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2008-05-04 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Buy Now and Pay Later
Many struggle with the route of least resistance - CHARGE IT

Satan invented the mind-set: Sin now and pay later

God is not short-term but long-term
Pay up front and gain big dividends later
Righteousness is an investment of life

Without perseverance through hard time times we will not grow - Romans 5:1-5, James 1:2-4, Hebrews 12:5-14
God does not "zap" change into you:
Change requires:
  • Practice until our character is different - Hebrews 5:14
  • Patience if did not get it right for ___ time
  • Trust God that this change is for our own good - Romans 8:28
We always know what we want, God always knows what we need

2008-05-06 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Emotions and Spirituality
Emotions are God-given and a blessing

Some refuse to get open and honest with their true feeling - from pride and fear

In times of crisis, we usually get past our emotional blockage and express ourselves much better

Negative emotions are not to be trusted
Unless you allow others to break into your closed system of reasoning, the illogical will continue to seem perfectly logical
Satan can use emotions in a damaging way - need to allow others to gain perspective

Emotions are needed and seen in Jesus:
  • Cried regularly - Hebrews 5:7
  • Open about disappointments - Luke 19:41-44
  • Open about struggles - Matthew 26:36-46
Thank God for those who are both emotionally based and spiritually strong at the same time

2008-05-07 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - In Touch and Out of the Pit
Talking help condenses our thoughts but writing focuses our thoughts further in a more compact form

David - controlled his emotions by pouring them out in writing
Anguished spirit > Full of faith

We need to work through our past by writing and talking about things that hurt us
Our undealt-with hurts always result in anger and bitterness
May also discover many forgotten positive memories

Ultimately, blame goes to Satan - separate sin from the offender (some responsibility)
By God's grace, healing can occur

Be clear minded so you can pray - 1 Peter 4:7

2008-05-10 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Money - Root of All Evil?, part 2
There are spiritual challenges for both those who have money and those who don't

God promises to give us what we need, but not what we may want

1 Timothy - need for contentment with the basic of life

  • How much have we accumulated?
  • Why have we accumulated it?
  • How much are we using?
  • How are we using it?
  • How attached are we to it?
Colossians 3:23 - work for the Lord
Seeking advancement or seeking to please God?

How content are you with what you have? - Philippians 4:12

1 Timothy 6:9-12 - not just avoid but flee from the love of money
 - Some use people, and love money
 - God uses money and loves people

Who is master in your life? God OR Money - Luke 16:13

Avoid the extremes of loving it and envying those who have more than you

Use money to the fullest extend to serve him and bless others

2008-05-15 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Disappointed
Mathew 23:37 - Talks about how Jerusalem killed the prophets and those God has sent to them

Disappointed people are not happy people

Disappointed = depressed or discouraged by the failures of one's hopes
Disappointment in others exposes a basic selfishness; by definition is rather self-focused

Most assume that God often views us with a disappointed heart
Luke 19:41-42 (parallel verse to Matthew 23:37) - If you only had known on this day what would bring you peace

Are you often disappointed in yourself or others?
Humility is needed - Selfishness and pride is the opposite
  • Disappointed often? Selfish often!
  • Frustrated at others often? Selfish often!
  • Angry when others have things against you? Selfish once more!
Look not to your own interest, but the interest of others - Philippians 2:3-4

Disappointment is un-Godlike; Concern is the godly quality which comes from self-denial and agape love

2008-05-23 - Purpose Driven Life - You Are Not an Accident

God planned:

  • Where you would be born
  • When you would be born (waiting patiently for Juniper)
  • How long you will live
  • Who your parents would need to be for you to come the way you came

God was thinking of you even before he made the world, that is why he created the world

God's purpose even took in account sin and human error.

If there was no god, we would all be accidents

The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us - Romans 12:3

2008-05-24 - Purpose Driven Life - What Drives Your Life?

What shouldn't drive our life (will miss God's purposes for your life):

People are driven by guilt

Allows the past to control their future
God's purpose is not limited to our past

God turned a murder (Moses and Paul) into a leader and a coward into a hero

God specializes in giving people a fresh start

People are driven by resentment and anger - Resentment always hurts you more than it does the other person

People are driven by fear - from unrealistic expectations and high-control situations

People are driven by materialism - Your value is not determined by your valuables

People are driven by the need for approval - those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it

Living a purpose driven life, knowing your purpose:

  1. Gives meaning to your life
    • I have laboed to no purpose - Isaiah 49:4
    • My life drags by - day after hopeless day - Job 7:6
    • My life makes no sense - Job 7:16
  2. Simplies your life
    • You have just enough time to do God's will - too much to do means you doing things you shouldn't be doing
  3. Focuses your life
  4. Motivates your life
  5. Prepares you for eternity

2008-06-07 - Purpose Driven Life - Formed for Gods Family
You were formed for God's family
God desired to have a family but didn't need a family
God became our Father

Benefits of being part of God's family:
  • Family name, likeness, privileges,
  • Inheritance - since yo are his child, everything he has belongs to you (Galatians 4:7)
  • Will be with God forever - 1 Thesslonians 5:10
  • Be like Christ - 1 John 3:2
  • Freed from all pain, death, and suffering - Revelation 21:4
  • Rewarded and reassigned positions of service
  • Share in Christ's glory - Romans 8:17
We all need a family to identify with - the Church - Satan is always on the prawl

2008-06-08 - Purpose Driven Life - What Matters Most
Life is all about love
Most important lesson he wants you to learn on earth is how to love (have a lifetime to learn)
Learning to love unselfishly is not an easy task - runs counter to our self-centered nature
God trains us by giving us "family responsibilities"
Love cannot be learned in isolation
You have to be around people - irritating, imperfect, frustrating
Life without love is really worthless - 1 Corinthians 13:3
God says relationships are what life is all about
  • 4 commandments  - deal with your relationships with people
  • 6 commandments - deal with your relationships with God
  • All 10 commandments deal with relationships!
Love God and Love People - 2 greatest commandments (Matthew 22:37-40)
Busyness is a great enemy of relationships
Love will last forever
How you treat other people will be the most enduring impact you can leave on earth
Final moments - we want people to surround us
We will be evaluated on our love
Spiritual maturity is measured by the quality of our relationships
To love Jesus is to love his family by providing for their needs

2008-06-09 - Purpose Driven Life - The Value of Time
The importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to invest in them
Your time is your life
Greatest gift you can give someone is your time
Words alone are worthless - 1 John 3:18
Most desired gift of love is focused attention
Give without loving, but you can not love without giving - God gave everything (John 3:16)
Make the most of every opportunity
Other and you are not guaranteed tomorrow
Who do you need to spend more time with?
What do you need to cut out of your day?

2008-06-10 - Purpose Driven Life - A Place to Belong
You are called to belong
Relationship with Christ is personal but not private
Your organs are connected to other organs to fulfill a purpose
Organ severed from the body will shrivel and die
Christ loved the church and gave his life for it - Ephesians 5:25
Church is Christ's bride
Can't say to Christ "I love you but I do not love your wife
Why you need a Church Family?
1. Identifies you as a genuine believer
2. Move you out of self-centered isolation
Lab for practicing unselfishness
Learn to care about others
If one part suffers, all suffer - 1 Corinthians 12:16
We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers - 1 John 3:16
3. Helps develop spiritual muscle
Isolation breeds deceitfulness
4. Body Needs you
5. Share in Christ's mission - He works through us
6. Church family will help you from backsliding
"Mind your own business" - not a Christian phrase
It is your responsibility to help those who need help
Difference between a church attender and a church member is commitment

2008-06-11 - Purpose Driven Life - Experiencing Life Together
Life is meant to be shared
Fellowship - now refers to casual conversation, socializing, food, and fun
Jesus knew that 12 was the maximum size for a group for everyone to participate
In real fellowship people experience...
... Authenticity
  • Honest with who you are - otherwise we are just fooling ourselves - 1 John 1:7-8
  • Requires courage and humility
  • We only grow by taking risks - being honest is a major risk
... Mutuality (Romans 1:12)
  • Depending on each other
  • Sharing responsibility
  • Mutual accountability
... Sympathy
  • Sharing pain of others (Colossians 3:12)
  • Meet needs of being understood and the validation of our feelings
  • Self-Pity dries up sympathy for others
  • Times of crisis, grief, doubt when we need each other the most
... Mercy
  • Can't have fellowship without forgiveness
  • Bitterness and resentment always destroys fellowship
  • Never be asked to forgive someone more than God has forgiven you
  • Energy for retaliation or resolution?
  • Forgiveness immediate; Trust takes time

2008-06-12 - Purpose Driven Life - Cultivating Community
Community requires commitment
Only the Holy Spirit can create real fellowship between believers
Cultivating community takes...
Silent when someone sins - not loving thing to do
Means caring enough to lovingly confront - Proverbs 24:26
A group will remain superficial because they are afraid to conflict
It is where gossip thrives
Corinth church was allowing sexual immorality because no one had the courage to say anything.
Pride builds walls between; humility builds bridges
Being prideful is living in opposition to God - 1 Peter 5:5
Develop humility by: admitting weakness, being patient with other's weakness, being open to correction, pointing the spotlight on others
Nothing to do with compatibility
Basis of our fellowship is our relationship to God - We are family
Does not mean keeping silent about sin
Means - stays within the group - Proverbs 16:28
You need to spend time - make it a habit - Hebrew 10:25
Community is not built on convenience - "Let's get together sometime"

2008-06-13 - Purpose Driven Life - Restoring Broken Fellowship
Relationships are always worth restoring
God has given us the ministry of restoring
God gave everything (his son) for restoring relationships
Does not mean avoiding conflict or appeasement
Talk to God before talking to the person
God may change your heart or their hear - James 4:1-2
Tell God your frustrations
Most conflict is rooted in unmet needs; some needs can only be meet by God
Always take the initiative
God expects you to make the first move - Matthew 5:23-24
Abandon your offering at the alter and go make things right first
Acting quickly reduces the spiritual damage
Bitterness is only hurting yourself
Sympathize with their feelings
Use your ears more than your mouth - Philippians 2:4
Focus on feelings and not facts
Start with sympathy, not solutions
Confess your part of the conflict
Ask "Am I the problem?" - Matthew 7:5
The way you handle a conflict creates a bigger hurt
Attack the problem, not the person
How you say it is important as what you say
Cold War - country decided on weapons that should never be used
Cooperate as much as possible - Romans 12:18
Sometime it cost our pride, self-centerness
Emphasize reconciliation, not resolution
Reconciliation focuses on the relationship
Takes a lot of effort to restore a relationship

2008-06-15 - Purpose Driven Life - Created to Become Like Christ
You are created to become like Christ

Jesus' mission is restore the full image that we have lost
God's ultimate goal for your life on earth in not comfort but character development
If we forget this, you will become frustrated by your circumstances

You exist for God's purpose, not vice versa

Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes God wants to make in our lives - Philippians 2:13

We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit's work

Obedience unlocks God's power
God waits for you to act first
Make every effort - Luke 13:24; Romans 14:19; Ephesians 4:3; 2 Timothy 2:15

Ephesians 4:22-24 - Responsibilities in belonging like Christ:
  • Choose to let go of old ways
  • Must change the way we think
  • Must put on the "character of Christ by developing new, godly habits

God uses his Word, people, and circumstances to mold us
  • Truth we need to grow
  • Support when we need guidance or when we fail
  • Environment we need to practice Christ-likeness
In many religions, the mature isolate themselves, not those who are being like Christ

Being like Christ is a long, slow process of growth - You are a work in progress

2008-06-25 - Purpose Driven Life - The Call and Commands to Serve
You are called to serve God

It is full-time position
A "non-serving Christian" is a contradiction in terms

You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God - 1 Peter 2:9

You are commanded to serve God

For Christians, service is not an option
Spiritual maturity is never an end in itself
Maturity is for service, we grow up in order to give out
Impression with expression cause depression
Study without service leas to spiritual stagnation

Galilee lake full of life - takes in water but also gives out
Dead sea - takes in but the is no outflow

Not who is going to meet my needs -> Whose needs should I meet?

2008-06-27 - Purpose Driven Life - Shaped for Serving God
Before God created you, he decided what role he wanted you to play on earth
You were made for a specific ministry.

Created in Christ to do good works - Ephesians 2:10

God does not make junk
God never wastes anything - he did not give you talents and gifts unless he intended for you to use them for his glory

God shapes us:
Spiritual Gifts

We will look at spiritual gifts and heart today:

SHAPE: Spiritual Gifts

He alone decides which gift each person should have - 1 Corinthians 12:11
If you had them all, you would not need others; teaches us to love and depend on each other

Given gifts for the benefit of others
Gift given as a means of helping the entire church - 1 Corinthians 12:7

Two gift problems:
  • Gift-envy - wanting a gift that someone else has
  • Gift-projection - expect others to the same gifts as we do
SHAPE: Heart

Heart = desires, hopes, interest, ambition, dreams, and passion
Heart reflects the person - Proverbs 27:19
You may have interest that no one else has - from God

Don't ignore your interest; consider how they might be used by God

Serve the Lord with all of your heart - Deuteronomy 11:13

How do you know if you are serving the Lord with all of your heart?
  • Enthusiasm - what you love to do; no one has to motivate
  • Effectiveness - passion drives perfection
A simple life is better than a rich life with headaches - Proverbs 15:16

2008-06-28 - Purpose Driven Life - Applying Your Abilities
We are all have abilities that God has given us
To build the Tabernacle, God engaged all kinds of craftsmanship - Exodus 31:3-5

All of our abilities come from God

God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well - Romans 12:6
Can not say, "I don't have any abilities to offer"
  • Average person possesses from 500 to 700 different skills and abilities
  • Brain can store 100 trillion facts
  • Can handle 15,000 decisions a second
Every ability can be used for God's glory

Whatever you do, do it for the glory of God - 1 Corinthians 10:31
Remember the Lord your God; he give the ability to produce wealth - Deuteronomy 8:18

What I am able to do, God wants me to do

God equips you will you need for doing well - Hebrews 13:21
Seriously examine what you are good at doing and do it
God will never ask to something you have no talent for
Abilities are not just to make a living, but also for service for him
Be sure to use our abilities to help each other - 1 Peter 4:10

2008-07-01 - Purpose Driven Life - Real Servants (part 1)

We server God by serving others
Everyone wants to lead; not many want to follow - we would rather be generals than privates

How can you know if you have the heart of Jesus?
You can tell what they are by what they do - Matthew 7:16

Real Servants make themselves available to serve

Like a soldier, always by for duty - 2 Timothy 2:4

  • Do what is needed
  • Do it when it is inconvenient
  • Gives up control of their schedule
  • Not frustrated because it is whatever God wants

Real servants pay attention to needs

Always looking out for ways to help others
Great opportunities to serve never last for long
Never tell your neighbor to wait until tomorrow if you can help them now - Proverbs 3:28

Real servants do their best with what they have

Servant never make excuses, procratinate, wait for better circumstances
If you wait for the perfect conditions, you will never get anything done - Ecclesiates 11:4
Less-than-perfect service is better than the best intention

2008-07-05 - Purpose Driven Life - Gods Power in My Weakness (part 1)

God loves weak people and everyone has weaknesses

We usually deny, defend, excuse, hide and resent weaknesses

God wants to use our strengths and weaknesses - 1 Corinthians 1:27
Your weaknesses are not an accident
Being "poor in spirit" is the #1 attitude he blesses - Matthew 5:3
God is never limited by our limitations

Admit your weaknesses

Might be a good idea to list them

Two great confessions:

  1. You are the Chrst (Matthew 16:16) - we need a savior
  2. We are only human (Acts 14:15) - we are not God

Be content with your weaknesses

I am glad about my weaknesses, so the power of Christ may work - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Reasons to be content:

  1. Causes us to depend on God - the less I have, the more I depend on him - 2 Corinthians 12:10
  2. Prevents arrogance - So I wouldn't get a big head - 2 Corinthians 12:7
  3. Encourages fellowship
  4. Increases sympathy


2008-07-12 - Purpose Driven Life - Sharing Your Message (Testimony)
Your message includes testimony

Tell other of the difference he made for you - 1 Peter 2:9

Witnessing = simply sharing your personal experiences regarding the Lord

In court witness are NOT expected to:
  • Prove the truth
  • Argue the case
  • Press for a verdict
Witnesses simply report what happened to them or what they saw
You will be my witnesses - Acts 1:8

Personal stories:
  • Easier to relate to than principles
  • Capture our attention
  • People are naturally curious about experiences they never have had
  • Builds a relational bridge
  • Bypasses intellectual defenses
Be ready to all times to answer for your hope - 1 Peter 3:15-16

Four parts of your testimony:
  1. What my life was before Christ
  2. How I realized I needed Jesus
  3. How I committed my life to Jesus
  4. The difference Jesus has made in my life

2008-07-15 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 1)
Your choice:

  • Personal fulfillment
  • Self-centered
  • Goes to enrichment seminars
  • Avoids missions conferences
  • Prayers focused on our needs
World class
  • Saved to serve
  • Eager for personal assignment
  • Only one who is truly alive
  • Makes a difference
Great Commission is for "every race, tribe, nation, and language" - Revelation 7:9
Go everywhere in the world and tell the good news - Acts 14:15
Experience is a little piece of what heaven might be like

Many opportunities today: missions, easy travel, and "e-vangelism" (email, facebook, chatting, etc)

2008-07-16 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 2)
Shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking

Stop thinking like children (thinking like only of self), and like like mature people (grown ups) - 1 Corinthians 14:20
Most advertising encourages selfish thinking

To make the paradigm switch to mature thinking - need to dependence of God
God has given us his Spirit so we don't think like the world thinks - 1 Corinthians 2:12

Shift from local thinking to global thinking

God so loved the world... - John 3:16
God made all the nations and where they would be, so we would look for him - Acts 17:26-27

The world already thinks globally: business, competition, and news
If you ask me, I will give you the nations - Psalms 2:8

What should we pray for?
  1. Opportunities to witness - Colossians 4:3
  2. Courage to speak up - Ephesians 6:19
  3. Rapid spread of the gospel - John 17:20
  4. More workers - 2 Thessalonians 3:1

2008-07-20 - Purpose Driven Life - Lifes 5 Greatest Questions
  1. What will be the center of my life? - Center our lives should be God - 2 Chronicles 14:4
  2. What will be the character of my life? - Keep a firm grasp of your character; keep at it - 1 Timothy 4:16
  3. What will be the contribution of my life? - Meet the needs of God's people produces gratitude - 2 Corinthians 9:12
  4. What will be the communication of my life? - Bring honor to the good news - Philippians 1:27
  5. What will be the community of my life? - Christ loved the church and gave his life for it - Ephesians 5:25

2008-08-07 - 30 Days at the Cross - Spectators or Sacrifices

Sacrifice - we think of pain, suffering, loss, and the uncomfortable concept of denying self
We hear: "Do what feels good"

Sacrifice is a voluntary presentation of ourselves to God to be used for his purposes
Jesus sacrificed his comfortable position with God to serve, heal, love, preach the good news

 We can respond in serveral ways to the sacrifice of Jesus:

  • Pretend it never happened
  • Can decide to hide from the challenge
  • Immerse ourselves in other thoughts
  • Stand back with our arms folded
  • Understand the facts but no personal acceptance or responsibility

Christ love needs to compel us - 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
Hiding is dishonest. Spectating is hypocritical. Committing is powerful.

What happens when you offer your body as a living sacrifice?

  • It produces many seeds - John 12:24-25
  • Life truly becomes life
  • Our joy is multiplied
  • It effects us and other for enternity

What types of sacrifices is God asking of you right now?
Is there is anyone, anything, any place, or any position you are holding on to?

2008-08-09 - 30 Days at the Cross - If the King is a Servant
What Jesus rightly deserved and what he received while here on earth were quite different
Jesus didn't resent or resist his role
He had a desire and compassion to help others

Greatest of humility and suffering for him to subject himself to the cruelest of deaths - Philippians 2:8

People who have a major impact are the ones who serve
Nothing moves the human heart more than someone who puts the needs of another above his own need
It is a rare and precious expression of love

Jesus has called you and me to be like him and take on his attitude toward serving others

Jesus' serving was not limited to his friends (but also his enemies)
His people will do the simple acts of service for the "least" among us

Easier to serve someone on a schedule; more difficult if unexpected or interrupting my schedule

2008-08-10 - 30 Days at the Cross - Surprise of Serving
Two types of serving: Hired and Bond (no rights nor wages)
Bond servants included: thieves, unable to make restitution, and the poor
Jesus willfully and purposefully became a bond servant - Phillippians 2

Character changes need to be made and preceded by suffering:
  • sleeping less
  • take on more responsibility
  • look less toward my own needs and interests
  • more humble toward others
True greatness is determined by the degree to which we become a bondservant (Mark 10:35-44)

Are you know as a servant?
Will others quickly turn to you in their time of need?

2008-08-13 - 30 Days at the Cross - Lasting Impact
We learn that we should pursue: fame, fortune, and material possessions from the world

Jesus refutes all that we have learned - service, sacrifice, and spiritual power
  • Connection to the highest places - John 1:11
  • His ability to move the masses was unparalleled - Matthew 7:28
  • His understanding of what it takes to succeed was clear and unwavering - John 12:23-24
  • He stayed on task until it was done - John 19:30

Many of us spend more time at work than any other single place
If we aren't living the cross here, how can we be living it at all

Honest is required - may mean less money or advancement

Time commitment - it is easy to get caught up at work
Every disciple needs to work hard - but what is the reason?
  • Working for a promotion
  • Earn more money
  • Gain material possessions
  • Working for the Lord - Colossians 3:23
Is it to please your boos, yourself, or God? - Rich young ruler - Matthew 19:16-30

How could a temporary ob on earth be more important than Jesus and his work?
If we compromise at work, how will we ever overcome the world?

2008-08-14 - 30 Days at the Cross - Not for Adults Only
Even when Jesus was on the cross he had concern for his mother

Why didn't he protect her from the experience?
She needed to understand how far we must go to save the lost

Being a Christian parent does not mean you try to spare your children the cross: show them how to get on it
As parents, it is often harder to teach or to call our children to sacrifice than it is to call ourselves to sacrifice

Are you teaching?
  • Love for enemies and pray for them - Luke 6:27-28
  • Sacrifice of sleep for someone
  • Be flexible and inconvenienced for others
We are entrusted to be an example for the very souls of our children

2008-08-16 - 30 Days at the Cross - Trusting in Trial
Living by faith is not easy:
  • What will happen?
  • What will I get?
  • Will I be happy
To follow Jesus Christ we must live by faith - Romans 1:17

The cross was a test of faith for Jesus
  • Experienced the slience of God
  • Beaten and hung on the cross
  • Believed in the resurrection that he could not see
  • Could only see the blood, pain and faces of mockers
We see faith was under seige, also see that faith endured

Situations of life:
  1. Positive - grow quickly
  2. Difficult - the questions surface
  3. Tragic - faith needs to accept the situation, ask for help, and believe that God's power will be sufficient
Do you see your difficulties as burdens God shouldn't allow, or as tremendous opportunities to demonstrate faith?

2008-08-18 - 30 Days at the Cross - Turning the Tables

Jesus came to turn the tables on Satan
He came to deal with the greatest of all questions and fears - death

  • He spoke about it in great length - John 5:21-30
  • He claimed to be the only solution for death - John 6:53-57
  • He raised the dead - John 11
  • He believed his death would bring others life - John 12:23-25

When he died, almost everyone thought evil won

Satan pulled out all the stops.
Jesus was in his deadly sights at all times - waiting for a bad day

7 moves to turn the tables:

  1. Pray - he is listening - Hebrews 5:7
  2. Read - he is speaking - Luke 4:1-13
  3. Believe - he is able - Hebrews 2:18
  4. Trust - he is willing - Hebrews 4:15
  5. Fight - he knows what you can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  6. Seek - he has provided a way out - 1 Corinthians 10:13
  7. Find - he gives grace in time of need - Hebrews 4:16
Jesus death turned the tables on Satan

2008-08-20 - 30 Days at the Cross - I Am Not Alone
Stress, word for the modern world, everyone has too much of it
Synonymical cousins: worry, frustration, and impatience
Vacation sometimes causes it
Sociologists and Psychologist make a lot of money because of it
Jesus never was described as stressed
Jesus was tempted in every way as we are - Hebrews 4:15

How did he conquer stress? He was not alone - John 16:31-32

Allowing stress to overwhelm us is sin - focus on ourselves
It tempts us to let our emotions lead over our convictions

Worry - always be thousands of reasons to worry - still sin
Frustration - thing don't go the way we think it should - we need faith

We too can overcome stress - we too are not alone

2008-08-22 - 30 Days at the Cross - Not Surprise by Joy

Joy set before him endured the cross - Hebrews 12:2-3
Jesus was a joyful person; even at the cross - at the cross it seemed that everything was going wrong

Yet joy joy was still in the heart of Jesus:

  • He knew God was in control
  • He didn't agrue with God
  • He didn't need explaination
  • He didn't need to justify himself
  • He entrusted himself to the one who judges - 1 Peter 2:23

When we try to take over God's role - there is no joy
Jesus prayed for his disciples to have the full measure of his joy - John 17:13

Even the violent scene of the cross brought about joy and hope
What will you allow to steal your joy?

2008-08-23 - 30 Days at the Cross - Consumed with Reconciliation
Bible makes it clear: God is consumed with reconciliation
At the cross: it reconciles us to God, then reconciles us to each other

There must be humility on both sides:

God humility (did not need to go the human level but he did for our sake) - Philippians 2:5-8
  • Made himself nothing
  • Took the very nature of a servant
  • Was made in human likeness
  • In the appearance of a man
  • Obedient to death
Man problems with humility
  • Consumed with finiding fault with God
  • Reject God rather than questioning ourselves
  • Thinks he could do a better ob
Only with humility from both God (yes) and man (sometimes) can reconciliation occur.

Do you want to resolve a conflict in a relationship?
Do it Gods way:
  1. Start with a fresh look at the cross
  2. Remind yourself of the humility shown by Christ
  3. Want reconciliation more than anything
  4. Confess your sin first

2008-08-24 - 30 Days at the Cross - United Hearts

Unity has an immense impact on our lives

Tower of Babel - God said nothing they planned would be impossible for them - Genesis 11:6
House divided against impossible for them - Mark 3:25
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit - Ephesians 4:3

What are the obstacles to unity?

  • Misunderstanding and wrong assumptions (Israelite tribes) - Joshua 22
  • Selfish ambition (James and John) - Matthew 20:20-28
  • Inferiority and insecurity
  • Jealousy and selfishness (brothers of Joesph) - Genesis 37
  • Ingratitude and unforgiveness (older brother of the prodical son) - Luke 15

Sin is the ultimate cause of all disunity. Forgiveness is the ultimate cure.

It defies our nature
Reflects a surrender that trusts God's justice
Demonstrates a humility that cares less for one's own rights than for the good of others

Who do you need to totally forgive?
Forgiveness is the key to bing reunited
We need a daily "state of our unions"

2008-08-28 - Teach Us To Pray - Strength and Shield
The closest solar system is 3.5 light years away or 21 trillion miles
Some galaxies have 10 trillion stars
Countless are the stars but has no trouble
Our visible universe is 15 trillion by 6 trillion miles across

We need to learn to trust God's ability to meet our daily needs:
  • He was washed the feet of his betrayer
  • His disciples did not suspect Judas because of Jesus' perfect love for him
  • He healed the leper with a word
  • Fell asleep during a ragging storm from serving the people
  • Went out of his way to encourage the disciples that would in a few hours later betray him
  • Despite Peter's denial, Jesus left him the keys to the kingdom
  • He promised heaven the thief that moments earlier was abusing him

2008-08-30 - Teach Us To Pray - God Enjoys Talking to Us

To truely know him, we must absorb his Word
We must enjoy his talking to us

God's Word was written with one purpose in mind - to communicate God's love:

  • He promised to carry our burdens - Matthew 11:28
  • We will have all we need - 2 Corinthians 9:8
  • He will give us more than we can ask or imagine - Ephesians 3:20
  • He will meet all our our needs - Philippians 4:19
  • All disciples have angels to server them - Hebrews 1:14

2008-08-31 - Teach Us To Pray - Hungry and Thirsty (part 1)

True prayer is a yearning for God
Most people in the developed world have never been really hungry and do not know what it is like

In the Bible a hunger for God always ends in prayer
My soul yearns for the courts of the Lord - Psalms 84:1-2
My soul thrists for you like a parched land - Psalms 143:6

God invites us to find satisfaction in Him
Come all you are thristy, come to the waters - Isaiah 55:1
He will satisfy your needs - Isaiah 58:11
Are you trying to find satisfaction some other place?


2008-09-01 - Teach Us To Pray - Hungry and Thirsty (part 2)
We must Desire God Alone
Many people fail to have satisfying prayer lives because they are double-minded when they pray
Must do our best to rid ourselves of distractions
Unless you passionately fight for time alone with God, it will not happen

God Blesses the Hungry Heart
When we pray righteously, it allows God to work powerfully in our lives
  • Blessed are those who hunger for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6
  • Everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks finds - Matthew 7:7-8
  • You have not because you ask not - James 4:2
  • Judah sought God, and he was found by them - 2 Chronicles 15:15
  • Sometimes we need to wrestle with God to show how much we want it - Genesis 32:26
Power of prayers are dependent on the hunger in your heart
No hungry heart will ever be turned away

2008-09-02 - Teach Us To Pray - Full Of Faith

Reading from 2 Kings 6:15-17

We can relate to Elisha's servant, he lacked faith
When we lack faith, we only see the world around us and the challenges that life is throwing at us
When you wallow in faithlessness, your Bible study lack power and your eyes skim the pages without absorbing the words

As Elisha's servant looked down at the Arameans, he turned in despair to Elisha
He admitted that he needed help
Because of his humility, he found the help that he needed

Do you collapse in a heap of self-pity or discouragement?
Do you go out and get the help you need?
Do you babble like a Pharisee or have you gotten gut-level honest with God about how you are feeling?

Elisha's servant got humble and trusted his leader
As he looked out again, he saw the Arameans surrounded by the army of heaven

Problems always look less daunting when you get God in the picture and decide to be full of faith

2008-09-07 - Teach Us To Pray - Honesty and Openness
Honest communication is crucial element to any great relationship: God, spouse, children.

Consider how ludicrous it is to not be real with God:
  • He knows what is in our hearts
  • He knows what we are really seeking
  • He knows what we need
Only honesty with God makes sense!

  • He questioned the wisdom of God's choice
  • Argued his lack of eloquence
  • Says he does not want the responsibility
  • He is honest - he gives God something to work with - Exodus 4:13
David - example of his Psalms:
  • Why do you hide yourself in trouble? - Psalms 10:1-2 - logically does not make sense but this is where David was
  • Later, he works it out in prayer (v17) - LORD, you have heard the request of the oppressed; you make them feel secure because you listen to their prayer.

It is in our openness that we hear our faithlessness and can turn away from it.

God wants a relationship with you
He wants to know our longings, aspirations, problems, anxieties, doubts, and even our sin

2008-09-15 - Teach Us To Pray - Changes in Character
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place - Psalms 51:6
Character can grow if we take a sober gut-level check look at who we are

Too often we pray:
  • Help me be a better person
  • Help me to change
  • Help me to love you more
We don;t know specifically what we need to change
When we aim at nothing, that is what we hit

The word of God discerns the thoughts and intentions of our heart - Hebrews 4:12-13
Like a mirror reflecting how we look spiritually - James 1:23-25
We also learn the truth about ourselves from other people in our lives - Proverbs 20:5

Ask God to help you see what you need to change
Ask others what things they see in your sinful nature

How badly do you want to change?
It will show by the way you pray
My power is made perfect in weakness - 2 Corinthians 12:9

2008-09-16 - Teach Us To Pray - The Church of Jesus
Disciples must have a deep commitment to pray for the needs of the church:
  • Church "universal" - all congregations
  • Church "militant" - war against evil
  • Church "triumphant" - the mission God has given us
Praying is hard work. Let's get practical:
  1. Pray with variety, creativity, and perseverance - Ephesians 6
  2. Pray for all the saints - Philippians 1:4
  3. Pray for upcoming meetings
  4. Intercede for world leaders - 1 Timothy 2:1-2
  5. Tour your city - Get a map; drive around pray for the different parts
  6. Incorporate biblical themes
  7. Tour the world
  8. Pray for your elders
  9. Pray for the church's work among the needy of your city
  10. Pray for the special ministries within your church
  11. Pray for new church plantings

2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-09-21 - Teach Us To Pray - Friends and Loved Ones
To intercede or pray on someone else's behalf is a privilege
Our prayers are sacrifices which are pleasing to him - Hebrews 13:15

Paul: I want you to know how much I am struggling for you - Colossians 2:1
Who do you struggle for? How about people you have never meet?

Far be it that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray to you - Samuel to King Saul - 1 Samuel 12:23

Jesus intercedes for us - Romans 8:34
Like a good friend, he adds or subtracts from what you are missing or need
Jesus makes us complete in God's sight

2008-09-22 - Teach Us To Pray - Enemies and Opposition

Whoever the enemies may be, the words of Jesus are still the same: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you - Matthew 5:44

It our enemies who afford us the opportunity to glory God by shining like stars - Philippians 2:15
This behavior is described in the Bible as "perfect" - Matthew 5:48
Only someone who loves God earnestly and has an eternal perspective on life is able to surrender

Must forgive and love our enemies to be permitted to be sons of God - Matthew 5:44

When praying for our enemies, we should focus on:

  1. Their need for forgiveness - Luke 23:34
  2. The power of God to change them - Acts 4:24-28
  3. Our need to continue to preach boldly - Acts 4:29


2008-09-26 - Teach Us To Pray - Our Eyes Are on You
2 Chronicles 20:5-7

When all goes wrong, it is time to pray
Not just prayer, but a Jehoshaphat prayer (a prayer of desperation) - a deep-felt need for God

He who fails on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed - Matthew 21:42, 44
Get Broken or get crushed - this difference is a matter of prayer

2008-09-30 - Man of Prayer - Father (part 1)

Dads should constantly aware of how how their character impacts their child
But no matter how good we do, we can not fully meet their needs; only the Father can

God is the perfect Father
He is always present and available
He is commited to meeting our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs
No time in our day is more important than the time we spend with Him

2008-10-05 - Man of Prayer - Name
In Jesus' day, a person's name reflected one's character
God had powerful encounters with an individual, he would change the person's name with the change in them

Halllow mean to treat with great reverence
Focusing our thoughts helps lead to a response of worship

Many focus on telling God their needs, need to focus on God
Seek first his kingdom - Matthew 6:33

In interpersonal communication, remember a person's name is very important
Moses asked God, "Who shall I say sent me?"
God answered, "Tell them I AM has sent you"

YHWH (Yahweh) is the proper name of the living God
God is the God who is, who causes to be, and who will be who He will be
Thinking about God in this way gets my focus on Him

2008-10-07 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-mkaddesh

YHWH-mkaddesh means the Lord who sanctifies, he works to change and mold us

Reflection on his name - should remind us how desperately we need the Holy Spirit to work in our life

  • Should be confident that Christ's death was fully adequte
  • We need to be changed
  • We are powerless with him
  • Apart from His intervention, our life is unmanagable and unfruitful

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