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2008-05-21 - Power of Spiritual Thinking - Even though
Hebrews 11:8,11,17:20
  • Even though he did not know where he was going
  • Even though he was pass age to have kids
  • Even though he God said to sacrifice his son
  • Abraham reasoned... spiritually
Romans 4:18 - Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed

He was not a blind idealist, he faced the facts: God creates the laws but he not bound by them

We will not be victorious if we sacrifice our faith on the alter of reason, logic or cynicism

It is time to get back to idealism that belongs to faith in God:

  • We can change
  • Our children can change
  • Our marriages can change
  • Our hearts can change
  • We just can't give up

We have the same God who was with Abraham

2008-05-23 - Purpose Driven Life - You Are Not an Accident

God planned:

  • Where you would be born
  • When you would be born (waiting patiently for Juniper)
  • How long you will live
  • Who your parents would need to be for you to come the way you came

God was thinking of you even before he made the world, that is why he created the world

God's purpose even took in account sin and human error.

If there was no god, we would all be accidents

The only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what he does for us - Romans 12:3

2008-05-24 - Purpose Driven Life - What Drives Your Life?

What shouldn't drive our life (will miss God's purposes for your life):

People are driven by guilt

Allows the past to control their future
God's purpose is not limited to our past

God turned a murder (Moses and Paul) into a leader and a coward into a hero

God specializes in giving people a fresh start

People are driven by resentment and anger - Resentment always hurts you more than it does the other person

People are driven by fear - from unrealistic expectations and high-control situations

People are driven by materialism - Your value is not determined by your valuables

People are driven by the need for approval - those who follow the crowd usually get lost in it

Living a purpose driven life, knowing your purpose:

  1. Gives meaning to your life
    • I have laboed to no purpose - Isaiah 49:4
    • My life drags by - day after hopeless day - Job 7:6
    • My life makes no sense - Job 7:16
  2. Simplies your life
    • You have just enough time to do God's will - too much to do means you doing things you shouldn't be doing
  3. Focuses your life
  4. Motivates your life
  5. Prepares you for eternity

2008-05-31 - Purpose Driven Life - What Makes God Smile? (Part 2)
Noah was an example of making God smile (continued):
  1. When we obey him wholeheartedly
    • Noah was given detailed instructions on: size, shape, number of animals, and materials
    • Completely, wholeheartedly, without delay, without explanation, joyfully, with enthusiasm
    • Wholeheartedly = completely and exactly
    • Partial obedience is disobedience
  2. When we praise and thank him continually
    • Noah built an altar to the Lord - Genesis 18:20
    • We are to offer a sacrifice of Praise and Thanksgiving - Hebrew 13:15; Psalms 116:17
  3. When we use our abilities
    • God enjoys every detail, not just "spiritual" activities - Psalms 37:23
    • Reject yourself, you reject God's wisdom in creating you
    • There are no nonspiritual abilities just misused ones
    • Children do not have to anything special to make their parents happy

2008-06-03 - Purpose Driven Life - Best Friends with God
God wants to be your friend
God's ideal relationship - Adam and Eve (no rituals, ceremonies, or religion)
Moses, Abraham, David, Job, Enoch, and Noah had intimate relationships with God
Most in the OT had just the fear of God
You are not longer servants but friends - John 15:15
Through constant conversations
Make it a habit to have daily devotion time but it more than just that
God wants to be included in every activity in your life (Some think you have to get away)
Key to the friendship is not changing what you do but your attitude toward what you do
Pray all the time - 1 Thessalonians 5:17
Pray as often as possible
Help me trust you
You are here with me
I'm depending on you
You are my God
How awesome you are!
Pray as often as possible
Your goal is not a feeling but an awareness of the reality that God is always present
Through continual meditation
Thing about His Word throughout your day - who God is, What he has done, and what he has said
Meditation is simply focused thinking - Worry is a form of meditation
Friends share secrets
God told his secrets to Abraham, Daniel, Paul, his disciples, and others friends
When you read your Bible or hear a sermon - develop a practice of review the truth in your mind

2008-06-09 - Purpose Driven Life - The Value of Time
The importance of things can be measured by how much time we are willing to invest in them
Your time is your life
Greatest gift you can give someone is your time
Words alone are worthless - 1 John 3:18
Most desired gift of love is focused attention
Give without loving, but you can not love without giving - God gave everything (John 3:16)
Make the most of every opportunity
Other and you are not guaranteed tomorrow
Who do you need to spend more time with?
What do you need to cut out of your day?

2008-06-10 - Purpose Driven Life - A Place to Belong
You are called to belong
Relationship with Christ is personal but not private
Your organs are connected to other organs to fulfill a purpose
Organ severed from the body will shrivel and die
Christ loved the church and gave his life for it - Ephesians 5:25
Church is Christ's bride
Can't say to Christ "I love you but I do not love your wife
Why you need a Church Family?
1. Identifies you as a genuine believer
2. Move you out of self-centered isolation
Lab for practicing unselfishness
Learn to care about others
If one part suffers, all suffer - 1 Corinthians 12:16
We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers - 1 John 3:16
3. Helps develop spiritual muscle
Isolation breeds deceitfulness
4. Body Needs you
5. Share in Christ's mission - He works through us
6. Church family will help you from backsliding
"Mind your own business" - not a Christian phrase
It is your responsibility to help those who need help
Difference between a church attender and a church member is commitment

2008-06-11 - Purpose Driven Life - Experiencing Life Together
Life is meant to be shared
Fellowship - now refers to casual conversation, socializing, food, and fun
Jesus knew that 12 was the maximum size for a group for everyone to participate
In real fellowship people experience...
... Authenticity
  • Honest with who you are - otherwise we are just fooling ourselves - 1 John 1:7-8
  • Requires courage and humility
  • We only grow by taking risks - being honest is a major risk
... Mutuality (Romans 1:12)
  • Depending on each other
  • Sharing responsibility
  • Mutual accountability
... Sympathy
  • Sharing pain of others (Colossians 3:12)
  • Meet needs of being understood and the validation of our feelings
  • Self-Pity dries up sympathy for others
  • Times of crisis, grief, doubt when we need each other the most
... Mercy
  • Can't have fellowship without forgiveness
  • Bitterness and resentment always destroys fellowship
  • Never be asked to forgive someone more than God has forgiven you
  • Energy for retaliation or resolution?
  • Forgiveness immediate; Trust takes time

2008-06-14 - Purpose Driven Life - Protecting Your Church
It is your job to protect the unity of the church
Supreme model for unity is the Trinity
Jesus' final moment was thinking and praying about the church's unity
Make every effort to keep the unity - Ephesians 4:3
Focus on what we have in common
We share the same life, salvation, and same future
Conflict - focused on "disputable matters"
Be realistic in your expectations
People become disillusioned with church
Should not be surprised - made up of sinners, including ourselves - 1 Corinthians 1:10
Reconciliation - not running away - road to stronger character and deeper fellowship
If the church must be perfect to satisfy you, that same perfection will exclude you
Choose to encourage rather than criticize
It is always easier to stand on the sidelines than get involved
Judge another believer:
  • Lose fellowship with God
  • Expose my pride and insecurity
  • Set myself up to be judged by God
  • Harm the fellowship
Satan is the accuser of our brothers
Other Christians are not the real enemy
Any time spent for comparing and criticizing should be used for building others up
Refuse to listen to gossip
People who gossip to you will also gossip about you
Great wounds usually come from other sheep, not wolves
Practice God's method for conflict resolution
Go to the person you are having issues with - Matthew 18
Takes a man of courage to speak the truth in love
Support your pastor and leaders - Hebrews 13:17
No perfect leaders
They are accountable but so are you
You will give an account on how you obeyed your leaders

2008-06-15 - Purpose Driven Life - Created to Become Like Christ
You are created to become like Christ

Jesus' mission is restore the full image that we have lost
God's ultimate goal for your life on earth in not comfort but character development
If we forget this, you will become frustrated by your circumstances

You exist for God's purpose, not vice versa

Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes God wants to make in our lives - Philippians 2:13

We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit's work

Obedience unlocks God's power
God waits for you to act first
Make every effort - Luke 13:24; Romans 14:19; Ephesians 4:3; 2 Timothy 2:15

Ephesians 4:22-24 - Responsibilities in belonging like Christ:
  • Choose to let go of old ways
  • Must change the way we think
  • Must put on the "character of Christ by developing new, godly habits

God uses his Word, people, and circumstances to mold us
  • Truth we need to grow
  • Support when we need guidance or when we fail
  • Environment we need to practice Christ-likeness
In many religions, the mature isolate themselves, not those who are being like Christ

Being like Christ is a long, slow process of growth - You are a work in progress

2008-06-18 - Purpose Driven Life - Transformed by Trouble

God has a purpose behind every problem

God uses problems to draw you closer to himself
Lord is close to the brokenhearted - Psalms 34:18

God had the ability to kept:

  • Joesph out of jail
  • Daniel out the lion's den
  • Paul from being shipwrecked 3 times
  • Young Hebrew from being thrown in a furance

... but he didn't

Problem force us to look to God and depend on him
None of your problem could happen without God's permission

Romans 8:28-29 (NLT)

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters.

  • "God causes everything" - God is behind everything
  • "to work together" - work together as part of God's plan
  • "for the good" - the end result is for our hearts to be more like Jesus
  • "of those who love God" - those who are obedient
  • "according to his purpose"  - the purpose is "become like his Son"

2008-06-19 - Purpose Driven Life - Growth Through Temptation
Happy is the man who does not give in - will be rewarded with the crown of life - James 1:12

Every temptation is an opportunity to do good through the path of maturity

How does the Holy Spirit produce fruit in our lives? - Galatians 5:22-23
By allowing you to be tempted by the opposite opportunity
  • God teaches love by putting unloving people around us
  • God teaches peace by allowing times of chaos and confusion
You can not claim to be faithful if you've never had the opportunity to be unfaithful

Temptation follows 4 steps:
  1. Satan identifies a desire within you - Comes from within - Mark 7:21-23
  2. Satan tries to get you doubt what God has said about sin - Don't let your doubt turn you from God - Hebrews 3:12
  3. Satan tries replace truth with lies - He is the Father of lies - John 8:44
  4. Our disobedience - Drawn away and trapped by our own desires - James 1:14-16

2008-06-21 - Purpose Driven Life - Overcoming Temptation
Refuse to be intimidated

You will never outgrow temptation
Temptation is a sign that Satan hates you
Paul says, "WHEN you are tempted..." - 1 Corinthians 10:13
Jesus was tempted, but never sinned - Hebrews 4:15
The closer you grown to God, the more Satan will try to tempt you

Recognize your pattern of temptation

Know what exactly what trips you up - Stay alert, Satan waits til you are napping - Matthew 26:41
  • When am I most tempted?
  • Where am I most tempted?
  • Who is with me went I am tempted?
Don't give the Devil a chance - Ephesians 4:27
Plan carefully what you do... - Proverbs 4:26-27

Request God's Help

Call on God in times of trouble - Psalms 50:15
Jesus is sympathetic; he understands our weakness - Hebrews 4:15
We can be embarrassed to ask God for help after failing over and over again, but let us have confidence when approaching - Hebrews 4:16

2008-06-25 - Purpose Driven Life - The Call and Commands to Serve
You are called to serve God

It is full-time position
A "non-serving Christian" is a contradiction in terms

You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God - 1 Peter 2:9

You are commanded to serve God

For Christians, service is not an option
Spiritual maturity is never an end in itself
Maturity is for service, we grow up in order to give out
Impression with expression cause depression
Study without service leas to spiritual stagnation

Galilee lake full of life - takes in water but also gives out
Dead sea - takes in but the is no outflow

Not who is going to meet my needs -> Whose needs should I meet?

2008-06-29 - Purpose Driven Life - Using Personality and Experiences


You are very unique 102,400,000,000 in DNA terms
All the particles in the universe is less than 1076

It is obvious that God loves variety
God works through different people in different ways; achieves his purpose through all - 1 Corinthians 12:6
So many personality conflicts between just the 12 disciples

It is easier to  work with the grain than against it
Mimicking someone else exactly does not work


  • Family experiences
  • Education experiences
  • Vocational experiences
  • Spiritual experiences
  • Ministry experiences
  • Painful experiences

Greatest ministry comes from our most likely come from your greatest pain
God allows you to go through painful experiences for ministry of others

When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the comfort God has given us - 2 Corinthians 1:4

Paual was honest with his bouts of depression
He eventually put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us - 2 Corinthians 1:8-10

If Paul kept his experience to himslef, millions of people would have never benefitted from it

Don't waste your pain, us it to help others


2008-06-30 - Purpose Driven Life - Using What God Gave You

Begin by assessing your gifts and talents

Take a long honest look at what you are good at
Try to have a sane estimate of your abilities - Romans 12:3
Make a list and ask other people

Experiment with different areas of service
When it doesn't not work out, call it an "experiment", not a failure

Consider your heart and personality
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given - Galatians 6:4

Examine your experiences and extract lessons you have learned

Remember today what you have learned about the Lord - Deuteronomy 11:2
Forgotten experiences are worthless
Paul - "Were all your experiences wasted? I hope not! - Galatians 3:4

Were rarely see God's good purpose - John 13:7

Run with patience the particular race that God has set before us - Hebrews 12:1

Satan can steal our joy by:

  1. Compare your ministry with others - others doing a better job
  2. Conform your ministry to the expectations of others - you are doing better and you full of pride

Avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations, and seek only God's commendations - 1 Corinthians 10:12-18


2008-07-02 - Purpose Driven Life - Real Servants (part 2)

Real servants do every task with equal dedication

Whatever you do, do it with all your heart - Colossians 3:23
You are never too [fill in the blank] to be a servant
Jesus specialized in menial tasks:

  • washing feet
  • helping children
  • fixing breakfast
  • servng lepers

Small taks often show a big heart
Little things determine big things
Race to be a leaders is crowded but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants

Real servants are faithful to their ministry

Servants finish tasks, fullfill their responsibilities, and complete their commitments
Can you be counted on by others?
We want to God to say, "Well gone, good and faithful servant" - Matthew 25:23

Real Servants maintain a low profile

Put on the apron of humility, to serve one another - 1 Peter 5:5
Not about show  - If we are trying to please men (including ourselves) we can not be a servant of Christ - Galatians 1:10

Servants are content with quietly serving in the shadows
Wouldn't find many true servants in any Halls of Fame or Who's who books

Be confident that nothing you do for God is a waste of time or effort - 1 Corinthians 15:58

2008-07-04 - Purpose Driven Life - Thinking Like a Servant (part 2)

Servants think about their work, not what others are doing

They do not compare, criticize, or compete with other servants; same goal and same team
When you are busy serving, you don't have time to be critical
Our job is not to evaluate - Lord will determine the sucessfulness  of his servant - Romans 14:4

If you serve like Jesus, expect to be criticized
The service of the sinful (pouring perfume on Jesus) was though to be a waste but just though of it as significant - Matthew 26:10

Servants base their identity in Christ

They are loved and accepted by grace, servants don't have to prove their worth
Jesus washing feet - Jesus understood his worth and the task did not threathen his self-image - John 13:3-4

Insecure people are always worrying about how they appear; want others to serve them instead
Only God's approval counts - 2 Corinthians 10:18

Servants think of ministry as an opportunity, not an obligation

Serve the Lord with gladness - Psalms 100:2
The Father rewards anyone who serves him - John 12:26
He will not forget how hard you have worked - Hebrews 6:10

The only really happy people are those who have learned to serve

2008-07-06 - Purpose Driven Life - Gods Power in My Weakness (part 2)

All God's great people in the Bible were weak but did not stay that way:

  • Moses: Weakness was his temper BECAME "the humblest man on earth" - Numbers 12:3
  • Gideon: Weakness was his low self-esteem BECAME a "mighty man of valor" - Judges 6:12
  • Abraham: Weakness was fear BECAME "the father of those who have faith" - Romans 4:11
  • Peter: Weakness was weak willed BECAME "a rock" - Matthew 16:18
  • David: Weakness as a adulterous BECAME "a man after my own heart" - Acts 13:22
  • John: Weakness was arrogance BECAME "apostle of love"

2008-07-11 - Purpose Driven Life - Made for a Mission (part 3)
Your mission give your life meaning

The nest use of your life is to spend it for something that outlast you.
My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me - Acts 20:24
The is some people that only you can reach

God's timetable is connected to the completion of our mission

Some are focus on when Christ will come
No one knows (or will know) the day or hour of the end - Matthew 24:36
It is not for us to know; it is up to us to witness - Acts 1:7-8
Jesus quickly switch the conversations from prophecy to evangelism

Satan would rather have do anything besides sharing your faith
Expect Satan to throw all kinds of diversion at you
Anyone who lets themselves get distracted from God's plan is not fit for the Kingdom of God - Luke 9:62

2008-07-14 - Purpose Driven Life - Sharing Your Message (Godly Passions)
God passionately loves some things and passionately hates things other thing
The closer you are to God - you will share these view

Jesus - Man's heart determines his speech - Matthew 12:34
David - Zeal for God's work burn within him - Psalms 69:9
Jeremiah - Cannot keep silent - Jeremiah 20:9

Are defend the defenseless, those who can not speak for themselves
Should not expect everyone to have the exact same passion as you

It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good - Galatians 4:18

2008-07-15 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 1)
Your choice:

  • Personal fulfillment
  • Self-centered
  • Goes to enrichment seminars
  • Avoids missions conferences
  • Prayers focused on our needs
World class
  • Saved to serve
  • Eager for personal assignment
  • Only one who is truly alive
  • Makes a difference
Great Commission is for "every race, tribe, nation, and language" - Revelation 7:9
Go everywhere in the world and tell the good news - Acts 14:15
Experience is a little piece of what heaven might be like

Many opportunities today: missions, easy travel, and "e-vangelism" (email, facebook, chatting, etc)

2008-07-19 - Purpose Driven Life - Balancing Your Life (part 2)
Write down your progress in a journal

We remember what we record
Writing helps clarify what God is doing in your life

Moses kept a written record of their progress - Numbers 33:2 (NLT)
Moses recorded the stages in their journey - Numbers 33:2 (NIV)

Don't just record the good things
David recorded his fears, doubts, and struggles with God

Write down for the coming generations what the Lord has done - Psalms 56:8

Pass on what you know to others

He who blesses others is abundantly blessed - Proverbs 11:25
Paul told us spiritual things so we tell others - 2 Timothy 2:2
Knowledge increases responsibility - James 4:17
Teaching other followers = a good servant of Christ - 1 Timothy 4:6

We learn for God's glory and the growth of the kingdom

2008-07-22 - 30 Days at the Cross - Hating Sin

We can feel pain because God feels pain
By his wounds you have been healed - 1 Peter 2:24


  • Have you loved someone wholeheartedly and they stopped loving you?
  • Has someone take advantage of you?
  • Have you ever been neglected, forgotten, or rejected?

Amazing grace cost amazing pain

Don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? - James 4:4-5

How does God feel about:

  • Lack of trust?
  • Sexual sin?
  • Lack of care?
  • Being pushed aside because of school or business?
The greater capacity to love, the greater the capacity to feel pain

Imagine that you can home from work and you found a dog that just kill your child
We killed Jesus with our sin, how should we be treated?
  • How do you feel about sin? Do you hate it?
  • Do you allow sin to stay around?
Your hatred toward sin is in proportion to your love for the one who died for you
Resist the devil and he will flee; Come near to God and he will near to you - James 4:7-10

2008-07-26 - 30 Days at the Cross - Wisdom and Power of God

Will the cross ever make sense to the world?

Will all the wisdom of the world, no one has found God
Man destined to frustration by God himself to show themselves helpless without God

Jews sought a miracle worker general ignoring scriptures like Isaiah 53
Greeks described god as apatheia - total inability to feel; looked don on uncultered Christians

God's plan was never to impress prideful scholars or to find acceptance among the rulers of the ages

Some things never change:

  • Graduate student in the laborary for 100 hours - OK
  • Athlete who trains 6-8 hours a day - OK
  • Executive working 60 hours a week - OK
  • Someone passionate about Christ - Bad

Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing
Man without the Spirit does not accpet spiritual things - 1 Corinthians 2:14
God has blinded the minds of unbelievers - 2 Corinthians 4:4

God didn't come to impress the world. Are you?

2008-07-27 - 30 Days at the Cross - Who Gets the Credit?

How quick human nature is to accept credit for certain accomplishments
God made us and enables us to do everything
What do you have that you did not receive? - 1 Corinthians 4:7

I will not boast about myself, except my weaknesses (Paul) - 2 Corinthians 12:5

Why boast about our weaknesses?

  • The cross affrirms our worth
  • Frees us from performing
  • So that Christ's power may rest on us - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Who would want the power of God?

A person that truly boasts in the cross does not:

  • Pull away when not feeling appreciate enough
  • Rely on recongnition of other to stay faithful
  • Takes correction without prove their ways
  • Prove thry already know something
  • Project an image of self-worth
  • Have a competive spirit

Jesus could keep a full record of your credits and debts - but do you want that? sin and all?
All credit should go to Jesus

Are you trying to earn your salvation
Boast in your weaknesses. Live in the power of God.

2008-07-30 - 30 Days at the Cross - Heights of Humility

World often assumes humily with being quite, soft, weak, a loner, apathetic and without convictions

Does this sound like Jesus to you?
Jesus humbled himself and became obedient to death - even death on the cross - Philippians 2:8
Death on the cross was considered a curse - Deuteronomy 21:22-23
He allowed himself to be cursed
He put his trust in him who judges justly - 1 Peter 2:23

With humility, you give up yourself, but in the process you find God and yourself

Questions and answers about humility:

  1. Where does God dwell? with the humble and concrite - Isaiah 57:15
  2. Who does God esteem? he who is humble, concrite, and trembles at his word - Isaiah 66:2-3
  3. Who receives God's grace? not the proud but the humble - James 4:6
  4. Who does God lift up? those who humble themselves under God's mighty hand - 1 Peter 5:5-6


2008-07-31 - Questions and Answers - Part 1

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Who purchased the potter's field?
  2. What was the nationality of the woman who was seeking Jesus?
  3. Was hatred to the Edomite sanctioned or forbidden?
  4. Is the Christian yoke easy?

2008-08-01 - Questions and Answers - Part 2

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Can God be found by those who seek them?
  2. Can we call someone a fool or not?
  3. Do miracles prove a divine mission?

2008-08-09 - 30 Days at the Cross - If the King is a Servant
What Jesus rightly deserved and what he received while here on earth were quite different
Jesus didn't resent or resist his role
He had a desire and compassion to help others

Greatest of humility and suffering for him to subject himself to the cruelest of deaths - Philippians 2:8

People who have a major impact are the ones who serve
Nothing moves the human heart more than someone who puts the needs of another above his own need
It is a rare and precious expression of love

Jesus has called you and me to be like him and take on his attitude toward serving others

Jesus' serving was not limited to his friends (but also his enemies)
His people will do the simple acts of service for the "least" among us

Easier to serve someone on a schedule; more difficult if unexpected or interrupting my schedule

2008-08-11 - 30 Days at the Cross - Seeing It Through
It is not hard to start something but it takes character to finish

What did it take for Jesus to reach his goal? Nothing less than a relationship with the Father and death

With dull disciples - could have become impatient
Exhausted after a long journey - could have become selfish
He never gave in

How did he stay so determined to overcome?
Offered prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears - Hebrews 5:7

Jesus shed tears for:
  • the lost
  • the people he met and healed
  • his disciples to stay faithful
  • his family who thought he was crazy
  • the children
Knowing that God heard his cries, he found victory over discouragement, anxiety, doubt, and loneliness
We are aware of our ineffectiveness, we focus on what we should be doing but neglect our relationship with God

2008-08-12 - 30 Days at the Cross - Mistreatment but Not Misery
No way to be righteous enough, wise enough, or loving enough to avoid persecution
The world can not hate you, it hates Jesus - John 7:7

We never see a hint of retaliation, bitterness, or self-pity
When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate - 1 Peter 2:22-23
On the cross: heaped insults (Matthew 27:44) and he is asked God to forgive them - Luke 23:34

How did he get through the cruel and vicious attacks with such grace?
  • He entrusted himself to him who judges - 1 Peter 2:23
  • Kept his focus on the joy that would be his - Hebrews 12:2

2008-08-15 - 30 Days at the Cross - Nothing but the Best
Do what comes naturally. Get in touch with who you are. Do what feels right. Be true to yourself. - These are the ideas the world tells us.
Do they really change our lives?

Jesus' blood shed challenges us to reconsider our empty way of life

What a person is willing to give reveals a lot about the person
Jesus was the perfect Son and an exact representation of God - Hebrews 1:3

God's precious and costly sacrifice seeks and demands a response.

Make every effort is the only appropriate response - 2 Peter 1:5-7
Motivated by God's grace and example, we can increase our faith

Sin weakens our character, steals our energy, and undermines our determination

2008-08-19 - 30 Days at the Cross - Prayer and Purpose
Because of the cross we are able to pray
Looking at Christ's humble submission to the cross that we can learn we can learn how to pray

Thank God for the incredible opportunity that we have to talk to him because of his grace
He shows us the attitude we must have as we follow Christ in prayer - right perspective on suffering

After praying, he was able to face the mock trial, jeering, and the beatings
Disciples, who failed to pray, fled and desperation - they were powerless

Jesus purpose of praying was to make sure that we could be saved
Our main purpose to pray is not complaining but for others

2008-08-22 - 30 Days at the Cross - Not Surprise by Joy

Joy set before him endured the cross - Hebrews 12:2-3
Jesus was a joyful person; even at the cross - at the cross it seemed that everything was going wrong

Yet joy joy was still in the heart of Jesus:

  • He knew God was in control
  • He didn't agrue with God
  • He didn't need explaination
  • He didn't need to justify himself
  • He entrusted himself to the one who judges - 1 Peter 2:23

When we try to take over God's role - there is no joy
Jesus prayed for his disciples to have the full measure of his joy - John 17:13

Even the violent scene of the cross brought about joy and hope
What will you allow to steal your joy?

2008-08-24 - 30 Days at the Cross - United Hearts

Unity has an immense impact on our lives

Tower of Babel - God said nothing they planned would be impossible for them - Genesis 11:6
House divided against impossible for them - Mark 3:25
Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit - Ephesians 4:3

What are the obstacles to unity?

  • Misunderstanding and wrong assumptions (Israelite tribes) - Joshua 22
  • Selfish ambition (James and John) - Matthew 20:20-28
  • Inferiority and insecurity
  • Jealousy and selfishness (brothers of Joesph) - Genesis 37
  • Ingratitude and unforgiveness (older brother of the prodical son) - Luke 15

Sin is the ultimate cause of all disunity. Forgiveness is the ultimate cure.

It defies our nature
Reflects a surrender that trusts God's justice
Demonstrates a humility that cares less for one's own rights than for the good of others

Who do you need to totally forgive?
Forgiveness is the key to bing reunited
We need a daily "state of our unions"

2008-08-26 - Teach Us To Pray - Abba Father

Three verse opened a whole new way of understanding Jesus:

  • Jesus praying: Abba, Father, everything is possible for you - Mark 14:36
  • We can cry Abba, Father  - Romans 8:15
  • Because you are sons we can cry Father - Galatians 4:6

Prior to Jesus it was never used as a reference to God; even scandalous if used
Simular to "da-da" in English
Before Jesus, there was no one who could tell us what he could about God

2008-09-01 - Teach Us To Pray - Hungry and Thirsty (part 2)
We must Desire God Alone
Many people fail to have satisfying prayer lives because they are double-minded when they pray
Must do our best to rid ourselves of distractions
Unless you passionately fight for time alone with God, it will not happen

God Blesses the Hungry Heart
When we pray righteously, it allows God to work powerfully in our lives
  • Blessed are those who hunger for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6
  • Everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks finds - Matthew 7:7-8
  • You have not because you ask not - James 4:2
  • Judah sought God, and he was found by them - 2 Chronicles 15:15
  • Sometimes we need to wrestle with God to show how much we want it - Genesis 32:26
Power of prayers are dependent on the hunger in your heart
No hungry heart will ever be turned away

2008-09-08 - Teach Us To Pray - Reasoning with God

Reasoning with God in prayer is an expression of great faith
The Canaanite woman was one of two times Jesus said someone had "great faith" - Matthew 15:21-28

Persistent widow reasoned with the unjust judge - Luke 18:1-8

We cannot change the eternal purposes of God but we can change his mind on how his purposes will be accomplished

Abraham was a man who reasoned with God - his Son being sacrificed - Genesis 18:23-33

Moses was too - God decided to destroy the disobedient Israelites and start a new nation
Moses gave specifc reasons for not destroying them and God heard him and changed his mind
He prayed with great humility - Numbers 12:3

True humility is the key to the prayer of reason - not telling God what to do
Expressing our outlook and giving reasons to back up our thinking

2008-09-15 - Teach Us To Pray - Changes in Character
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place - Psalms 51:6
Character can grow if we take a sober gut-level check look at who we are

Too often we pray:
  • Help me be a better person
  • Help me to change
  • Help me to love you more
We don;t know specifically what we need to change
When we aim at nothing, that is what we hit

The word of God discerns the thoughts and intentions of our heart - Hebrews 4:12-13
Like a mirror reflecting how we look spiritually - James 1:23-25
We also learn the truth about ourselves from other people in our lives - Proverbs 20:5

Ask God to help you see what you need to change
Ask others what things they see in your sinful nature

How badly do you want to change?
It will show by the way you pray
My power is made perfect in weakness - 2 Corinthians 12:9

2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-09-21 - Teach Us To Pray - Friends and Loved Ones
To intercede or pray on someone else's behalf is a privilege
Our prayers are sacrifices which are pleasing to him - Hebrews 13:15

Paul: I want you to know how much I am struggling for you - Colossians 2:1
Who do you struggle for? How about people you have never meet?

Far be it that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray to you - Samuel to King Saul - 1 Samuel 12:23

Jesus intercedes for us - Romans 8:34
Like a good friend, he adds or subtracts from what you are missing or need
Jesus makes us complete in God's sight

2008-09-22 - Teach Us To Pray - Enemies and Opposition

Whoever the enemies may be, the words of Jesus are still the same: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you - Matthew 5:44

It our enemies who afford us the opportunity to glory God by shining like stars - Philippians 2:15
This behavior is described in the Bible as "perfect" - Matthew 5:48
Only someone who loves God earnestly and has an eternal perspective on life is able to surrender

Must forgive and love our enemies to be permitted to be sons of God - Matthew 5:44

When praying for our enemies, we should focus on:

  1. Their need for forgiveness - Luke 23:34
  2. The power of God to change them - Acts 4:24-28
  3. Our need to continue to preach boldly - Acts 4:29


2008-09-26 - Teach Us To Pray - Our Eyes Are on You
2 Chronicles 20:5-7

When all goes wrong, it is time to pray
Not just prayer, but a Jehoshaphat prayer (a prayer of desperation) - a deep-felt need for God

He who fails on this stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it falls will be crushed - Matthew 21:42, 44
Get Broken or get crushed - this difference is a matter of prayer

2008-09-27 - Man of Prayer - Introduction
10% of those who don't believe in God still pray - just in case
55% of those who do pray, pray less than 5 minutes

That is not much time for fellowship and communion

We end up doing the thing that we are highly motivated to do
Quality of prayer is low when the only motivation is obedience

Matthew 26:36-46 - Jesus asked them to keep watch while he prayed
Could we keep for even one hour?

How is your prayer life
Is it satisfying, effective, fulfilling, productive?

2008-09-29 - Man of Prayer - Pattern

Lord's prayer in Matthew 6 and Luke 11

  1. Our Father in heaven (Matthew 6:9) - Getting Started
  2. Hallowed be your name (Matthew 6:9) - Getting Focused
  3. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10) - Experiencing Divine Intervention
  4. Give us today our daily bread (Matthew 6:11) - Praying for Provisions
  5. Forgive our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us (Matthew 6:13) - Experiencing Forgiveness
  6. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one (Matthew 6:13) - Developing Spiritual Protection
  7. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glry forever. Amen.  (later manuscripts of Matthew) - Final Issues

Each will be addressed in detail in later chapters


2008-10-05 - Man of Prayer - Name
In Jesus' day, a person's name reflected one's character
God had powerful encounters with an individual, he would change the person's name with the change in them

Halllow mean to treat with great reverence
Focusing our thoughts helps lead to a response of worship

Many focus on telling God their needs, need to focus on God
Seek first his kingdom - Matthew 6:33

In interpersonal communication, remember a person's name is very important
Moses asked God, "Who shall I say sent me?"
God answered, "Tell them I AM has sent you"

YHWH (Yahweh) is the proper name of the living God
God is the God who is, who causes to be, and who will be who He will be
Thinking about God in this way gets my focus on Him

2008-10-07 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-mkaddesh

YHWH-mkaddesh means the Lord who sanctifies, he works to change and mold us

Reflection on his name - should remind us how desperately we need the Holy Spirit to work in our life

  • Should be confident that Christ's death was fully adequte
  • We need to be changed
  • We are powerless with him
  • Apart from His intervention, our life is unmanagable and unfruitful

2008-10-08 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-shamma

God is "the Lord who is present"
Shekinah is the Hebrew word meaning 'residence'

He has a great desire to dwell in the lives of believers:

  • Bodies have become the temple of the living God - 1 Corinthians 3:16
  • Jesus is our Immanuel - God with us
  • He promises that He is always with us - Matthew 28:20
  • He will never forsake us - Hebrews 13:5


2008-10-10 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-jireh
YHWH-jireh means "the Lord will provide"

Our God is a provider
God saw Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram

"My God will meet all your needs - Philippians 4:19

He is a good provider
Every good and perfect gift comes from His hand - James 1:17
No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly - Psalms 84:11

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