
Different types of Bible studies

Examine Our Hearts

July 13th, 2014

Luke 22:19-24

Remember Jesus and examine our own hearts

The disciples partically listen - examine the others hearts

  • They focused on they (as a group) were instead of who Jesus was
  • Tried to find out who was to betray Jesus instead of "is there something in my heart that would lead me to betray Jesus?"
  • Lead to them to compare their greatness to the others (pride)

2,000 years later this arguement is meaningless - what does it matter as long as we can be with God and be in heaven with him?

What has you preoccupied today? Even 20 years from now will it matter?

Change can cause worry. Disciples were see change right before their eyes.

For my oncalls, they happen for a week at a time, about every 8-9 week; Have to address issues 24/7
When issues arise, they come from one of two reasons: a hardware failure (much that can be done) or a changes to software.
I become acustomed to resisting software changes. 

Rob and LaShawnda leaving fulltime may have some worries
God has his it all figured out
Not only are going to have Rob and LaShawnda but a another leader(s).

What do we need examine in our hearts this morning? Lack of faith? Worry? Sin?
Good News, Jesus died so we can be freed from these.