
Different types of Bible studies

How God Converts People

December 12th, 2008

So many time we think that we, by our own human efforts, str
ength, wisdom, and talents, convert people to Christ. Because of this, we may sometimes feel burdened and overwhelmed when faced with the challenge of saving souls. Let's look at what God's word says about all this.

MATTHEW 28:18-20. Jesus' disciples have been given a great commission! What a glorious and awesome task. Does God send us out to do this alone? What is his promise if we obey his command? Are you aware of Jesus' presence as you share your faith with others?

1 CORINTHIANS 3:5-9. We are here to plant and water (discuss what this means) and GOD makes it grow! We are God's fellow workers.

JOHN 6:65. It is God who enables people to come to him.

1 TIMOTHY 2:3-4. What is God's will?

COLOSSIANS 1:6. The gospel, not us, produces fruit. Why is it so important that we plant the word in people's hearts? Do you rely more on God's word to change people, or in the way you present the material?

ISAIAH 55:10-11. God's word always has an effect. We may plant the words in someone's heart today and it may take years to grow. Nothing we do is in vain.

ACTS 17:26-27. God works in every person's life to make sure they get a chance to find him. You may be the person God has chosen to help save someone. Are you always letting God use you to reach the people he puts in your path?

ACTS 8:26-39. The Spirit led Philip to the Ethiopian. God will lead us to open people. Are you always obedient to the Spirit's prompting?

ACTS 10:1-6 and 16:11-15. God hears and answers the prayers of those who are seeking him. He also opens people's hearts to respond to the message. Pray that God will send you to a seeker and that he will help people's hearts to respond.

In light of these verses fr
om God's word, how should we respond?

JOHN 4:34-38. It is time to open our eyes! The harvest is now! God has already done the hard work. It is up to us to reap the harvest. We get the fun part.