
Different types of Bible studies


December 1st, 2008
Label Game
How did you feel during the discussion?
        Labeled, confined, confused, trapped
Have you ever been “labeled”? What is it like?
Was it easy to break free?
Habit traps-
What are some?
        Smoking, swearing, drugs, alcohol
Character traps-
What are some?
        selfishness, pride, insensitivity
Sin traps-
What are some?
        fits of rage, immorality, lying
How do most handle them?
        Ignore them
        Go trap to trap – alcohol, relationships
        Professional help – self-help
        Distractions – shopping, eating, vacation
        Blame shifting
Man does not have the answers, God does have the answers.
A guy who has some problems:
Mark 5:1-20 – Recap
What kind of problems did Legion have?
        No friends
        Violent, angry, rude
        out of control
It is easy to look down on Legion…
May be you can relate: lonely, weird, is your life out of control?
Did Jesus do the right in healing Legion?
Of course, Jesus did everything right.
        He needed to be healed.
Do we need heeling?
What changed Legion?
        An encounter with Jesus ( Not a self –help books)
Do you see any evidence of change?
        v15 sitting there in his right mind!
Was Legion excited about being set free? How do you know?
Difference: religion and relationship
Did not have to go with Jesus, to go to the ten city and tell of the good news
Are you religious or do you have a relationship with God?
Do you struggle to spend time with Jesus, or to you beg to be with him?
Do you give the minimum, or free give your time and money?
Do you just attend church, or are sharing what God has done for you?
Break free…God can change you
The basis is not religion, but a relationship…..with God.