
Different types of Bible studies


December 12th, 2008

All great leaders are surrounded by good friends. Since leadership is influence - the ability of a person to motivate and mobilize others to a particular cause - only through numerous, quality friendships can momentum and consistency be built. Friendships establish trust, and trust is the glue that keeps people together through thick and thin.

The Apostle Paul was remarkable in friendship. From fellow Jews - like Barnabus, to run away slaves - like Philemon, to gentile doctors - like Luke, to up-and-coming leaders - like Timothy, Paul was able to capture and hold an intense love and loyalty. They followed him cheerfully and unswervingly, risking their very lives for the sake of the gospel, helped no doubt by Paul's encouragement and the assurance of his deep love for them.

God evidently does not intend for all of us to be powerful, great or rich but he does intend all of us to be friends. As George Elliot once wrote: "Oh, the comfort of feeling safe with a person ; having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but to pour them out, just as they are, chaff and grain together. Knowing that a faithful hand will sift them, keeping what is worth keeping, and with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away."

  • Prov 3:27-28 Do not tell someone to come back tomorrow when you have it now.
    - This 'making-life-difficult' for others is
    very destructive to friendships.
  • Prov 17:17 A friend loves at ALL times.
    - Do not be condition
    al in your love and friendship.
  • Prov 20:28 A king's leadership is made secure through LOVING his advisors and
    - Love builds loyalty and trust.
  • Prov 16:28 Do NOT GOSSIP. It can ruin even the best of friendships.
  • Prov 25:9-10 Be faithful to your friends and never betray another man's confidence.
  • Prov 27:17 Friendships need to also be CHALLENGING and an upward call - as iron sharpens iron.
  • Prov 27:6 Mistakes made in this iron-sharpening-iron type relationship should be
    quickly forgiven and forgotten.
  • Prov 27:14 Be wise in friendship.
    - You can say the RIGHT thi
    ngs at the WRONG time !
  • 1 Corinth 9:19-23 Be humble and concerned enough to be interested in what other are interested in
  • Prov 24:1-2 Choose your friends carefully.

Examples of great leaders in the bible:


  • 1Sam 22:1-2 David had a remarkable ability to gather people around him regardless of their current social standing.
  • 2Sam 23:8-23 Look at the loyalty, courage and confidence that David was able to establish in his friends.


  • Philemon 12 Paul describes the depth of his friendship with Onesimus as: "He is my very heart."
    - Do you feel this way abo
    ut your friends?


  • John 13:1-17 Jesus demonstrates the full extent of his love to his friends.
  • John 15:9-17 True friends lay down their lives for each other - Jesus, as always, led the way in doing this for us!

Practical Challenges:

  • Be determined to be a person of many and varied friendships.
  • Build intimate, vulnerable, honest relationships with them.
  • Make sure that mutual trust is a part of the friendship.
  • Have iron-sharpening-iron times.
  • Ask yourself : If you were another person would you want to be a friend of yours?

In Conclusion:

"It is a joy in life to find
At the turning of the road
The s
trong arms of a comrade kind
To help me onward with my load
nd since I have no gold to give
And love alone can make amend
My only prayer is: 'While I live,
God make me worthy of my
friends' "