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2010-11-14 - Contagious Christian - Overriding Principles
Pray Hard
  • To give you wisdom and guide your words
  • Help others be open and interested
Talk to people individually
So they will not be embarrassed or concerned about the opinions of others

Pique Curiosity
Drop hints and create curiosity the way Jesus did with the woman at the well

Rely on Reciprocal Reflexes

Want to tell someone about your interests or beliefs, just start asking them about theirs

Seize Split-Second Opportunities

People provide us with the chance to raise topics of faith, but most are not prepared for them
It is one thing to see the opportunity but it is quite another to seize it - takes courage

Don't Underestimate their Degree of Interest
We can assume many are not interested but the truth is people today are getting tired of living without purpose

2010-11-15 - Power of the Cross
Preached by Maurice Hooks

Answers to life's question is @ the cross
Power struggles happen everyday
  • Money
  • Relationships
  • Control over resources
Jesus should be our true power source
We are at level ground at the foot of the cross

1 Corinthians 1:18-31
  • God is love but he also just and holy
  • There is no sin that can go unpunished
  • This the parents dilemma - should I punish or let it go?
  • God can not let anything go because of his nature
  • We do not have to have all the answers - not our "wisdom" but God's wisdom
When we take it to the cross, we are all equal
Are you impowered by the cross?

Colossians 1:15-20
  • In him all things hold together
  • How God can be just and for us to have salvation because of the blood of Jesus
  • It all comes through Jesus Christ
Power struggles in our lives:
  1. Age 4 - Going potty
  2. Age 12 - Having friends
  3. Age 17 - Having a car
  4. Age 35, 45, 55, 65 - Having Money
  5. Age 75 - Having a car
  6. Age 80 - Having friends
  7. Age 85 - Go potty
How the power of the cross needs to be seen in our lives

In our relationships
  • Deversity in the church
  • Strong Marriage
  • Unity
Overcoming our fears(1 John 4:7-21)
  • Acceptance
  • Future
  • What others think

2010-12-05 - Mission - Peter, To a Rock
Peter's talk with Jesus by the coals burned an incredible mark in the heart of Peter - John 21:9

At Pentecost, Peter is recorded by Luke to have
  • Heroic acts of wisdom - Acts 2:14
  • Boldness and courage
  • Healings - Acts 5:15-16
Peter had profoundly changed but sometimes rocks have rough edges
Paul was very angry with on an occasion - Galatians 2:11
But Peter grew to become a stronger disciple

While the world stagnates in, the Christian list is an exciting adventure in change

Peter was not only a hero because he changed but because he also persevered

2010-12-19 - Worlds Wisdom vs Gods Wisdom (part I)
1 Corinthians 1:18-20
  • Everyone wants to know “How can I really live?”
  • This passage spells out two fundamental ways to answer this question. The world’s wisdom or God’s wisdom.
  • How does man in his wisdom view God’s wisdom (the cross)?
  • How does God view man’s wisdom? Can we have it both ways?
  • If you think I am a fool and I think you are a fool, what will our relationship be like?
  • Establish the wide gulf in the two ways of viewing and living life.
1 Corinthians 3:18-20
  • Why does Paul say “Do not deceive yourselves?”
  • There is something about the world’s wisdom that is deceiving.
  • It is easy to convince ourselves that what we want to believe, what is comfortable, what is familiar, is right.
Matthew 16:13-17
  • What kind of man was Peter? Was he religious?
  • He certainly gets a right answer here.
  • According to Jesus, where does this answer come from?
Matthew 16:21-23
  • What does “Peter rebuked him” mean?
  • Peter thought he was seeing things God’s way, but in reality he was still on the side of the world’s wisdom.
  • We can know the right answers and still be living according to the wisdom of the world. What was Jesus’ response?
  • Where does the world’s wisdom really come from? From Satan. No wonder it is the opposite of God’s wisdom.

2010-12-20 - Worlds Wisdom vs Gods Wisdom (part II)
Before we go on:  What is the “world’s wisdom”?
  • If you asked a person who is street smart or the person on Wall Street or just a person who watches a lot of TV, what is at the heart of the world’s wisdom about how to live?
    • “Look out for number one.”
    • “Get what you want.”
    • “Get the power, the pleasure, the control you want.”
    • “Get the money.”
    • “Protect yourself.”
    • “Guard your rights.”
    • “Maintain your independence.”
  • And so what is at the center of man’s wisdom? Self! (See 2 Timothy 3:2)

Matthew 16:24-26
  • What is Jesus’ message? How is it the opposite of the world’s message?
    • Deny self– “disown” (Matthew 26:34). We renounce our old self, our old approach to life.
    • Take up the cross (instrument of death). Die to ourselves.
    • Follow Jesus. Make his life our model. Jesus life is a demonstration of his message.
  • What does Jesus say will be the bottom line for those who “save their own lives”? For those who foolishly lose their lives for him?
Final thoughts
  • What is everything on the left side (world’s wisdom) called? Sin.
  • What is everything on the right side (God’s wisdom) called? Love.
  • How have you lived according the world’s wisdom?
  • Have you ever made a decision to renounce it?
  • Which side was Peter still on (though he was religious)?
  • Which side are you on?

2011-02-08 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part I)
Christianity means a relationship with God
How can you have a relationship with someone you fear?

There was a time when committed Christians were known as God-fearing people
God delights in those who fear him
What is the fear of God?

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom - Proverbs 9:10

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge - Proverbs 1:7

Wisdom and knowledge are not the same
Knowledge is the accumulation of information

Two people can have the same knowledge and but do different times with them
  • Doctor that performs abortions
  • Doctor that helps saves babies
Knowledge can puff up - 1 Corinthians 8:1

Knowledge can lead to righteousness - Titus 1:1

2011-02-10 - Fearing God - Glorious Truth (part III)
Wisdom is commonly defined as good judgment
In the Bible, it also has a strong ethical content

The Lord abhors dishonest scales, but accurate weights are his delights - Proverbs 11:1
Honest is the best policy in business
Biblical wisdom always factors God into the equation
  • Society might cut corners just enough so it won't hurt business
  • The person who fears the Lord strives to be honest all the time
  • God-fearing more concerned about pleasing God than what is good for business
Honesty is the best policy but its wisdom has the wrong foundation.
It is essentially self-serving

Better a little with the fear of the Lord than great wealth with turmoil - Proverbs 15:16-17
This kind of wisdom can only come from the Lord
All levels of our society base their supposed happiness on their ability to acquire the possession they want

2011-03-28 - Old Testament - Seeking God
Old Testament Seeking God study
  • Isaiah 1:2 - God created us and cared for us but we rebelled agianst him
  • Jeremiah 29:11-14 - Will find God if you seek me with all your heart and soul
  • Proverbs 4:7 - Wisdom is supreme but it will cost you all you have
  • Psalms 10:4 - The arrogent say 'God won't hold me accountable'
  • Psalms 42:1-2 - David thirst for God
  • Psalms 62:1 - David waited patiently for God
  • Psalms 63:1 - He longed, thristed, yearned for God
  • Psalms 61:2 - He called out to God in despair

2011-04-23 - Names of Jesus (part XVII)
Names of Jesus, one scripture at a time:
  • True God - 1 John 5:20
  • True Light - John 1:9
  • True Vine - John 15:1
  • Truth - John 14:6
  • Way - John 14:6
  • Wisdom - Proverbs 8:12

2011-08-23 - Fearing God - Splendor on Display
DNA is estimated to contain instructions that would fill 1,000 600-page books yet it all would fit inside an ice cube

Human brain consists of 10 billion nerve cells

The best possible end of all God's actions is His own glory
Everything God does or allows in all His creation must ultimately serve His glory - there is no end higher

How many are your works? the earth is full of your creatures - Psalms 104:24
All creation is an art gallery for which God displays His splendor of His wisdom

Intricate designs are endless in their variety

In USA and Canada:
  • 700 varieties of butterflies
  • 8,000 varieties of moths
He simply spoke and all the works of nature came into being
God did not have to rely on trial and error

2011-08-24 - Fearing God - His rule
Job's attitude toward God in the beginning: It profits a man nothing when tries to please the God - Job 34:9
The Lord confronted him, "I will question you and you shall answer me - Job 38:2-3

Job 38-41 is a gallery of God's creative wisdom and power

What was Job's response?
I am unworthy - Job 40:4

God cares for His creation

He gives all men life and breath - Acts 17:25
He endows the heart with wisdom and gives understanding to the mind - Job 38:36

God governs His universe
He is the ruler of all things - 1 Chronicles 29:12
He does as he pleases - Daniel 4:35
Our plans depend entirely on him - Lamentations 3:37

God's rule is universal and absolute
A sparrow can not fall to the ground without His will - Matthew 10:29
Not one drop of rain falls without His command - Amos 4:7

2011-08-25 - Fearing God - His Unseen Hand
God's wisdom is not apparent to us

None had the intention of caring out God's plan:
  • The cry of a baby saved the Jewish nation from destruction
  • Decree from a Romans emperor about a census being taken fulfilled a promise from God
  • Assyrian army attacking the Jewish nation
    • The Assyrian wanted to conquer nations
    • God used it to punish His people - Isaiah 10:5,7
  • Joesph was sold into slavery
    • His brothers did not out of jealous
    • God intention was to save many lives
Two cows acted contrary to their natural instincts and returned the ark of the covenant - 1 Samuel 6

2011-08-26 - Fearing God - Mystery Too High
God work contrary to how we would
God wisdom is infinite; ours in finite
We tend to assume we would understand if God would just explain
We don't believe that "his understanding no one can fathom - Isiah 40:28

On the road to Emmaus, they said "they hoped Jesus was the one going to redeem Israel - Luke 24:21
They did not understand what God was doing even doing even as it was unfolding

Unexplained setback may never be understood
Paul planned to sail to Rome and Spain but ended up in jail for 2 years - Acts 24:27

Humility should be a hallmark those who fear God
I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me - Psalms 131:1

2011-09-08 - Followup: Humility I (part I)
Humility is essential in beginning and maintaining a relationship with God. Pride, the opposite of humility, is often difficult to see in yourself and difficult to define in one’s character. It can be described as stubbornness toward God and his Word as well as others, or as independence from God and/or others.

Let’s look at a few examples of what humility is NOT.
  1. Stubborn: Pharaoh was stubborn towards the Lord’s will - Exodus 13:15
  2. Pride: It’s hard to see your own pride but others can easily - Psalms 73:6
  3. Arrogance: God hates arrogance - Proverbs 8:13
Let’s look at what examples of humility truly looks like.
  1. Proverbs 15:33 - fear of God brings about wisdom and humility
  2. Proverbs 16:3 - put God first and you will be successful
  3. Philippians 2:3 - putting others before yourself
  4. Colossians 3:12 - we are to put on humility daily
  5. 1 Peter 5:5 - respect others and clothe yourself with humility

2011-10-03 - Genesis 3 - The Fall of Man


The serpent deceived the woman; she and Adam ate from the tree. Man blamed woman, woman blamed the serpent. The earth became cursed, and God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden.


Genesis 3:1 - Did God really say
The first way Satan tries to get Eve to disobey God is to create doubt to what God said. Many times Satan does not even try to tell us to do a 180 turn (you might notice what is going on then) - just a slight detour to the right or to the left [Deuteronomy 5:32]. It does not take much to get us off course from the narrow road [Matthew 7:14].

Genesis 3:4 - You will not surely die
Another temptation Satan throws our way is doubt in his punishment or promises. He would love for us to believe we will be judged at the end of our lives [John 12:48].  "Live your life the way you want to" - Satan. He does not want you to remember the promises God has spoken to encourage us in our walk with him.

Genesis 3:6 - desirable for gaining wisdom
When struggling with sin, we often come up with "good" reasons why we need to sin. In this case, Eve comes up with a "spiritual" reason. She wanted to gain "wisdom" - we need to have wisdom in our daily lives, right? God does not always reveal everything to us and for good reason. We should start with fear of the Lord since it is the beginning of wisdom [Psalms 111:10].

Genesis 3:9 - Where are you?
Good question to ask ourselves all the time. Where am I in relation to God? We often "disappear" when we sin either physically or more likely mentally. When we look in a mirror [James 1:23-24], we are blinded and do not see our true selves. We don't want to deal with the underlying problems in our character - it will be paining and requires effort but in the end it is worth it.

Genesis 3:19 - dust you are and to dust you will return
If you need a reminder on humility, this scripture will help. We come from the dirt of the ground and we will return there someday. We need to seize the days we have - stop worrying about tomorrow [Matthew 6:34].

Personal Application

I need to be aware of Satan's tricks continuously. He does not want to be noticed. I need to pray and reflect on how I am living my life and find where Satan is getting me to deviate even a fraction of a degree. I need also examine my thought and find out they are out of line with God's Word. I will ask others what they see where I have taken a devour on God's narrow road.

2012-02-24 - Fear of Failure - When We Don't Meet Expectations
by Maritza Kim - Ministry Intern: San Francisco Church of Christ

Jeremiah 1:4-10

To me, "failure" has meant not living up to expectations--either what I expect of myself or what others expect of me. In my pride, I get angry when my weakness is exposed, and I see how ill equipped I am to face a certain task or spiritual battle. Instead of trusting in God and turning to him to strengthen me, give me wisdom, and make me able, I get a quitter's mentality. I decide that because I am not already able, I will take myself out so I no longer have to face my failure. I decide to take the easy road, where I can be "successful" and no longer feel the pressure to change the
core sin in my character.

In this scripture, I learn that God has had a destiny for our lives. God has known me since 'before I was in the womb.' He knows the stuff I'm made of. He knows what I am weak in and what I can and can't do. Yet he has still called me to serve him in awesome ways, and to do it with all my heart. He has appointed me to serve him, and that needs to be my focus. If I am focused on my daily relationship with him, get humble and open about my failures, and if I serve him with all my heart, he will fulfill the destiny he has for my life!

Three Decisions I've Made
  • Admit my sin and weaknesses
  • Ask for help from God and others
  • Commit myself to serving God, no matter my shortcomings

2013-09-07 - Man of Resposibility

When did you become a man? Men are often unsure.

Learning this can not only help us understand ourselves better but also help our sons become secure men as well.

When Jesus was twelve years old and His parents accidentally left Him
They didn’t find Him in a back alley playing with children. They found Him in the temple - Luke 2:46-47

After this event, the Scriptures say that He “kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” - Luke 2:52

In the Jewish community today, when a boy reaches puberty (around the age of thirteen)
Bar means “son of.” Mitzvah means “the law”

  • When asked to give a financial contribution during a census, God required it of every man “twenty years old and over.” - Exodus 30:14
  • When making vows to fund the sanctuary, God expected the “males from twenty years even to sixty years old” to give the most - Leviticus 27:3
  • Men ready to fight in war for Israel were men who were “twenty years old and upward.” - Numbers 1:3
  • Men who were held accountable and punished severely by God were, again, those “twenty years old and upward.” - Numbers 14:29

He may have become a responsible adult earlier than twenty, but by then he had no excuse.

God calls us to an appropriate and excellent standard: His.

To be a man is to fully own your roles as an adult, husband, father, employee, neighbor, and any other role you choose to undertake.

2013-10-23 - Protect Them

Fathers are the primary protectors - physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
When walking down the isle

  • The father is saying he has guarded her moral purity throughout her life for her husband - 2 Corinthians 11:2
  • And the man she is marrying is proven morally, financially, and spiritually qualified to lead her, provide for her, and protect her from that day on

When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are undisturbed - Luke 11:21

You should not only guard your own heart but your wife’s as well
Your children need help making the right decisions. That is why you are still their dad.
Being active on the front end as a father will pay off well and save you time and heartache on the back end.

Teaches your children to love wisdom instead of developing a greater appetite for the world.
Your job is not just to give your children boundaries but to use God’s Word to teach them how to think wisely
Train them to fear and love God and not to “set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men.” - Proverbs 4:14–15

The older your kids get, the more they will need to understand the rationale behind your rules.
They willthen  discern why certain things are right and wrong, wise and unwise, better and best.
This requires your courageous leadership!

2014-03-18 - Teach Them to Fear the Lord (part II)

The fear of the Lord one keeps away from evil - Proverbs 16:6

How one may avoid the snares of death - Proverbs 14:2

Fear of the Lord causes our other fears to go away

  • Wisdom, counsel, and understanding begin with the fear of the Lord - Proverbs 8:14
  • Wealth, honor, and fruitfulness follow the fear the Lord - Proverbs 8:17-19
  • The fruits of humility and a proper hatred of pride and evil from this fear - Proverbs 8:13

How blessed is the man who fears the LORD - Psalms 112:1-2

Prayerfully ask God to help us develop a strong fear of the Lord

Training them to fear the Lord sets them up to live with incredible wisdom and success:

  • He is omniscient and always watching them - Proverbs 15:3
  • They will reap what they sow - Galatians 6:7
  • He will judge them one day - Romans 14:12
  • He is a great rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and obey Him - Hebrews 11:6

2015-04-01 - Request That Honors God

King Solomon: Who by himself is able to govern this great people of yours? - 1 Kings 3:9

As Solomon was preparing to succeed his father, King David, he knew he couldn't handle the task

He didn't think twice when God asked him what he mosted wanted for himself

Solomon could have asked for anything (long life, riches) but he foucsed on his most immediate need - wisdom and understanding

God liked what he heard and gave Solomon exactly what he had asked for and more

Solomon receieved wisdom and understanding beyond any other man - 1 Kings 3:11-12

2015-04-08 - Conditional Blessing

You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you - 1 Samuel 13:13

Full blessings from God depends on our obedience

Saul, Israel's first king, fell flat on his face

Samuel had given Saul clear instructions - Go ahead to Gilgal and wait me me - 1 Samuel 13:8

He foolishly decieded to play the role of a priest and perform sacrifices in a way that clearly violated God's law

Saul squandered his chance at greatness because he lacked the courage and wisdom to obey

Live according to his Word and you put yourself in a prefect position to receive all he had for you and your family

2015-04-25 - Gift of Time

Remember how short my life is - No one can live forever, all will die - Psalms 89:47-48

The essence of gody wisdom is realizing that we are mortal and our days are numbered

Ethan was in touch with his mortality and immortality - I will sing of the Lord's unfailing love forever - Psalms 89:1

He knew how to put his time on earth to the best use by openly praising God

How are you spending the time God has given you?

2015-04-26 - Delegation

Why are you trying to do all this alone? - Exodus 18:14

A wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Nobody lives long enough to make them all himself.

Moses filled hs plate to overflowing - working from dawn to dusk

This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself - Exodus 18:17-18

Jethro's advice: Slow down and let someone who feared and loved God do a part of the work

As a priest of Midian and successful businessman, Jethro had a lot of wisdom to share

Your mistakes can be put to good use by encouraging others to not repeat them

2015-05-09 - Watch and Pray

Jesus returned and found the disciples sleeping - Mark 14:37

He knew their weaknesses

Jesus told his disciples eariler that evening that they would all abadon him

As Jesus prayed in the garden that night, Peter fell fast asleep leaving him defenseless against the coming temptation

The big fisherman failed Jesus miserably because he relied on his own strength and courage

When you remain prayerfully on alert for those temptations, God can give you the strength and wisdom you need

2015-05-18 - Wisdom to Listen

Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God - Genesis 41:38

One of a man's most important traits is his willingness to listen

The Pharaoh that lived during Joseph's lifetime had the humility to listen and thus saved countless lives

Pharaoh sent for Joseph, who was in prision at the time, and asked him what his dreams meant

Pharaoh listened to Joseph and appointed him to administer to the food program through the coming drough

Have you learned to listen?

God places people in your life with the purpose of giving you wisdom and direction

2015-06-07 - Learn to Listen

Fools think their own way is right - Proverbs 12:15

David advised Solomon to observe the requirements of the Lord and follow all his ways - 1 Kings 2:3-4

Solomon may have spoken words of wisdom but his life ended in foolishness:

  • Took 700 wives
  • 300 mistresses
  • Some of the woman were from outside his nationality and religon

Solomon's failure to practice what he preached led to his downfall

His wives turned his heart away from God and toward idol worship

You will save yourself a lot of trouble by knowing the Word of God and doing what is says


2015-06-12 - It's about love

Does the law permit good deeds on the Sabbath or is it a day for doing evil? - Mark 3:4

Nothing gets the attention of a religous old guard faster than trying something new and different

Example: Jesus on earth with the Jewish leaders with so many rules and regulations

No one could keep all the rules and certainly not while joyfully serving God

Jesus' wisdom steered people back toward the spirit of the law - root in the love for God and neighbor

He healed a man in need and the leaders called it working therefore wrong

Are you legalist or do you enjoy the freedom Jesus came to give you?

2015-07-05 - Bottomline Wisdom

My final conclusion: Fear God and obey his commands, for this is everyone's duty - Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

There is in hte heart of every man a God-shaped void

Solomon had it all, but he eventually concluded that those things were not enough - which amounted to exactly nothing

His life was empty

Solomon asked God for wisdom and became the wisest man who ever lived

Despite God's warnings, Solomon drifted from the Lord and turned to other gods

Without God, life amounts to nothing but birth, lots of hard work, and death

When you make Jesus Christ central to everything, even everyday events have meaning and significance

2015-08-10 - True Leader

An elder... an honorable position - 1 Timiothy 3:1

Timothy faced the daunting responsibility of picking the right leaders for his congregation

Paul instructed Timothy to look for leaders with:

  • Good personal lives
  • Exemplary family lives
  • Self-control
  • Wisdom
  • Gentleness

Timothy understood that God had called all believers to live by a higher standard than the world around them

Being a church leader means consistently demonstrating the kind of character worthy of being emulated

2015-09-01 - Real Life Knowledge

Who is this that questions my wisdom with such ignorance? - Job 42:3

You really find out what he or she is made of when you're not at your best

After suffering through the loss of his property, wealth, health, and family, Job came to better understand God - Job 1:8

God had called Job a man of complete integrity - Job 1:8

When he suffered, he began to question God, complaining to God and accusing God of treating him unjustly

When God revealed himself, Job had to retrack the foolish things he said.

I take back everything I said and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance - Job 42:6

Job began to understand his smallest: I had only heard about you before, but now I have seen you with my own eyes - Job 42:5

2015-10-07 - Pressure is On

I thanks and praise you, God, for you have given me wisdom - Daniel 2:23

Nebuchadnezzar had a strange dream and wanted to know what it meant

When his advisors couldn't help, he had them all executed

Daniel asked the king if he could take a crack at interpreting the royal dream

The pressure was on - Daniel needed answers and soon

Daniel asked his friend to pray for divine revelation  and he received a vision that clearly explained the kig's dream

God gave Daniel exactly what he needed to save his life and his friends lives

When Daniel was squeezed, out came his faith in God who does his best work under pressure

2015-10-26 - Message Make the Man

While I was with you I would forget everything expcet Jesus Christ - 1 Corinthians 2:2

People who encoutered Paul understood what was most important to him: Christ sin-defeating death and grave-defeating life

He spent most of his life observing the Jewish laws and traditions but now everything was about Christ

Paul made it a point to forget everything else besides Christ:

  • Impressive Education
  • Impeccable religious pedigree
  • Personal wisdom

Paul had more education and experiences more than anyone but chose to focus on one simple message of faith and love

Does your life convey the simple message that Jesus loves them?

2015-11-21 - Choose Carefully

You and I are as one. My troops are your troops and my horses are your horses - 1 Kings 22:4

There is a danger of entering into alliances with evil men who have no intent to keep the peace

Jehoshaphat marred his legacy into an ill-advised and miltary alliance with Ahab - the godless king of Israel - 2 Kings 22:43-44

This led to a stinging defeat for Jehoshaphat and Israel and strong rebuke from the prophet Jehu - 2 Chronicles 19:13

God spared him because he had otherwise served him faithfully

His error was the comprise and lack of wisdom in dealing with Ahab

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