
Different types of Bible studies

Value of the Kingdom

December 1st, 2008
What are the qualities of something that makes it value able?
        Costly, rare, irreplaceable, sentimental, precious to you, 1 of a kind.
What are you good at evaluating?
Story told by Jesus at item of value – Matthew 13:44-46
Is the kingdom of heaven available now or do we have to wait? Col 1:13-14
        Now, is where Jesus is King. It is the family of God.
Kingdom = Church.
Heaven is great, but the blessing of God can be had NOW!
Describe the pearl Big? Shiny? Beautiful?
        Did the guy know anything about the pearl?
                Yes, His was a merchant
Did the pearl merchant get a good deal?
Describe the treasure in the wheat field.
Was he looking for treasure?
        No, he stumbled on it.
Did he think he got a good deal?
        Yes, in his JOY he sold all he had.
In a business deal? Car dealership? How do you how do you act?
Where these guy hesitant? NO WAY!
Why were these guys willing to sell everything they had?
        Total confident
        Wasn’t close! – scale
Jesus is making a point about the kingdom of God!
Why was Jesus so sure?
What are the benefits of the kingdom of heaven?
How do you know when so someone values something?
How do most think of Christianity or their church?
Why do so few value the kingdom like these guys did?
        Never seen it
        Seen false pearls
Describe a church that is the way the Bible describes it.
What would such a church (kingdom) be worth?
What would you be willing to give up?
What is standing in your way to see the kingdom?
When you see the kingdom, there is not contest!!!