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2008-02-28 - Power of Gratitude - Thank God Im a Country Boy
What ever background we have, we can not change it

Cultural heritage - Jesus from Galilee and Nazareth
Job - Jesus was a carpenter son's
Appearance - Jesus "nothing in his appearance that we should desire him" (Isaiah 53:2)
Speech - Disciples "are not all these men who are speaking Galileans?" ( Acts 2:7 )

"God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise" (1 Corinthians 26-29)

Jesus understands and sympathizes - No one knows more about temptation than he.

Let he happy for how God made us and use it for his glory

2008-04-11 - Falling in Love with God - Remembering The Father

It is good to be reminded of who God the Father is:

1. God's love is unconitional

  • Thomas, the douber, was forgiven
  • Peter, who deied the Lord, was forgiven
  • Paul, killer of Christians, was forgiven

The only ones who dail to receive forgiveness are the ones who fail  to ask for it

2. God always comes through

God is faithful, he can not disown himself (2 Timothy 2:13)

3. Nothing is impossible for God

God's power is absolute
He can change anyone and anything
It is never an issue of whether or not God has power, it is if we believe

4. God never makes a mistake

He knows what we can bear - he is always right

2008-05-04 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Buy Now and Pay Later
Many struggle with the route of least resistance - CHARGE IT

Satan invented the mind-set: Sin now and pay later

God is not short-term but long-term
Pay up front and gain big dividends later
Righteousness is an investment of life

Without perseverance through hard time times we will not grow - Romans 5:1-5, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 12:5-14
God does not "zap" change into you:
Change requires:
  • Practice until our character is different - Hebrews 5:14
  • Patience if did not get it right for ___ time
  • Trust God that this change is for our own good - Romans 8:28
We always know what we want, God always knows what we need

2008-07-11 - Purpose Driven Life - Made for a Mission (part 3)
Your mission give your life meaning

The nest use of your life is to spend it for something that outlast you.
My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me - Acts 20:24
The is some people that only you can reach

God's timetable is connected to the completion of our mission

Some are focus on when Christ will come
No one knows (or will know) the day or hour of the end - Matthew 24:36
It is not for us to know; it is up to us to witness - Acts 1:7-8
Jesus quickly switch the conversations from prophecy to evangelism

Satan would rather have do anything besides sharing your faith
Expect Satan to throw all kinds of diversion at you
Anyone who lets themselves get distracted from God's plan is not fit for the Kingdom of God - Luke 9:62

2008-08-06 - Questions and Answers - Part 7

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Did God put all rulers in power?
  2. Is God present everywhere, sees all things, and knows all things?
  3. Should we observe the Sabbath?
  4. Should we practice physical resistance?
  5. Should work be done on the Sabbath?
  6. Was Jesus the only one to ascend into heaven?
  7. Was John the Baptist Elijah?
  8. Was there one or two men seeking Jesus?
  9. What is God's anger like?


2008-08-18 - 30 Days at the Cross - Turning the Tables

Jesus came to turn the tables on Satan
He came to deal with the greatest of all questions and fears - death

  • He spoke about it in great length - John 5:21-30
  • He claimed to be the only solution for death - John 6:53-57
  • He raised the dead - John 11
  • He believed his death would bring others life - John 12:23-25

When he died, almost everyone thought evil won

Satan pulled out all the stops.
Jesus was in his deadly sights at all times - waiting for a bad day

7 moves to turn the tables:

  1. Pray - he is listening - Hebrews 5:7
  2. Read - he is speaking - Luke 4:1-13
  3. Believe - he is able - Hebrews 2:18
  4. Trust - he is willing - Hebrews 4:15
  5. Fight - he knows what you can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  6. Seek - he has provided a way out - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  7. Find - he gives grace in time of need - Hebrews 4:16
Jesus death turned the tables on Satan

2008-09-07 - Teach Us To Pray - Honesty and Openness
Honest communication is crucial element to any great relationship: God, spouse, children.

Consider how ludicrous it is to not be real with God:
  • He knows what is in our hearts
  • He knows what we are really seeking
  • He knows what we need
Only honesty with God makes sense!

  • He questioned the wisdom of God's choice
  • Argued his lack of eloquence
  • Says he does not want the responsibility
  • He is honest - he gives God something to work with - Exodus 4:13
David - example of his Psalms:
  • Why do you hide yourself in trouble? - Psalms 10:1-2 - logically does not make sense but this is where David was
  • Later, he works it out in prayer (v17) - LORD, you have heard the request of the oppressed; you make them feel secure because you listen to their prayer.

It is in our openness that we hear our faithlessness and can turn away from it.

God wants a relationship with you
He wants to know our longings, aspirations, problems, anxieties, doubts, and even our sin

2008-10-24 - Man of Prayer - Praying for Provision (part 1)

By nature, fathers are designed to be providers

Jesus instructed the disciples to pray "Give us this day our daily bread"

Father knows our needs already - Matthew 6:32
Preoccupation with our needs reveas a lack of trust in God as provider - Matthew 6:25-32
Our priority is God's kingdom - Matthew 6:33

First phrases of the prayer all point to God:

  • Hallowed be your name
  • Your kingdom come
  • Your will be done

Then topics having to do with us:

  • Give us this day
  • Forgive us
  • Lead us


2008-12-02 - Raising Awesome Kids - Teach Them About God's Love
They should be taught from infancy that:
  • God cares for them
  • God knows all about them
  • God takes delight in them
  • He longs to be close to them
Your children's view of God is the most important lesson you will ever teach them
It shapes their whole view of life and reality

Continue teaching, do not foist your past (if bad) on your child:
They have been assigned a personal angel to look after them - Matthew 18:10

2009-01-24 - Jesus with People - Feeling the Pain

Luke 7:11-17 - He said, "Don't cry", Jesus chose to be vulnerable to everyone's pain:

  • His heart ached for a woman whom he had never meet
  • Immediately felt her pain
  • Was not oblivious to other's pain
  • He gave her reason to rejoice - through his death

Jesus compassion knows no bounds
How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ - Ephesians 3:18

Are you praying to stretch the capacity of your heart to feel deeply with many others?

Is your lack of openness (rooted in fear of the sin of pride) blocking your passion and compassion?

2009-02-13 - Jesus with People - Jesus Wept

Upon hearing about the death of his close friend Lazarus, Jesus wept...

Jesus really felt the emotions that we feel
He fully divine and fully human at the same time
He knows what it is like to experience loss, pain, hurt, and fatigue

Why did he cry? Scripture does not say. Could be because:

  • He felt the hurt of Mary and Martha
  • He was expressing the hurt of the loss of his friend
  • He was antipating his own death

Who are your deepest relationships in the church?

2009-03-07 - Promises of God - Lord of the Unexpected

One of our greatest test of faith comes when we face the unexpected

We forget Psalms 91 - His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart

We often rely on our own understanding of situations and then ask God what we think we need

It is important to let God give us the answer since he knows what is best for us
Like children, we do not always know what we need

This trouble you're in is not punishment, it's training, the normal experience of children - Hebrews 12:17


2009-03-13 - Promises of God - Faith vs Doubt
Doubt: God has forgotten about you and does not care

Faith: He knows the way you have served - Hebrews 6:10. He knows notices and cares when a sparrow falls - Matthew 10:29

Doubt: He remembers but he remembers others more than you; Doubt fills in the blanks and customizes to your hopes and desires.

Faith: God shows no favoritism; He moves at different time for different people; He has given everything we need for life and godliness

Doubt calls into question the faithfulness of God
Faith tells us it is impossible for God to lie

When Doubt comes calling, we must turn away

Faith says yes to God's promises

2009-03-26 - Promises of God - Hearts at Peace
God makes clear his offer of peace

Does God promise pleasing circumstances to those who trust him? No

Paul, from a prison cell, said the Philippians could "peace of God which transcends understanding" - Philippians 4:7

Peace came from trusting in God - Isaiah 26:3

Trust is essential
Must imitate childlike humility - Matthew 18:3-4

Children are generally are at peace
They do not worry about the mortgage, stock market, bills
They are content to let mom and dad tackle those issues

We have to believe that God is in charge and he knows what he is doing

2009-03-29 - Promises of God - God Can Relate
Hosea 11 - God who knows what is lie to grieve
We see his compassion and sorrow over the loss of his relationship with his people

Jesus displays a similar broken heart over the people of Jerusalem -  Luke 13:34

He can relate, he has felt the same feeling too

2009-04-18 - Why We Need God - He is Our Creator
  1. Knows us better than we ourselves
  2. Even as the manufacturer knows his product better than anyone else
  3. Knows our weaknesses and our strengths
  4. Is the best source to find the answers to such questions as:
a.  Where did I come from?
b.  Why am I here?
c.  Where am I going?
d.  How should I live?

2009-08-22 - Wild at Heart - Intro (part 4)
Women want to be fought for
She wants to be wanted
She wants to be pursued
Knight n shinning armor – core of the feminine heart and the life she knows she was made for
She wants an adventure to share – part of the adventure
She wants to be caught up into something greater than herself
Every woman wants to have her beauty revealed
“Do you see me?” “And are you captivated by what you see?”
World kills woman’s heart – be tough, efficient, and independent
No one is fighting for her (no adventure to swept up in) – doubts very much that she any beauty to unveil.

Man must know he is powerful and know what it takes
Woman must know she is beautiful and she is worth fighting for

2009-08-28 - Wild at Heart - Question that haunts every man (part 2)
Every man knows there is something wrong, but can not figure out what it is
Man’s deepest fear is being found out – discovered as a impostor and not really a man
Every man feels that the world is asking him to be something he doubts very much he has it in him to be

How do you see yourself as a man?
Are words like: strong, passionate and dangerous word you would choose?
Do you have the courage to ask those in your life what they think of you as a man?

Manly to – hunt, fix cars, survive in the wild

Why don’t men play the man?
Why don’t they offer their strength to a world that needs it?
  • We doubt very much that we have and real strength to offer
  •  If we did offer what we have it wouldn’t be good enough

2009-09-01 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 1)
There comes a time when we simply have to face the challenges in our lives and stop backing down Men rarely praise each other directly - by way of accomplishments (“you are a wild man”, “what is up stud”

The question – Do I have what it takes? Am I powerful? Until a man knows he’s a man he will forever be trying to prove he is one, while at the same time shrink from anything that might reveal he is not

Boy learns who is he and what he’s got from a man
  • can not learn it from any other place
  • can not learn it from other boys
  • can not learn it from women

2009-10-12 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 5)
We don’t need accountability groups we need fellow warriors, someone to fight alone side, someone to watch our back

We don’t need a meeting of the Really Nice Guys

Never a more devoted group of men than those who have fought alongside one another

You will be wounded
To lose a leg is nothing compared to losing heart
Enemy knows the wounds of your past and he will try to wound you again in the same place
It is an honor to be wounded in the service of the Lord
Boys are proud of their scars, they are badges of honor
Kingdom forcefully advances and forceful men take hold of it - Matthew 11:12

Jesus says it is going to take every ounce of passion and forcefulness you’ve got

2009-10-13 - Wild at Heart - A Beauty to Rescue
Evil power who holds her captive
Only a champion may win her
Every little girl knows the fable without ever being told
Little boys rehearse their parts
Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Romeo and Juliet and so on
Strong man coming to rescue a beautiful women is universal and human nature

Why is it ten years later I wondered if I even wanted to be married to her anymore?
Why do most us get lost somewhere between “once upon a time” and “happily ever after”?

Our culture has grown cynical about the fable
We have not been poisoned by fairy tales

Many guys think that the biggest battle was asking her out
She is the special target of the Evil One
He turns most vicious malice against her
If he can destroy her or keep her captive, he can ruin the story

2009-12-20 - Master Plan - The Plan (part 3)
  • Keep them going
    • All of this is going to require supervision
    • When questions arise, they must be answered while the problem is still in their mind.
    • Setup a schedule of training and keep a record of their growth
    • Exercise patience: Growth is sometimes slow and with many setbacks (while honestly seeking truth)
    • Seldom put them out of our mind
    • They need to be in our prayers and dreams
    • Accept the burden of their immaturity until they can do it for themselves
  • We are not living primarily for the present.
  • Our satisfaction is in knowing that in generations to come from bearing fruit
  • World is desperately seeking someone to follow
    • Someone who is certain
    • Will be a man who knows the way of Christ
    • Or are one who is leading someone into greater darkness?
  • Destiny of many hangs on our decision.

2010-01-03 - Kingdom First - Making Peace with God
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will called sons of God - Matthew 5:9

World knows little peace - God wages peace
The heart of God is to be at peace with man

In order to have peace with God, we must resolve war(s) in our heart
Peace is not conflict avoidance, it is resolution after a spiritual war

Only those who know God can make peace that endures
Once alienated from God and enemies - Colossians 1:21
After humbling our hearts and mourning over our sin - we become his children, part of the family

Keep peace is an on-going process
Our lives must be continually cleansed from sin

What is your level of peace?
Have worries rob you of your trust in God?

2010-05-12 - Desire's Journey - Our Heart's Deepest Secret
But I still haven't found what I am looking for - U2

We have a secret desire for life as it was meant to be
Again and again the yearning of our heart cries for this life

Life  comes to all of us as a mystery
We long to live a life we are not sure where to find

The greatest human tragedy is to give up the search for life.
Nothing is of greater importance than the life of our deep heart
To lose heart is to lose everything - Proverbs 4:23

Who we really are and why we are here comes to us through our heart's desire

Our heart yearns for things to be right is so strong that it overrides the logic and hopes against hope every time
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of - Proverbs 20:5

There are two things that pierce the human heart:
  • Beauty
  • Affliction

2010-06-02 - Desire's Journey - Loneliness and Heartache

Even received a different curse from God - Genesis 3:16
It hits where it matters most - in her relationships
The curse every woman knows the reality of loneliness and heartache

More talk amoug women revolves more about relationships than work
Imposters pretend they do not need love

The worst fear of a women is abandonment

Some men refuse to play the man for fear of failing
Some women shun imtimacy in fear of rejection

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