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2008-09-19 - Teach Us To Pray - Direction for Decisions
Most difficult decision are not so much a question of right and wrong but rather what is good, better, and best
When ask according to God's will, he hears us - 1 John 5:14-15

God give wisdom in prayer (James 1:5) and through his Word (Hebrews 5:14)
He will give us wisdom to discern what is best

God also gives wisdom to men and women in his kingdom
It is would be foolish and arrogant to not actively seek out wisdom God has made available
Should imitate leaders faith - Hebrews 13:7

2008-10-01 - Man of Prayer - Father (part 2)

Addressing God as the Father seems pretty normal - not the case in Jesus' day

Sometimes David prayed:

  • O God
  • O Lord
  • O my God
  • O my Lord

...but nowhere will you find David addressing the living god as "Father"
Gabriel was sent to respond personally to Daniel's great prayer in Daniel 9 - yet he did not address God as Father

Patriarchs, the prophets, and the priests of Israel were all men of prayer - never addressed their prayers to God as "Father"
Jesus gave believers the right to become children of God

We begin our time in prayer with a father-child relationship

2008-10-03 - Man of Prayer - Relationship

After asking for help from the Holy Spirit, then focus on the relationship with
Prayer is primarily a vehicle of relationship

Pater (greek) = father
Abba (aramaic) = intimacy and endearment = daddy

Holy Spirit in our lives is a spirit of adoption by which God give us our spiritual birthright (Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6)

He delights when we come to Him as our Father, Abaa, Daddy:

  • Mr. Bentson - wrong
  • Mr. Benson - contact
  • Benson - co-worker
  • Chad - friend
  • Dad - daughter
  • Honey - wife

The closer you are, the better responce you will get
He delights in your desire to spend time with Him

This relationship is critical to a healthy and vitaul prayer life
His fatherhood becomes real in my life
Bridge the gap between what I know in my head and what I experience in my life

2008-10-06 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-tsidkenu

YHWH-tsidkenu means "the Lord our righteousness"

Remembering Jesus' name in Hebrew Ya'shua which means  "God is salvation"
He was the fulfillment of the name YHWH-tsidkenu - 1 Corinthians 1:30

Thank God that I had no righteous of my own, Jesus died for me - source of my righteousness

Pause to think about what Christ has done for me
His atoning death and resurrection gives life meaning and significance

2008-10-10 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-jireh
YHWH-jireh means "the Lord will provide"

Our God is a provider
God saw Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram

"My God will meet all your needs - Philippians 4:19

He is a good provider
Every good and perfect gift comes from His hand - James 1:17
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly - Psalms 84:11

2008-11-06 - Man of Prayer - The Flesh (part 3)

Three other ways to fight the battle aginst our flesh (nature)

Resist temptation - 1 Peter 5:9
Turn and flee from temptation - 2 Timothy 2:22

Most effective - avoidance - Lead us not into temptation
He guides me in paths of righteousness for hos name's sake - Psalms 23:3

Prayer becomes our spiritual "dressing room" for the battle of the day - Ephesians 6:13-17


2008-11-29 - Raising Awesome Kids - Humility and Approachability
Clothe yourself with humility toward one another - 1 Peter 5:5
Our families know how imperfect we are

Most responsibility = most mistakes

Powerful and enduring leaders are those without pretension
Paul said he was the chief of sinners

Apologize bluntly
Apologize quickly
Ask "Is everything all right? Is anything else bothering you?"

Wallowing in guilt or losing self-confidence over your mistakes is not true humility - it is selfishness and lack of faith
People in our family should feel free to come to us and tell us whatever is on their mind
Our responsibility is to create a feeling of freedom and openness in our households
If we do not, we are headed for a day of bitter reckoning

2008-12-19 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 1)

vWhat are we to do when our children disobey us?

  1. Verbal correction or reprimand
  2. One-warning rule - if your instructions are not followed, give one verbal warning
  3. Immediate Correction - the closer to the time of the offense, the more effective the action; delays also creates a tense, fearful atomsphere
  4. Temporary Isolation

Great with kids who love to be in the middle of the action
Don't let them ruining everyone else's fun

One way they learn to gain control over us - let them have their way
We are going to have a great time - they will realize that no one is mourning their loss

2008-12-20 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 2)
  1. Temporary loss of possions or privileges

Talk about it with your spouse and come up with a deprivation of activity or possession plan
Most important aspect of this is thinking clearly through it and talking to your spouse before opening your mouth
Don't take away item on every offense - this diminishes the impact

  1. Extra work or jobs to do

Clean up their mess, doing extra work to pay off something - creates a deeper sense of responsibility
Punishment is actually a form of restitution

2009-01-08 - Raising Awesome Kids - Evangelistic Lifestyle
Something the whole family should think about constantly
Each child has a role in reaching another family

Too many of us separate our families from our outreach to others
Our families are the brightest light that God can use to illuminate a dark world

  • Have people into your home
  • Draw people into your family life
  • When they see what there is - teach them where it comes from

2009-01-21 - Jesus with People - Going Deeper

We want to be know but we keep a safe distance
Jesus has X-ray vision to our hear and see right our heart

John 4:39 - Samaritan women:

  • She was minding her own business
  • Ran into Jesus and was never the same
  • Will you give me a drink he asked - the fact that he (a Jew) spoke to her told her (a Samaritan) that there was some very different about Jesus
  • Whoever drinks from living water will never thirst again - John 4:13-14
  • He confronted her sin and help her see the emptiness of her life
  • He wanteed her to see who she was without God
  • Due to her discomfort, the woman tried to change to subject
  • Jesus skillfully drove out her fears with his love -  brought her back to the conversation of life
  • She shared with others

We too can be afraid of seeing who we really are
When we opened up and were forgiven,  we couldn't wait to tell other either

To set people free, we must be like Jesus:

  • Relate to them in deep ways
  • Not studying the Bible superficially - not helping them see who they are without God
  • Ask the difficult questions
  • Expose sin so they will see their deepest need for Jesus

Jesus' love and acceptance allowed the woman/us to be real and to change

2009-01-26 - Jesus with People - Nic at Night

Some people's needs could be quickly dealt with: "Heal my blindness" or "Let me just touch your garment"

But not Nicodemus, Jesus knew it would be a long night - John 3:1-3

Nicodemus, was a man looking for something:

  • Groun up learning about God
  • Surrounded by a system caught up in traditions
  • Knew the Bible stories
  • Very active in the Jewish faith
  • Jesus capured his attention by his teachings and his works
  • Felt that there was something missing

Could this be right? Could Jesus be the Messiah?

Jesus was straight to the point: I tell you the truth, you must be born again - John 3:3
He needed a wake up call - Same lesson we need today - we need a new birth
He was part a system of legalism  (following rules with seeking the heart of God)
People trying to earn what God desired to just give them

Nicodemus knew he could get time with Jesus and he did
He receieved the answer and Jesus taught him the depth of God's love

Who was intrumental in answering your questions and healping you see the truth?
What sacrifices do you see that they made for you?
Are you doing the same for others?

2009-01-31 - Jesus with People - No Dogs in Heaven
Matthew 15 - The Canaanite Women
Jesus was silent and by his silent he tested and revealed both the hearts of his disciples and the heart of this woman

Perhaps the instructions given earlier by Jesus send then to find the lost sheep of Israel was still in their mind
Maybe thought: "he sent us to find the lost Israelite. too bad, she is a Gentile. Send her away."

Jesus did not send her away but said - I was only sent to the lost sheep of Israel - Matthew 15:24
Jesus - it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their gods - Matthew 15:26
Savior was willing to be misunderstood in order to flush out faith or faithlessness in the heart of this woman

In the end, Jesus affirmed her faith and admired her grit
He did not see the woman as unsubmissive or rebellious or undeserving; he saw her as full of faith

Jesus was more concerned about helping someone grow in their faith than he was keep up the nice-guy image

2009-02-02 - Jesus with People - Seeing and Not Seeing
Luke 7:36-50 - Simon, I have something to tell you
Jesus is able to cut through the muck - right to the heart
He had outspoken clarity - Luke 7:40

In truth Simon saw neither the woman or himself for how they really were

Jesus did see the woman - Her sin was obvious as her brokenness
He actions came from her new sense of reality
Once she saw Jesus, she responded the only way she could have - compelled by love - 2 Corinthians 5:14

Jesus' words should have cut Simon deeply - But he who has been forgiven little lives little

He wants to have a relationship with us
Think of trying to have a relationship with ant - talking with it, caring for it and especially dying for it - it is unfathomable!

How many times did Jesus change people's view if God?

Who am I most like: Simon or the sinful woman?

2009-02-03 - Jesus with People - Give or Take?
World seem to be divided into givers and takers
Usually we feel as though we are the givers and everyone else is a taker
We can draw back and become cynical - before long we cling to possessions, our rights or our feelings
At that point we have become takers
We would never admit it - and many of us do not see it

Jesus meet a man that was a taker - Matthew
Matthew was no different than us - he probably had a family with mouths to feed

As he left the office and crept closer toward the crowd surrounding Jesus
He heard the words - You must deny yourself and take up your cross and follow me
Jesus then walked up to Matthew and said "Follow me"
His life changed forever - became a disciple of Jesus

How did Jesus know? do it? Jesus knew that he was sick and need to get well - Mark 2:17

We need to see people as they ready are and what they can become
Is there some in your life you can share with but haven't because you don't think they are open?

2009-02-12 - Jesus with People - The Better Choice
Martha and Mary - Luke 18:29-30

Jesus and his disciples were passing through the village when Martha opened her home to them - Luke 10:38

Jesus didn't  stop to correct Martha in her preparation
Martha - Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work myself?

With compassion - Martha, Martha
Explained that Mary's choice was right and a lasting one
What Jesus wanted most was to see her have a single-minded desire to know him and his teachings

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in preparing to server others that we are either too distracted or too exhausted to server them when they arrive

2009-02-16 - Jesus with People - Widows Emotional Sacrifice
Be careful for your hearts will be weighed down with anxieties of life and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap - Luke 21:34

Sacrifice requires that we take control of the anxieties of our lives
It is a daily struggle

In order to change our character weaknesses, true emotional sacrifice is needed
  1. We must admit that we are sinful
  2. We must realize Jesus has called us to follow him and be righteous
  3. Humbly commit to change
  4. We must change
The solutions are simple, emotional sacrifice is not

2009-02-18 - Jesus with People - Doing What We Ought
1 Timothy 6:13-14

Compared to previous struggles, the "Jesus dilemma" made the governor's worries look minuscule

Jesus was accused of
  • stirring up the people - Luke 23:5
  • being an insurrectionist -Luke 23:13-14
  • being a blasphemer - Matthew 26:65
  • being a criminal - John 18:30
Jesus' friends had deserted him
Masses that had given homage were the same crowds asking for his death

Jesus always did what was right
Pontius Pilate knew what he ought to do and what he wanted to do but did not do it

2009-03-18 - Promises of God - Produces a Harvest
Hebrews 12:11 - Discipline produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it

Key ways to respond to God's discipline:

Get Grateful
Probably the most difficult thing to do during hardships
It is the very thing that will help us to learn the important lessons God is trying to teach us

Hunger for Holiness
Media bombards us with devices, books, etc to make our lives easier
God disciplines us for our good, we may share in his holiness - Hebrews 12:10
He is willing to watch his precious children to go through temporary pain for them have eternal peace

Trust the Trainer
We must trust him as the perfect trainer
Training = something rigorous that stretches the trainee emotionally or physically
God's discipline is exact what we need and he promises it is always for our own good

2009-03-20 - Promises of God - Lord Delivers
May have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all - Psalms 34:19

Three types of trouble:

  1. Caused by our own bad behavior - the wicked have their fill - Proverbs 12:21
  2. Comes from doing what is right - Persecution because of the Word - Matthew 13:21
  3. Trouble that we all face because we live in this world
    • Each day will be trouble - Matthew 6:34
    • In this world you will have trouble - John 16:33
It is not about taking trouble away but overcoming trouble

Our job is to trust God - John 14:1, 27
He may deliver us from trouble or he may deliver us by using the trouble to teach us important lessons

Our eternal glory far out weights our momentary troubles - 2 Corinthians 4:17

2009-03-27 - Promises of God - Living By Faith
Habakkuk complained to God about what he saw happening

God basically said, "You are right, life is hard"

The idea that life is not fair robs us of our peace

Solution? God assurance to Habakkuk, "the righteous will live by faith" - Habakkuk 2:4

Then came incredible faith and peace - Habakkuk 3:17-19
Even if upheaval and uncertainty exist in every area of our lives, we can have peace

Why do our circumstances sometimes have such an impact on our peace?

2009-04-22 - Why We Need God - He is Our Provider
  1. Has promised to meet our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-32
  2. If we will put Him and His righteousness first in our lives - Matthew 6:33-34
  3. Has promised to meet our spiritual needs - Phillipians 2:12-13
  4. If we will put on His armor - Ephesians 6:11-18

2009-04-26 - Why We Need Jesus - He Intercededs For Us to God
  1. Now at God's right hand, Jesus makes intercession for us - Romans 8:34
  2. He serves as our "Advocate" with the Father - 1 John 2:1
  3. He is our perfect High Priest - Hebrews 2:17-18; 4:14-15
  4. He enables us to come boldly to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and help - Hebrews 4:16
  5. He now "always lives" to intercede on our behalf - Hebrews 7:25

2009-05-08 - No one like him - His servant heart (part 3)
To serve means
  • Not holding to things
  • Not grasping on
  • Not saving ourselves
  • No protectiveness
  • Not a way of comfort
Jesus did this with the spirit of joy, peace and celebration

No one can save himself and still fulfill the mission of God

Luke 17:7-10 – we have only done our duty

Thinking not in terms of rights but of responsibility

Slave to all – Mark 10:44

We need to empty ourselves with being a doormat

2009-05-23 - No one like him - Kingdom Attitudes (part 3)
Those Who Hunger and Thirst

We see our lostness, we see our need to be learners; pursues what comes from God
Righteousness less about perfection, and more about the relationship

The Merciful

First four about relationship with God; Next have to do with our relationship with others in the light of God
Matthew 18:23-27 - forgiven will love much

2009-05-26 - No one like him - Kingdom Lifestyle (part 2)
Different Righteousness – Matthew 5:17-6:18
Righteousness for the Pharisee had became having the correct facts and outward performance
Not about memorizing more scriptures or fasting three times a day
Righteousness was all about attitude
When scriptures is not exact, we should on these attitudes in situations in our lives – to please God
Different priority – Matthew 6:19-34
The pursuit of God’s will should be the overriding passion of our lives
No can serve two masters – Matthew 6:24

2009-06-18 - A Life of Impact - Compassion


Mark 1:40-45

  • He did not minister from a safe distance.
  • We can have a powerful and lasting impact on someone else if we willing to go deep.
  • There was no room left in Jesus for fear, disgust, or apprehension.
  • His emotional state was righteous because he did not hesitate to reachout and touch the diseased man.
  • How many of us reach out and pull back abruptly because of fear of personal rejection?


  • Jesus foresaw His popular curtailing His ability to spread His word.
  • People interested in personal glory don’t usually get very far in enlisting others in their cause.

2009-06-29 - A Life of Impact - Disclosure


Mark 4:21-23

  • They were to let their beliefs shine brightly around them
  • Widening its exposure does not diminish its value (proclaimer does not suffer loss but increase riches)
  • Dead Sea – lowest point on earth, nothing flows out of it, smelly and lifeless

Challenge to listen

Mark 4:24-25

  • If we are casual about what we hear and do not apply ourselves, we will even lose what understanding we have
  • Practice of taking notes shows our heart to understand
  • The arrogant sit and smugly, confident of their ability to retain oral information

2009-07-08 - A Life of Impact - Shepherding


Mark 6:30-44

  • Employees must have a reason to look forward to a completion of a project.
  • Must pause to experience the thrill of victory otherwise we will squeeze the joy right our of lives
  • We will get burned if we do not remind ourselves to rest
  • When we are exhausted our performance in all areas of our lives suffer. (point of diminishing returns)

Work Ethic

  • Important causes are worthy of extreme levels of effort
  • We are to go the extra mile - Matthew 5:41

Crowd Appeal

  • Jesus displayed urgency and charisma when he spoke.
  • People did not want to miss out on anything he might say or do.

Visible Sincerity

  • Meet the crowd’s need for physical and spiritual food - needs of the whole person
  • Meet other’s need without asking anything in return
  • Concerned with how people fared after this life and not just in this life
  • If we are concern more with what we will get ourselves we probably won’t have much of an impact

2009-07-11 - A Life of Impact - A passion for truth

Mark 7:14-23 - He had no stomach for the misdirection spread by the Pharisees and the Teachers of the Law

High Expectations

  • He let them know that they were spiritually stupid.
  • How many of us are willing to rebuke when asked a stupid question by people who should know better?
  • Jesus was determined that these men would rise above the rank and file.
  • He got upset and urged them to change
  • The dreamer never gives up the dream.


  • The responsibility for our actions resides with us, the decision makers, and not with our environment.
  • We are not simply a product of our environment; environment is determined by our choices.
  • We cannot rightly blame others or fate or circumstances for our behavior
  • We must take responsibility for the consequences of our decisions
  • Changes in people occur from the inside out. · Involves helping people to acknowledge what they are really like deep down and then to deal with their inner self
  • We cannot on our own change our own or someone else’s heart.
  • We must realize how desperately we need God’s intervention in out lives.
  • The Bible exposes, in a unbiased way, the true qualities of our hearts.
  • Deep character changes in our lives fuels our faith.

2009-07-12 - A Life of Impact - Firmness and Flexibility

Firmness and Flexibility

Mark 7:24-30

  • Are you able to say “no” to people? Jesus was.
  • Some of us are unable to deny anybody anything.
  • Others are too inflexible and become unwilling to make any exceptions.
  • Jesus was not afraid to change his mind.
  • We need to think for ourselves and make the right decisions.
  • If we want to make a difference, we must be willing to disappoint some people.

2009-07-16 - A Life of Impact - Scout


Mark 8:14-21

  • 'Christian' denominations may offer the greatest opposition to a radical adherence to the teachings of Jesus
  • He protects his followers: warning them about the strength of their opponent and the types of activities to expect.
  • We cannot afford to neglect scouting the opposition and warning people who they are up against.


  • We need to be aware what others are saying to each other.
  • He asked embarrassingly simple questions to remind them and to help to see how stupid they had been to soon forget.
  • A willingness to be strong and forthright is a required characteristic of one who would have lasting influence.
  • Wounds from a friend can be trusted.

2009-08-01 - A Life of Impact - Anger

Mark 11:11-19
  • He was furious about the fruitfulness of another “tree” that he had planted, watered, weeded, fertilized.
  • Jesus cleared the temple at the beginning of His ministry and also here at the end of His of His ministry
  • There was no fear of God.
  • Jesus knew the right place and the right time the do the things needed.
  • He was disciplined and self-controlled for just the right time.
  • What made Jesus angry was the stubborn refusal of most to change.
  • A willingness to change is a precious and seemingly rare behavioral characteristic.
  • Become exceedingly insecure and defensive when we are awakened to the existence of personal deficiencies.
  • We must also get angry about obstinacy in our own lives and other people’s lives.
  • Why didn’t anyone try to stop Jesus as he was taking over the temple? (Only one person and many of them)
  • They knew that they were in the wrong.
  • Teachers of the law and chief priests feared Jesus
  • If people consider you a “nice guy” and are not in awe of you, you probably won’t have much impact.

2009-08-06 - A Life of Impact - Expertise


Mark 12:28-34

  • He was prepared to give an answer on any topic that anyone might choose to challenge him.
  • We need to know our stuff.
  • Good students make the best teachers.
  • Good listeners are worth listening to.
  • Some of us what to skip over the student phase and jump right into the teacher phase.

2009-08-26 - Wild at Heart - God loves wilderness (part 2)
God’s relationship with us is risky
We are unpredictable; there is the likelihood to get hurt (ultimate risk anyone ever takes is to love)
God give love all the time (and gets hurt all the time)

Music, wine, poetry, sunset – all his inventions
God is romantic at heart
Heart of man is drawn from God – strong and courageous love
Have you noticed the most often word used with boys is 'don’t' –God’s design 'Yes'
Sexes show different sides of God’s heart
Heart of a woman – deep hearted, seductive more than fierce
Wants to be loved
Why don’t you choose Me?
'Seek and you will find me…with all of your heart' – Jeremiah 29:13
God wants to be wanted
Why does God does not answer prayer right away? – he wants us to talk to him
God has beauty to be unveiled
Each stage of creation is better than before
All Adam can say is “WOW”

Women wants he beauty unveiled
Do you delight in me?
God wants to be worshiped

2009-09-02 - Wild at Heart - The wound (part 2)
Adam receives his name from God
Abraham names Issac
Jesus needed to hear those words

God renames Jacob and Paul

Racheal names son “son of my sorrow”. Jacob renames him “son of my right hand”
It took intervention by the man, it always does

A boy is brought into the world by his mother
There comes a time for the shift when he begins to seek out his father’s affection – Hard for a mother

Dad coming home is biggest event in a boy’s day
Women try to fill void that an absent father has left
Father calls his son “tiger”

Turns to mom for comfort and dad for adventure
If a mother will not allow her son to become dangerous, if she does not let the father take him away, she will emasculate him.

2009-09-06 - Wild at Heart - Battle for a mans heart (part 2)
Boys are in plentiful supply, but it seems fewer and fewer men

Two reasons
  • We do not know how to initiate boys into men
  • We are not sure we really want to
  • slavery stopped
  • Nazis were stopped
  • Who gave up their seats on the Titanic?
Men are being taken out left and right
They have lost heart
Becoming a Christian is like being called to the front lines

Wounds are far too consistent to be accidental
Do you know why there’s been such an assault?

2009-09-10 - Wild at Heart - False self (part 1)
Place of our woundedness we construct a false self
People can shutdown their heart and focus on what they are good at - Spock like
Can become a perfectionist
An impostor - don’t ever be your real self anymore because nobody likes you as you are
As a defense against pain
It becomes OUR plan for salvation - will fail time and time again until we give up

God must take it away
Those plans to protect and save us will actually destroy us - leads to death  - Proverbs 16:25
Seems right to shield ourselves from pain and to save a little love

There is a critical point in every man’s life
True test of a man is when he starts to longer rely on what he’s used all his life
Not women want a man that just exists

2009-09-22 - Wild at Heart - The Enemy (part 3)
Walk right into those situations you normally run from
Speak right to the issues normally remain silent over
If you want to grow in masculine strength, then stop sabotaging yours.

Being wronged and saying that is OK, but furious inside
This will push your strength down and eventually you will believe you do not have any.
When you deny your anger, it turns to fear
Sabotage also happens when we give our strength away
Taking a bribe, refusing to confront an issue, sexual sin
Sexual struggle is sin and a battle for his strength

Start choosing to live out your strength and you’ll discover that it grows each time
Stand your ground and begin to taste your true strength and you’ll want more
Our strength is will and fierce and we are more than unsettled by what may happen if we let it arrive
“I’m afraid I will do something bad if I let all this show up” – You will do something bad if you don’t
Man’s addictions are a result of his refusing his strength
Let people feel the weight of who you are and let them deal with it

2009-09-29 - One Another - Differences (part 2)

Conviction and Acceptance

How we blend conviction with an equally deep level of acceptance?

We need to understand that some convictions can be disputable matters
Paul does not get into a discussion what is right and wrong

Accept those whose faith is weak - Romans 14:1

Accept one another in order to bring praise to God - Romans 15:7

Example: It is OK to treat one day more special to worship God than another day - Romans 14:5-6

Even if the conviction is misguided - we sin if go against it

Great questions in these verses:

  • Who are you to judge some else's servant? - Romans 14:4
  • Why do you judge your brother? - Romans 14:10
  • Why do you look down on your brother? - Romans 14:10
On the day of judgment:
  • No "I'm right" or "Your wrong" on that day
  • Rightness will be perfectly obvious to all
Therefore lut us stop passing judgment on one another - Romans 14:13

2009-10-03 - One Another - Responsibility for one another
Two extremes:
  1. Mind your own business - can gravitate to this view because of our own conform
  • Can become busybodies instead - 2 Thessalonians 3:11
  • Can become lazy - 1 Timothy 5:13
  • Offering guidance, instructions, cautions, warnings, or sometimes stronger - all part of being faithful in our relationships
  1. Judge not and you will not be judged
  • Jesus is condemning self-righteous judging
  • For those unwilling to examine the issue in their own lives
  • Must care enough about each other to help each other to grow

2009-10-09 - Wild at Heart - The Strategy (part 2)
Satan uses propaganda

He is the “accuser” - Revelation 12:10
Christ was attacked - “If you are the son of God” - prove it - Luke 4:1-13

So long as a man remains no real treat to the Enemy – You are fine
After you take sides - Your heart is bad and you know it

He looks for weaknesses
Throws a thought or temptation that he hopes we will swallow
If I thought this was just me, my heart, I’d be very discouraged.
Knowing that my heart is good allowed me to block it, right then and there
Think of how lust starts .. “I am not here it is all you.”

Any hand to hand combat, there are blows, dodges, blocks, and counterattacks
How did Christ handle Satan? - he did not get into an argument with him
He simply stood on the truth
Satan doesn’t just throw a thought but feelings as well
Guard your heart

2009-10-27 - Repentance - Illustrations (part 1)
  • Should we expect a man so deep in repentance to spend a better part of the morning grieving for his transgressions?
  • Scrooge facing in the right direction, forward

Gestalts Switch
  • German word for “the big picture”, seeing something differently even though all it parts remain the same
  • Like repentance – don’t repent of a list of sins, we repent of the whole rather than the parts
  • Tends to happen all at once, not in a series of small steps

2009-11-08 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 1)
We each have a worldview or mindset that functions as a life lens
World has been squeezing us into its mold – more than we realize

Peter’s mind
  • Thought of Jesus as a Messianic Champion
  • Thought Jesus would reveal himself in a fierce battle
  • “You are the Christ!”
  • All the right data
    • Witness the transfiguration – built shelters for Moses, Jesus, and Elijah – Jesus said Peter didn’t know what he was saying
    • Night of the betrayal – Peter said bring it on, he held on hope that 12 leagues of angels would come; drawn his sword to the guard
    • Peter joined the other disciples in Jerusalem – with “one mind” in prayer and purpose
The World around us persists in its big squeeze on us
Prepare your minds for action – 1 Peter 1:13-14
Space shuttle takes 2,250,000 pounds of fuel to escape the earth’s gravity
Only few pounds to remain in orbit – Christians are called more than just to orbit
Most trials produce greater faith – hospitalized child, illness, death, ministry turmoil, financial pressures
Ways to fight – devote time to prayer, read scripture, explore ways to encourage wife, get advice from elders, spend special time with the kids
Ways to not to – laziness, frustrate wife, neglect kids, feeling overwhelmed and under underappreciated, escape to the TV

2009-11-09 - Repentance - Transfigure Our Minds (part 2)
Laziness is the greatest enemy to a girded mind.
Need to wrestle in prayer – only after I’m certain that I’ve prepared my mind for action, do I conclude my time with God
God only delays the coming Day of the Lord in order for more people to come to repentance

Mind of Flesh
Old self with a mind of flesh requires more and more sensation, wanting to “feel” alive, to overcome its callousness
  • flirtation to a pure friendship
  • gossip to a righteous conversation
  • alcohol to a friendly gathering
  • pornography to a web search
  • shoplifting to a normal shopping trip
Not about setting rules – do not do this or that (Colossians 2:20-23 – has no value)
  • Must set mind on things above
  • Not - Just read and pray more
  • Not - Accountability partners
  • Not - making it a habit

2009-11-12 - Repentance - Worldly Sorrow (part 2)
3. Excuses
  • Comes up with creative targets – upbringing, genetic makeup, society
  • Excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow
  • Excuses come right after the apology – I am sorry for forgetting our anniversary, it has been crazy at work
  • Where there is an excuse, there is persistent sin
  • Excuses rob us of the indignation that energizes our turn from self to Jesus
4. Selectivity
A repentant Christian embraces absolutions, even moral absolutes
5. Repetition
Repentance is no fragile state of mind that we barely notice entering and exiting
  1. What is wrong with defining repentance as “being sorry for your sins, so sorry that you stop them”?
  2. What is the root cause of worldly sorrow?
  3. In what ways have you exercised “damage control” rather than true repentance?
  4. What damage has your sin caused?
  5. Have you ever confused the tears of self pity for true repentance? What is the danger of this confusion?
  6. Why does the author assert that “excuses are the clearest indicators of worldly sorrow?” Would you rather have your excuses accepted or your sins forgiven?
  7. What’s the difference between cognitive dissonance and repentance? Why doesn’t cognitive dissonance prompt us to preach the good news to others?
  8. Have you been selective in your repentance? What does that indicate about your repentance?
  9. Why doesn’t metanoia accommodate the repetition of sin?

2009-11-17 - Repentance - The Church Reorients Us (part 1)
There is no church without repentance
There is no repentance without the church.

How did the early church help seeker to repent?
Aligning themselves to the new community
The church, by definition, is counter-culture
World says, “Conform, get back in line”
Church says, “Repent, come out be different”

What do we think of when we think of counter-culture? Skinheads, etc
Not rebellion for the sake of rebellion but for selfless-love, sexual purity, generosity, purposeful living, revolutionary zeal,
humility, joy beyond understanding

The world hate holiness – hates holy saints

Practice largely disappeared during the second half of the century
We live in the customer’s always right culture
Not expelling members but the church meets my needs, what feels right, sin/repentance not your business

2009-12-24 - First the Kingdom - Key to everything else
The first beatitude is the key to whole sermon on the mount

By ourselves we can not live out the sermon - we need help from God
  • We can not be convicted enough
  • Can not be committed enough
  • Can not be determined enough
Lessons always lead back to this beatitude again and again
  • You will fail to have a pure heart and not forgive
  • Struggle to love your enemy
  • You will lash back because you can not turn the other cheek
  • You will be self-righteous and judge others
  • You will get anxious
God does nothing less but give the entire kingdom to a bunch of beggars - just have to admit you are one

Does this describe you?
Would God describe you this way?

2009-12-30 - First the Kingdom - Starving without Him
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6

Jesus himself was the bread of Life - John 6:35
Gave Living water - John 4:10

He describes a relationship with him to be all-consuming
Just like going without food or water fir a prolonged period - there is little else we think about

As deer pants for water, my soul pants for you - Psalms 42:1-2
How excited are you about getting time to be with God every day?

For deep conviction about loving the Word - Psalms 119
Without the sense of duty, he was overjoyed at the privilege of being able to commune with heart of the Creator

Hunger for the Word develops obedience which helps with understanding of God heart to help and server others

2010-01-05 - Kingdom First - Helping Others to Make Peace
Highest calling as peacemakers is to help other make peace with God

We have been fitted with the feet of readiness that comes from the gospel of peace - Ephesians 6:15
Are proclaim peace to others - Isaiah 52:7

Jesus shed his blood so we could have peace
He calls to die to ourselves so others can be made right with God

Not superficial "world peace" but true peace in the heart of each man and women

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