
Different types of Bible studies

What is your God like?

December 14th, 2003
How does your feel about you?

Car - all must work right
Marriage - all components 

Not just stop and go

Beauty of God
Psalms 27:4

Ephesians 2:8-10
- God has your day planned 
- We are God's work

God is jealous 

Exodus 34:10-14
- Does your God have jealously?
- Is there something more?

God is love

1 John 4:7-
- Does your love you?

God is all-knowing 

Isaiah 55:6-9
- We will judge because we thinking
- Can God not know what is going on?

God is holiness

Romans 2:5-11
- Is God fully holy?

Romans 11:22
- Kindness - must understand His sterness

God is concerned

2 Peter 3:9-13
- If you understand that God will not give up - you will not give up on others

God is fearful

Isaiah 11:1-3
- We must understand he has complete control and that we are the created 

Phillippians 2:12-13

God is help

Will your God come through 

2 Corinthians 1:8-11
- Hard things comes so we rely on him

God is consistant

Hebrews 1:10-14
- God does not change, we are not too either 

God is fair

Daniel 4:36-37
Titus 2:11

God of strengthening 

2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
- In every good deeds

Isaiah 40:28-31

God of joy

Psalms 43:3-4; 21:6