
Different types of Bible studies

Take It Or Leave It

December 1st, 2008
Human telephone
Why do you think the message changed?
Jesus taught the “Take it or leave it” when it came to salvation
Repent or Perish - Luke 13:1-5
In what ways do people today excuse themselves from changing?
Narrow Door - Luke 13:22-28
What does “make every effort” mean to you?
Lazarus and Rich Man – Luke 16:19-31
Pharisees equated wealth with righteousness.
Besides the amount of money they had, what were the differences Lazarus and Rich man while they were on earth?
Jesus taught the “Take it or leave it” when it came to following him
Cost of Being a Disciple - Luke 14:25-33
Deny Self - Luke 9:18-27
What does it mean to deny self?
Why is this required by Jesus?
Leading into Jesus life…
Jesus lived a “Take it or leave it” life
Cross - Luke 22:39-46
What thoughts might of Jesus be tempted with?

What changed in the message of God?
People did not what this message to go out
Hear the words – did not respond tot the meaning
What hindered their belief?