
Different types of Bible studies

Easter 2024

March 31st, 2024

Luke 24:35-43 - Jesus eating a fish, written for people today, to show that Jesus resurrection was physical

They were surprised and uncomfortable

Jesus saying if you are comfortable with the message of Easter, you are comfortable by spiritualizing it or have not thought it out

Jesus having flesh has impacts:

1. It changes the we think - If Jesus' resurrection is real, it means he is Lord

Acts 17:30-33 - Paul said the search is over! - Jesus: I am the life to all clues point
No one was ever raised from the dead like Jesus
Lazaras door was opened for him and was wrapped in grave clothes
But Lazaras would eventually die again

Luke 24:37 - They thought Jesus was a ghost not because he was a spirit but because they were in a locked room

The stone was not rolled away for Jesus, it was moved for us to come in
Jesus was moving through walls
Jesus was not bound death, by time, by space

John 11:25 - I am the resurrection and the life

If it happened, it is truth and we are forced to make a decision
Thinking that nothing is concrete is easy and coop out

1 John 1:1 - We saw him and touched, we know it is outrageous claim, but what can we do?

2. It changes the way we live

Revelation 21:1 - the material world matters to Jesus, he came and died in it and so much so he is creating a new one

We have a fear of what we missed out on - experiences
Easter says if you unite with Jesus, you will not miss out on anything

3. It changes the way you feel

Luke 24:38-39 - crushes are never real but Jesus is the hero of all heros and real

Let Jesus be real in your life
Let Jesus changed your life
You are going to have to decide what to do
Jesus is not just an inspiration, he is Lord
Get to know him (Peter learned through denial, Thomas learned through doubt , Mary learned through forgiveness)
The search is over!