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2008-06-04 - Purpose Driven Life - Developing Your Friendship with God
You are as close as you choose to be to God
Must work to develop your friendship
Must choose to be honest

...about your faults and feelings
No one in the Bible was perfect:
  • Abraham - allowed to question and challenge
  • David - God patient during his accusations
  • Job - allowed to vent his bitterness
  • Moses - told God exactly how he felt
God listens to the passionate word; bored with predictable
We may harbor resentment toward God
He wants you to hold back nothing about how you feel
Choose to obey
John 15:14 - You are my friends if you do what I command
We are not equals - We obey obey God because we love him
True friendship isn't passive; it acts
"Great things for God" - Great things come once in a lifetime; small things come everyday
Must choose to value what God values

What does God value the most? His lost children
Must desire a friendship with God more than anything
Longing, yearning, thirsting, hungering - that was David
Nothing matters more
NO: What is it worth to you?
NO: What cost is too much?
Problems are wake-up calls for you come back to him

2008-06-10 - Purpose Driven Life - A Place to Belong
You are called to belong
Relationship with Christ is personal but not private
Your organs are connected to other organs to fulfill a purpose
Organ severed from the body will shrivel and die
Christ loved the church and gave his life for it - Ephesians 5:25
Church is Christ's bride
Can't say to Christ "I love you but I do not love your wife
Why you need a Church Family?
1. Identifies you as a genuine believer
2. Move you out of self-centered isolation
Lab for practicing unselfishness
Learn to care about others
If one part suffers, all suffer - 1 Corinthians 12:16
We ought to lay down our lives for our brothers - 1 John 3:16
3. Helps develop spiritual muscle
Isolation breeds deceitfulness
4. Body Needs you
5. Share in Christ's mission - He works through us
6. Church family will help you from backsliding
"Mind your own business" - not a Christian phrase
It is your responsibility to help those who need help
Difference between a church attender and a church member is commitment

2008-06-15 - Purpose Driven Life - Created to Become Like Christ
You are created to become like Christ

Jesus' mission is restore the full image that we have lost
God's ultimate goal for your life on earth in not comfort but character development
If we forget this, you will become frustrated by your circumstances

You exist for God's purpose, not vice versa

Only the Holy Spirit has the power to make the changes God wants to make in our lives - Philippians 2:13

We must cooperate with the Holy Spirit's work

Obedience unlocks God's power
God waits for you to act first
Make every effort - Luke 13:24; Romans 14:19; Ephesians 4:3; 2 Timothy 2:15

Ephesians 4:22-24 - Responsibilities in belonging like Christ:
  • Choose to let go of old ways
  • Must change the way we think
  • Must put on the "character of Christ by developing new, godly habits

God uses his Word, people, and circumstances to mold us
  • Truth we need to grow
  • Support when we need guidance or when we fail
  • Environment we need to practice Christ-likeness
In many religions, the mature isolate themselves, not those who are being like Christ

Being like Christ is a long, slow process of growth - You are a work in progress

2008-06-16 - Purpose Driven Life - How We Grow

God wants you to grow up - some grow older but never grow up (Ephesians 4:14-15)

Nothing shapes your life than the commitments you make
Many are afraid to commit to anything and drift through life

God's part and your part

Our part is to: Continue to work out our salvation with fear and trembling - Philippians 2:12-13

Our role = "work out" salvation (grow - in a body workout we have our body but we make it better)
God's role = "work in" us

Changing your autopilot

Becareful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts - Proverbs 4:23
Changing what you think, changes you

Going on a diet, exercising does not work if you do not change your thinking - "I am going on a diet"

The way you think determines the way you feel - which influences how you act - Ephesians 4:23

Babies by nature are completely selfish
Many never grow beyond that kind of thinking

It is not the amount of biblical information and doctrine you know
Deeds must be constant with our creeds / Beliefs backed up with Christlike behavior

2008-06-17 - Purpose Driven Life - Transformed by Truth

The truth transforms us

Spiritual growth is the process of replacing lies with truth

Everything around you exists because "God said so"
Job - I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread (Job 23:12)

Must accept the Bible's authority

  • Compass to be relyed on
  • Counsel to listen to
  • Benchmark for evaluating

Unrealiable authorities (at the Garden of Eden as well):

  • Culture - "everyone is doing it"
  • Tradition - "we' ve always done it"
  • Reason - "it seems logical"
  • Emotion - "it just feels right"

Must assimilate its truth

Allow yourself to be transformed by the truth

  1. Receive God's Word - Consider carefully how you listen - Luke 8:18
  2. Read God's Word - Read it as long as we live - Deuteronomy 17:19
  3. Research God's Word  - Write down insights, ask questions
  4. Remebering God's Word - Remember what is important to you; memorize; resist tempation
  5. Reflect on God's Word  - Meditate, focused thinking

Must apply it principles

  • We can fool ourselves that studying is doing
  • Applying the Word is hard work
  • Alway good to write down an action step from the result of your studying
    • Personal (involves you)
    • Practical (can be done)
    • Provable (deadline)


2008-06-18 - Purpose Driven Life - Transformed by Trouble

God has a purpose behind every problem

God uses problems to draw you closer to himself
Lord is close to the brokenhearted - Psalms 34:18

God had the ability to kept:

  • Joesph out of jail
  • Daniel out the lion's den
  • Paul from being shipwrecked 3 times
  • Young Hebrew from being thrown in a furance

... but he didn't

Problem force us to look to God and depend on him
None of your problem could happen without God's permission

Romans 8:28-29 (NLT)

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. For God knew his people in advance, and he chose them to become like his Son, so that his Son would be the firstborn, with many brothers and sisters.

  • "God causes everything" - God is behind everything
  • "to work together" - work together as part of God's plan
  • "for the good" - the end result is for our hearts to be more like Jesus
  • "of those who love God" - those who are obedient
  • "according to his purpose"  - the purpose is "become like his Son"

2008-06-23 - Purpose Driven Life - Dont Get In A Hurry
Believe God is working in your life - Expect gradual improvement

Keep a notebook or journal of lessons learned
  • Write down insights God teaches you
  • Reason we must relearn lessons is forget them
  • Keep a firm grip on what you have heard - so you don't drift - Hebrews 2:1
Be patient with God and your self

There are many examples where God goes through the process of maturing
It took over eighty years to mature Moses
Don't try to get out of anything prematurely - James 1:4

Don't get discouraged

Things God plans don't always happen right away, just be patient - Habakkuk 2:3
A delay is not denial from God

2008-06-24 - Purpose Driven Life - Accepting Your Assignment
You were put on earth to make a contribution

Not what we get out of life, it what you give

You were created to server God

God created us for a life of good deeds - Ephesians 2:10
Set apart for a special work - Jeremiah 1:5

You were saved to server God

Saved us and chose us for his holy work - 2 Timothy 1:9
We are not saved by service but you are saved for service
Offer yourself as living sacrifices to God - Romans 12:1
Our love for each other proves we have gone from death to life - 1 John 3:14

A saved heart is one that wants to server
He leaves us here to fulfill his purpose

2008-06-27 - Purpose Driven Life - Shaped for Serving God
Before God created you, he decided what role he wanted you to play on earth
You were made for a specific ministry.

Created in Christ to do good works - Ephesians 2:10

God does not make junk
God never wastes anything - he did not give you talents and gifts unless he intended for you to use them for his glory

God shapes us:
Spiritual Gifts

We will look at spiritual gifts and heart today:

SHAPE: Spiritual Gifts

He alone decides which gift each person should have - 1 Corinthians 12:11
If you had them all, you would not need others; teaches us to love and depend on each other

Given gifts for the benefit of others
Gift given as a means of helping the entire church - 1 Corinthians 12:7

Two gift problems:
  • Gift-envy - wanting a gift that someone else has
  • Gift-projection - expect others to the same gifts as we do
SHAPE: Heart

Heart = desires, hopes, interest, ambition, dreams, and passion
Heart reflects the person - Proverbs 27:19
You may have interest that no one else has - from God

Don't ignore your interest; consider how they might be used by God

Serve the Lord with all of your heart - Deuteronomy 11:13

How do you know if you are serving the Lord with all of your heart?
  • Enthusiasm - what you love to do; no one has to motivate
  • Effectiveness - passion drives perfection
A simple life is better than a rich life with headaches - Proverbs 15:16

2008-06-29 - Purpose Driven Life - Using Personality and Experiences


You are very unique 102,400,000,000 in DNA terms
All the particles in the universe is less than 1076

It is obvious that God loves variety
God works through different people in different ways; achieves his purpose through all - 1 Corinthians 12:6
So many personality conflicts between just the 12 disciples

It is easier to  work with the grain than against it
Mimicking someone else exactly does not work


  • Family experiences
  • Education experiences
  • Vocational experiences
  • Spiritual experiences
  • Ministry experiences
  • Painful experiences

Greatest ministry comes from our most likely come from your greatest pain
God allows you to go through painful experiences for ministry of others

When others are troubled, we will be able to give them the comfort God has given us - 2 Corinthians 1:4

Paual was honest with his bouts of depression
He eventually put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us - 2 Corinthians 1:8-10

If Paul kept his experience to himslef, millions of people would have never benefitted from it

Don't waste your pain, us it to help others


2008-06-30 - Purpose Driven Life - Using What God Gave You

Begin by assessing your gifts and talents

Take a long honest look at what you are good at
Try to have a sane estimate of your abilities - Romans 12:3
Make a list and ask other people

Experiment with different areas of service
When it doesn't not work out, call it an "experiment", not a failure

Consider your heart and personality
Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given - Galatians 6:4

Examine your experiences and extract lessons you have learned

Remember today what you have learned about the Lord - Deuteronomy 11:2
Forgotten experiences are worthless
Paul - "Were all your experiences wasted? I hope not! - Galatians 3:4

Were rarely see God's good purpose - John 13:7

Run with patience the particular race that God has set before us - Hebrews 12:1

Satan can steal our joy by:

  1. Compare your ministry with others - others doing a better job
  2. Conform your ministry to the expectations of others - you are doing better and you full of pride

Avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations, and seek only God's commendations - 1 Corinthians 10:12-18


2008-07-04 - Purpose Driven Life - Thinking Like a Servant (part 2)

Servants think about their work, not what others are doing

They do not compare, criticize, or compete with other servants; same goal and same team
When you are busy serving, you don't have time to be critical
Our job is not to evaluate - Lord will determine the sucessfulness  of his servant - Romans 14:4

If you serve like Jesus, expect to be criticized
The service of the sinful (pouring perfume on Jesus) was though to be a waste but just though of it as significant - Matthew 26:10

Servants base their identity in Christ

They are loved and accepted by grace, servants don't have to prove their worth
Jesus washing feet - Jesus understood his worth and the task did not threathen his self-image - John 13:3-4

Insecure people are always worrying about how they appear; want others to serve them instead
Only God's approval counts - 2 Corinthians 10:18

Servants think of ministry as an opportunity, not an obligation

Serve the Lord with gladness - Psalms 100:2
The Father rewards anyone who serves him - John 12:26
He will not forget how hard you have worked - Hebrews 6:10

The only really happy people are those who have learned to serve

2008-07-05 - Purpose Driven Life - Gods Power in My Weakness (part 1)

God loves weak people and everyone has weaknesses

We usually deny, defend, excuse, hide and resent weaknesses

God wants to use our strengths and weaknesses - 1 Corinthians 1:27
Your weaknesses are not an accident
Being "poor in spirit" is the #1 attitude he blesses - Matthew 5:3
God is never limited by our limitations

Admit your weaknesses

Might be a good idea to list them

Two great confessions:

  1. You are the Chrst (Matthew 16:16) - we need a savior
  2. We are only human (Acts 14:15) - we are not God

Be content with your weaknesses

I am glad about my weaknesses, so the power of Christ may work - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Reasons to be content:

  1. Causes us to depend on God - the less I have, the more I depend on him - 2 Corinthians 12:10
  2. Prevents arrogance - So I wouldn't get a big head - 2 Corinthians 12:7
  3. Encourages fellowship
  4. Increases sympathy


2008-07-10 - Purpose Driven Life - Made for a Mission (part 2)
Your mission is a wonderful privilege
  • You are working with God
  • You are representing God
We're Christ representatives and become friends with God - 2 Corinthians 5:20

Telling others how they can have eternal is the best thing you can do

If have the cure for AIDs, you would share it
You just have to remember the hopeless you felt without Christ

Your mission has eternal significance

Impact the eternal destiny of other people
Consequences will last for ever; consequences of your job will not

All of us must quickly carry our tasks; all work comes to an end - John 9:4

2008-07-11 - Purpose Driven Life - Made for a Mission (part 3)
Your mission give your life meaning

The nest use of your life is to spend it for something that outlast you.
My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me - Acts 20:24
The is some people that only you can reach

God's timetable is connected to the completion of our mission

Some are focus on when Christ will come
No one knows (or will know) the day or hour of the end - Matthew 24:36
It is not for us to know; it is up to us to witness - Acts 1:7-8
Jesus quickly switch the conversations from prophecy to evangelism

Satan would rather have do anything besides sharing your faith
Expect Satan to throw all kinds of diversion at you
Anyone who lets themselves get distracted from God's plan is not fit for the Kingdom of God - Luke 9:62

2008-07-14 - Purpose Driven Life - Sharing Your Message (Godly Passions)
God passionately loves some things and passionately hates things other thing
The closer you are to God - you will share these view

Jesus - Man's heart determines his speech - Matthew 12:34
David - Zeal for God's work burn within him - Psalms 69:9
Jeremiah - Cannot keep silent - Jeremiah 20:9

Are defend the defenseless, those who can not speak for themselves
Should not expect everyone to have the exact same passion as you

It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good - Galatians 4:18

2008-07-16 - Purpose Driven Life - Becoming a World-Class Christian (part 2)
Shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking

Stop thinking like children (thinking like only of self), and like like mature people (grown ups) - 1 Corinthians 14:20
Most advertising encourages selfish thinking

To make the paradigm switch to mature thinking - need to dependence of God
God has given us his Spirit so we don't think like the world thinks - 1 Corinthians 2:12

Shift from local thinking to global thinking

God so loved the world... - John 3:16
God made all the nations and where they would be, so we would look for him - Acts 17:26-27

The world already thinks globally: business, competition, and news
If you ask me, I will give you the nations - Psalms 2:8

What should we pray for?
  1. Opportunities to witness - Colossians 4:3
  2. Courage to speak up - Ephesians 6:19
  3. Rapid spread of the gospel - John 17:20
  4. More workers - 2 Thessalonians 3:1

2008-07-22 - 30 Days at the Cross - Hating Sin

We can feel pain because God feels pain
By his wounds you have been healed - 1 Peter 2:24


  • Have you loved someone wholeheartedly and they stopped loving you?
  • Has someone take advantage of you?
  • Have you ever been neglected, forgotten, or rejected?

Amazing grace cost amazing pain

Don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? - James 4:4-5

How does God feel about:

  • Lack of trust?
  • Sexual sin?
  • Lack of care?
  • Being pushed aside because of school or business?
The greater capacity to love, the greater the capacity to feel pain

Imagine that you can home from work and you found a dog that just kill your child
We killed Jesus with our sin, how should we be treated?
  • How do you feel about sin? Do you hate it?
  • Do you allow sin to stay around?
Your hatred toward sin is in proportion to your love for the one who died for you
Resist the devil and he will flee; Come near to God and he will near to you - James 4:7-10

2008-07-26 - 30 Days at the Cross - Wisdom and Power of God

Will the cross ever make sense to the world?

Will all the wisdom of the world, no one has found God
Man destined to frustration by God himself to show themselves helpless without God

Jews sought a miracle worker general ignoring scriptures like Isaiah 53
Greeks described god as apatheia - total inability to feel; looked don on uncultered Christians

God's plan was never to impress prideful scholars or to find acceptance among the rulers of the ages

Some things never change:

  • Graduate student in the laborary for 100 hours - OK
  • Athlete who trains 6-8 hours a day - OK
  • Executive working 60 hours a week - OK
  • Someone passionate about Christ - Bad

Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing
Man without the Spirit does not accpet spiritual things - 1 Corinthians 2:14
God has blinded the minds of unbelievers - 2 Corinthians 4:4

God didn't come to impress the world. Are you?

2008-08-05 - Questions and Answers - Part 6

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Is marriage approved?
  2. Is there one God or more than one God?
  3. Should our good works be seen or unseen?
  4. Was Christ's mission peace or not?
  5. Was Christ's testimony of himself is true?
  6. Was Keturah Abrahams' wife or concubine?
  7. Where did Cain get his wife?


2008-08-06 - Questions and Answers - Part 7

Answered the following questions in the Q & A section:

  1. Did God put all rulers in power?
  2. Is God present everywhere, sees all things, and knows all things?
  3. Should we observe the Sabbath?
  4. Should we practice physical resistance?
  5. Should work be done on the Sabbath?
  6. Was Jesus the only one to ascend into heaven?
  7. Was John the Baptist Elijah?
  8. Was there one or two men seeking Jesus?
  9. What is God's anger like?


2008-08-13 - 30 Days at the Cross - Lasting Impact
We learn that we should pursue: fame, fortune, and material possessions from the world

Jesus refutes all that we have learned - service, sacrifice, and spiritual power
  • Connection to the highest places - John 1:11
  • His ability to move the masses was unparalleled - Matthew 7:28
  • His understanding of what it takes to succeed was clear and unwavering - John 12:23-24
  • He stayed on task until it was done - John 19:30

Many of us spend more time at work than any other single place
If we aren't living the cross here, how can we be living it at all

Honest is required - may mean less money or advancement

Time commitment - it is easy to get caught up at work
Every disciple needs to work hard - but what is the reason?
  • Working for a promotion
  • Earn more money
  • Gain material possessions
  • Working for the Lord - Colossians 3:23
Is it to please your boos, yourself, or God? - Rich young ruler - Matthew 19:16-30

How could a temporary ob on earth be more important than Jesus and his work?
If we compromise at work, how will we ever overcome the world?

2008-08-25 - Teach Us To Pray - God Almighty
There is no other rock - Isaiah 44:6-8

God is the Almighty God
  • Nothing he cannot do
  • No victory he cannot win
  • No tragedy he cannot overcome
  • No mountain he cannot move
When we see God work in other's lives we ask:
  • How did you do that?
  • Give us the recipe
  • Whisper the secret
Simply decided to pray more, God did more
More we pray, more God can answer
He is not confined to small boxes and humanistic limitations

2008-09-01 - Teach Us To Pray - Hungry and Thirsty (part 2)
We must Desire God Alone
Many people fail to have satisfying prayer lives because they are double-minded when they pray
Must do our best to rid ourselves of distractions
Unless you passionately fight for time alone with God, it will not happen

God Blesses the Hungry Heart
When we pray righteously, it allows God to work powerfully in our lives
  • Blessed are those who hunger for they will be filled - Matthew 5:6
  • Everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks finds - Matthew 7:7-8
  • You have not because you ask not - James 4:2
  • Judah sought God, and he was found by them - 2 Chronicles 15:15
  • Sometimes we need to wrestle with God to show how much we want it - Genesis 32:26
Power of prayers are dependent on the hunger in your heart
No hungry heart will ever be turned away

2008-09-07 - Teach Us To Pray - Honesty and Openness
Honest communication is crucial element to any great relationship: God, spouse, children.

Consider how ludicrous it is to not be real with God:
  • He knows what is in our hearts
  • He knows what we are really seeking
  • He knows what we need
Only honesty with God makes sense!

  • He questioned the wisdom of God's choice
  • Argued his lack of eloquence
  • Says he does not want the responsibility
  • He is honest - he gives God something to work with - Exodus 4:13
David - example of his Psalms:
  • Why do you hide yourself in trouble? - Psalms 10:1-2 - logically does not make sense but this is where David was
  • Later, he works it out in prayer (v17) - LORD, you have heard the request of the oppressed; you make them feel secure because you listen to their prayer.

It is in our openness that we hear our faithlessness and can turn away from it.

God wants a relationship with you
He wants to know our longings, aspirations, problems, anxieties, doubts, and even our sin

2008-09-16 - Teach Us To Pray - The Church of Jesus
Disciples must have a deep commitment to pray for the needs of the church:
  • Church "universal" - all congregations
  • Church "militant" - war against evil
  • Church "triumphant" - the mission God has given us
Praying is hard work. Let's get practical:
  1. Pray with variety, creativity, and perseverance - Ephesians 6
  2. Pray for all the saints - Philippians 1:4
  3. Pray for upcoming meetings
  4. Intercede for world leaders - 1 Timothy 2:1-2
  5. Tour your city - Get a map; drive around pray for the different parts
  6. Incorporate biblical themes
  7. Tour the world
  8. Pray for your elders
  9. Pray for the church's work among the needy of your city
  10. Pray for the special ministries within your church
  11. Pray for new church plantings

2008-09-17 - Teach Us To Pray - The Harvest Is Plentiful
Jesus promises a great harvest but the worker are few (Matthew 9:35-38):
  • Even when there was a large crows of disciples - Luke 6:17
  • Even when the is a entire town gathered - John 4:2
God controls the harvest
Fruitfulness limited primarily by one thing - God himself

Gratitude control the harvest
Luke 9 - The charge was to preach the kingdom and heal the sick
They gave to everyone who had need - Acts 2:43-47
Salvation wasn't just a doctrine rather a reality in their lives
Jesus spent much of his time meeting physical needs, feeding, comforting, healing, serving
As a result, people spread the word even more
Reflects the power of meeting needs and our heart as a worker

To acquire this heart, we need to pray:
  • For the strength to live this way
  • For the trust needed to believe
  • For the supplies necessary to meet every need
  • For the godliness to live as the Bible directs

2008-09-18 - Teach Us To Pray - Courage and Boldness
Prayer reminds us God is in control
It is his battle, I belong to God, and God will make me successful
God will not let me be tempted beyond what I can bear - 1 Corinthians 10:13

To pray for boldness and courage:
  1. Trust - We are exactly the way God wants us to be; he will make up what we are not - 2 Timothy 1:7
  2. Righteousness - Righteous are as bold as a lion; god can not hear us if we cherish sin - Psalms 66:18
  3. Action - do what the word says; Keep praying until you act
Does our faith come from our results or our results come from our faith

God's work cannot be done in this world without courage

2008-09-23 - Teach Us To Pray - Going Through the Open Door

Luke 11:9-10 - Asking, Seeking, and Knocking as three separate commands to be obeyed
Three steps toward a single goal

The idea of the door being opened is associated with God-given opportunity - 1 Corinthians 2:12

The rest of the chapter is about how God worked in the author's life, opening doors.

2008-10-03 - Man of Prayer - Relationship

After asking for help from the Holy Spirit, then focus on the relationship with
Prayer is primarily a vehicle of relationship

Pater (greek) = father
Abba (aramaic) = intimacy and endearment = daddy

Holy Spirit in our lives is a spirit of adoption by which God give us our spiritual birthright (Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6)

He delights when we come to Him as our Father, Abaa, Daddy:

  • Mr. Bentson - wrong
  • Mr. Benson - contact
  • Benson - co-worker
  • Chad - friend
  • Dad - daughter
  • Honey - wife

The closer you are, the better responce you will get
He delights in your desire to spend time with Him

This relationship is critical to a healthy and vitaul prayer life
His fatherhood becomes real in my life
Bridge the gap between what I know in my head and what I experience in my life

2008-10-07 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-mkaddesh

YHWH-mkaddesh means the Lord who sanctifies, he works to change and mold us

Reflection on his name - should remind us how desperately we need the Holy Spirit to work in our life

  • Should be confident that Christ's death was fully adequte
  • We need to be changed
  • We are powerless with him
  • Apart from His intervention, our life is unmanagable and unfruitful

2008-10-13 - Man of Prayer - YHWH-shalom
Means "the Lord is peace"

Gideon had a powerful encounter with the angel of the Lord - Gave the name at the alter - Judges 6:24

Hebrew word shalom = welling being, contentment, harmony, fulfillment, and wholeness.
It communicates a total state of well-being which comes from a proper relationship with God

The blessing of God brings the peace of God
He is the source of your peace - Ephesians 2:14
Peace is the result of God's Spirit working in your life - Galatians 5:22

2008-10-22 - Man of Prayer - Praying for your nation
US is facing a moral and ethical decline
It is a result of the influence of a small minority who work harder to promote their value system than we do

Our land desperately needs mercy, forgiveness, and healing - 2 Chronicles 7:14

Pray for these three areas:
  1. Pray for God's influence and intervention in the leadership of our country
  2. Pray about the moral condition of our country and ask God to be merciful and forgiving
  3. Pray about specific issues our nation is facing

2008-10-30 - Man of Prayer - Futile Solutions
God has the solution to sin, but man tries to come up with other ones

Eastern philosophy - experiencing the oneness of god by escaping the world of material illusion
Modern pharisee - do more good
Every system has a solution

But guilt will ultimately destroy you
Some seek to atone by becoming religous or working at humanitarian causes
Other punish themselves through drugs to self-hatred, depression, or low-self-esteem

These don't work...

2008-11-10 - Man of Prayer - Final Issues
If there was a medicine that could:
  • change your life for the better
  • put you in a state of relaxed serenity
  • help you overcome the nagging undercurrent of guilt
  • give you new insight
  • let you meet life's challenges with confidence and courage
Of course our answer would be yes - that is prayer
It still takes work and self-discipline - Pain = Gain

We must translate our desire into action

Exercise 3 days a week = too easy to make excuses
Exercise 5 days a week = develop a habit
5 days can then become 7 days more easily because it is so ingrained

Prayer needs to be everyday

2008-11-13 - Man of Prayer - Beyond the Basics

Nothing we experience in the physical world will ever give us the the joy of our experience in the presence if God

David - "In your presence is the fulness of joy" - Psalms 16:11

Fullness of joy is what all men long for
There is one preeminent way to be with God - prayer

Some men have been created with personalities that are very logical and others are oriented to feeling and intuition
These inherent distinctions will shape our relationship with God

As our prayer lives develop, we each need to discover what dimensions of prayer are most effective for us
Lord's prayer provides a framework

2008-11-23 - Raising Awesome Kids - Provision and Protection
If anyone does not provide for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever - 1 Timothy 5:8

Our families should never have to worry about where the next meal is coming from
Our Heavenly Father provides for all our physical needs - Matthew 6:25-34
We should not imitate him in caring for my children?

He works his land , will have abundant food - Proverbs 28:19
Get adequate medical insurance - so you do not burden your family will major costs

Takes care of things around the house
Do the repair jobs and maintenance work
Husbands who are lazy - kids will see this and either disrespect us or gladly imitate us in it

Fathers are protectors
If any family member is in a situation where they are being beaten down, overwhelmed - this is the time to act
Should not shield them from the realities of life, but from the forces from which they become helpless

2008-12-20 - Raising Awesome Kids - Power of Discipline (part 2)
  1. Temporary loss of possions or privileges

Talk about it with your spouse and come up with a deprivation of activity or possession plan
Most important aspect of this is thinking clearly through it and talking to your spouse before opening your mouth
Don't take away item on every offense - this diminishes the impact

  1. Extra work or jobs to do

Clean up their mess, doing extra work to pay off something - creates a deeper sense of responsibility
Punishment is actually a form of restitution

2008-12-27 - Raising Awesome Kids - Work Ethic and responsibility
Hard work and a sense of responsibility can be trained into a child
Laziness is a flaw

Sluggard finds nothing at harvest time - Proverbs 20:4
Sluggard says there is a lion road - Proverbs 26:13
Sluggard is a door on hinges - Proverbs 26:14

Stress loving hard work

School work is character issue
  • Are they giving their all?
  • Are they working hard?
Grade only is the wrong focus
Instead, make diligence and excellence the issue

It helps immensely if the oldest child is well trained

Give appropriate jobs and responsibilities around the house
  • Don't let your kids do all the work for other
  • Don't do all the work for them
  • Give allowances apportioned to age, responsibilities, and faithfulness in carrying them out

2008-12-31 - Raising Awesome Kids - How to Nuture Confidence (part 1)
Only proper foundation is their relationship with God
Develops confidence without cockiness

Stress a relationship with God
Focus on character - Tell your children over and over again that heart and attitude matter to God

Applaud effort than ability
Two of three men were successful because of their efforts not their ability - Matthew 25

Enough openness
  • Because of failure, they can hide things from you or even themselves
  • Ask them if they anything on their mind
  • Work through things until they are confident
  • Share some of our worse blunders - draws them closer and assures them that they are not alone
Encourage achievement
Search out your kids strengths - everyone has at least some
It is your job to help children discover and succeed in those things

2009-01-14 - Raising Awesome Kids - Fabric

Refers to the building a structure and rhythm into our famiy schedule
Times when the whole group gets together

Everyone is there for dinner - someone is missing, there is a very good reason
Talk about significant things that happened during the day
It is the simple things that build fabric

Stop letting people read the paper, watch TV or do homework during dinner
Disallow running off to different rooms
Stop making appointment that take you away
Allow no phone calls
Make dinnertime an event - work hard to keep it special

Create family traditions - do things that uniquel to our family
Make birthdays a big deal - does not have to be expensive

2009-01-17 - Jesus with People - Humility in Action
Jesus and John the Baptizer were very different - ie one preached in the desert and one in the cities and villages

John called the people not to focus on him but the one who was coming
Jesus came to be baptized by John - Matthew 3:11
John responds - I need to be baptized by you
John submits to Jesus' submission and baptizes Jesus

Satan hated it - they kept humbling themselves before one another - the bond of unity grew tighter and tighter
This humility continued through out their lives  - John: He must become greater; I must become less - John 3:27-30
Jesus did not grasp his equality with God - Philippians 2:6

Humility kept them bonded together, even when Satan was working to divide
Pride: Keeps people from being united
Humility: Bring people together

When unity does not exist among believers: People are not willing to pay the price
Pride means too much to them

What relationship do you have that would be greatly changed if you show humility and not pride?

2009-01-23 - Jesus with People - Touching the Untouchable

Jesus had compassion and healed the man with leprosy - Luke 5:12-18
Jesus is filled with compassion - Mark 1:41

Jesus was different:

  • He hurt for those whose lives were devastated by illness
  • He went to great lengths to be with them
  • Helped and encouraged them
  • Made himself available to them and spent many hours with them - Mark 1:32-34

What Jesus did we can also do (beside healing):

  • Include those who are sick when you can
  • Find ways to serve
  • Help and encourage

Society shrinks back - hospitals are not our favorite place
Jesus reached out his hand and touched
The sick need real involvement in their lives

Somehow, we think that the person is responsible for his or her condition
In some cases yes, but we can not oversimplify God's working in our world

Job "friends" did not understand what God was doing
How unsearchale his judgement and his paths beyond tracing out - Romans 11:33

How can I imitate Jesus by "reaching out" in compassion to the sick?

2009-01-26 - Jesus with People - Nic at Night

Some people's needs could be quickly dealt with: "Heal my blindness" or "Let me just touch your garment"

But not Nicodemus, Jesus knew it would be a long night - John 3:1-3

Nicodemus, was a man looking for something:

  • Groun up learning about God
  • Surrounded by a system caught up in traditions
  • Knew the Bible stories
  • Very active in the Jewish faith
  • Jesus capured his attention by his teachings and his works
  • Felt that there was something missing

Could this be right? Could Jesus be the Messiah?

Jesus was straight to the point: I tell you the truth, you must be born again - John 3:3
He needed a wake up call - Same lesson we need today - we need a new birth
He was part a system of legalism  (following rules with seeking the heart of God)
People trying to earn what God desired to just give them

Nicodemus knew he could get time with Jesus and he did
He receieved the answer and Jesus taught him the depth of God's love

Who was intrumental in answering your questions and healping you see the truth?
What sacrifices do you see that they made for you?
Are you doing the same for others?

2009-02-09 - Jesus with People - Heart Determined to Persevre
Nothing test our determination like opposition
Satan is trying to discourage, dissuade, distract, and divide

If we get focused on the persecution or persecutors - renders us ineffective and unproductive

Pharisees ____ Jesus :
  • Mocked
  • Questioned him (harshly)
  • Spied on him
  • Confronted him
  • Laid traps for him
  • Falsely accused him
  • Threatened him
  • Joined forces with their opponents to plot against him
Jesus would not be distracted
His purpose was not to avoid pain but to please God - John 4:34
Must keep going today and tomorrow and the next day - Luke 13:32-33

God has not called us to defend or protect ourselves - we are then only working for ourselves and not will be doing nothing for God

2009-02-12 - Jesus with People - The Better Choice
Martha and Mary - Luke 18:29-30

Jesus and his disciples were passing through the village when Martha opened her home to them - Luke 10:38

Jesus didn't  stop to correct Martha in her preparation
Martha - Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work myself?

With compassion - Martha, Martha
Explained that Mary's choice was right and a lasting one
What Jesus wanted most was to see her have a single-minded desire to know him and his teachings

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in preparing to server others that we are either too distracted or too exhausted to server them when they arrive

2009-03-03 - Promises of God - Remember Your Sins No More

Remember Your Sins No More - Hebrews 8:12

God wants to forgive
God has spent all of his time since man's fall working out our forgiveness - it cost him dearly

God's nature is to forgive
If God kept a record of sins, who could stand? - Psalms 130:3-4

Psalms 103:

  • v3 - He forgives all
  • v13-14 - He is compassionate and gracious
  • v8 - He is slow to anger
  • v9 - He doesn't hang on to his anger forever
  • v10 - He does not treat us as our sins deserve

God doesn't need forgiveness
He commited no sin - 1 Peter 2:22
We are the ones who sinned - Romans 3:23
The most foolish thing in the world is to have this attitude toward God


2009-03-19 - Promises of God - For your Good
In all things God works for the good of those who love him - Romans 8:28

Regardless of what happened, we must be convicted - God is intimately aware and involved in all of it

We have two choices:

To trust - brings peace
To doubt - brings anxious, temptation to take matters in our hands, sin

God is conforming us to the image of his Son - Romans 8:29-30

Examples of those in "bad" circumstances:
  • Abraham
  • Moses
  • Esther
  • Daniel
  • Joesph - 13 years of set backs and suffering but became second in command to Pharaoh

2009-03-21 - Promises of God - Formidable Foe
We have a common enemy that must be overcome

Described as:
  • the accuser
  • the adversary
  • the enemy
  • an evil spirit
  • the father of lies
  • a murderer
  • the power of darkness
  • the prince of this world
  • the ruler of darkness
  • the spirit that in the children of disobedience
  • the temper
  • the god of this work
  • the wicked one
He snatches away the planted Word from people's hearts - Matthew 13:19
He blinds the minds of individuals - 2 Corinthians 4:4
Satan takes people captive - 2 Timothy 2:26

But there is one greater...

2009-04-02 - Promises of God - Work That Is Worth It
An old criticism of Christians: Too heavenly minded that they are no good on earth
Seem to spend so much dreaming of heaven and not working on solving the earth's problems
This was never God's idea

Prepare your minds for action - 1 Peter 1:13

Setting our minds on the amazing blessings is a powerful encouragement for us to work hard and give our best effort now

Is it worth saying "No" to sin? Just consider heaven!
Worth it to giving to the poor? Just consider heaven!
Worth staying in the race when it gets difficult? Just consider heaven!

Worth blood, sweat, tears to help other to know God? Just consider heaven!
Your labor in the Lord is not in vain - 1 Corinthians 15:58

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