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2009-01-27 - Jesus with People - Rich Young Ruler

Luke 18:22-24
Wouldn't all Christians love to meet someone who comes across as this man does initially?

Most of us would say, "can we study the Bible?"
Jesus had a very different responce because he knew his heart

Sell everything and follow him = It's not what you do but who you are
For him to have a heart set fully on following Jesus - it meant a willingness to seel all
Following the exchange, it became clear - the man was out of touch with himself and God

Jesus did challenge him but he also loved him
He pointed the man to the narrow way
At the same time he drew him close want to give him strength, faith, and hope

Jesus does not get into a lengthy theological debate
He saw weaknesses the man had to deal with if he was going to enter the kingdom of God

Each of us lacks that "one thing" deep down that we must give up and following Jesus
Something we don't know what it is but God will reveal it - Hebrews 4:12-13

2009-02-03 - Jesus with People - Give or Take?
World seem to be divided into givers and takers
Usually we feel as though we are the givers and everyone else is a taker
We can draw back and become cynical - before long we cling to possessions, our rights or our feelings
At that point we have become takers
We would never admit it - and many of us do not see it

Jesus meet a man that was a taker - Matthew
Matthew was no different than us - he probably had a family with mouths to feed

As he left the office and crept closer toward the crowd surrounding Jesus
He heard the words - You must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me
Jesus then walked up to Matthew and said "Follow me"
His life changed forever - became a disciple of Jesus

How did Jesus know? do it? Jesus knew that he was sick and need to get well - Mark 2:17

We need to see people as they ready are and what they can become
Is there some in your life you can share with but haven't because you don't think they are open?

2009-02-04 - Jesus with People - Perceiving Potential

John 1:42

Usually when you meet someone, you introduce yourself - Jesus knew Peter and changed his name!

Peter saw himself Jesus saw Peter
As a fisheran As a fisher of men
Ordinary Life Life of preaching the life-changing gospel
Holding a smelly fish net Holding the keys of the kingdom
No impact beyond the Sea of Galilee Turning the world upside down

Jesus looked at people differently than they look at themself

Others saw Peter Jesus saw Peter
Volatility Passion
Subbornness Determination
Simon Peter

Jesus knew he would fail but he never gave up on Peter.

What name might Jesus give you?

2009-03-02 - Promises of God - Give and it will be given to you

God is faithful. He will meet all our needs
Based on the extent to which we focus on the Father and his will - extent to which God moves in our lives

He desires to meet our every need - to the point of sacrificing his own son - Romans 8:32
Does our knowledge of him transform us?
Does it propel us forward in capturing God's heart of sacrificing for the needs of other?

In Philippi, church sacrificed financially to support Paul (only church to do so) - Philippians 4:14-18
God will meet all your needs - Philippians 4:19
Those who are giving to others and giving to God can be assured that God will give to what they need - Luke 6:38

The more we are focused on his will, the more our needs will be richly met

What must be true in our lives in order for us to claim the promise that God will meet all our needs?

2009-03-12 - Promises of God - Carry and Rescue
Paul: My God will meet all your needs - Philiippians 4:19

God most certianly allows us to have needs
He allows situations where we are left to wonder how things will turn out
He has not promised to keep us free from need

As we grow older, all kinds of needs are created

I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you - Isaiah 46:3:-4

Old age and gray hairs = symbols of all the things we can not control and tend to worry us

I will rescue you: deliver us from danger - did not promis we wll never be in danger

From every evil attack and bring me to safety - 2 Timothy 4:18

2009-04-22 - Why We Need God - He is Our Provider
  1. Has promised to meet our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-32
  2. If we will put Him and His righteousness first in our lives - Matthew 6:33-34
  3. Has promised to meet our spiritual needs - Phillipians 2:12-13
  4. If we will put on His armor - Ephesians 6:11-18

2009-05-07 - No one like him - His servant heart (part 2)
Many ways to set our mind
  • Career
  • Car
  • House
Jesus set his mind on serving – “What can I give?”
Not looking for comfort
Not about the way he looked

Jesus saw himself as a servant, leading others to be servants

How would this thinking change – marriage, family, church, workplace, neighborhood?
Jesus was about meeting needs
  1. Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
  2. Living Bread (John 6:51)
  3. Great Physician (Matthew 9:12)
Most precious thing to Jesus was his relationship with the Father – but did not hold on that either for our sake

2009-05-27 - No one like him - Kingdom Lifestyle (part 3)
Different relationship – Matthew 7:1-12
Can not live the message alone and not expected it – Matthew 7:7-8
Relationship with the Father meets all our needs

Different judgment – Matthew 7:13-29
Wide road – not demanding; Narrow road – challenging to stay on but not with God’s help
Watch out for those who tell you what you want to here – check their fruit

2009-06-24 - A Life of Impact - Effective with the crowds

Effective with the crowds

Mark 3:7-12

  • Jesus was approachable.
  • He was known as a man who meet people’s needs
  • What are we like in front of a crowd?
    • Become self-conscious?
    • Concerned about how people will perceive us?
    • Lose ability to think or speech clearly and passionately?
  • Jesus was not anxious, afraid, insecure

2009-07-03 - A Life of Impact - Assertiveness


Mark 5:35-43

  • He took charge of the situation and his surrounds
  • Why have we not acted as Jesus did?

Fear Sensitivity

  • Jesus didn’t say a word to those who doubted
  • Assertiveness without sensitivity can be offensive and counterproductive

A Simple charge

  • “Don’t be afraid, just believe”
  • He didn’t burden him with lots of words
  • Excessive amount of teaching may cloud the main issue


  • Peter, James, and John were closest to Jesus
  • Jesus narrowed his focus to help the build leaders to their full potential.


  • A little consideration can go a long ways
  • Ideas: buy someone lunch, remember people’s birthdays
  • Be alert to meeting other people’s needs

2009-07-04 - A Life of Impact - Amazing Speech

Amazing Speech

Mark 6:1-6

Suspicions and fear can evaporate because of love and openness

1. Deep Conviction

  • Listeners who put his words into practice were wise
  • How convicted are you about what you’ll be saying?
  • Think about what to say instead of how it will come across

2. Passion - If the speaker isn’t moved by the message, how can he expect it to move anyone else?

3. Integrity - Speaker must take plank out of their own eye before one can challenge other on the same topic

4. Person to person

  • Speak at their level mean not “to talk down to” or “to talk up to” an audience.
  • Apologizing without reason, belittles himself
  • Jesus was above us, but he came down to our level

5. Inspirational

  • Conservative and low-key he will have no impact
  • We all want our lives to count for something

6. Practical

  • Message must be practical and applicable
  • He specifically addressed the sins in their lives
  • He gave them direction, and at times He told them exactly what to do

7. Meet the Need - Out of touch with the needs on the audience can actually make things worst then they are.

2009-07-08 - A Life of Impact - Shepherding


Mark 6:30-44

  • Employees must have a reason to look forward to a completion of a project.
  • Must pause to experience the thrill of victory otherwise we will squeeze the joy right our of lives
  • We will get burned if we do not remind ourselves to rest
  • When we are exhausted our performance in all areas of our lives suffer. (point of diminishing returns)

Work Ethic

  • Important causes are worthy of extreme levels of effort
  • We are to go the extra mile - Matthew 5:41

Crowd Appeal

  • Jesus displayed urgency and charisma when he spoke.
  • People did not want to miss out on anything he might say or do.

Visible Sincerity

  • Meet the crowd’s need for physical and spiritual food - needs of the whole person
  • Meet other’s need without asking anything in return
  • Concerned with how people fared after this life and not just in this life
  • If we are concern more with what we will get ourselves we probably won’t have much of an impact

2009-07-29 - A Life of Impact - Leading the way
Leading the way

Mark 10:32-34
  • Known as the Jesus cult.
  • They spent night and day with His disciple and they were always astonished.
  • Some people astonish us when we first meet them but after getting to know them we grow accustomed to their usual actions. 
Attitude of a Servant

Mark 10:35-40
  • James and John expected to pull this one over on Jesus
  • He didn’t correct them for being manipulative or disrespectful
Servant Leadership

Mark 10:41-45
  • There is a great difference between lording leadership and servant leadership.
  • It is hard to see politicians as servant leaders.

2009-09-11 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 2)
Enemy always tempts us to take back control and to recover and rebuild false self
We must remember that it is out of love God stops our imposter
God disciplines those he loves, do not lose heart - Hebrews 12:5-6
We must walk away from the false self
Simply accept the invitation to leave all that we’ve relied on and venture out with God

No clue to what your false self may be?
  • What is my effect on you?
  • What am I like to with?
  • What don’t you feel free to bring up with me?
If you never ever say a word in a meeting because you fear you might say something stupid, well then it’s time to speak up
If you dominate meetings - sense of worth
Do you face fears head on?

Losing false self is painful
Like losing a close friend
Journey has pain but is toward freedom, healing, and authenticity

2009-09-24 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 5)
Not every thought that crosses your mind comes from you
  • Where are those ideas coming from?
  • Where are those feelings coming from?
  • We are unaware of his schemes – 2 Corinthians 2:11
  • We look for a psychological or a physical explanation for every trouble we meet

Who caused the Chaldeans to steal Job’s herds – Satan Job 12,17
Anaias and Sapphira – Satan
Heartache keeps us from praying
Satan is behind that brutal assault on your on strength
There is a whole lot more going on behind the scenes of our lives than most of us have been led to believe

Behind the world and the flesh is an event more deadly enemy, one we rarely speak of and are even less ready to resist

2009-10-12 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 5)
We don’t need accountability groups we need fellow warriors, someone to fight alone side, someone to watch our back

We don’t need a meeting of the Really Nice Guys

Never a more devoted group of men than those who have fought alongside one another

You will be wounded
To lose a leg is nothing compared to losing heart
Enemy knows the wounds of your past and he will try to wound you again in the same place
It is an honor to be wounded in the service of the Lord
Boys are proud of their scars, they are badges of honor
Kingdom forcefully advances and forceful men take hold of it - Matthew 11:12

Jesus says it is going to take every ounce of passion and forcefulness you’ve got

2009-10-23 - Repentance - What Happened (part 2)
Congregation of consumers ultimately switches products, wholly dissatisfied with a church product
New Testament Church Consumer-Driven Church
Repent for the Kingdom of God is near “Meet new friends and get to know your neighbors”
Bear fruit in keeping with repentance… “Enjoy upbeat music with a contemporary flavor”
If anyone wants to become my follower, he must deny himself “a new church designed to meet my needs”

Like a doctor – it would be absurd to change their diagnose and treatment to the wants of the patient.

Repentance is revival

  1. Have you made a recent decision to change something in your life?
  2. Why is it more comfortable to make changes on your own terms? What changes do you seek to make?
  3. How well do you respond to reproof – from the Bible and from fellow Christians?
  4. Have you ever changed a fellowship, that is, church membership, to avoid a call to repentance?

2009-11-17 - Repentance - The Church Reorients Us (part 1)
There is no church without repentance
There is no repentance without the church.

How did the early church help seeker to repent?
Aligning themselves to the new community
The church, by definition, is counter-culture
World says, “Conform, get back in line”
Church says, “Repent, come out be different”

What do we think of when we think of counter-culture? Skinheads, etc
Not rebellion for the sake of rebellion but for selfless-love, sexual purity, generosity, purposeful living, revolutionary zeal,
humility, joy beyond understanding

The world hate holiness – hates holy saints

Practice largely disappeared during the second half of the century
We live in the customer’s always right culture
Not expelling members but the church meets my needs, what feels right, sin/repentance not your business

2009-11-24 - Master Plan - Selection (part 3)
Few were converted in His lifetime.
  • Little more than 500 after the resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:6
  • 120 received baptism at the day of Pentecost - Acts 1:15
  • Why not an army?
  • He needed leaders to lead the ministry after He left. Not all followers. It takes energy to produce a leader.
  • Not trying to impress the crowd but the usher in a Kingdom
  • Mass are like helpless sheep wandering aimlessly without a shepherds
  • Masses willing to follow anyone that came along with some promise for their welfare
  • Jesus was a realist. He knew he could not meet all the needs on His own.
Some concern themselves with baptisms and numbers more than power and love of God
Everything that is done with the few is for the salvation of the multitudes.

Modern Practicals
  • We are not even keeping with the growing population
  • We in an age where more rapid communication is now being seen than ever before
  • Must not be frantic to try to change the pattern overnight
  • Do like Jesus – start with a few lowly disciples and do as it was done by Jesus
    • Slow, tedious, painful, and probably unnoticed at first
    • Not spiritual “junk-food” revivals
  • Which generation are you living for?

2009-11-28 - Master Plan - Church is the continuing fellowship (part 1)
  • Church is the practice of Jesus in a larger dimension.
  • The group of believers ministry to each other individually and collectively
  • Jesus must be the leader, with leaders that follow Him
  • Preaching to the masses will not suffice in preparing leaders for evangelism
    • Not occasional prayer meetings
    • Not Christian training classes
    • Not confirmation classes
  • Building men is not easy (baby learns all the time)
    • Requires constant personal attention
    • Children are not raised by proxy
    • Requires sacrifice of personal indulgence and time
    • Requires frequent contact not just weekly church services and Sunday School

2010-02-05 - First the Kingdom - Building with Gold (part 2)

Practicals for being like Jesus - putting others above ourselves:

  1. Make a list of specific time when someone has met your needs - remember how you felt
  2. Think in detail about others needs around you - family, friends, other Christians
  3. Put yourself is other's shoes - How would you want you to treat you?
  4. Do it now. - Don't just think - DO
  5. Think about ways others don't want to be treated
  6. Don't do these things
  7. Maintain a grateful heart and attitude toward God and others
  8. Keep meeting others needs with praise or recongnition


2010-02-18 - One Another - Encouraging One Another (part 3)
Encourage one another - Hebrews 3:12-13
  • There must a real involvement in each other's lives - we need each other
  • We fail to realize the strength of discouragement and its ability to gradually eat away at our conviction and faith
  • There is a strong sense of spiritual obligation
  • See to it - not hope it happens
  • Make sure it happens - Who? you
Let us not give up meeting together but let us encourage one another - Hebrews 10:25
  • Meeting together is not only benefiting us but it is also helping others
  • Does not exclusively refer to services of the church

2010-03-12 - To Live is Christ - Every Tongue Confess

Jesus Christ is Lord
Everyone who lived will say these four words - Philippians 2:9-11

Whoever disowns Jesus before men, he will disown him - Matthew 10:32-33

No one comes to the Father except through Jesus - John 14:6

Give up for God = Gain
Lose for God = FInd
Bow before God now = stand

Bow when:

  • You naturally want to be selfish
  • You want your needs meet
  • You doubt his love

Each disciple must decide that he or she lives among other "for their sake" - 1 Thessalonians 1:5


2010-03-15 - To Live is Christ - No Confidence in Flesh
Paul describes people who do not appreciate what Jesus has done as dogs - Philippians 3:14

There are 2 options to approaching God:
  1. The performance model
  2. The grace model
One works; the other is a disaster

Man, in his pride, is drawn to the performance model
Paul refers to the people who acknowledge Jesus as Lord but would not let go of the performance model
These people held on to certain Jewish regulation that were made obsolete by Jesus

The grace model is revolutionary
Seems too easy to be true but too hard for our egos to accept

Grace model says:
  • There are never enough requirements we could meet
  • There are never enough rules we could keep
  • There is never enough rituals we could experience
  • Even if obedient to death, our only hope of salvation come from work from another

2010-03-26 - To Live is Christ - God will meet your needs
Paul uses financial terms to express spiritual principles - Philippians 4:16-20
He is eager to "credit their account" for their concern for his needs
Their gift was more than a full payment for the ways he pour out his life for them

When we give to meet the needs of others, God will amply supply our needs
Sometimes we are afraid our needs won't be meet
We must remember that God is faithful
He is totally reliable

The issue is not his bounty or resourcefulness but our faith

2010-04-11 - Life to the Full - Macho Mist (part 1)
Worldliness = spiritual adultery
In the OT, Israel is called "adulterous" after going after idol

We are in the world but must not be of the world - John 17:14-18

Question to check to see if we are flirting with the world:
  • Am I tempted to miss church meetings?
  • Do I work overtime without a thought?
  • Do I cheat on my contribution?
  • Do I pretend to be more devoted that I am?
  • Do I take a second look at .....?
  • Do I grow sleepy during sermons?
  • Is there anything in the world that has a stronger grip on my heart, soul and strength than God, his word, or his will?

2010-04-15 - Life to the Full - Got to Pray (part 3)
Am I a person of integrity?

Question to ask myself:
  • Do I forget the commitments I made?
  • Do I often arrive late to church meetings?
  • Do people say I am a excuse maker?
  • Any I good bill payer? Am I a good sward of my bank account?
  • When I say I will call you, do I?
  • Am I automotively trustworthy?
  • Do I give first to the Lord?
  • When I set a goal, do I work until I succeed?
  • Am I trusted with responsibility?
What question is the list is most challenging?

2010-04-25 - Heart of Friendship (part 1)

Preached by John Lusk (2005-01-23)

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

  • We need each other
  • Many books written about relationships - None seem to completely work

Christ is the key to having true friendships

Friendship with Christ

John 15:14-15

  • Amazing - God of the universe calls us a "friend"
  • Much like a maturing parent/child relationship - we grow from master/slave relationship to a friendship with the almighty God
  • Jesus meet many of our needs - Belonging and Security

Matthew 11:28-30 - Jesus yoke is easy and he will give you rest

Hebrews 4:15-16 - Jesus understands and have been in your situation

2 Peter 1:3 - He given everything we need in life

2010-05-18 - Desire's Journey - Dare We Desire?

Although the voice was kind, the question felt harsh
Do you want to get well? - John 5:6
He thought: why else would I have spent every day for the past 38 seasons lying here?

How long can we sustain desire against continual disappointment?
The man at the well began to lose any virtal heart-connection to what he want - he had abandoned desire

By asking him what he wanted, Jesus took him back into desire
Why? It is where we must go if we are to meet God



2010-06-14 - I need to pray (part 1)

Preached on 2002-08-25 by Vince Hawkins

Ephesians 3:14-21

  • I kneel before the Father - come to God humble
  • Strength comes from how deep, wide, long of Christ's love
  • Prayer can do anything God can do

God overwhelms the mind

Genesis 41:40 - overwhelmed Joseph with the position that was given to him

1 Kings 10:7-8 - Sheba was overwhelmed by Solomon's wealth and wisdom

1 Corinthians 2:9 - He will overwhelm you by his love

Ephesians 3:20 - more than we can ask or image

  • Think about how God meet everyone of your needs
  • Think about how God go beyond everyone of your needs
  • Think about how God can bless you beyond what we can think of

2010-06-19 - All or Nothing (part 2)

New Testament

Romans 11:17-21 - You can get arrogant

1 Corinthians 10:1-10 - Do repeat the same misakes of those in the OT

Galatians 6:7-10 - We reap what we sow, do not become weary of doing good

Jude 3-4 - Grace of God is not a license to sin

1 John 4 - Can not love God without loving your brother

2 Timothy 4 - We need to check to see if we have sound doctrine

Hebrew 5 - Teachers can become arrogance

Revelation 2-3 = Churches can loose focus

  1. Read and Pray Daily to God
  2. We need others in our lives
  3. We need meetings of the body
  4. Giving to God
  5. Complete Openness
  6. People are going to heaven or hell
  7. Reaching out to others

2010-09-22 - Waking Dead - It Must Be Small
Jesus did not march around backed by hundreds of followers
He had a band of brothers - the Twelve
Through we are part of a great company, we are meant to live a little platoons
Groups small enough for each of the members to know one another as friends and allies
Who's heart will you fight for? Who will fight for your heart?

He spoke to the masses but lived with his closest twelve

His followers took his example and lived this way too
  • Broke bread in their homes and ate together - Acts 2:46
  • The church meet in houses - 1 Corinthians 16:19
  • House church at Nymph's house - Colossians 4:15
The little fellowships of the heart are outpost of the kingdom
Anytime an army goes to war or expedition, they break down into platoons and squads

You can not be devoted to a mass of people
Devotion takes place in small units like a family

2010-09-24 - Waking Dead - It Will Be Messy
Going to a church service with hundreds of people will never expose you
That is what most prefer - because community will

It will bring you close and you will be seen and you will be known
Therein lies the power and the danger

The enemy hates this: he knows it can be powerful and God and his kingdom
Remember divide and conquer? This is his way

Most have settled for safety in numbers - a comfortable, anonymous distance
An army that keeps meeting for briefings, but never breaks into platoons and goes to war

Community is like camping together
Stuff is scattered out there for everyone to see

During fellowship there are two important things to remember

1. Know the heart is good - so much easier to trust and to forgive
We are for one another

2. Know that we are at war
The enemy is always trying to pull everyone away

2010-10-15 - Giving (Part I)
  1. The Old Testament Precedent - Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 1:13-14
    1. The Israelites were commanded to give a tenth (tithe) of all their income to the Lord
    2. The Israelites had many other kinds of sacrifices (e.g. burnt, sin, grain, fellowship offerings) in addition to the tithe. The Israelites actually gave up to 33% of their income to God.
    3. The sacrifices were to be the best available. God will not accept a second rate sacrifice.
  2. New Testament Examples
    1. The Widow - Mark 12:41-44
      She was commended not for what she gave, but her giving heart. She was totally dependent on God.
    2. Barnabas - Acts 4:36-37
      He sold his property and gave all the proceeds from the sale to meet the needs of the church.
    3. The Macedonians - 2 Corinthians 8:1-3
      They gave beyond their ability even though they were extremely poor
  3. True Sacrifice Costs Something - 2 Samuel 24:21-25
    1. David refused to sacrifice to God something that cost him nothing.


  1. Am I giving my best to God in my weekly giving? Do I give to God first out of my pay or out of what is left over?
  2. What percentage of my income am I giving in my weekly contribution?
  3. What am I willing to sell or sacrifice for the special contribution?

2010-10-16 - Giving (Part II)
  1. It Takes Faith to Give - Malachi 3:8-11
    1. God wants us to test him in our giving (v. 10). All we need is the faith.
    2. God is waiting to pour out blessing when we trust Him. It is easy to say 'I'll give when God blesses me." God says, "Give and I win bless you."
  2. God's Promises - Malachi 3:10-11, Mark 10:29-31, 2 Corinthians 9:10-11
    1. We will not have enough room for God's blessings.
    2. We can never outgive God.
    3. God always gives back 100 times as much to us.
    4. God will continue to give to us so we in turn can give to others and meet their needs.
    5. Ultimate blessing: treasure in heaven.
  3. Depend on God - Philippians 4:14-19
    1. Our giving is a sacrifice pleasing to God.
    2. When we give, God will meet all our needs.


  1. Do I hold back on my contribution because I am worried about the future?
  2. Does my giving cause me to rely on God?
  3. What amount of money should I be giving weekly that is both responsible and still requires faith?
  4. When have I relied on the promise of God in my giving? What did God do in response?

2010-10-18 - Sacrificial Living
  1. Jesus' Example - 2 Corinthians 8:9, Luke 9:57-58
    1. Jesus chose to live sacrificially. He gave up heaven itself.
    2. He became poor so the world could be saved.
  2. The Need for Sacrificial Living
    1. To meet the physical needs of others. (2 Corinthians 8:13-15; Acts 4:34-37)
      1. Paul wanted those who had plenty to sacrifice for those who were in need.
      2. The first century Christians sacrificed so there would be no needy people among them.
    2. To support full-time workers so the world would be evangelized. (Philippians 4:10-19)
      1. Paul commended the Philippians for the aid they had sent him.
      2. He considered their gifts to him as a sacrifice to God.
    3. There was always a purpose in the Bible for living sacrificially. It was never to sacrifice for the sake of sacrifice alone.


  1. In what ways can I choose to live more sacrificially in order to have money to give to meet needs?
    • Cut food budget
    • Limit or eliminate eating out for a time to save for a special contribution
    • Use creativity during dates in order to save money
    • Stop impulse spending (vending machines, fast food, etc.)
  2. Am I willing to "become poor" so that others can have the opportunity to become Christians?

2010-10-20 - Dealing With Debt (Part I)
  1. Types of Debt
    1. Legitimate
      1. To meet real needs, to provide for necessities (e.g. home mortgage)
      2. To enable you to earn a living (e.g. auto loan, educational loan, business loan)
    2. Sinful, Foolish
      1. To make purchases which are not essential (e.g. entertainment items, vacations, etc.)
      2. Borrowing what you cannot repay or do not know when you can repay.
      3. Borrowing at excessive rates of interest (credit cards).
  2. Borrowing
    1. As Christians, borrowing should be an exception, not the rule.
    2. God calls those wicked who borrow and do not repay. (Psalms 37:21)
    3. Let your "yes" be "yes." When you borrow, repay on time. (Matthew 5:37)
    4. When you borrow someone"s property you are responsible for it. For example, if you borrow someone's car and get into an accident, you are responsible to pay the cost of repairs.
  3. Lending
    1. Do not charge interest when lending to a brother in need. Have compassion and do not add to people's burdens. (Exodus 22:25-27)
    2. Be generous in lending to those in real need. (Deuteronomy 15:7-8)
    3. Do not lend expecting repayment; therefore, do not lend what you need to get back. For example, do not lend out money you need to pay your rent, expecting the borrower to repay you on time. (Luke 6:34-36)
    4. Do not lend or give money to someone, especially a brother who is idle or unwilling to work Do not lend to people if it promotes their irresponsibility, laziness, or self-indulgence.


  • Make a list of your debts. Contact your creditors, ask for forgiveness and let them know your intention to pay in full.

2010-11-03 - Contagious Christian - Finding the Approach
Besides talking to people you are ready know try contacting people you used to know
The curiosity factor comes into play
  • Because you contacted them out of blue
  • Both of you want to see all the changes that have happened since you last saw them
Call them out of curiosity and call them into fun
In the process, prayerfully watch for opportunities to share the way God has changed your life

There are also many opportunities where there people you would like to know
We all go to gas stations, stores, restaurants
With a little forethought, these errands can be turned into evangelistic opportunities
Change your thinking about the way you look at the employee who are serving you
These are people who matter to God and put in your path for you to meet
When we approach people with this attitude, with concern and respect - it is easy to get on a first name basis with them

2010-11-08 - Contagious Christian - Matthew's Interpersonal Approach
After accepting Jesus' call, Matthew did whatever he could to bring along as many of his friends as possible
He put on big banquet for his tax collector buddies in our for them to meet Jesus - Luke 5:29
He did not confront, debate, or tell them what happened to him
He relied on the relationships he'd built with them and he sought to further develop their friendship

He genuinely cared about them and wanted to influence them toward considering Christ

People who specialize in this approach, tend to be warm and people-centered
Some people will never be reached until someone takes the time to build that kind of intimacy with them

Interpersonal evangelist enjoy:
  • Having people in their homes
  • Sharing a meal
  • Spending time in conversation

2010-11-17 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part II)
Christ - Common questions
Why couldn't God just forgive and forget, as we can?
Like in car accident, God is willing to forgive but someone still has to pay for the damage

What kind of justice is there in having Jesus suffer instead of me?
God was not a reluctant bystander
The difference is that God is will and he is taking his own punishment for you

Many people are left with the impression that if they go to church or they born into a church they are saved
Not everyone that calls Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom - Matthew 7:21-23
We have got to be crystal clear that a personal response is essential

Do vs Done
The difference between religion and Christianity is Do vs Done

Religion spells DO - as in we try to do something for God's salvation
It is like a salesman that needs to meet a quota but does not know what it is
But we can never do enough and will always fall short - Romans 3:23

Christianity spells DONE
Means that what we could never do for ourselves, Christ has already done
He lived a perfect life we could never live
He willingly died on the cross to pay the penalty we owed

2010-11-19 - Contagious Christian - Making the Message Clear (part IV)
Another illustration similar to the bridge analogy...

Baseball Illustration

If one wants to enter the All-Universe Hall must meet the following requirements for 5 years
  • Must play error free ball
  • Pitchers must strikeout everyone in a no-hitter every time
  • Must have 1.000 batting average
  • Each hit must be a home run
Who can do this for a season?
To earn your salvation, you must do something similar - Romans 3:23
One missed law is guilty of breaking all of the laws - James 2:10
We need Jesus' sacrifice to reach God

2010-11-23 - Mission - Expectation of Christ
Reading Luke 19:11-27

Parable of the 10 minas
God has given us a lifetime of opportunities and blessing with the expectation that they would be utilized to the fullest
Consider the most important goal of life according to Jesus - salvation for all
It is the motivating force behind everything Christ did
Even to the point of dying for it - Matthew 20:28

The gospel must first save me, but then through me, save others

Capitalism and Communism does not give us the answers
No philosophy or religion can meet the needs

God wants to the world more than you do
When God wants something accomplished, he can move mountains to do it
He sacrificed his own Son for saving man

Our God is wildly happy when someone is saved - Luke 15
If we claim to know God, then we most certainly will share with in his attitude

2011-01-09 - Church (part III)

Hebrews 3:12-14

  • Christianity is a “one another” religion, not a solo endeavor.
  • We have the charge and the responsibility to be deeply involved in each other’s lives.
  • Daily encouragement helps everyone stand firm until the end. You may wish to refer to additional “one another” verses.

Hebrews 10:22-25

  • After being washed in baptism, we need the continual exhortations of brothers and sisters to stay the course.
  • Consider ahead of time how you can spur on fellow Christians in the fellowship.
  • Also prepare to receive biblical input that will result in greater love and good deeds.
  • Why is missing meetings of the body described as a bad habit? Why and when do we meet?

Mark 3:31-35 - What will it mean for you to be part of Jesus’ family?

2011-01-25 - Followup - The New Testament Church (part II)
A picture of the New Testament Church (continued)

4. Giving
  • Generously - 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, 9:6-11, Luke 16:13-16
  • Weekly - 1 Corinthians 16:1
  • To advance the gospel - Philippians 4:14-16, Titus 3:13-14
  • To meet the saints’ needs - Romans 15:25-27, Acts 2:44-45
5. Preaching - 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 4:2


  1. Evangelism - Philippians 2:14-16, Colossians 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:8, 1 Peter 2:9
  2. Serving
    • Serving food - Acts 6:1-4
    • Providing clothes - Acts 9:36-39
    • Looking after its orphans and widows - 1 Timothy 5:16, James 1:27
    • Showing hospitality - 1 Corinthians 16:5-6, 3 John 5-8, Hebrews 13:!2
    • 1 John 3:16-17, James 2:15-16, Matthew 25:34-36

That God may be glorified in His church - Ephesians 3:21

2011-02-15 - Sin and Repentance - Kansas City (part II)

Definition of Sin
Romans 3:21-25

  • The Law and the Prophets (Old Testament) testify about the righteousness from God (Jesus)
  • Questions
    • What has sinned?
    • Who is separated from God then?
    • Where does our redemption come from?

Sins of Omission
James 4:13-17

  • Involves inward things that people don't nessarily see
    • Bitterness
    • Hatred
    • Procrastination
    • Looking down on others
    • Unwillingness to help/serve
  • Question: What sins of ommission would you say have been or are currently in your life?

Sin of Commission
Galatians 5:16-25

  • Go through the list and define each sin to paint a clear picture
  • Person leading the study share their own sin (5-6 minutes), then 1 or 2 others for 2-3 minutes
  • After the person studying shares then suggest meeting again to talk about things further

2011-02-26 - Counting the Cost (part II)
Matthew 7:21-23
  • Question: What do you think the heart of what Jesus is saying in these scriptures?
  • Question: Biblically speaking, because someone goes to church  does that make them a Christian? Are they a Christian because they are a good person? What if they know a lot about the Bible, does that make them a Christian?
  • That means you are saying that the majority of people in the world are lost. How does that make you feel?
  • Make God feel said but God has a plan for them - 1 Timothy 2:1-6
Do you believe that Jesus was the Son of God, died for your sins and rose on the 3rd day?
Acts 2:22-24
  • v22 - The miracles Jesus did proves he was God's son
  • v23 - He died on the cross for your sin
  • v24 - God raised him from the dead
What is your good confession?
Romans 10:9-10
  • Confess with your mouth (acknowledging God and everyone around you that you nor anything else will be the Lord of your life,expect Jesus)
  • It is not the confession that justifies you, it is your heart that God is looking at.
Who will baptize you?
Who would you like to be there?
Let's meet 30 early so we can pray together

2011-06-18 - Mind of Christ - Discipleship (part III)
Christ’s word teaches us about discipleship

Luke 14:25-35

1. Large crowds followed Jesus

2. Jesus has already called them disciples (Luke 9:18,23). Now He says they cannot be His disciples unless they meet this standard. Why does He change? Because before this they had been curious disciples, possibly convinced disciples, but not committed disciples. Now He wants them to go the full measure. We see, then, how the term disciple goes through an evolutionary process during the ministry of Christ, the story of the gospels.

3. The terms of discipleship are all-encompassing.
  • An unrivaled love for God. “We must love Jesus more than any relationship” - Luke 14:26
  • An unceasing death to self. “We must love Jesus more than ourselves” - Luke 14:27
  • An unqualified giving up of everything. “We must love Jesus more than anything” - Luke 14:33
4. The primary teaching of this passage is that discipleship is:
  • More than membership in a crowd of followers.
  • More than curiosity about Jesus.
  • More than being willing to listen to Christ’s words.
  • More than being convinced of Christ divinity.
  • Being committed to Christ so that He is Lord of your life.

2011-10-22 - Mind Change - God will provide
God will provide

No matter what the need. He cares.
He allows us to have needs.

He sees our needs.
He meets them all.

Isaiah 58:11 - He will give you renewed strength
Matthew 6:31-32 - Father knows that you need them
Philippians 4:19 - God will supply your every need

2011-12-15 - Day 12 - Doing Good Things
Ephesians 2:10
  1. What has God created for us to do?
  2. Make a list of some good works that you could do.
1 Peter 4:8-11
  1. How does love cover over many sins?
  2. Have you been offering hospitality to other disciples?
  3. How can you improve in this?
  4. Why do you think God wants you to be giving to others?
Galatians 6:9-10
  1. Who does God want us to help?
  2. Who in your Bible talk has special needs right now that you could help?
APPLICATION: If you see needs you can meet, do it THIS WEEK.

If you don't know how you can help, ASK. REMEMBER: We need each other. We are family.

2012-01-01 - Day 29 - Jesus is Coming Soon
2 Peter 3:3-14
  1. Why do some people scoff (mock) at the promise of Christ's return?
  2. What will the "day of the Lord" be like?
  3. Are you living as though Jesus could come back TODAY?
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - Compare this passage to 2 Peter 3:7-10.
  1. Will there be any "second chance" for those who are not ready to meet the Lord?
  2. Why will this day be like "a thief in the night"?
  3. What does it mean to be alert and self-controlled?
2 Timothy 4:6-8
  1. How does Paul feel about facing the Lord on judgement day?
  2. Why is living for Jesus like fighting the good fight, finishing the race and keeping the faith?
  3. What kind of effort does it take to be this way to the end?
Application: Live each day like it is your last!

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