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2009-03-20 - Promises of God - Lord Delivers
May have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all - Psalms 34:19

Three types of trouble:

  1. Caused by our own bad behavior - the wicked have their fill - Proverbs 12:21
  2. Comes from doing what is right - Persecution because of the Word - Matthew 13:21
  3. Trouble that we all face because we live in this world
    • Each day will be trouble - Matthew 6:34
    • In this world you will have trouble - John 16:33
It is not about taking trouble away but overcoming trouble

Our job is to trust God - John 14:1, 27
He may deliver us from trouble or he may deliver us by using the trouble to teach us important lessons

Our eternal glory far out weights our momentary troubles - 2 Corinthians 4:17

2009-05-02 - No one like him - His dependence on God (part 1)
No one claimed to be able to do what he did

He knew the result would be if he completely depended on God – gave confidence

Dependency can have negative connotations; those who are dependent sometimes are looked down on.

Bible says not to depend on ourselves or other men … but on God.
  • “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength..” (Jeremiah 17:5
  • “…lean no on your own understanding.: (Proverbs 3:5)

2009-09-10 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 1)
Place of our woundedness we construct a false self
People can shutdown their heart and focus on what they are good at - Spock like
Can become a perfectionist
An impostor - don’t ever be your real self anymore because nobody likes you as you are
As a defense against pain
It becomes OUR plan for salvation - will fail time and time again until we give up

God must take it away
Those plans to protect and save us will actually destroy us - leads to death  - Proverbs 16:25
Seems right to shield ourselves from pain and to save a little love

There is a critical point in every man’s life
True test of a man is when he starts to longer rely on what he’s used all his life
Not women want a man that just exists

2009-10-15 - Wild at Heart - Offering our Strength (part 1)
Man come to offer his strength, woman invites the man into herself
Requires courage and vulnerability and selflessness for both of them
Man must rise to the occasion, must move, women opens herself in stunning vulnerability
Man spills himself - sweet is the death
Life is created
When a man withholds himself from his woman, he leaves her without the life only he can bring
She is made for and craves words from him - Proverbs 18:21

If a man refuses to offer himself, then his wife will remain empty and barren
Silent man starves his wife
A man who leaves - he sacrifices them (wife and children) rather than for them
  • Maximus
  • William Wallace
  • Life of Joseph, husband of Mary – was heroism
Cost him his reputation

2009-11-15 - Repentance - Godly Sorrow (part 3)
Zelos - Zeal
Zeal reject the “whatever…” attitude as it determines to do “Whatever to takes!”
Lack of surrender robs zeal
Completely denying all we are, path to God becomes clear and passionate
  1. Does Sandi’s story convict you about an unresolved sin in your life? If so, what should you do?
  2. What are some Biblical examples of individuals who exhibit godly sorrow? What are some Biblical examples of groups who exhibit godly sorrow?
  3. Consider William Law’s assertion that our “sins are due to the fact that we do not intend to please God in all the actions of our lives.” Is this true for you? How does godly sorrow reverse this condition?
  4. Why does sin require confession? Is confession only before God? To whom have you confessed sins besides God?
  5. What does a short list indicate?
  6. Do you believe Proverbs 28:13? Do you practice it? Why or why not?
  7. How does indignation promote repentance? When were you last indignant over sin?
  8. How does “fear” promote repentance? How does it work together with “longing” to produce repentance?
  9. Has anyone ever marveled at your zeal to repent – why or why not?
  10. Are you ready to completely the avenge the wrong caused by sin and self? What next steps will you take?

2010-01-31 - One Another - Confession Questions (part 1)
While someone is confessing a sin, what if repentance is not in a person's heart?

a. Confession is never done from humility if it does not involve repentance
Confession without repentance is the same as faith without action - useless

b. Confession is self-focused and not God-focused if it does not seek to please him

Without repentance, confession is being done for a self-serving reason:
  • Gain sympathy
  • Appear open
  • Avoid a charge of hypocrisy
c. Confession of sin must involve forsaking sin

The opposite of concealing sin is confession AND forsaking sin
The one who covers his transgressions will not prosper, but whoever confesses them and forsakes them will find mercy - Proverbs 28:13

2010-02-06 - First the Kingdom - One-Lane Road (part 1)
Seemingly contradictory statements:
God wants all men be saved - 1 Timothy 2:3-4
Road to God  is narrow and only a few will find it - Matthew 7:13-14

Both are true

God shows he wants all me to be saved
He sent his son who spoke clearly and plainly about what it takes
The broad road says - I know better than God what life and eternity are all about
On the broad road - so many people and so many standards
Bible warns those on the broad road will face terrors and traps of many kinds - Proverbs 4:10-19

Many agree that the narrow road teaching Jesus describes is one of the most difficult
Can not be faithful to Jesus' message and teach anything but the narrow road
Only a few find = fact is that only a few search
Everyone who seeks finds - Matthew 7:7-8

2010-02-14 - One Another - Bearing With Another (part 1)
How are we to bear with someone sin?
  1. Action should be done with prayer
  2. Listen and understand as fully as possible - Proverbs 18:13
  3. Relate to them, gently - described as a surgeon realigning a broken bone
  4. Point to scripture, scripture needs to train, not you - 2 Timothy 3:17
  5. Help them evaluate their heart with Godly sorrow - 2 Corinthians 7:8-11
  6. Ask them what they see in needed to demonstrate repentance
  7. Take them all the way to the cross - to the place where sin dies, only way to be free
  8. Assure them of your support then give it to them

2010-02-23 - One Another - Reconciling with One Another (part 3)

Examples of Conflict in the Bible

Euodia and Syntyche - Philippians 4:2-3

1. Conflict happens - normal part of a relationship
Its ultimate effect depends on our response to it
Are we sharping each other or making each other more dull - Proverbs 27:17

2. The goal is to agree

3. We may need help from a third party

David and the jealous king Saul - 1 Samuel 24:8-22

David's conduct with Saul was above reproach; He did everything he could to work things out

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all people - Romans 12:18
Peace requires both parties to desire it

There are things that depend on us and others that are out of our conotrl

2010-03-28 - Life to the Full - Crown not Frown (part 2)
Poor and rich people need to watch their step - James 1:9-11
Proverbs teach us that the middle way between poor and rich is best - Proverbs 30:7-9

The crown of life is not received quickly nor cheaply - James 1:12
There are too many rationals to go the easy way:
  • My upbringing is less than perfect
  • I'm different
  • I need lots of sleep
  • I am a young Christian
  • I am an old Christian
  • I used to be worse
We can not become more dependent on explanations than on God
You always find a reason why you can not persevere

We are not victims, by God's power we can be victors

2010-04-12 - Life to the Full - Macho Mist (part 2)
Spiritual adultery - How easy it is to flirt with the world if we fail to guard our hearts - Proverbs 4:23
In Jewish law, adultery is grounds for divorce

The Spirit cause to live within us envies intensely - James 3:5

The nature of God: He will tolerate no rivals for his love
God is a jealous God - Exodus 34:14

One of the quoted OT verse in the the NT is about pride - Proverbs 3:34
Much of the pride mention in the NT is bad: Pride goes before the fall - Proverbs 16:18
Pride mentioned in the NT is usually good: I take great pride in you - 2 Corinthians 7:4
It depends on where the pride is rooted and the attitude behind it

If you feel ineffective, frustrated, unproductive, opposed - it might be because God is opposing you because of your pride
He is trying to get your attention so you will turn back to him

2010-04-27 - 7 Habits of Highly Effective Children

Preached by Dan Rice (2005-06-26)

Mark 10:13 - We must have a child like heart to make it to heaven

Children Love Life
John 10:9 - Jesus says we can live life to the full

Children Want to Grow
2 Peter 3:18 - They were eager to learn

Children Change Fast - 2 Corinthians 7:8-11

Children Take Risk - Care less about what people think about them. John 12:42-43

Children are quick to trust
John 14:1-4 - Jesus has our best interest at heart
Numbers 20:12 - Moses and Aaron did not trust
Deuteronomy 1:29-35 - Israel did not trust
Psalms 20:7-8 Psalms 22:4-5 Psalms 44:16-17 Psalms 49:13-14 Proverbs 3:5

Children are Idealist - they dream; it is better than synical

Children are faithful - John 3:16 - They did not many reasons like we do.

2010-05-12 - Desire's Journey - Our Heart's Deepest Secret
But I still haven't found what I am looking for - U2

We have a secret desire for life as it was meant to be
Again and again the yearning of our heart cries for this life

Life  comes to all of us as a mystery
We long to live a life we are not sure where to find

The greatest human tragedy is to give up the search for life.
Nothing is of greater importance than the life of our deep heart
To lose heart is to lose everything - Proverbs 4:23

Who we really are and why we are here comes to us through our heart's desire

Our heart yearns for things to be right is so strong that it overrides the logic and hopes against hope every time
The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of - Proverbs 20:5

There are two things that pierce the human heart:
  • Beauty
  • Affliction

2010-05-15 - Desire's Journey - The Dilemma of Desire
We can not live without yearning, yet the yearning sets us up for disappointment
Because of its vulnerable nature, desire begins to feel like our worst enemy

Despair is the fate of the desiring soul - Sam Houston
Hope deferred make the heart sick - Proverbs 13:12

How awful it feels to open our hearts to joy, only to have grief come in
How do we live in a world with desire so deep in us and disappointment lurking behind every corner?
Are a few arrows, dare we even desire?
Do we refuse to love because we may hurt? possibility of pain?

Shutting down our hearts is to die altogether
Hope deferred make the heart sick... but when dreams come true, there is life and joy

Most of us have chosen to reduce our desire to a more manageable size
We allow it only in small doses:
  • Dinner out
  • Vacation
  • A new ______

2010-06-06 - Take the test (part 1)
By Curt Simmons in 2002

Test Time

Tests are given in many of life's situations:

  • driving test
  • drug test
  • citizen test
  • emission test
  • products test
  • work test
We need tests to see where we are.


Deuteronomy 8:1-2 - what is really in your heart?

Judges 2:20-FF

  • Your character needs to be tested
  • "I want to be molded"
2 Chronicles 29:14-17
  • Tested in how you give
  • Test in what makes you happy
Proverbs 17:3 - The Lord tests the heart

1 Peter 1:3-6

  • Prove to you and him that your faith genuine
  • We need to stop fighting God
  • We will have challenges with:
    • character
    • commitment
    • hurt
    • weakness in the church
    • close friends leaves
    • persecution
    • death
    • illness
    • finances
    • relationships
    • dating
    • family not open
    • spouse
    • happiness
    • children
    • friends

2010-08-13 - Waking Dead - Heart of All Things

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life - Proverbs 4:23

Tin man had once been a real man

  • Wicked witch cause the man injury
  • One by one the man replaced his limbs with artificial ones
  • Seems like an advantage at first - Witch can not hurt him
  • Lost his heart in the process

After a series of blows, his humanity was reduced to efficiency
He did not even notice

If we can disable or deaden your heart, then we have effectively foiled the plan of God
Plan of creating a world where love reigns
By taking your heart out, the enemy takes you out

2010-08-14 - Waking Dead - Heart is Central

The heart is central
The need to even to be remined of this show how far we have fallen from the life we were meant to have

The heart is addressed in the Bible more than any other topic

Love the Lord your God with all your heart - Deuteronomy 6:5
Man looks at the outward appearance, Lord looks at the heart - 1 Samuel 16:7
Where your teasure is, there your heart will be also - Luke 12:34

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart - Proverbs 3:5
These people honor me from their lips but their hearts are far from me - Matthew 15:8
The Lord weighs the heart - Proverbs 21:2

The heart can be:

  • Trouble, wounded, pierced, grieved, even broken
  • Cheerful, glad, merry, joyful, rejoicing
  • Whole or divided
  • Wise or foolish
  • Steadfast, true, upright, stout, valiant
  • Frightened, faint, cowardly
  • Wandering, forgetful, dull, stubborn, proud, hardened

The heart can be unpredictable but it is central to our being

The heart answers a lot of questions:

  • Why did my relationship fail? One or both don't have to heart to make it work
  • Why are some many struggling with depression and discouragement? They have lost heart
  • Why can I not break free from our addiction? We gave our heart away and need to get it back


2010-08-31 - Waking Dead - Our Story (part 1)
Our life is a story

We need someone to walk with us
God has given us the Counselor - the Spirit of truth - John 14:16-17
We need someone that makes thing clear and true
Not just an annual checkup but all the time

The purpose of the Christian life is that our hearts might be restored and set free
That is what Jesus came to do

All sorts of damage has been done to your heart
  • by sin
  • by others
  • by the enemy
At best, we have hope deferred that is making us sick - Proverbs 13:12
Even our laughter is out of heartache - Proverbs 14:13

We are told to trust in the Lord (Proverb 3:5) - it is second nature to worry
We are told to love one another deeply (1 Peter 1:22) - that is very rare
The answers lie deeply in our heart

The heart of a man is deep waters, but a man of understanding draws him out - Proverbs 20:5

2010-09-18 - Waking Dead - Spiritual Warfare (part 6)
We must be careful that the religious does not turn discipleship into a soul-killing exercise
Counseling "medicine" for the sick patients can cause an endless cycle of always relying on the meds instead of focusing on a solution
Hope deferred makes the heart sick - Proverbs 13:12
So the wounds of the heart are never healed

A religious spirit makes it next to impossible foe a person to break free by spreading the belief there is no war
  • What group did Jesus tangle with the most?
  • Who start the rumors about Jesus to discredit him?
  • Where did the open opposition to Christ come from?
  • Who paid the 30 pieces of silver for Jesus' capture
  • Who got the crowd to start yelling Barabbas when Pilot was ready to let Jesus go?
If it does not bring freedom and life, then it is not Christianity
If it does not restore the image of God and rejoice in the heart, it is not Christianity

2010-09-26 - Waking Dead - Heart of Treasure
Above all else, guard your heart - Proverbs 4:23

Having so long believed our hearts are evil, we assume the warning is to keep us out of trouble
So we lock up our hearts and throw away the key and try to get on with our living
It does say guard your heart because it is criminal but because it is the wellspring of of life
It is treasure - everything else depends on it

Above all else?
We don't even do it once in a while - we careless with our hearts

What if we were careful?
Faith would be must deeper
Relationships so much better

We live completely backwards
"All else" is above our hearts

What do you do on a monthly basis to take care of your heart?

God intends that we treat our hearts as treasures
They were ransomed at a tremendous cost

2010-10-14 - Dealing With Your Heart (Part III)
  1. The Obstacle of Worry - Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:4-9
    1. As disciples, we sin when we worry about finances.
    2. Worry is a result of a lack of faith.
    3. Ways to overcome worry:
      1. Prayer
      2. Rejoice always
      3. Be thankful in all situations
  2. The Obstacle of Laziness - Signs of Laziness According to Solomon
    1. The Sluggard
      1. Proverbs 6:9-11, 19:15, 20:13, 26:14
        Oversleeping and eating too much
      2. Proverbs 13:4, 15:19
        Not accomplishing goals, something always getting in the way
      3. Proverbs 19:24, 26:13
        Making excuses
      4. Proverbs 20:4
        Unwilling to work hard
    2. Results of Laziness: Poverty - Proverbs 10:4, 12:24
    3. Overcome laziness by hard work - Proverbs 14:23


  1. What do I worry about? How will I overcome it?
  2. How does worry affect my relationship with God?
  3. What signs of laziness do I need to overcome? Be Specific.

2010-10-19 - Planning and Budgeting
  1. Introduction
    "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail"
    As Christians, we often fail to have a plan for our finances. Prior to doing this study, you may have even thought it unspiritual to spend time focusing on your finances. Hopefully, by now you have developed convictions as to God's plan for your finances. In this study, we will look at the need for us to establish a budget for our spending. A budget is a reasonable written plan for your giving, spending, and saving based on your income. It is a tool to help you to be a good steward of that which God has entrusted to you.
  2. The Need for a Budget
    1. God expects you to know the condition of your flocks and herds (money, possessions, debts) Proverbs 27:23
    2. We must have a plan and commit it to God. Proverbs 16:3, 3:9
    3. Jesus teaches us to know the cost of something before we begin. It is foolish not to budget. Luke 14:28-30
  3. Guidelines
    1. Plan first to give to God.
    2. Plan to live sacrificially, not beyond your means.
    3. Plan to have something to share, to be able to be generous with others.
    4. Plan to save for occasional or emergency expenses (e.g. special contributions, auto repairs, medical expenses, family trips).
    5. Plan to eliminate debt - Romans 13:8


  1. Do I have a written budget that I use to plan my giving, spending, and saving?
  2. Do I compare my actual spending to my budget?
  3. Have I adopted a standard of living that enables me to stay out of debt and have enough to be generous with others?

2010-10-21 - Dealing With Debt (Part II)
  1. Why Get Out of Debt?
    1. It hinders us from being able to give generously. When we are paying 18%+ interest on top of the principal, it is difficult to have anything left to share with others.
    2. It is wasteful. The exorbitant interest we pay on our credit cards is totally wasted.
    3. The balance is probably there because you were not following God's plan for your finances.
  2. How to Get Out
    1. You must be radical (Matthew 5:29-30)
      1. Cut up all your credit cards (if you have outstanding balances that you have not been able to pay off for 3 months or more).
      2. Call your credit card companies and cancel the accounts.
      3. Work out your budget with the goal of removing your debt. Do not buy anything that is not necessary. Cut all unnecessary expenditures out of your budget (e.g. cable TV, newspaper).
      4. Get input (Proverbs 15:22)
      5. Commit your plan to the Lord (Psalms 127:1-2)
    2. Finish the job (Luke 14:28-30)
      1. Let godly sorrow lead you to repentance (2 Corinthians 7:10-11). You must take responsibility for your debt.


  1. Am I in sinful/foolish debt? If so, why?
  2. Am I willing to apply the principles set forth to get out of debt?
  3. What will be the hardest thing for me to change to get out of debt?
  4. Who do I know that will be able to help me with my plan?

2010-10-23 - Decisions
  1. Honor God with your Wealth - Proverbs 3:9
    1. Will I obey the scriptures
    2. Will I, as a mature Christian, increase my weekly giving?
  2. Guard Your Heart - Proverbs 4:23
    1. What sins of the heart have I confronted and repented of in regard to my finances?
    2. Am I ready to give out of a pure heart and a sincere love for God?
  3. A Living Sacrifice - Romans 12:1
    1. In what ways am I going to live a more sacrificial lifestyle in order to advance God's kingdom?
  4. Give and It Will Be Given To You - Luke 6:38
    1. Have I made decisions to give by faith and to give joyfully to the Lord?
  5. A Spirit of Self-Discipline - 2 Timothy 1:7
    1. Have I prepared a budget that I am ready to live by? If not, when will I have it completed?
    2. Have I sought input?
  6. Free At Last - Romans 13:8
    1. Have I gained deep convictions about getting out of debt?
    2. What is my plan to eliminate sinful/foolish debt from my life?
  7. A Light to the World - Matthew 5:14
    1. How am I going to work at my job in such a way that my life is an upward calling to everyone around me?
    2. Am I fulfilling my financial responsibilities as a disciple in the areas that God expects?

2010-11-07 - Hunger for Christ
Preached by Mike Gross

Nearly 1 Billion people in the world do not get enough food
25,000 die every day because of starvation

Are you hungry?

John 6:22-28
  • Just witnessed 5,000 people being feed
  • They were looking for free food but in reality they had to work at it find it
  • The bread they needed was to spend time to know about Jesus - the bread of life
  • Are you searching for the right kind of bread?
  • The search and hunger for God does not end when we are baptized, it only begins
Proverbs 2:1-5
  • We need to find God like hidden treasure
  • God does not change but our viewpoint changes
  • Example - Engagement ring to a couple verse the a jewelery store owner
Food Poising

Mark 4:18-19
  • Money, worries, wasted time choke out our hunger for him
  • During the holidays this becomes a bigger issue
Hunger for the bread of life

John 6:28-40
  • They asked for a miracle but they had already forgotten about the miracle they just saw - feeding the 5,000
  • The work is to believe - it takes work to believe
  • NOT working to get salvation but we need to work at our salvation

2010-11-29 - Trusting God - Samuel
Preached by Rob Milner

Read 1 Samuel 13

Following God's instruction is the key to our success

1 Samuel 10:8 - Go to Gilgal and wait for 7 days and then we will sacrifice
Samuel was the judge before their were kings

Saul waited for 7 days but did not wait to do the burnt offerings
He did not follow God's instructions exactly
How long before we stop waiting?

Ever wanted to take matters into our own hands?
There is nothing as good as trusting and then God fulfilling his promise

There are two battles:
  • Battle between good and evil
  • Battle between faith and action
James 2:18-24
  • v22 - Faith and works - work together
  • Faith without deeds is dead
  • Where am I not following exactly?
  • What am I not submitting to God's will?

James 4:7-8 - God calls us to submit to him fully

Trust in God and not your situation

1 Samuel 13:11-12 - Saul doubted that Samuel was coming

James 1:5-8 - we should believe and not doubt

Proverbs 3:5 - Trust in God and not on one's own understanding
Depending on one's own understanding creates:

  • Pride
  • Controlling person
  • Self-reliant
  • Unreliable - allows our situations to change us
  • Lose of conviction
Psalms 118:8 - Better to rely on God than man

Protect your blacksmiths or you will be found defenseless

1 Samuel 13:19-21
What are the blacksmiths of our lives?
  • Knowledge of the Bible
  • Daily prayer/walk with God
  • Brotherly fellowship

2011-01-13 - Followup - Being Discipled: Initiation (part I)
Must desire to be discipled - No one will make you.
Example: Going to the doctor - no one can make you, but you desire to get better

Do you want to become like Jesus?
  1. Initiate in questions
  • Seek advise - finances, dating, school, home, family
  • Proverbs 12:15 - many advisors make a victory sure!
  • Reasons we don’t:
    • Pride
    • Independence
    • Sin
  1. Initiate in openness – confession – Proverbs 28:13
  • Sin, temptations, feelings, attitudes
  • Disciples should never have to guess about what’s going on.
  • Share fears, desires, dreams, embarrassments,joys, sorrows…

2011-01-15 - Followup - Being Discipled: Imitation & Indignation

Hebrews 13:7; Philippians 4:9 - Imitate your leaders
  • Purpose
  • Faith - reliance on God
  • Love - warmth and encouragement
  • Endurance - even-temperedness and stability, keeping head in all situations

Sin is what keeps us from being a great disciple
  • Pride - Proverbs 26:12 - “I can make it on my own”
    • No you can’t! - James 4:6 - God opposes the proud
  • Selfishness - Philippians 2:1-8 - Jesus made himself nothing

2011-01-17 - Followup - Evangelism Tact

Evangelism Tact

  • 1 Peter 3:15-16 - Be prepared
  • Matthew 7:6 - Be discerning
  • Proverbs 15:1 - Not harsh
  • Proverbs 17:27, 29:20 - Not hasty

  • Don’t argue doctrine
  • Share about how Christ has changed your life
  • Solicit responses and LISTEN

2011-01-20 - Followup - Heart Issues
The Examination

Proverbs 4:23 - Above all else guard your heart.
Psalms 139:23 - Open your heart to God.
Hebrews 4:13 - God cuts with His sword and sees everything.

Types of Heart Disease

Jeremiah 17:9, Proverbs 14:12 - Deceit
Deuteronomy 29:26-31 - Idolatry
Deuteronomy 8:10-18, Proverbs 18:12 - Pride
Hebrews 3:12-19 - Unbelief (hardness, rebellion, disobedience)
Hebrews 12:3-12 - Weariness

2011-01-21 - Followup - Heart Surgery
The Remedy for heart related issues:
  1. Psalms 51:17 - Brokenness
  2. 1 Kings 8:37-40 - Admission of sin
  3. Psalms 51:10 - Pray for a new heart
  4. Psalms 112:1,7-8 - Fear God, delight in His commands
  5. Proverbs 5:10-14, 10:8 - Love correction and accept commands

2011-01-22 - Followup - Laziness (part I)

1 Timothy 4:7-8 - We must train ourselves to be godly; it does not come naturally; rather the whole Christian life is a process of training in righteousness.


Hebrews 6:1
  1. Do not become lazy; this is a constant treat to the Christian life, to every Christian, young or old
  2. Rather than imitate those who exhibit true faith and patience; there will always be good examples to imitate.
Proverbs 6:6-11 - Self motivation; sleeping
Proverbs 24:30-24 - Disorganization of sluggard
Proverbs 26:13-16 - Laziness of sluggard

2011-01-23 - Followup - Laziness (part II)

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
  • Being constructive members of society and of the church.
  • Thus win the respect of others and make the gospel attractive - Titus 2:10
  • Try not to be dependant of anybody
1 Thessalonians 5:14 - Warn those who are idle; this is serious!

2 Thessalonians 3:6-15
  • If he/she does not listen to the warning, keep away from him/her
  • Again, follow the example of the disciplines
  • Some people tend to be “busybodies”
  • Hebrews 12:11 - No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but afterwards the pay-off is substantial
  • Proverbs 12:1 - And so it is the intelligent thing to love discipline

2011-02-08 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part I)
Christianity means a relationship with God
How can you have a relationship with someone you fear?

There was a time when committed Christians were known as God-fearing people
God delights in those who fear him
What is the fear of God?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge - Proverbs 1:7

Wisdom and knowledge are not the same
Knowledge is the accumulation of information

Two people can have the same knowledge and but do different times with them
  • Doctor that performs abortions
  • Doctor that helps saves babies
Knowledge can puff up - 1 Corinthians 8:1

Knowledge can lead to righteousness - Titus 1:1

2011-02-10 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part III)
Wisdom is commonly defined as good judgment
In the Bible, it also has a strong ethical content

The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delights - Proverbs 11:1
Honest is the best policy in business
Biblical wisdom always factors God into the equation
  • Society might cut corners just enough so it won't hurt business
  • The person who fears the Lord strives to be honest all the time
  • God-fearing more concerned about pleasing God than what is good for business
Honesty is the best policy but its wisdom has the wrong foundation.
It is essentially self-serving

Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil - Proverbs 15:16-17
This kind of wisdom can only come from the Lord
All levels of our society base their supposed happiness on their ability to acquire the possession they want

2011-02-23 - The Church - Kansas City (part III)
1 Corinthians 12:21-26
  • Each disciple is different but each disciple is valuable to God and the body
  • Just as your foot can't live without the body neither can a disciple live without the body
  • The relationships in the church are very important. You have an opportunity to be close to a lot of people
  • Question: How do you feel about the opportunity to be close friends with so many different types of people?
Proverbs 12:1 - It is important and smart for us to seek out and accept correction.

Proverbs 15:22
  • God wants us to be successful but it's up to us to seek advice and apply it to our lives
  • Question: What area in your life do you need to seek advice in?
  • Question: Why is it important to seek advice? So we don't give Satan a foothold.

2011-03-28 - Old Testament - Seeking God
Old Testament Seeking God study
  • Isaiah 1:2 - God created us and cared for us but we rebelled agianst him
  • Jeremiah 29:11-14 - Will find God if you seek me with all your heart and soul
  • Proverbs 4:7 - Wisdom is supreme but it will cost you all you have
  • Psalms 10:4 - The arrogent say 'God won't hold me accountable'
  • Psalms 42:1-2 - David thirst for God
  • Psalms 62:1 - David waited patiently for God
  • Psalms 63:1 - He longed, thristed, yearned for God
  • Psalms 61:2 - He called out to God in despair

2011-03-29 - Old Testament - The Word

Old Testament scriptures about the Word

  • Jeremiah 23:29 - God's word is like a fire and hammer
  • Hosea 4:6 - People are destroyed from lack of knowledge
  • Jeremiah 8:7 - Animals obey God but His people pay no attention
  • Psalms 12:6 - LORD's words are absolutely reliable
  • Proverbs 30:5-6 - Every word of God is flawless
  • Deuteronomy 4:2 - Keep the commandments of the LORD your God; do not add or take away from it
  • Psalms 119 - God's Word should be held in the highest reguard

2011-03-30 - Old Testament - Sin

Old Testament scriptures about sin

  • Ecclesiastes 7:20 - There is not a righteous man on earth
  • Leviticus 18 - If a persons sins, he will be cut off
  • Ecclesiastes 4:4 - Achievement will not get get us to heaven
  • Genesis 4:7 - if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door
  • Proverbs 6:16-19 - God hates sin
  • Isaiah 59:1-3 - Sin separates us from God
  • Psalms 26:1-2 - We need to turn from our ways and live blamelessly


2011-04-04 - Old Testament - Evangelism

Old testament evangelism scriptures

  • Exodus 19:6 - You will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
  • Isaiah 49:6 - I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth
  • Proverbs 11:30 - The one who is wise saves lives
  • 2 Kings 7:3-9 - This is a day of good news; we wait until daylight, punishment will overtake us
  • Esther 4:14 - For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place

2011-04-05 - Old Testament - Baptism

Baptism OT scriptures:

  • Proverbs 30:12 - There is a generation who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not washed from their filthiness
  • 2 Kings 5:1-15 - Dipped in the Jordan seven times and was healed
  • Leviticus 14:1-7 - Seven times he shall sprinkle the one to be cleansed of the defiling disease
  • Isaiah 1:18-20 - Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow

2011-04-23 - Names of Jesus (part XVII)
Names of Jesus, one scripture at a time:
  • True God - 1 John 5:20
  • True Light - John 1:9
  • True Vine - John 15:1
  • Truth - John 14:6
  • Way - John 14:6
  • Wisdom - Proverbs 8:12

2011-05-22 - Righteousness not easy but valuable
Righteousness not easy but valuable

2 Timothy 4:16-17
  1. How closely are you looking at how you live?
  2. Why should you always watch what you are doing?
  3. How would your life change if you were always watchful?
Proverbs 21:3

God values righteousness over the sacrifice of
  1. Your time
  2. Your money
  3. Your feelings
  4. Anything else of yours that you value
But he delights in us being righteous even more

2011-06-10 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part III)
The heart is the source which continuously supplies your life with the kind of person you are.
  1. The source of your behavior - Proverbs 4:23
  2. The source of your speech
  • Out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks - Luke 6:45
  • How can you who are evil say anything good? - Matthew 12:33-37
  1. The source of all evil behavior
  • What comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean' - Mark 7:20-23
  • Every inclination of the thoughts of his heart were evil - Genesis 6:5

2011-06-12 - Mind of Christ - Intro (part V)
The heart is the source of obedience
  1. You wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted - Romans 6:17
  2. Obey masters is doing the will of God from your heart - Ephesians 6:6
The heart is the source of your character
  1. "Eat and drink," he says to you, but his heart is not with you - Proverbs 23:7
  2. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart - Luke 6:43-46

2011-07-16 - Mind of Christ - About Self (part II)
The self-centered life (continued):

3. His worship is direct toward himself
  • Luke 18:11 - Prayer: I thank you that I am not like other men
  • Philippians 3:19 - Their god is their stomach
  • 2 Timothy 3:2 - People will be lovers of themselves
4. His pleasure is to fulfill himself
  • 2 Timothy 3:4 - Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God
  • Proverbs 21:17 - He who loves pleasure will become poor
  • 1 Timothy 5:6 - But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead
5. His sinful nature is expressed through the gratification of self
  • Galatians 5:16 - Live by the Spirit and not our sinful desires
  • Ephesians 4:19 - Lost all sensitivity

2011-07-30 - Fearing God - Control of Rulers

Kings and emperors are reduced to nothing before God and are completely subject to His sovereign power - Isaiah 40:23

The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord; directs it where ever he please - Proverbs 21:1

He controls the destinies of rulers as well as their actions:

  • Nebuchadnezzar - king of Babylonian Empire / was driven insane and ate grass as cattle do for 7 years
  • Alexander the Great - conquered the known world / died when he was 32 years old
  • Napoleon - conquered all of Europe / died in excile
  • Hitler - conquered all of Europe / died in a besieged bunker

2011-08-02 - Daughter Needs - Stumbling or Building block?
Are we a stumbling or building block for our daughter?

Men have been looking out for number one at rates that are alarming
61.7% live with their biological father
82.4% live with their dad in 1960

Realize that God does measure success based on the world's standards
God calls us to raise our daughters int he nurture and admonition of the Lord - Ephesians 6:4
Then our daughters will give us peace and delight to our souls - Proverbs 29:17

Our role in our daughter's life will shape the idea of her husband and view of the heavenly Father
We have no excuse to be satisfied with mediocrity

Consider the 6 stumbling block fathers...

2011-08-17 - Daughter Needs - Spiritual Nourishment
There are many standards/examples in which to live in the Bible
A godly woman - Proverbs 31
Qualities of an elders' or deacons'  wife - 1 Timothy 3

Our most important spiritual goal with our daughters is to ensure they believe in God and His Son - John 6:28-29

Fathers should bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord
Father needs to correct his children when they stray
Father needs to help their daughters understand that he still loves her when she makes a mistake

Those who knows God's name will trust in Him - Psalms 9

Fathers have a lifelong responsibility to spiritual nourishment to the family
I need to be in the Word everyday to be able to feed my family

2011-09-04 - Fearing God - Going Deep (part II)
Our attitude is the most important thing when it comes to Bible study

We need a Teachable spirit
Avoid becoming like the Jew who Jesus said to stop thinking you gain eternal life from just reading the scriptures - John 5:39-40

We need a Spirit of dependence
Proverbs 2 - We should call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding
God has hidden things from the "wise" and revealed them to children
Childlike simplicity and humility go hand-in-hand with teachable spirit
Self-opinionated are neither dependent nor teachable

We need to be diligent
Proverbs 2 describes this attitude:
  • Applying your heart to understanding
  • Looking for it as for silver
  • Searching for it as for hidden treasure
Searching scriptural truth is valuable and worth digging out
Digging is labor intensive

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