
Different types of Bible studies

The First Thanksgiving

November 21st, 2014

Who were these people? Why were they thankful? What keep them going?

Mayflower was at the end of life for a ship (15 years) - Saints/Separtist - 40 out of 102 (62 Strangers) (~30 crew)
Two ships but the first one kept leaking - some left and the rest moved the Mayflower

Left three times before eventually

1. Remember what their life was like

Decided to leave because:

  • The culture the children brought up in
  • Church of England was corupt and idolaturus
  • Excluded from the guild and force to take low paying jobs

Ephesians 2:11-13 - we are far away from home

How are like we were once far away from God and foreigners?

2. Through their suffering - on the ship (James)

  • Left at high sea time (was not part of the orginal plan) - left in September because of ship troubles
  • Ship's main support beam fractured
  • Leave the sails down and be carried by the wavess

2 Corinthians 1:3-12

What are the benefits of suffering?

  • Produces compassion for others who are enduring the same suffering
  • Creates patient endurance
  • Rely of God
  • Gratefulness to God
  • Gratefulness afterwords

Everyone's suffering level is different - God know what you can endure

What suffering have you gone through? What has it produced? 2013 for me - went to the doctor

3. See their needs being meet by  God

  • Landed in the Cape Cod area, north where they wanted - they tried to go south to Virginia
  • Prior ships came to spread a culture and religon or stealing from and killing of the natives
  • It might have take some humility ro be helped by Native Americans
  • 50% of each group of people died - 53 left (about 20 of the "saints")

Deuteronomy 8:1-10

How can this be applied to the Pilgrims?

  • Two months over seas
  • They were humbled by hunger, disese, and severe weather (much colder than what they were used to)
  • Brought to a good land - not dessert
  • God used natives to help se

How can this be applied to us?