
Different types of Bible studies

Heart of Service (Being a Servant)

January 1st, 2000
Jesus was a servant

Isaiah 42:1-4 - servant of servants
Isaiah 52:13-15 - Suffering servant
Luke 22:37 - Jesus was greater - but he was the one serves

John 13:12-17 - Jesus washed their feet

Romans 15:7 - Christ has become a servant of the Jews

Philippians 2:5-11

All are servants of someone/something

Joshua 24:14-15 - As for me and my family we will serve the Lord

Who are you serving?

 - Look at your checkbook
 - Look at your schedule
 - Look at your relationships
 - Look at your involvement in the church

Serving other = Serving God

Matthew 25:31-46
 - Salvation is also based serving
 - Serving others is a way of life
 - Does not have to be big

Who does this apply to?
Who doesn't have something to give?
Who doesn't have someone around them that needs to be served