
Different types of Bible studies

From Now On You'll Catch Men - Luke 5

April 26th, 2006

OQ: Have you ever broken anything?

1. Broken Nets. Luke 5:1-11. Q: Have you ever failed at something? {Let them share, and SHARE YOURSELF.}

C: Peter had failed in his fishing. But Jesus said to try again. Q: If we fail, what is the best plan of action? [Never quit. Peter didn't quit because Jesus believed in him. But we should change the plan. Jesus said, "Put your nets into the deep water." So when you fail, try again, but do something differently from the way you did things before--otherwise, you'll fail again.] Q: What happened when Peter trusted Jesus and obeyed his words? [They caught so many fish that the nets were breaking.] Q: Was Peter upset that the nets broke? [Of course not! They had so many fish that they could easily afford to buy new ones.

C: In the same way that Jesus broke Peter's nets, he might break some things up in your life, but the end result will be just as awesome when you obey him. Q: Have any of you ever obeyed Jesus' words and have something great happen in your life? {Let them share, and SHARE YOURSELF.}

Q: Why did Peter send Jesus away (v. 8)? [He was afraid, ashamed.] What are some things that make people feel really ashamed?

  • Abortions.
  • Being abused as a child.
  • Adultery.
  • Baldness.
  • Not being able to have kids.
  • An ugly face or deformed part of the body.
  • Having no money.
  • Having a poor home.
  • Having "low-class" relatives.

Q: What do people live for today (vv. 10-11)? Q: What does God want us to build our life on? [Helping others to become disciples of Jesus.] Is it easy to be a fisher of men? [No, but we will succeed eventually if we try.]

2. Broken Hands. Luke 5:12-16. Q: What do people think about lepers today? [They are disgusted and afraid of them.] Was Jesus willing to help? [Absolutely.] Why did Jesus touch the man? [To show him love.] What do people really need most, physical healing, or love? [Love!]

C: This man's broken hands were healed by Jesus. But more importantly, his broken heart was changed by Jesus' love. Jesus had compassion on every kind of person. So should we.

3. Broken Habits. Luke 5:27-32. Q: Did people approve of Jesus' association with Levi? [No. He was of "low" social standing, a "sinner."] Why was Jesus spending time with Levi? [Not to go and sin with him, but to have fun with him and change him.] Should you go to the parties of your worldly friends? [No, but you should bring them to ours, and to our meetings!]

Q: Has anyone ever told you not to associate with certain people? Q: Why did they do that? [So often prejudice, though they don't directly say so.]

Q: How did Levi's life change after meeting Jesus? [He still had fun, but now he was focused on helping others. He had given up cheating and all his other bad habits, too.] C: Levi brought many visitors. So should we.