
Different types of Bible studies

Sampson's strength

May 17th, 2015

Judges 11:32 - faith of Sampson

Missing piece of a puzzle is not found until the end.

The source of Sampson
Judges 16:5-6 - What is your weakness? Appealed to his pride

Judges 16:15 - Don't you love me? Nagging

  • The source was his commitment to God; hair was visual sign of his vow
  • Weakness came from disconnected from God
  • What is your outward sign?

Judges 16:1-3 - He realized too late he lost touch
Judges 14:6;19;15:14 - his strength was not from his hair but from God

His sin was the pride in his physical strength

Pride leads you believe that consequences don't apply to you

Proverbs 16:18 - Pride before destruction

His strength was his weakness

Why was Sampson in the Hall of Faith?
Judges 16:25-30 - became an agent of God rather than himself

In a challenge, where do you go? Programming, cleaning, gossip?