her, provide for her, and protect her from that day on

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed - Luke 11:21

You should not only guard your own heart but your wife’s as well
Your children need help making the right decisions. That is why you are still their dad.
Being active on the front end as a father will pay off well and save you time and heartache on the back end.

Teaches your children to love wisdom instead of developing a greater appetite for the world.
Your job is not just to give your children boundaries but to use God’s Word to teach them how to think wisely
Train them to fear and love God and not to “set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men.” - Proverbs 4:14–15

The older your kids get, the more they will need to understand the rationale behind your rules.
They willthen  discern why certain things are right and wrong, wise and unwise, better and best.
This requires your courageous leadership!

2014-05-15 - Genesis 23 - The Death of Sarah


Sarah died in Kiriath-arba and Abraham asked the Hittites for a burial site. He bought a cave at full price from Ephron and buried Sarah there.


Genesis 23:6 - Listen, my lord, you are an honored prince
Abraham's reputation was above reproach. Those who invest their time and money in serving God often earn a good return on their investment - a good reputation and the respect of others. He was in front of the elders of the land to witness this as a legit transaction (v16). No one could say Abraham stole and cheated someone in this first recorded real estate transaction. He simply waited on God to fulfill his promise in his own timing. Unlike Jesus' disciples, Abraham did not have a battle plan on how He would take the land. [Matthew 26:52]

Genesis 23:15 - Land is worth 400 pieces of silver, but what is that between friends?
Abraham paid the initial price even after refusing the land as a gift time and time again. He was not trying to take anything he didn’t deserve. Even though God had promised the land to Abraham, he was did come with a attitude that he owned the place. Instead, he waited for God's timing and will to fulfill his promise. Like David, he did not want to take what was someone else's and give it the Lord. [1 Chronicles 21:24]


What kind of reputation do I have at work, at home, and at church? What do others say about me? How has that helped or hindered me?

Do I become impatient in waiting for God's promises? Do I try to fulfill God's promises for him?

Do we avoid giving when it really costs us something?


Lord, help me to have the faith to wait on your promises and to always be ambassador of yours no matter where I am.

2014-05-30 - Genesis 24 - Search for the Bride of Isaac (part I)


Abraham's servant went to Nahor to find a wife for Isaac.


Genesis 24:1 - The Lord blessed him every way
God blessed Abraham, as he promised [Genesis 12:2], more than he could have asked or imagined [Ephesians 3:20] because of his belief that He would be faithful in his promises. In the investment world, it is about making a return on managed risk. Sometimes in Wall Street you can yield a good return with analysis. Other times, no matter what, you can lose large amounts of captial.  But with God, you can bank on his promises through faithfulness. There is no guessing and changing out mind, we just need to be faithful.

Genesis 24:4 - Go instead to my homeland
His son was nearing 40 years old and Abraham was old himself. He was looked to pass the torch on the next generation. Abraham again was faced with the challege of age-related life changes [Genesis 21:2]. The easy way to find Isaac a spouse would be to just look around the local area. The rational here might be "well, they do not follow God now but we can convert them later". This idea rarely works out and can cause much harm spiritually. Abraham chose again to be faithfully and to take the path less traveled. That path for his servant was 450 miles away to Nahor.

Genesis 24:8 - But under no circumstances are you to take my son there
Abraham nor his son were going to leave Cannon. There must have been some faithful prayer involved to find a way out of this situation [1 Corinthians 10:13]. How was Abraham going to find a wife for his son in a different land without standing in the way of God's promise? For both of them to go would have been an express of their lack of faith in God's promise. Also, if Isaac went a alone, he may have not returned. If Abrham went a alone, Isaac may have found a wife among the Canaanites while he was gone. The solution was a highly improbable plan (without God) for Abraham was to send his servant to find his wife. This way would be at a high cost to old man Abraham because of amount of work extra work he would need to do to cover while the servant was gone.


I am convicted by the way Abraham chose to approach challenging situations. He did not chose the easy way or the first way that sounded right. He chose to be faithful and had a conviction to allow God's promises to fulfilled in his life. I did not mediate and pray through the challenges set before very often. Many times I just say or do the first things that comes to my mind. Those are often thoughts of the easy way or only way to go about things. I need to think about the bigger picture when making  decisions.


Praying for heart of disernment and faithfulness in life's challenging situations.

2015-02-01 - Ask for Directions

Give us more instructions about this - Judges 13:8

Angel appeared to Manoah's wife to tell her a special son was coming and laid out the ground rules
Manoah was humble and smart enough to ask for directions and divine confirmation
Instead of wondering and worry, he wanted to know more

Men stereotypically have a storng resistance for directions

We try to please our wives when we only need to ask

Does anything in your walk with Christ make you wonder which way to turn?

2015-02-22 - Dependent Attitude

Must we bring you water from this rock? - Numbers 20:10

Sometimes we say "I did the best I could" but instead, we should say "I should have called you sooner"

An independent spirit often keeps us from doing our best

Moses became a humble, obedient servant yet in a moment he lost everything that he had worked so hard to gain

  • The Israelites were thirsty and grumpy
  • They complained about the lack of water
  • Moses angerily rebuked them and struck the rock twice

His prideful self-reliance cost him the opportunity to lead them to the promised land.

What would it mean for you to rely on God?

2015-03-02 - From the Mountaintop

I am no better than my ancestors who have already died - 1 Kings 19:4

At times, God takes us to a emotional mountaintip and then drops us into a darker time in the valley

Elijah had just successfully

  1. Confronted Baal
  2. Ended the long drought in Israel

Just days after, Jezebel vowed to kill him for killing the prophets of Baal

Elijah could have stayed and trusted God to protect him but instead headed to the woods and poured out his heart to God

He had gone from the mountaintop of faith to the valley of depression

Elijah confessed the he had enough and wanted to die but God wanted to talk it though

God will give you just what you need to continue your life of faith

2015-03-03 - Staying within Reach

The king paid no attention to the people - 2 Chronicles 10:35

Rehoboam (King Solomon's son) paid no attention to the people God had put in his life to direct and guide him

Their advice: "Lighten up on the people or there is going to be trouble"

Instead of heeding and applying this counsel, Rehoboam sought out younger, less experienced men to be his advisors

The king appointed advisors told him to tell the people "If you think my father was tough, just wait"

This resulted in all-out hostility between the northern and southern parts of Israel

What experienced and proven couselors do you have in your life? Do you listen to them? Do you prefer their counsel?

2015-03-29 - Peer Pressue

Micaiah replied, "As surely as the Lord lives, I will say only what the Lord tells me to say" - 1 Kings 22:13-14

King Rahab reluctantly called for Micaiah, who was in prision at the time

He was pressured to to agree with his other prophets, aka "yes" men

Micaiah courageously refused and told the truth from God - The battle would mean Ahab's humiliation and death

He refused to drive off the edge of the "cliff" and instead set an example of faithfulness in the face of pressure

2015-04-18 - What Pleases God

Moses: Lord, please! Send anyone else - Exodus 4:13

What you succeed in doing often depends on your attitude

When God first appeared to Moses, his attitude was negative and self-defeating

Instead of focusing on the awesome task before him, he focused on his human frality

i "can't" attitude can keep you from enjoying the good things God has for you

God loves it when you turn your focus toward him and away from your own fears and doubt

Is there anything too hard for you to accomplish today?

2015-05-13 - Wise and Humble Leadership

He had become powerful, he also became proud, which led to his downfall - 2 Chronicles 26:16

It takes a man of true humility to keep his feet on the ground over the long haul when he is given power and authority over others

Uzziah, Judah's tenth king, was not such a man

His long and sometimes distinguished reign came to an unfortunate end because of his arrogant thirst for power

Uzziah expressed his arrogance by entering the sactuary though this job was reserved for his priest

Had Uzziah remained humble, he might have become one of the nation's greatest kings - instead, he spent his later years shut away from people in a leper colony

Do you understand your place in the big picture?

2015-05-19 - Believe and Receive

How can I be sure this will happen? - Luke 1:18

Faith is based on the fact that God keeps his promises - especially the promises that seem impossible

God had not forgetten Zechariah's prayers

He send Gabriel to tell to tell them they would have a son and their son would be the appointed to introduce the Messiah

Instead of thanking Gabriel, Zechariah spoke words of unbelief - Luke 1:18

God wasn't about to allow Zechariah's unbelief to get in the way

Who you respond when God make you a wonderful promise?

2015-06-23 - Procrastination

Go away for now; When it is more convenient, I'll call for you again - Acts 24:25

Procrastination is a great enemy of accomplishment

It prevents you from being all that God wants you to be

Felix had an opportunity to repsond to the message of salvation but he allowed his fears to drive him away from Christ instead of toward him

Tragically, the "more convenient" time never came

2015-07-09 - Lead by Doing

From the days of our ancestors until now, we have been steeped in sin - Ezra 9:7

People usually follow an example than any amount of talking

If you want people to do what is good and right, do those things yourself

Ezra led the second wave of Jewish exiles to their homeland after 70 years of capivity

They started living like pagans they had married - Ezra 9:1

Ezra was innocent of any wrongdoing and could have let God deal with them as they deserved

Instead, Ezra prayed in repentance on behalf of all the people and included himself

His repentance by example move his people to change their ways

2015-07-21 - Promoting Who?

I will make myself king - 1 Kings 1:5

As his father David days were coming to an end, Adonijah tried to boast himself as kings instead of the oppointed successor, Solomon.

Adonijah didn't hide his self ambition or shameless self-promotion

He setup an event to perform animal sacrifices with royal officals but did not invite Solomon or Nathan

Solomon quickly became king and then pardoned Adonijah as long as he was loyal to Solomon - 1 Kings 1:52-53

Adonijah couldn't let it go, he made a second attempt at the throne because of his stubbornness and self-protion, it cost him his life - 1 Kings 2:25


2015-08-01 - Listen

No one said a word to Job, for they saw that his suffering was too great for words - Job 2:13

Many men struggle with just listening - why God gave us two ears and only one mouth

At first Job's friends were the exactly the kind of friends he needed

After Job had spoken, they began speaking but instead of comforting him they tried to fix his problems - which made things worst

Sometimes it is best to just listen instead of trying to fix things

2015-08-14 - Right Direction

With his wife's consent, he kept the rest - Acts 5:2

Ananias was apparently a strong leader at home, unfortunately, he took his family in horribly wrong direction and paid a heavy price

He was among the 1st generation believers who sold their property, pooled their resources, and cared for those in need

Ananias sold his property but instead of bring all the money to the apostles, he keep some of it for himself

There was nothing wrong with keeping some of the money - Acts 5:4

Where is failed was when he lied about him giving all of it

Ananias lead his family in the wrong direction, where are you leading your family?

One of the greatest reward of leading your family in a godly direction is to see them grow too

2015-08-16 - Unintended Consequences

Gideon made a sacred ephod from the gold and put it in Ophrah; it became a trap for Gideon and his family - Judges 8:27

Sometimes our best-intended actions have negative consequences

Gideon had just led Israel in a rousing victory over Midian and they elected him ruler

He said thanks, but no thanks - he knew not to take an office that had not appointed him to

Gideon asked everyone to gather up the gold colleced from the Midianite enemies so that he could make an ephod to server as a memorial to God's goodness for defeat the Midianites

Instead of remembering God, the Israelites began to worship it instead

Gideon provided leadership during the time of war but failed to offer it at a time when the people needed spiritual guidance

When you set out to do something you see as important, seek God and his approval before moving forward


2015-10-03 - When a Brother Sins

I will certainly not sin against the Lord by ending my prayers for you - 1 Samuel 12:23

Sometimes we feel thempted to write off a brother in Christ who made a mess of their faith

Bible teach us to pray for such a man and do everthing we can to restore him

Israel made a foolish and ungodly choice - insisted on an earthly king

Samuel felt disappointed but he did not write off the people

Instead Samuel took these steps:

  1. He spoke the truth about their sins
  2. Encourged them to continue growing spiritually
  3. Warned them to not sink further into sin
  4. Reaffirmed God's love and commitment toward them
  5. Pledged to continue to pray for them and encourage them 


2015-10-05 - Part of the Story

"He stayed in Jerusalem", Ziba replied - 2 Samuel 16:3

When you spread gossip or listen to it, you probably tell or hear only part of the story

Ziba's gossip about treason damaged Mephibosheth's reputation and his standing in David's kigdom

When David listened to Ziba's hearsay, he stripped Mephibosheth of what belonged to him and gave it to Ziba instead - 2 Samuel 16:4

Mephibosheth eventually restored his name but it stands as a reminded of the damage gossip can cause even with partial information

2015-10-14 - Finish Strong

Amaziah did not destroy the pagan shrines - 2 Kings 14:3-4

Amaziah rejected King David's godly example and followed his father example, Joash, instead

Joash started out strongly but fell flat later in life

He faithfully served God early in his reign but defaulted on his spiritual responsibilites

Amaziah led reactively instead of proactively

  • He defeated the Edomites early his life - 2 Chronciles 25:11-12
  • He then allowed his people to offer sacrifices and burning incense at pagan shrines
  • He even worshiped idol he took from the Edomites

Follow godly examples rather than ones like Amaziah - they startedout well but finished poorly


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