
Different types of Bible studies

Confessing Sin

December 11th, 2008

Read James 5:16. This is actually a command from God. Confessing sin is not just a good idea or an option in our lives. Sin hurts and scars us - we need the prayers of others to help us heal. When we confess our sins it takes away Satan's power to hurt us. How do you feel about confessing sin? Why do you think God tells us to do this?

Read Ephesians 4:25-27. We must speak tr
uthfully to each other and never give the devil a foothold in our lives. When we lie or conceal our sin it gives Satan a hold on our hearts and we begin to get hardened. If we continue in this, Satan will climb right onto our hearts and choke out our love for God. Have you concealed sin? How do you feel when you do? Is there anything you need to confess now? When are you tempted to lie or be deceitful?

Read 1 John 1:5-10.
Being open, confessing sin, and being honest keeps us having a great relationship with God and with our brothers and sisters. God knows we sin. It is not a big shock to him. God is light. Light exposes everything. When we read our Bibles or hear a sermon and feel a prick at our hearts, God is turning on the light and showing us what we need to change. When we are unopen or unresponsive to God's prompts, we stumble around in the dark and will eventually fall. What do you need to be open about? What areas of your life are in the dark right now?

Read Proverbs 28:13. Confessing our sin is not enough - we
must turn away from it.

Read 2 Corinthians 7:10-11. Repentan
ce is the goal of confessing our sin. Confession without change is worldly sorrow. Godly sorrow leads us to action, to complete change. Notice the words God uses to describe repentance: earnest, eager, concerned, alarmed, ready. Now notice the words that are not included in the list: crying, depressed, pity party, matter of fact. When you confess sin, what is normally your attitude? Are you as quick to repent of sin today as you were when you studied the Bible originally?

Read Psalm
51:3-4. David's sin was clear. He understood that ultimately sin is against God, not men. Confessing our sin in prayer should be more heart-wrenching than confessing to our brothers and sisters. Only God can purify our hearts. Are you aware of your sin every day? Are you quick to confess your sin?

Psalms 51:16-17. God is pleased when we are broken and contrite. This doesn't mean we walk around with a sad, depressed manner all the time. Being broken and contrite means you are humble and repentant. You are quick to show God you are truly sorry and you change! How can pride and not understanding or accepting God's grace keep us from being broken and contrite?

For further study, read 2 Samuel 11, 12 and Joshua 7.

We m
ust always remember the battle we are fighting every day for our souls. Not being open is a sure way to lose the battle and be lost from God.