
Different types of Bible studies

The Prodigal Son

April 12th, 2006

Luke 15:11-32

Q: If you had an inheritance of $1 million dollars, what would you do with it?

Read vv. 11-16

Q: Why did he ask for his share of the estate?

Q: Under normal circumstances, when does a child get "his share" of his father?s estate?
A: When the father is dead.

Q: What was wrong with this one?
A: He could not wait for his father to die.
Greed was driving him on.

In his heart he considered his father to be dead!
(In this Story, the father represents God, and the sons represent us)

Q: What makes us to consider God as dead in our lives?
A: Greed which is Idolatry.

Q: Why do you think he went to a distant country?

Q: How do we distance ourselves from God & why do we do that?

Sin separates you from God. Notice, God never walks away from us, we walk away from God.

Read vv.17-20

Q: What made him to come to his senses?
A: Suffering,...

Q: What are some of the things that God allows to happen to us to make us search him?

Q: How can suffering bring us closer to God?

"I will set out and go back to my father..."
Q: What did it take for him to come to that conviction?
A: courage

Q: What is holding you back from saying the same thing? Pride?

Read vv.20-24

"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him..."

Q: Where do you think his father was "waiting" for him?
Q: How did the father welcome him?
A: Best robe, ring on his finger, sandals on his feet.... food... party...
Q: What qualities do you see in God?
Holding Grudges? /Forgiveness?

Q: What is God?s attitude towards the repentend?
God is always on the lookout for any one who is repentend.

Read vv.25-32

"The older brother became angry and refused to go in..."
Q: Why was he so angry when he should be happy?
A: Jelousy? He too was greedy. Selfishness. Lack of love?

"His father pleaded with him..."
Q: Why did his father have to plead with him?
A: He was hardened?

Q: What kind of heart did he have?
A: See what comes out of his heart: Anger, sulking,
"All these years I?ve been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders..."

Q: How did he see his relationship with his father?
A: Slavery????

"My son, you are always with me...."
He was always with the father but he was not like the father.
Q: How can we be like that? In what ways do we resemble the older son?
A: Always coming to church, but never having godly attitudes.....

Q: Is your attitude like that of the younger son who considered his father dead in his heart?

Notice: v.32 "this brother of yours was dead..."
Q: Who was dead, the father or the son?
When you walk away from God, you are dead!

What will it take for you to change? What is holding you back?

Q: Are you unopen like the older son, dying silently?
Q: How can we be more like the Father?