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2009-12-12 - Master Plan - Supervision (part 1)
He kept check on them
  • His teaching rotated between instruction and assignment
  • Questions, illustrations, warnings, and admonitions were calculated to fill His work to evangelize the world.
  • When the disciples were sent out they gathered themselves to see what things had been done
    • They were expected to share their experiences
    • Previous mission there was no mention of any spectacular success
    • They gain additional experience
    • Jesus cautioned the disciples against pride in their accomplishments
  • Demon-possessed boy – lesson on how they needed more prayer and fasting
  • Loaves and fish – lesson on faith they God will provide
  • Lessons of patience
    • Danger of discouraging any sincere work - “Those who are not against you are for you” - Mark 9:50
    • Do little the little one stumble - Mark 9:42
    • Encounter resistance - Call down fire from heaven - Luke 9:51-54
    • Jesus came to save not destroy - Luke 9:55

2009-12-28 - First the Kingdom - At Ease
Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth - Matthew 5:5
But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace - Psalms 37:11

Meekness is strength under the control of God
Being meek is being at ease before God and man
One looks outside himself for the power of life
Totally open with God, God will work in all things for his good

To be meek is not to be afraid...

1. Is at ease with God

Someone who worries and has anxiety reduces them to practical atheists

A child is at ease with their father/mother (in most cases)
I have stilled and quieted my soul; child with mother is my soul within me - Psalms 131:2

2. Is at ease with himself
Jesus knew exactly what authority he had been he had been given by God - John 13:3

3. Is at ease with others
Neither inferior nor superior
No longer deceived by pride, he is free to learn from anyone
At ease with God and himself - has nothing to prove and nothing to fear

2010-03-15 - To Live is Christ - No Confidence in Flesh
Paul describes people who do not appreciate what Jesus has done as dogs - Philippians 3:14

There are 2 options to approaching God:
  1. The performance model
  2. The grace model
One works; the other is a disaster

Man, in his pride, is drawn to the performance model
Paul refers to the people who acknowledge Jesus as Lord but would not let go of the performance model
These people held on to certain Jewish regulation that were made obsolete by Jesus

The grace model is revolutionary
Seems too easy to be true but too hard for our egos to accept

Grace model says:
  • There are never enough requirements we could meet
  • There are never enough rules we could keep
  • There is never enough rituals we could experience
  • Even if obedient to death, our only hope of salvation come from work from another

2010-04-12 - Life to the Full - Macho Mist (part 2)
Spiritual adultery - How easy it is to flirt with the world if we fail to guard our hearts - Proverbs 4:23
In Jewish law, adultery is grounds for divorce

The Spirit cause to live within us envies intensely - James 3:5

The nature of God: He will tolerate no rivals for his love
God is a jealous God - Exodus 34:14

One of the quoted OT verse in the the NT is about pride - Proverbs 3:34
Much of the pride mention in the NT is bad: Pride goes before the fall - Proverbs 16:18
Pride mentioned in the NT is usually good: I take great pride in you - 2 Corinthians 7:4
It depends on where the pride is rooted and the attitude behind it

If you feel ineffective, frustrated, unproductive, opposed - it might be because God is opposing you because of your pride
He is trying to get your attention so you will turn back to him

2010-06-18 - All or Nothing (part 1)

Preached by Curt Simmons on 2002-08-28

Old Testament

1 Samuel 15:1-35

  • Rebellion = not obeying = pride (arrogance)
  • We can take "being choosen" as pride
2 Kings 17:7-20
  • What lead to this?
  • They started practicing what other around them were doing
  • They had become stiff-necked
2 Chronicles 36:15-16
  • No remedy
  • Didn't go all the way
  • Worldly and got distracted
Ezra 9:1-2; 15-10:16
  • How can we say "God will understand." ?
  • Leaders can lead people astray by the live they lead
Neheniah 13:1-15
  • House of God being neglected
  • How has you offerings to God been?

2010-09-03 - Waking Dead - Help of Others
We are usually too close to our lives to see what is going on
Because it is our story , we don't know what  is true and false

In every great story, the hero or heroine must turn to someone older and wiser to answer a riddle
  • Dorthy seeks the Wizard
  • Frodo turns to Gandalf
  • Neo has Morpheus
  • Curdie is helped by Lady of the Silver Moon
  • Jedis look Yodo
Pride is so blinding
Sometimes in our discipling we just fix what is wrong (sin) and not work on the glory of God
Need to also me focused on moving forward and to go out on faith

2010-09-06 - Waking Dead - Deep Restoration (part 3)
Chris came not only to pardon us but to heal us

Jesus can and wants to heal your heart.

What does that rouse in you?
  • Hope?
  • Cynicism?
  • Pride?
Without your heart you cannot hope to find God
The heart is God's dwelling place
If you ignore your heart, it is like looking for him everywhere but at home

It might be a surprise to you that Christ ask our permission to come in and heal

Behold, I stand at the door and knock - Revelation 3:20
He does not force his way in

There are sometimes rooms we have kept locked up
We must give him permission to come in there - ask Jesus for your whole heart back

2010-09-19 - Waking Dead - Setting the Heart Free
All spiritual warfare follows a simple pattern - James 4:7

Submit and resist
Submit ourselves to Christ and resist whatever has come against us or those we love
Their needs to "dailyness" to our walk

1. We have to choose to abide in Christ
Consecrate our whole body:
  • Body - Romans 12:1
  • Soul - Luke 10:27
  • Spirit - 1 Corinthians 6:17
2. Then we need to cleanse our lives with the blood of Christ
Take our place under the headship of Christ
The faith of centurion, he understood authority - Matthew 8:10

Most sins fall under:
  • Pride - independence from God
  • Idolatry - Giving our devotion, fear, or any part of our heart to something other than God
We need to ask God to search our hearts so we might confess sin and agreements we have made

2010-11-20 - Contagious Christian - Breaking Barriers to Belief (part I)
We have got to help people understand that God is not angry or afraid of honest doubt
He warmly invites those with sincere questions to come, to seek, to knock - Matthew 7:7
How different Jesus is from the religious leaders of the world
Jesus told doubting Thomas to touch him - Luke 24:39

We should expect this to happen and respond by emulating Jesus
Clear communication starts with spiritual conversations

1. Poor Examples

This includes those who are religious and are prideful or hypocritical
Some are narrow-minded and pessimistic have condemned anything they don't happen to like

What can be done to remove this barrier?
  • Help them realize that you understand their hesitation
  • Live your life as a model that shatters their stereotypes
  • Help them to see the other authentic Christians so they know you are not the only one

2010-11-29 - Trusting God - Samuel
Preached by Rob Milner

Read 1 Samuel 13

Following God's instruction is the key to our success

1 Samuel 10:8 - Go to Gilgal and wait for 7 days and then we will sacrifice
Samuel was the judge before their were kings

Saul waited for 7 days but did not wait to do the burnt offerings
He did not follow God's instructions exactly
How long before we stop waiting?

Ever wanted to take matters into our own hands?
There is nothing as good as trusting and then God fulfilling his promise

There are two battles:
  • Battle between good and evil
  • Battle between faith and action
James 2:18-24
  • v22 - Faith and works - work together
  • Faith without deeds is dead
  • Where am I not following exactly?
  • What am I not submitting to God's will?

James 4:7-8 - God calls us to submit to him fully

Trust in God and not your situation

1 Samuel 13:11-12 - Saul doubted that Samuel was coming

James 1:5-8 - we should believe and not doubt

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in God and not on one's own understanding
Depending on one's own understanding creates:

  • Pride
  • Controlling person
  • Self-reliant
  • Unreliable - allows our situations to change us
  • Lose of conviction
Psalms 118:8 - Better to rely on God than man

Protect your blacksmiths or you will be found defenseless

1 Samuel 13:19-21
What are the blacksmiths of our lives?
  • Knowledge of the Bible
  • Daily prayer/walk with God
  • Brotherly fellowship

2010-12-06 - Mission - John's Walk with Jesus
What disciples does not like the apostle John, the "apostle of love"?

Not everyone
  • Some apostles did not like his selfish ambition - Matthew 20:24
  • Some thought he was prideful describing himself as the beloved disciple of Jesus - John 21:7
  • After the resurrection, Peter still seems to have attitudes towards John - John 21:21
New John after walking with Jesus for a while - Mark 1:19

John stayed close to Jesus - Luke 9:28
He would never quit Jesus - Mark 14:32-34
John loved Jesus until the end - John 19:25-27

John changed:
  • Selfish ambition turned to kingdom ambition
  • Fits of rage changed to fits of love
  • Factiousness come together into a passion of unity
Only after walking with Jesus did John become the apostle of love, he wasn't that way naturally

How is our walk with Jesus?
Do we focus our energy on our walk with Jesus?

Only after walking with Jesus, can we change into the disciple Jesus' wants us to be

2011-01-13 - Followup - Being Discipled: Initiation (part I)
Must desire to be discipled - No one will make you.
Example: Going to the doctor - no one can make you, but you desire to get better

Do you want to become like Jesus?
  1. Initiate in questions
  • Seek advise - finances, dating, school, home, family
  • Proverbs 12:15 - many advisors make a victory sure!
  • Reasons we don’t:
    • Pride
    • Independence
    • Sin
  1. Initiate in openness – confession – Proverbs 28:13
  • Sin, temptations, feelings, attitudes
  • Disciples should never have to guess about what’s going on.
  • Share fears, desires, dreams, embarrassments,joys, sorrows…

2011-01-15 - Followup - Being Discipled: Imitation & Indignation

Hebrews 13:7; Philippians 4:9 - Imitate your leaders
  • Purpose
  • Faith - reliance on God
  • Love - warmth and encouragement
  • Endurance - even-temperedness and stability, keeping head in all situations

Sin is what keeps us from being a great disciple
  • Pride - Proverbs 26:12 - “I can make it on my own”
    • No you can’t! - James 4:6 - God opposes the proud
  • Selfishness - Philippians 2:1-8 - Jesus made himself nothing

2011-01-16 - Followup - Evangelism Boldness
Matthew 5:13-16 - We must be salt and light
John 4:34 -The harvest is great. Believe it!

True disciples are consumed with making more disciples. - Acts 4:14, 4:20 4:33, 5:14, 5:21, 5:29, 5:41-42, 6:1, 6:7

Sources of Boldness:
  • 2 Timothy 1:7 - The Holy Spirit
  • 2 Corinthians 3:12 - Hope
  • Romans 1:16, 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 - Conviction
Acts 4:29-31 – Pray for it

Hindrances to boldness:
  • Pride – being afraid of what others think
  • Small convictions – not seeing people as lost
  • Selfishness – not caring about the lost
  • Faithlessness – doubting that the harvest is great

2011-01-20 - Followup - Heart Issues
The Examination

Proverbs 4:23 - Above all else guard your heart.
Psalms 139:23 - Open your heart to God.
Hebrews 4:13 - God cuts with His sword and sees everything.

Types of Heart Disease

Jeremiah 17:9, Proverbs 14:12 - Deceit
Deuteronomy 29:26-31 - Idolatry
Deuteronomy 8:10-18, Proverbs 18:12 - Pride
Hebrews 3:12-19 - Unbelief (hardness, rebellion, disobedience)
Hebrews 12:3-12 - Weariness

2011-02-17 - Cross of Christ - Kansas City (part I)
Purpose: Understand how the Bible explains what Jesus went through before/during and after the cross

Painful betrayal of a friend
Matthew 26:14-30
  • Judas had already decided in his heart and actions to betray Jesus. Then he watched for an opportunity to carry out sin.
  • Share: A person's heart can be so hard that they no longer fear God - Psalms 36:1-3
  • In spite of knowing that Judas was lying and plotting to have him killed, Jesus still loved him.
  • The disciples had no clue who it was.
  • Jesus' heart and actions never expressed any anger/resentment toward Judas
Pain of Friends Mistrust
Matthew 26:31-35
  • Peter accepted the words of Jesus until it came time to apply them to his life.
  • Share: Peter's prideful refusal to accept Jesus will for his life lead other down the wrong path

2011-02-28 - Servant of God (part II)
The last will be first
Mark 9:33-35
  • The first must be last
  • This is not how it is in the work place
    • Go ahead take my promotion
    • Kiss up to the boss
    • Fighting to be the best
    • Spend long hours at work
If we don't see the needs around -> we should pray for Go to show us
What ways should you be serving?

It will take faith:
  • Who will take care of me?
  • They may not thank you
Matthew 23:11
  • The humble will be exalted
  • Servants can not be prideful; humility is the badge the slave
Luke 17:7-10 - Our attitude at the end of the day should be that we are unworthy servants, we have only done what was our duty

2011-04-02 - Old Testament - Kingdom
Old testament scriptures about the upcoming kingdom:
  • Daniel 2:31-45- Dream's dream
  • Isaiah 2:2 - All nations will stream to it
  • Isaiah 4:2 - In that day the Branch of the LORD will be the pride and glory of the survivors in Israel
  • Genesis 49:10 - He to whom it belongs shall come and the obedience of the nations shall be his
  • Malachi 3:1- I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me.
  • Malachi 4:1-6 - I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes

2011-05-20 - Righteousness instead of worry and pride
Righteousness instead of worry

Matthew 6:25-34
  • Think about things you worry about.
  • What do you worry about?
  • How much do you think about?
  • How can worrying about those things make it difficult to be righteous?
  • Do seek righteousness first or something else first?
Righteousness instead of pride

Matthew 5:17-20
  • Are you living more righteously than the Pharisees?
  • They obeyed the law but what were they missing?
  • Where is your righteous coming from? Jesus? Self? Something else?

2011-05-21 - Righteousness instead of selfishness
Righteousness instead of selfishness

Matthew 4:1-11
Satan uses many tactics to tempt us not to be righteous
  1. Not trusting God will take care of us - vs. 3
  2. Too prideful and feel nothing can hurt us - vs. 6
  3. Idolizing something above God in our lives - vs. 9
Which temptation does Satan us on you the most?

How will you fight it?

2011-08-03 - Daughter Needs - Mr. Success (part I)
Jephtah mother was a prostitute and was denied him any share of the estate

Years later the Ammonites made war on Israel - it was the opportunity to have one big success
He understood that the battle belonged to the Lord
Made a foolish vow of saying - if he won he would sacrifice the first thing opened the door of his house - Judges 11:30-31
His one and only daughter can running out

He could have renounced his foolish words but he simply wanted success more
His pride prevented him to do so
Jephtah's pride and drive to be respected were more important than the life of his daughter

2011-09-08 - Followup: Humility I (part I)
Humility is essential in beginning and maintaining a relationship with God. Pride, the opposite of humility, is often difficult to see in yourself and difficult to define in one’s character. It can be described as stubbornness toward God and his Word as well as others, or as independence from God and/or others.

Let’s look at a few examples of what humility is NOT.
  1. Stubborn: Pharaoh was stubborn towards the Lord’s will - Exodus 13:15
  2. Pride: It’s hard to see your own pride but others can easily - Psalms 73:6
  3. Arrogance: God hates arrogance - Proverbs 8:13
Let’s look at what examples of humility truly looks like.
  1. Proverbs 15:33 - fear of God brings about wisdom and humility
  2. Proverbs 16:3 - put God first and you will be successful
  3. Philippians 2:3 - putting others before yourself
  4. Colossians 3:12 - we are to put on humility daily
  5. 1 Peter 5:5 - respect others and clothe yourself with humility

2011-09-18 - Proverbs on Integrity (part I)
Proverbs 19:22 - Poor person is better than a liar

Proverbs 20:17 - Gains by fraud ends up being worthless

The 1996 New York Times had a story on a golfer named Jeff Sluman.
  • Jeff was playing in the Bay Hill Invitational and he hit his ball in the water.
  • He then took a drop (drop your ball near the place it went in the water) and he added a penalty stroke
  • During the night he began to question whether his drop was legal or illegal.
  • He couldn’t sleep that night and the next morning called the golfing officials and told them what happen.
  • Before the officials even made a decision, Jeff disqualified himself.
  • Jeff said, “I’m not sure if what I did was right, and if I’m not sure then I couldn’t live with myself and keep playing. What if I won? It would be a curse.”
Not many people today have the attitude of Jeff Sluman.
  • In most sports today the rule is to see what you can get away with (as long as you don’t get caught then its O.K.)
  • But for the person of integrity cheating/deceit is never okay (its never an option)
We live in a world of deceit
  1. Politicians break campaign promises continually
  2. Parents laugh at little “Billie” when he cheats at pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey)
  3. Businesses lie just to sale a product (on and on)
Dictionary defines integrity as = adherence to a moral or ethical code, soundness of moral character

When someone is a person of integrity he/she is someone that has wholeness about him either.
  • Many people in the world today are two-faced (their life doesn’t match their doctrine)
Why do we lose our integrity?
  1. Peer Pressure - Matthew 27:19-24
    • Pilate lacked integrity, he made decisions based on what other people thought and said.
    • He didn’t want to take responsibility
  2. Pride - Exodus 8:8-15
    • Pharaoh wanted to be in control and not take advice from others
    • In the end Pharaoh’s pride led to his firstborn son dieing (all the 1st born sons of Egypt)

2011-09-21 - Proverbs on Pride (part I)
Proverbs 16:18 - First pride, then the crash

This is one saying that always been apart of history:
  1. Cain’s pride led to him killing his brother Abel
  2. King Saul’s pride led to him attempting to kill David
  3. David lost his son Absalom to pride as Absalom attempted to overthrow David
  4. Hitler, Sadam, on and on (even to the extent of pride leading to the shake up in God’s modern day kingdom)
NT Greek word for pride = “puffed up with pride
  • This is a very descriptive word (like a peacock strutting his feathers)
  • The proud person puts on the mistaken belief that he is better than he is
Pride/arrogance begins in the heart (so often we say I’m prideful but take it to lightly)

Mark 7:20-22 - (arrogance/pride) is a reflection of the heart = don’t take it so lightly

Luke 1:50-52 - God scatters the thoughts of the proud (busy covering themselves & looks)

James 4:6 - Every time you say, “Ha-Ha, I know I’m prideful” realize “God’s apposing me”
  • Not so funny then
  • The proud man does not submit to God thus becomes God’s enemy

2011-09-22 - Proverbs on Pride (part II)

#1. Pride kills our relationship with God & others (Proverbs 16:5)
  • One reason the Bible is so adamant about pride is its effect on our view of God.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride we begin to act as if we are God
  • Instead of being in the image of God we try to make God in our image
  1. We make God into a national God = prospers our country only
  2. Watering down the Bible = suit our feelings
  3. When we act as if we are a special case = God will overlook our situation
  4. When we become depressed & discouraged (I’m just a failure) = God messed up

Ultimate example is Satan (Revelation 12:7-9, 13:4-9)
  • Satan wants to put thoughts in the minds and hearts of the saints to lead them astray
  • He really wants to come after the ministry staff that leads God’s people.
  1. Have division and tension in your marriage (not a divorce just disunity)
  2. He wants your children (that’s one of the best ways he can hurt you)
  3. He wants you to be competitive & jealous of others
  4. He wants you to struggle with forgiving others
  5. He wants you to be focused only on your ministry & not the church (bigger picture)
How can he make that happen? Our pride. Hardest thing in the world is for us to be humble.
  1. We’re family, he wants it to be like Cain & Abel
  2. King Saul, Satan wants you to think you can lead better than others, nothing to learn from me, be a good follower
  3. Satan wants KC church divided from the Heartland & movement

2011-09-23 - Proverbs on Pride (part III)
Proverbs 13:10 - wise men and women listen to each other's counsel

Proverbs 18:11 - The rich think their wealth protects them

  • I read that when a caterpillar exists in its lowly state it can get as close as it wants to other caterpillars.
  • They climb all over each other and share grounds selflessly.
  • But as soon as the caterpillar spreads its wings and takes flight, it can never again get close as it once did to other creatures.
  • The beauty of its wings is the very thing that prevents it from getting close.
  • When we puff ourselves up with pride, we cannot get close to people around us.
  • We beat our wings against theirs and we both are destroyed.
The most deadly attribute of pride in a relationship is selfishness.
  • It takes humility to have truly great relationships
  • When we are selfish we refuse to share what we have with others (time, possessions, self)
  • If we fail to share ourselves, then on one will really know us.
  • It is impossible to be really close to people and be selfish
#2. Pride kills self-esteem (Proverbs 26:12)
  • Pride blinds us to who we really are
  • We get a false image of ourselves and cling to that image instead of the truth
  • Underneath our arrogance and pride are feelings of self-loathing and extreme neediness
  • In order to overcome we puff ourselves up, we act as if we have it together
  • Unfortunately we only fool & hurt ourselves because others can see through it.
  • This shell of pride can also keep others away as we duck our heads back in (turtle)
  • As long as we stay in our shell we are prisoners of our own pride, destine to live a lonely life

2011-09-24 - Proverbs on Pride (part IV)

#1. Humility heals our relationship with God - Proverbs 3:34
  • God honors humility
  • When we become humble we become more like God himself.
Philippians 2:8-11 - God honors humility (this is the 1st step to having a relationship with God)
James 4:8-10 - Humility isn’t a one time thing, we must continue to humble ourselves before God daily

#2. Humility heals our relationship with Others - Proverbs 6:3

To heal a relationship someone must take the first step - Christ did this for us
  • Best example is in a marriage (someone has to start with “I’m sorry”)
  • Jesus said “blessed are the peacemakers” not “blessed is the one who wins the argument”
One purpose of a Christian relationship is to remove the pride from each other’s life (so we can get to heaven)

Colossians 1:28-29 - We must work to help each other be humble

2011-09-25 - Proverbs on Pride (part V)
#3. Humility heals our view of self (Proverbs 15:33) (Proverbs 22:4)
  • There is a world of difference between Godly confidence and pride.
  • The person who walks with Godly confidence walks tall because he knows he is a child of the king (he doesn’t act like he’s better than anyone else) (he doesn’t have to be in the know).
  • This was the meekness that people noticed in Jesus (controlled strength) confidence
We need to be confident of who we are, the valuable life we have found in Jesus.
  • People will be attracted to this type of confidence (not like the world)
Symptoms of Pride
  1. Unwillingness to admit mistakes: Do you apologize whole heartily? - Nearly all men can stand adversity, to test a man, give him power.
  2. Hating to look bad: Can you laugh at yourself?
  3. Attitude of entitlement: Are you used to privilege (expect because your on staff, you should be treated a certain way, do you serve a certain way because you are on staff)
Pride kills but humility heals: it’s not easy but we all have a great example to follow (Jesus).

2011-09-28 - Proverbs on Advice - Without Instruction
4. Without instruction, you hurt others

Proverbs 10:17 - He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray

John Donne wrote, “No man is an island entirely to himself, every man is a piece of the Continent, a part of the main”

When (in our independence) we disregard godly advice, we hurt others as well as ourselves. We set an example which by action and attitude say that we do not need others in our lives

5. Without instruction we are stupid

Proverbs 12:1 - Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid

The Bible uses the word “stupid”. It’s found only four times in the NIV (Job 18:3, Proverbs 12:1, Ecclesiastes 10:3, 2 Timothy 2:23)
  • In proverbs it refers to the person who hates correction (pride makes us stupid)
  • When we are unwilling to receive godly correction we are trusting our own way over that of our advisors (this type of pride makes us stupid)
  • Physically: We have an illness = we go see an expert doctor, to ignore his advice and handle the situation on our own would be stupid
  • Spiritually: We face temptations and challenging situations = we should seek advice from spiritually minded people (they may advice us something simple like, read these scriptures or something radical like change jobs) but to ignore experienced spiritual advice would be stupid. Even if you don’t like it (pray about it, get another “experienced” opinion)
Victory comes from this approach to solving our spiritual problems.

Challenge: How do you respond when someone challenges you?
  • Type A: Listens on the outside (even nod your head “yes”) but on the inside all systems are shut down.
  • Type B: You are calm on the outside but on the inside you’re steaming mad ready to explode and interrupt (who do they think they are)
  • Type C: Listens and really tries to understand (learn) not just say OK but embrace the input to become a better disciple
Proverbs 27:5, Proverbs 15:31, Proverbs 29:1

2011-11-05 - Mind Change - Mood
Choose you mood.

If the one you have right now is not right, you can exchange it.

Don’t allow the “wrong side of the bed” to control your life.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 - Choose life over pride
Joshua 24:15 - Choose today whom you will worship
Psalms 119:30 - I have chosen the way of truth

2011-11-22 - Getting Advise (part II)
Advise will bring about only what is good
  • Proverbs 11:14 - Many advisers bring victory in your daily life
  • Proverbs 15:22 - Allow others to be a part of your planning; they will help you succeed
  • Proverbs 19:20 - Advise will make you wiser than ever
Before big decisions, you should seek advise
  • Proverbs 20:18 - Get advise before the challenging battles you will be facing
  • Proverbs 24:5-6 - Young disciples need older soldier’s guidance on waging spiritual battles
Only pride will keep you from seeking advise
  • Proverbs 15:12 - Be open to the possibility that your plans may be wrong or not the best
  • Proverbs 16:18 - You may fall simply because you refused to get input in your life
  • Proverbs 18:12 - Humility leads to advise, advise leads to victory, victory leads to honor
Do your best to make it a regular practice to get a lot of advise in your life – the more the better. God has always used other godly people to guide His people to a better life. Don’t wait for someone to ask you the right questions about your plans. Instead, go to them and seek their help and guidance. You’ll be amazed how much trouble you can avoid and how much good can come your way if you stay open to getting advise.

2012-01-06 - Day 34 - Taking Correction
Galatians 2:11-16
  1. What was Peter's sin?
  2. Why did Paul correct him publicly?
2 Corinthians 7:8-13
  1. Why did Paul correct and challenge the Corinthians?
  2. How does God want you to respond to correction?
  3. Has anyone corrected you lately?
  4. How did you respond?
  5. Were they encouraged by your response?
Galatians 6:1-5
  1. What obligation do we have to help one another?
  2. How can pride keep you from taking correction?
  3. Why is it dangerous to compare ourselves to others?
Proverbs 15:31-32 & Proverbs 16:18 - Which one describes you?

Application: Ask the person teaching you how you take correction. Do you need to repent?

2012-01-18 - Ministry - The Heart of Humility
Matt. 18:4, Luke 14:10, James 4:10, Phil. 2:5,7-8

Have you ever made a goal in your life to become a humble person? Have you ever prayed consistently over a period of time for God to give you a humble heart? Jesus shocked the crowds following him that day when he declared for all men to change and become like little children or they would not enter the kingdom of heaven! Then he lifts up the quality of humility in a child's heart and commands his disciples to have this heart! The world teaches us that humility is soft, weak, passive, no convictions. Jesus was certainly not this! He was a man of convictions, fearless with the opposition, and pressed on resolutely about his goals! However, he washed the disciples feet, touched the leper, served the crowds, and obeyed the Father in everything. One of the real tests comes in serving. Jesus made himself nothing, became a servant, and humbled himself on the cross for us! Do people know me to be a serving person? How do I feel when I am serving-awesome? Do I serve only when I want to serve and what I want to do if it serves my interests?Jesus came to serve and not to be served! He came to give his life as a ransom for many! Whoever wants to be great among you must be your slave! Matt. 20:26-28

  • Who do you serve?
  • Do you serve those who are struggling in their faith?
  • Do you feel opposed at everything you try to do?
  • Could it be God opposing your pride? James 4:6 Is God simply trying to teach you humility and trust?
  • What simple thing can you do to serve someone today? Whether they are in the church or not.

2012-01-31 - Ministry - The Burden of Jesus
Matthew 11:25

Jesus calls the weary and burdened to Himself and promises rest for them. The rest that He refers to is not to stop working and be idle. He is calling us to give Him the burdens of our souls. He calls us to take his yoke upon us. What is this yoke? The yoke of caring about others. The yoke of humility. It takes far less energy to be humble that it does to be prideful. It is much easier to be gentle than it is to be terse or gruff. Jesus beckons us to learn from Him. Really the yoke of Christ would finally lead him to the cross. That does not seem easy or light. In fact, our purpose to evangelize the world in this generation is neither easy nor light. The attitude that we are called to have is one of humility and gentleness.

  • What is truly burdening your life?
  • Is your response to that burden humility or pride? Gentleness or stress?
  • Be open with someone today about your burdens and then pray that you can throw them off and put on the burden of Christ.

2012-02-07 - Ministry - The Serving Heart of Jesus
John 13: 1 - 17

At a time when Jesus could have most concerned about himself and what lay ahead he chose to serve the disciples instead. Jesus was known for his acts of service before God and men. Rather than just telling people what they should do for him and each other Jesus set the example. After he served them he asked them if they understood what he had done for them. Do we really understand the importance of serving?

True servitude comes from a childlike heart.

Matthew 18: 1 - 9
Children are humble-hearted and love to serve. We need to consider others and look for ways to meet their needs both physically and spiritually. Sin is what stops us from serving. When we are in sin we are serving ourselves: our pleasures and desires. Jesus had a radical attitude toward sin because it keeps us from the spiritual act of serving and into the acts of the sinful nature. When we are serving it is difficult to be selfish, inward focused, prideful, self-righteous, sad and depressed. Jesus experienced great joy by meeting other people's needs. Jesus understood that serving is the true path to greatness. If we desire to be like Jesus we must develop deep convictions in the area of servitude.

How did Jesus Serve?
  • He met people's spiritual needs. John 4: 1 - 26
  • He taught people to serve by meeting physical needs. Luke 10:25 - 37
Sometimes serving others means saying "no" to ourselves. How can you say "no" to your needs today in order meet someone else's?

2012-02-15 - Fear of Failure - That Our Faith Should Not Fail
by Rosalind Lam, San Francisco Church of Christ

Luke 22:31-62

Jesus recognized the spiritual battle both he and his disciples would undergo before his arrest and therefore prayed that Simon's faith would not fail him and that he would "repent and turn to [Jesus] again, strengthen and build up [his] brothers" (NLT). Peter was blinded by his pride and did not have a sober view of his own ability to resist temptation, even after Jesus warned him that he would deny him. Peter's overconfidence was evident when he chose to sleep instead of pray and Peter's reliance on his flesh led to him being overpowered by fear and failing to have conviction during the time of pressure. Though Peter got bitter at his failure initially, he did not let it destroy his faith but went on to do amazing things for God, including preaching the opening sermon for the church.

What I learn from this passage about my own failures as a Christian is that Satan's ultimate goal is that my faith will fail me. Jesus' prayer helped me to make a decision that as long as I fight hard in prayer to repent and turn back to God, use my failures to build the faith of other Christians, and never give up, I can always make a comeback as Peter did and see God use me to fulfill his dreams for my life.

  • Look at how God has overcome my shortcomings to help me grow.
  • Build trust in God today by sharing a victory with a friend.

2012-02-20 - Fear of Failure - Relying on God Never Fails
by Jeremy Clark, San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 17:5-10; Hosea 10:12-13

Often the failures in my life have felt devastating. They have made me doubt myself, made me doubt my purpose and made me doubt God. When I began to lead a ministry, I thought I could do it by myself. I was out to prove to myself that I was capable. As I began to lead I ran around all the time, I was exhausted, anxious, and worried about getting in trouble every day. I was miserable. What I didn't realize was that as I was trying to prove that I could do it, God was proving to me that I couldn't without him. My failure made me want to quit. I felt cursed; it seemed all the the work I did meant nothing. God was showing me my pride, but instead of praying more, I worried more and ran around more and was completely ineffective. My failure came because of my pride, my unwillingness to be open, and not getting the help I needed. I was relying on myself, and God was teaching me that he would not bless it. That lesson was hard to learn, but one so valuable to my life once I was willing to learn to rely on God and not my own strength.
  • Pray about everything before you do it: pray about decisions, hopes and plans. God will bless it.
  • Get advice about the plans you are making.
  • Relax and enjoy your relationship with God, enjoy reaching out to people, enjoy your purpose.
  • Don't try to prove anything to anyone, except that you love being a Christian.

2012-02-21 - Fear of Failure - God is Able, Part 1
by Del & Daurence Johnson - Region Leaders: San Francisco Church of Christ

When I think about how many times that I have blown it or dropped important balls, it can be very depressing. So often I feel inadequate, incapable and fearful. This has made me prideful and unopen. Failure is never fatal when we have our eyes on God and not on our mistakes. God is perfect, I am not. God is pure, I am full of sin. God is righteous, I am jaded. Why not base our level of success on God and who he is rather than ourselves?

1) God is able to keep you from falling. Jude 24
When failure seems inevitable, it's probably because you are not looking to God. God wants us to learn from our experiences, not be perfect.

2) God is able to save completely. Hebrews 7:25
As I look at the sin in my life and how I keep repeating it, it can discourage me from believing I can be pleasing to God. This is why we need forgiveness. He is able to save completely. He can and will get me through. My challenge is to never quit on God or myself.

3) God is able to guard what you have entrusted to him. 2 Timothy 1:12
When we sacrifice day after day and year after year, we are investing ourselves in heavenly treasures. As Special Missions contribution quickly approaches again, we will have to reinvest ourselves into God's dream again. God is protecting and always will protect our lives and our dreams. He is faithful.

  1. Love learning
  2. Never quit (emotionally or spiritually)
  3. Sacrifice of time and resources entrusts my heart to God

2012-02-24 - Fear of Failure - When We Don't Meet Expectations
by Maritza Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 1:4-10

To me, "failure" has meant not living up to expectations--either what I expect of myself or what others expect of me. In my pride, I get angry when my weakness is exposed, and I see how ill equipped I am to face a certain task or spiritual battle. Instead of trusting in God and turning to him to strengthen me, give me wisdom, and make me able, I get a quitter's mentality. I decide that because I am not already able, I will take myself out so I no longer have to face my failure. I decide to take the easy road, where I can be "successful" and no longer feel the pressure to change the
core sin in my character.

In this scripture, I learn that God has had a destiny for our lives. God has known me since 'before I was in the womb.' He knows the stuff I'm made of. He knows what I am weak in and what I can and can't do. Yet he has still called me to serve him in awesome ways, and to do it with all my heart. He has appointed me to serve him, and that needs to be my focus. If I am focused on my daily relationship with him, get humble and open about my failures, and if I serve him with all my heart, he will fulfill the destiny he has for my life!

Three Decisions I've Made
  • Admit my sin and weaknesses
  • Ask for help from God and others
  • Commit myself to serving God, no matter my shortcomings

2012-02-26 - Fear of Failure - God is in Control
by Amy Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Hebrews 3:7-19

Failure is just a time of testing. We harden our hearts, rebel and give up or we can have faith, be humble and move on. When I fail the first thing that happens is my pride gets hurt because I always think that I am in control or that I can do it. But God allows me to experience failure to remind me that I can't do it all. God is the only one who can. The question is whether I am as happy and excited about life when I fail as when I am successful. The only way I can do that is trust that God is in control. All I need is to do is trust him to do it, be willing to humble out and be surrendered, acknowledging that I can't do it at all.

  1. Always know that God is in control and I am not
  2. If I just being humble, God will lift me up again
  3. Use my failure to help people to remind them God is the one

2012-02-29 - Fear of Failure - Mistakes Build Character
by Kristi Henry - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Matt. 16:21-23, Matt. 26:31-35

Peter loved Jesus, he received some stinging rebukes from him. Imagine a firend saying, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men." I would probably start crying or get prideful and mad. I don't like to look bad. Peter was always getting exposed! I know I have made many mistakes as a disciple: I have given bad advice, hurt people, lied to look good, not been open about sin, and destroyed relationships. I have had a lot of failures, challenges and struggles. I need to follow Peter. He grew and learned from the sin and mistakes he made. Peter never gave up. Peter kept his eyes on Jesus, not on himself and because of that was able to change and grow by accepting the teaching. When I look at Peter I see a man that Jesus loved, believed in, and knew would be a powerful leader in his church. I can decide to be like Peter and persevere through challenges, discipling, and rebukes. I can decide to fix my eyes on
Jesus and not on myself. I can believe that God has plans for me to do great things for his church and never give up.

Decide today to:
  1. Persevere through challenges, correction, and struggles.
  2. Allow failures to expose your character so that you can become all God wants you to be.
  3. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus, not on yourself and how you feel.

2012-03-02 - Fear of Failure - I get knocked down, but I get up again
by Angel Calica - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

2 Corinthians 4:9

The scriptures say we will get knocked down. The question is are you going to stay down, or get up again and keep going? Failure tests what kind of character we have. Do you give up easily and stay down (quitter)? Or are you a fighter and get up again?

What are the sins that can keep us down?
  • Pride
  • Complacency
  • Self pity
  • Desiring comfort
  • Fear
When I fail in my life, my temptation is to just not try anymore. When I give in to that temptation, I quit. I become isolated and hate being a Christian. I have to decide every day, to "get up" and to keep trying. When you admit your weaknesses, you realize that others have them too and that is the beginning of getting up. Let's admit when we are down and decide to get up again.

Hebrews 4:6
  1. Decide never to quit being a disciple.
  2. Decide to admit your weaknesses every day.
  3. Decide to obey the Bible when you get knocked down.

2014-03-18 - Teach Them to Fear the Lord (part II)

The fear of the Lord one keeps away from evil - Proverbs 16:6

How one may avoid the snares of death - Proverbs 14:2

Fear of the Lord causes our other fears to go away

  • Wisdom, counsel, and understanding begin with the fear of the Lord - Proverbs 8:14
  • Wealth, honor, and fruitfulness follow the fear the Lord - Proverbs 8:17-19
  • The fruits of humility and a proper hatred of pride and evil from this fear - Proverbs 8:13

How blessed is the man who fears the LORD - Psalms 112:1-2

Prayerfully ask God to help us develop a strong fear of the Lord

Training them to fear the Lord sets them up to live with incredible wisdom and success:

  • He is omniscient and always watching them - Proverbs 15:3
  • They will reap what they sow - Galatians 6:7
  • He will judge them one day - Romans 14:12
  • He is a great rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and obey Him - Hebrews 11:6

2015-02-22 - Dependent Attitude

Must we bring you water from this rock? - Numbers 20:10

Sometimes we say "I did the best I could" but instead, we should say "I should have called you sooner"

An independent spirit often keeps us from doing our best

Moses became a humble, obedient servant yet in a moment he lost everything that he had worked so hard to gain

  • The Israelites were thirsty and grumpy
  • They complained about the lack of water
  • Moses angerily rebuked them and struck the rock twice

His prideful self-reliance cost him the opportunity to lead them to the promised land.

What would it mean for you to rely on God?

2015-02-28 - Contentment

I have learned how to be content with whatever I have - Philippians 4:11-12

Paul didn't learn the value of contentment in a vacuum but through his own difficulties

There is nothing like sitting naked, in pain in a bare jail cell to focus your attention on what really matters

How does a man of God learn contentment? By being satisfied with whatever provisions God make for him.

Paul did not say "I will be content once" but in every situation

When we live like this, we will defeat the spiritual enemies of envy, pride, and greed. We will also enjoy what God has already so generously given you

Contentment mean living with an attitude of gratitude for all that God has given you

2015-04-27 - Pride

By my own mighty power, I have built this beautiful city - Daniel 4:30

Breakdown of how much we learn from our senses:

  • 1% - taste
  • 2% - touch
  • 5% - smell
  • 11% - hearing
  • 83% - sight

Nebuchadnezzar was given a dream and Daniel told him what it meant - the king's pride would result in a severe bout of divine discipline

Daniel begged the king to give up his pride so that God could relent

God had given Nebuchadnezzar an opportunity to humble himself

God immediately accounced that the king would no lose his kingdom and be sent out to live a wild animal

Nebuchadnezzar had to learn the hard way from taste and smell of grass since could not learn from sight

Are you teachable? When God speaks to you, take it to heart

2015-06-19 - Courage to Reconcile

If I have found favor with you, please accept this gift from me - Genesis 33:10-11

We struggle to reconcile with someone who hurt us:

  • Fear of rejection
  • Pride
  • Other emotional issues

For many years Jacob struggled to see his brother, Esau, again

He knew Esua would be angry with him for taking his birthright away

Esau ran to Jacob and embraced him and forgave him

Their brotherhood enabled them to reunite peacefully and lovingly in the end

IS there an estranged friend or family member with whom you need to seek reconciliation?

2015-09-09 - Pride's Angry Partner

Nebuchadnezzar flew into a rage - Daniel 3:13

Anger can erupt from a lot of things but most commonly from pride

The proud man tends to believe that he is owed something such as respect and admiration

Nebuchadnezzar's arrogance knew no bounds and it show showed up when three men refused to bow down to his idol

Like his anger, Nebuchadnezzar had Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego thrown into blazing-hot 

Uncontrolled pride turns into uncontrolable anger

God used the situation to save his faithful and humble the proud

If you want to keep anger from being a problem in your life, put a check on your pride

2015-12-19 - Enemy of Self

Spirit of the Lord began to stir him while he lived in Mahaneh-dan - Judges 13:24-25

The man who learns to put himself aside is the one who makes a difference for God's kingdom

From the time Samson was a boy, the Spirit began to stir within him

That is when self got in the way

Something went wrong between God's Spirit and Samson

Samson didn't use the gifts of God had given him as a leader and deliever God called him to be

He used his gifts for his own agenda:

  • Consistantly proud
  • Often immoral
  • Arrogantly disregarded the counsel of others
  • Used strength for revenge and settle scores

God gave Samson all the strength he needed to succeed

Samson squandered an opportunity for greatness and left a legacy of pride

Will you use your gifts for his benefit or just for yourself?

2016-11-06 - Genesis 26 - Issac (part II)


Isaac dug wells, and at Beersheba the LORD blessed him.


Genesis 26:14 - Harvested a hundred times more grain than he planted, for the Lord blessed him

Genesis 26:22 - Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it

  • When Abraham prospered, there became a conflict between his shepherds and Lot [Genesis 13:5-7]
  • Philistines grew jealous because everything that Issac did seemed to go right
  • Jealousy is a dividing force strong enough to tear the mightiest nations

Genesis 26:28 - We can plainly see that the Lord is with you

  • Thanking God for their blessings is a great way to overcome this
  • Before striking out in anger, consider what you may lose - a friend, a job, etc (foolish pride)
  • We should be receptive to those who want to make peace with us
  • When God influences our lives, our lives attracts people, even enemies
  • We must take the opportunity to reach out to them with God's love


When we see God's blessings, it is an opportunity to share with others with what God has given to us


Please help me to see my many blessings and share with others freely

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